/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef __GNUC__ // disable warnings about pointer <-> DWORD conversions #pragma warning( disable : 4311 4312 ) #endif #ifdef _WIN64 #define POINTER_TYPE ULONGLONG #else #define POINTER_TYPE DWORD #endif #include #include #include #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT #include #endif #include "nsWindowsHelpers.h" namespace { typedef const unsigned char* FileView; template<> class nsAutoRefTraits { public: typedef FileView RawRef; static FileView Void() { return NULL; } static void Release(RawRef aView) { if (NULL != aView) UnmapViewOfFile(aView); } }; } // anonymous namespace #ifndef IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION // Vista SDKs no longer define IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION!? #define IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION (sizeof(IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)) #endif #include "LoadLibraryRemote.h" typedef struct { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS headers; unsigned char *localCodeBase; unsigned char *remoteCodeBase; HMODULE *modules; int numModules; } MEMORYMODULE, *PMEMORYMODULE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *DllEntryProc)(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved); #define GET_HEADER_DICTIONARY(module, idx) &(module)->headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[idx] #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT static void OutputLastError(const char *msg) { char* tmp; char *tmpmsg; FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPSTR) &tmp, 0, NULL); tmpmsg = (char *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, strlen(msg) + strlen(tmp) + 3); sprintf(tmpmsg, "%s: %s", msg, tmp); OutputDebugStringA(tmpmsg); LocalFree(tmpmsg); LocalFree(tmp); } #endif static void CopySections(const unsigned char *data, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS old_headers, PMEMORYMODULE module) { int i; unsigned char *codeBase = module->localCodeBase; unsigned char *dest; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER section = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(module->headers); for (i=0; iheaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, section++) { dest = codeBase + section->VirtualAddress; memset(dest, 0, section->Misc.VirtualSize); if (section->SizeOfRawData) { memcpy(dest, data + section->PointerToRawData, section->SizeOfRawData); } // section->Misc.PhysicalAddress = (POINTER_TYPE) module->remoteCodeBase + section->VirtualAddress; } } // Protection flags for memory pages (Executable, Readable, Writeable) static int ProtectionFlags[2][2][2] = { { // not executable {PAGE_NOACCESS, PAGE_WRITECOPY}, {PAGE_READONLY, PAGE_READWRITE}, }, { // executable {PAGE_EXECUTE, PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY}, {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE}, }, }; static bool FinalizeSections(PMEMORYMODULE module, HANDLE hRemoteProcess) { #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT fprintf(stderr, "Finalizing sections: local base %p, remote base %p\n", module->localCodeBase, module->remoteCodeBase); #endif int i; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER section = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(module->headers); // loop through all sections and change access flags for (i=0; iheaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, section++) { DWORD protect, oldProtect, size; int executable = (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) != 0; int readable = (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) != 0; int writeable = (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) != 0; // determine protection flags based on characteristics protect = ProtectionFlags[executable][readable][writeable]; if (section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED) { protect |= PAGE_NOCACHE; } // determine size of region size = section->Misc.VirtualSize; if (size > 0) { void* remoteAddress = module->remoteCodeBase + section->VirtualAddress; void* localAddress = module->localCodeBase + section->VirtualAddress; #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT fprintf(stderr, "Copying section %s to %p, size %x, executable %i readable %i writeable %i\n", section->Name, remoteAddress, size, executable, readable, writeable); #endif // Copy the data from local->remote and set the memory protection if (!VirtualAllocEx(hRemoteProcess, remoteAddress, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)) return false; if (!WriteProcessMemory(hRemoteProcess, remoteAddress, localAddress, size, NULL)) { #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputLastError("Error writing remote memory.\n"); #endif return false; } if (VirtualProtectEx(hRemoteProcess, remoteAddress, size, protect, &oldProtect) == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputLastError("Error protecting memory page"); #endif return false; } } } return true; } static void PerformBaseRelocation(PMEMORYMODULE module, SIZE_T delta) { DWORD i; unsigned char *codeBase = module->localCodeBase; PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY directory = GET_HEADER_DICTIONARY(module, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC); if (directory->Size > 0) { PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION relocation = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION) (codeBase + directory->VirtualAddress); for (; relocation->VirtualAddress > 0; ) { unsigned char *dest = codeBase + relocation->VirtualAddress; unsigned short *relInfo = (unsigned short *)((unsigned char *)relocation + IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION); for (i=0; i<((relocation->SizeOfBlock-IMAGE_SIZEOF_BASE_RELOCATION) / 2); i++, relInfo++) { DWORD *patchAddrHL; #ifdef _WIN64 ULONGLONG *patchAddr64; #endif int type, offset; // the upper 4 bits define the type of relocation type = *relInfo >> 12; // the lower 12 bits define the offset offset = *relInfo & 0xfff; switch (type) { case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE: // skip relocation break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW: // change complete 32 bit address patchAddrHL = (DWORD *) (dest + offset); *patchAddrHL += delta; break; #ifdef _WIN64 case IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64: patchAddr64 = (ULONGLONG *) (dest + offset); *patchAddr64 += delta; break; #endif default: //printf("Unknown relocation: %d\n", type); break; } } // advance to next relocation block relocation = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION) (((char *) relocation) + relocation->SizeOfBlock); } } } static int BuildImportTable(PMEMORYMODULE module) { int result=1; unsigned char *codeBase = module->localCodeBase; PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY directory = GET_HEADER_DICTIONARY(module, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT); if (directory->Size > 0) { PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR importDesc = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR) (codeBase + directory->VirtualAddress); PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR importEnd = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR) (codeBase + directory->VirtualAddress + directory->Size); for (; importDesc < importEnd && importDesc->Name; importDesc++) { POINTER_TYPE *thunkRef; FARPROC *funcRef; HMODULE handle = GetModuleHandleA((LPCSTR) (codeBase + importDesc->Name)); if (handle == NULL) { #if DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputLastError("Can't load library"); #endif result = 0; break; } module->modules = (HMODULE *)realloc(module->modules, (module->numModules+1)*(sizeof(HMODULE))); if (module->modules == NULL) { result = 0; break; } module->modules[module->numModules++] = handle; if (importDesc->OriginalFirstThunk) { thunkRef = (POINTER_TYPE *) (codeBase + importDesc->OriginalFirstThunk); funcRef = (FARPROC *) (codeBase + importDesc->FirstThunk); } else { // no hint table thunkRef = (POINTER_TYPE *) (codeBase + importDesc->FirstThunk); funcRef = (FARPROC *) (codeBase + importDesc->FirstThunk); } for (; *thunkRef; thunkRef++, funcRef++) { if (IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL(*thunkRef)) { *funcRef = (FARPROC)GetProcAddress(handle, (LPCSTR)IMAGE_ORDINAL(*thunkRef)); } else { PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME thunkData = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME) (codeBase + (*thunkRef)); *funcRef = (FARPROC)GetProcAddress(handle, (LPCSTR)&thunkData->Name); } if (*funcRef == 0) { result = 0; break; } } if (!result) { break; } } } return result; } static void* MemoryGetProcAddress(PMEMORYMODULE module, const char *name); void* LoadRemoteLibraryAndGetAddress(HANDLE hRemoteProcess, const WCHAR* library, const char* symbol) { // Map the DLL into memory nsAutoHandle hLibrary( CreateFile(library, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hLibrary) { #if DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputLastError("Couldn't CreateFile the library.\n"); #endif return NULL; } nsAutoHandle hMapping( CreateFileMapping(hLibrary, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL)); if (!hMapping) { #if DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputLastError("Couldn't CreateFileMapping.\n"); #endif return NULL; } nsAutoRef data( (const unsigned char*) MapViewOfFile(hMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0)); if (!data) { #if DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputLastError("Couldn't MapViewOfFile.\n"); #endif return NULL; } SIZE_T locationDelta; PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER dos_header = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)data.get(); if (dos_header->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { #if DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputDebugStringA("Not a valid executable file.\n"); #endif return NULL; } PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS old_header = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(data + dos_header->e_lfanew); if (old_header->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { #if DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputDebugStringA("No PE header found.\n"); #endif return NULL; } // reserve memory for image of library in this process and the target process unsigned char* localCode = (unsigned char*) VirtualAlloc(NULL, old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!localCode) { #if DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputLastError("Can't reserve local memory."); #endif } unsigned char* remoteCode = (unsigned char*) VirtualAllocEx(hRemoteProcess, NULL, old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ); if (!remoteCode) { #if DEBUG_OUTPUT OutputLastError("Can't reserve remote memory."); #endif } MEMORYMODULE result; result.localCodeBase = localCode; result.remoteCodeBase = remoteCode; result.numModules = 0; result.modules = NULL; // copy PE header to code memcpy(localCode, dos_header, dos_header->e_lfanew + old_header->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders); result.headers = reinterpret_cast(localCode + dos_header->e_lfanew); // update position result.headers->OptionalHeader.ImageBase = (POINTER_TYPE)remoteCode; // copy sections from DLL file block to new memory location CopySections(data, old_header, &result); // adjust base address of imported data locationDelta = (SIZE_T)(remoteCode - old_header->OptionalHeader.ImageBase); if (locationDelta != 0) { PerformBaseRelocation(&result, locationDelta); } // load required dlls and adjust function table of imports if (!BuildImportTable(&result)) { return NULL; } // mark memory pages depending on section headers and release // sections that are marked as "discardable" if (!FinalizeSections(&result, hRemoteProcess)) { return NULL; } return MemoryGetProcAddress(&result, symbol); } static void* MemoryGetProcAddress(PMEMORYMODULE module, const char *name) { unsigned char *localCodeBase = module->localCodeBase; int idx=-1; DWORD i, *nameRef; WORD *ordinal; PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY exports; PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY directory = GET_HEADER_DICTIONARY(module, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT); if (directory->Size == 0) { // no export table found return NULL; } exports = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY) (localCodeBase + directory->VirtualAddress); if (exports->NumberOfNames == 0 || exports->NumberOfFunctions == 0) { // DLL doesn't export anything return NULL; } // search function name in list of exported names nameRef = (DWORD *) (localCodeBase + exports->AddressOfNames); ordinal = (WORD *) (localCodeBase + exports->AddressOfNameOrdinals); for (i=0; iNumberOfNames; i++, nameRef++, ordinal++) { if (stricmp(name, (const char *) (localCodeBase + (*nameRef))) == 0) { idx = *ordinal; break; } } if (idx == -1) { // exported symbol not found return NULL; } if ((DWORD)idx > exports->NumberOfFunctions) { // name <-> ordinal number don't match return NULL; } // AddressOfFunctions contains the RVAs to the "real" functions return (FARPROC) (module->remoteCodeBase + (*(DWORD *) (localCodeBase + exports->AddressOfFunctions + (idx*4)))); }