/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Constructor for the Linux native app shell * * @param aApp {Object} the app object provided to the install function * @param aManifest {Object} the manifest data provided by the web app * @param aCategories {Array} array of app categories * @param aRegistryDir {String} (optional) path to the registry */ function NativeApp(aApp, aManifest, aCategories, aRegistryDir) { CommonNativeApp.call(this, aApp, aManifest, aCategories, aRegistryDir); this.iconFile = "icon.png"; this.webapprt = "webapprt-stub"; this.configJson = "webapp.json"; this.webappINI = "webapp.ini"; this.zipFile = "application.zip"; this.backupFiles = [ this.iconFile, this.configJson, this.webappINI ]; if (this.isPackaged) { this.backupFiles.push(this.zipFile); } let xdg_data_home = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIEnvironment). get("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (!xdg_data_home) { xdg_data_home = OS.Path.join(HOME_DIR, ".local", "share"); } // The desktop file name is: "owa-" + sanitized app name + // "-" + manifest url hash. this.desktopINI = OS.Path.join(xdg_data_home, "applications", "owa-" + this.uniqueName + ".desktop"); } NativeApp.prototype = { __proto__: CommonNativeApp.prototype, /** * Creates a native installation of the web app in the OS * * @param aManifest {Object} the manifest data provided by the web app * @param aZipPath {String} path to the zip file for packaged apps (undefined * for hosted apps) */ install: Task.async(function*(aApp, aManifest, aZipPath) { if (this._dryRun) { return; } // If the application is already installed, this is a reinstallation. if (WebappOSUtils.getInstallPath(aApp)) { return yield this.prepareUpdate(aApp, aManifest, aZipPath); } this._setData(aApp, aManifest); // The installation directory name is: sanitized app name + // "-" + manifest url hash. let installDir = OS.Path.join(HOME_DIR, "." + this.uniqueName); let dir = getFile(TMP_DIR, this.uniqueName); dir.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, PERMS_DIRECTORY); let tmpDir = dir.path; // Create the installation in a temporary directory. try { this._copyPrebuiltFiles(tmpDir); yield this._createConfigFiles(tmpDir); if (aZipPath) { yield OS.File.move(aZipPath, OS.Path.join(tmpDir, this.zipFile)); } yield this._getIcon(tmpDir); } catch (ex) { yield OS.File.removeDir(tmpDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); throw ex; } // Apply the installation. this._removeInstallation(true, installDir); try { yield this._applyTempInstallation(tmpDir, installDir); } catch (ex) { this._removeInstallation(false, installDir); yield OS.File.removeDir(tmpDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); throw ex; } }), /** * Creates an update in a temporary directory to be applied later. * * @param aManifest {Object} the manifest data provided by the web app * @param aZipPath {String} path to the zip file for packaged apps (undefined * for hosted apps) */ prepareUpdate: Task.async(function*(aApp, aManifest, aZipPath) { if (this._dryRun) { return; } this._setData(aApp, aManifest); let installDir = WebappOSUtils.getInstallPath(aApp); if (!installDir) { throw ERR_NOT_INSTALLED; } let baseName = OS.Path.basename(installDir) let oldUniqueName = baseName.substring(1, baseName.length); if (this.uniqueName != oldUniqueName) { // Bug 919799: If the app is still in the registry, migrate its data to // the new format. throw ERR_UPDATES_UNSUPPORTED_OLD_NAMING_SCHEME; } let updateDir = OS.Path.join(installDir, "update"); yield OS.File.removeDir(updateDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); yield OS.File.makeDir(updateDir); try { yield this._createConfigFiles(updateDir); if (aZipPath) { yield OS.File.move(aZipPath, OS.Path.join(updateDir, this.zipFile)); } yield this._getIcon(updateDir); } catch (ex) { yield OS.File.removeDir(updateDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); throw ex; } }), /** * Applies an update. */ applyUpdate: Task.async(function*(aApp) { if (this._dryRun) { return; } let installDir = WebappOSUtils.getInstallPath(aApp); let updateDir = OS.Path.join(installDir, "update"); let backupDir = yield this._backupInstallation(installDir); try { yield this._applyTempInstallation(updateDir, installDir); } catch (ex) { yield this._restoreInstallation(backupDir, installDir); throw ex; } finally { yield OS.File.removeDir(backupDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); yield OS.File.removeDir(updateDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); } }), _applyTempInstallation: Task.async(function*(aTmpDir, aInstallDir) { yield moveDirectory(aTmpDir, aInstallDir); this._createSystemFiles(aInstallDir); }), _removeInstallation: function(keepProfile, aInstallDir) { let filesToRemove = [this.desktopINI]; if (keepProfile) { for (let filePath of this.backupFiles) { filesToRemove.push(OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, filePath)); } filesToRemove.push(OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, this.webapprt)); } else { filesToRemove.push(aInstallDir); } removeFiles(filesToRemove); }, _backupInstallation: Task.async(function*(aInstallDir) { let backupDir = OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, "backup"); yield OS.File.removeDir(backupDir, { ignoreAbsent: true }); yield OS.File.makeDir(backupDir); for (let filePath of this.backupFiles) { yield OS.File.move(OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, filePath), OS.Path.join(backupDir, filePath)); } return backupDir; }), _restoreInstallation: function(aBackupDir, aInstallDir) { return moveDirectory(aBackupDir, aInstallDir); }, _copyPrebuiltFiles: function(aDir) { let destDir = getFile(aDir); let stub = getFile(this.runtimeFolder, this.webapprt); stub.copyTo(destDir, null); }, /** * Translate marketplace categories to freedesktop.org categories. * * @link http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-latest.html#category-registry * * @return an array of categories */ _translateCategories: function() { let translations = { "books": "Education;Literature", "business": "Finance", "education": "Education", "entertainment": "Amusement", "sports": "Sports", "games": "Game", "health-fitness": "MedicalSoftware", "lifestyle": "Amusement", "music": "Audio;Music", "news-weather": "News", "photo-video": "Video;AudioVideo;Photography", "productivity": "Office", "shopping": "Amusement", "social": "Chat", "travel": "Amusement", "reference": "Science;Education;Documentation", "maps-navigation": "Maps", "utilities": "Utility" }; // The trailing semicolon is needed as written in the freedesktop specification let categories = ""; for (let category of this.categories) { let catLower = category.toLowerCase(); if (catLower in translations) { categories += translations[catLower] + ";"; } } return categories; }, _createConfigFiles: function(aDir) { // ${InstallDir}/webapp.json yield writeToFile(OS.Path.join(aDir, this.configJson), JSON.stringify(this.webappJson)); let webappsBundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/webapps.properties"); // ${InstallDir}/webapp.ini let webappINIfile = getFile(aDir, this.webappINI); let writer = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/ini-processor-factory;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIINIParserFactory). createINIParser(webappINIfile). QueryInterface(Ci.nsIINIParserWriter); writer.setString("Webapp", "Name", this.appLocalizedName); writer.setString("Webapp", "Profile", this.uniqueName); writer.setString("Webapp", "UninstallMsg", webappsBundle.formatStringFromName("uninstall.notification", [this.appLocalizedName], 1)); writer.setString("WebappRT", "InstallDir", this.runtimeFolder); writer.writeFile(); }, _createSystemFiles: function(aInstallDir) { let webappsBundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/webapps.properties"); let webapprtPath = OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, this.webapprt); // $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/owa-.desktop let desktopINIfile = getFile(this.desktopINI); if (desktopINIfile.parent && !desktopINIfile.parent.exists()) { desktopINIfile.parent.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, PERMS_DIRECTORY); } let writer = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/ini-processor-factory;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIINIParserFactory). createINIParser(desktopINIfile). QueryInterface(Ci.nsIINIParserWriter); writer.setString("Desktop Entry", "Name", this.appLocalizedName); writer.setString("Desktop Entry", "Comment", this.shortDescription); writer.setString("Desktop Entry", "Exec", '"' + webapprtPath + '"'); writer.setString("Desktop Entry", "Icon", OS.Path.join(aInstallDir, this.iconFile)); writer.setString("Desktop Entry", "Type", "Application"); writer.setString("Desktop Entry", "Terminal", "false"); let categories = this._translateCategories(); if (categories) writer.setString("Desktop Entry", "Categories", categories); writer.setString("Desktop Entry", "Actions", "Uninstall;"); writer.setString("Desktop Action Uninstall", "Name", webappsBundle.GetStringFromName("uninstall.label")); writer.setString("Desktop Action Uninstall", "Exec", webapprtPath + " -remove"); writer.writeFile(); desktopINIfile.permissions = PERMS_FILE | OS.Constants.libc.S_IXUSR; }, /** * Process the icon from the imageStream as retrieved from * the URL by getIconForApp(). * * @param aMimeType ahe icon mimetype * @param aImageStream the stream for the image data * @param aDir the directory where the icon should be stored */ _processIcon: function(aMimeType, aImageStream, aDir) { let deferred = Promise.defer(); let imgTools = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"]. createInstance(Ci.imgITools); let imgContainer = imgTools.decodeImage(aImageStream, aMimeType); let iconStream = imgTools.encodeImage(imgContainer, "image/png"); let iconFile = getFile(aDir, this.iconFile); let outputStream = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(iconFile); NetUtil.asyncCopy(iconStream, outputStream, function(aResult) { if (Components.isSuccessCode(aResult)) { deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.reject("Failure copying icon: " + aResult); } }); return deferred.promise; } }