/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ ]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/gcli.jsm"); Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "gDevTools", "resource:///modules/devtools/gDevTools.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "console", "resource://gre/modules/devtools/Console.jsm"); /** * 'break' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "break", description: gcli.lookup("breakDesc"), manual: gcli.lookup("breakManual") }); /** * 'break list' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "break list", description: gcli.lookup("breaklistDesc"), returnType: "breakpoints", exec: function(args, context) { let panel = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger", {ensure_opened: true}); return panel.then(function(dbg) { let breakpoints = []; for (let source in dbg.panelWin.DebuggerView.Sources) { for (let { attachment: breakpoint } in source) { breakpoints.push({ url: source.value, label: source.label, lineNumber: breakpoint.lineNumber, lineText: breakpoint.lineText }); } } return breakpoints; }); } }); gcli.addConverter({ from: "breakpoints", to: "view", exec: function(breakpoints, context) { let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); if (dbg && breakpoints.length) { let SourceUtils = dbg.panelWin.SourceUtils; let index = 0; return context.createView({ html: breakListHtml, data: { breakpoints: breakpoints.map(function(breakpoint) { return { index: index++, url: breakpoint.url, label: SourceUtils.trimUrlLength( breakpoint.label + ":" + breakpoint.lineNumber, MAX_LABEL_LENGTH, "start"), lineText: breakpoint.lineText, truncatedLineText: SourceUtils.trimUrlLength( breakpoint.lineText, MAX_LINE_TEXT_LENGTH, "end") }; }), onclick: createUpdateHandler(context), ondblclick: createExecuteHandler(context) } }); } else { return context.createView({ html: "


", data: { message: gcli.lookup("breaklistNone") } }); } } }); var breakListHtml = "" + "" + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + "
${breakpoint.label}" + " ${breakpoint.truncatedLineText}" + " " + " " + gcli.lookup("breaklistOutRemove") + "" + "
" + ""; var MAX_LINE_TEXT_LENGTH = 30; var MAX_LABEL_LENGTH = 20; /** * 'break add' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "break add", description: gcli.lookup("breakaddDesc"), manual: gcli.lookup("breakaddManual") }); /** * 'break add line' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "break add line", description: gcli.lookup("breakaddlineDesc"), params: [ { name: "file", type: { name: "selection", data: function(args, context) { let files = []; let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); if (dbg) { let sourcesView = dbg.panelWin.DebuggerView.Sources; for (let item in sourcesView) { files.push(item.value); } } return files; } }, description: gcli.lookup("breakaddlineFileDesc") }, { name: "line", type: { name: "number", min: 1, step: 10 }, description: gcli.lookup("breakaddlineLineDesc") } ], returnType: "string", exec: function(args, context) { args.type = "line"; let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); if (!dbg) { return gcli.lookup("debuggerStopped"); } var deferred = context.defer(); let position = { url: args.file, line: args.line }; dbg.addBreakpoint(position, function(aBreakpoint, aError) { if (aError) { deferred.resolve(gcli.lookupFormat("breakaddFailed", [aError])); return; } deferred.resolve(gcli.lookup("breakaddAdded")); }); return deferred.promise; } }); /** * 'break del' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "break del", description: gcli.lookup("breakdelDesc"), params: [ { name: "breakid", type: { name: "number", min: 0, max: function(args, context) { let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); return dbg == null ? null : Object.keys(dbg.getAllBreakpoints()).length - 1; }, }, description: gcli.lookup("breakdelBreakidDesc") } ], returnType: "string", exec: function(args, context) { let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); if (!dbg) { return gcli.lookup("debuggerStopped"); } let breakpoints = dbg.getAllBreakpoints(); let id = Object.keys(breakpoints)[args.breakid]; if (!id || !(id in breakpoints)) { return gcli.lookup("breakNotFound"); } let deferred = context.defer(); try { dbg.removeBreakpoint(breakpoints[id], function() { deferred.resolve(gcli.lookup("breakdelRemoved")); }); } catch (ex) { // If the debugger has been closed already, don't scare the user. deferred.resolve(gcli.lookup("breakdelRemoved")); } return deferred.promise; } }); /** * 'dbg' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "dbg", description: gcli.lookup("dbgDesc"), manual: gcli.lookup("dbgManual") }); /** * 'dbg open' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "dbg open", description: gcli.lookup("dbgOpen"), params: [], exec: function(args, context) { return gDevTools.showToolbox(context.environment.target, "jsdebugger").then(function() null); } }); /** * 'dbg close' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "dbg close", description: gcli.lookup("dbgClose"), params: [], exec: function(args, context) { return gDevTools.closeToolbox(context.environment.target).then(function() null); } }); /** * 'dbg interrupt' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "dbg interrupt", description: gcli.lookup("dbgInterrupt"), params: [], exec: function(args, context) { let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); if (!dbg) { return gcli.lookup("debuggerStopped"); } let controller = dbg._controller; let thread = controller.activeThread; if (!thread.paused) { thread.interrupt(); } } }); /** * 'dbg continue' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "dbg continue", description: gcli.lookup("dbgContinue"), params: [], exec: function(args, context) { let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); if (!dbg) { return gcli.lookup("debuggerStopped"); } let controller = dbg._controller; let thread = controller.activeThread; if (thread.paused) { thread.resume(); } } }); /** * 'dbg step' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "dbg step", description: gcli.lookup("dbgStepDesc"), manual: gcli.lookup("dbgStepManual") }); /** * 'dbg step over' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "dbg step over", description: gcli.lookup("dbgStepOverDesc"), params: [], exec: function(args, context) { let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); if (!dbg) { return gcli.lookup("debuggerStopped"); } let controller = dbg._controller; let thread = controller.activeThread; if (thread.paused) { thread.stepOver(); } } }); /** * 'dbg step in' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: 'dbg step in', description: gcli.lookup("dbgStepInDesc"), params: [], exec: function(args, context) { let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); if (!dbg) { return gcli.lookup("debuggerStopped"); } let controller = dbg._controller; let thread = controller.activeThread; if (thread.paused) { thread.stepIn(); } } }); /** * 'dbg step over' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: 'dbg step out', description: gcli.lookup("dbgStepOutDesc"), params: [], exec: function(args, context) { let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); if (!dbg) { return gcli.lookup("debuggerStopped"); } let controller = dbg._controller; let thread = controller.activeThread; if (thread.paused) { thread.stepOut(); } } }); /** * 'dbg list' command */ gcli.addCommand({ name: "dbg list", description: gcli.lookup("dbgListSourcesDesc"), params: [], returnType: "dom", exec: function(args, context) { let dbg = getPanel(context, "jsdebugger"); let doc = context.environment.chromeDocument; if (!dbg) { return gcli.lookup("debuggerClosed"); } let sources = dbg._view.Sources.values; let div = createXHTMLElement(doc, "div"); let ol = createXHTMLElement(doc, "ol"); sources.forEach(function(src) { let li = createXHTMLElement(doc, "li"); li.textContent = src; ol.appendChild(li); }); div.appendChild(ol); return div; } }); /** * A helper to create xhtml namespaced elements */ function createXHTMLElement(document, tagname) { return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", tagname); } /** * Helper to find the 'data-command' attribute and call some action on it. * @see |updateCommand()| and |executeCommand()| */ function withCommand(element, action) { var command = element.getAttribute("data-command"); if (!command) { command = element.querySelector("*[data-command]") .getAttribute("data-command"); } if (command) { action(command); } else { console.warn("Missing data-command for " + util.findCssSelector(element)); } } /** * Create a handler to update the requisition to contain the text held in the * first matching data-command attribute under the currentTarget of the event. * @param context Either a Requisition or an ExecutionContext or another object * that contains an |update()| function that follows a similar contract. */ function createUpdateHandler(context) { return function(ev) { withCommand(ev.currentTarget, function(command) { context.update(command); }); } } /** * Create a handler to execute the text held in the data-command attribute * under the currentTarget of the event. * @param context Either a Requisition or an ExecutionContext or another object * that contains an |update()| function that follows a similar contract. */ function createExecuteHandler(context) { return function(ev) { withCommand(ev.currentTarget, function(command) { context.exec({ visible: true, typed: command }); }); } } /** * A helper to go from a command context to a debugger panel */ function getPanel(context, id, opts) { if (context == null) { return undefined; } let target = context.environment.target; if (opts && opts.ensure_opened) { return gDevTools.showToolbox(target, id).then(function(toolbox) { return toolbox.getPanel(id); }); } else { let toolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(target); return toolbox && toolbox.getPanel(id); } }