/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const DEBUG = false; function debug(s) { dump("-*- ResourceStatsManager: " + s + "\n"); } const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DOMRequestHelper.jsm"); // Constant defines supported statistics. const resourceTypeList = ["network", "power"]; function NetworkStatsData(aStatsData) { if (DEBUG) { debug("NetworkStatsData(): " + JSON.stringify(aStatsData)); } this.receivedBytes = aStatsData.receivedBytes || 0; this.sentBytes = aStatsData.sentBytes || 0; this.timestamp = aStatsData.timestamp; } NetworkStatsData.prototype = { classID: Components.ID("{dce5729a-ba92-4185-8854-e29e71b9e8a2}"), contractID: "@mozilla.org/networkStatsData;1", QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([]) }; function PowerStatsData(aStatsData) { if (DEBUG) { debug("PowerStatsData(): " + JSON.stringify(aStatsData)); } this.consumedPower = aStatsData.consumedPower || 0; this.timestamp = aStatsData.timestamp; } PowerStatsData.prototype = { classID: Components.ID("{acb9af6c-8143-4e59-bc18-4bb1736a4004}"), contractID: "@mozilla.org/powerStatsData;1", QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([]) }; function ResourceStats(aWindow, aStats) { if (DEBUG) { debug("ResourceStats(): " + JSON.stringify(aStats)); } this._window = aWindow; this.type = aStats.type; this.component = aStats.component || null; this.serviceType = aStats.serviceType || null; this.manifestURL = aStats.manifestURL || null; this.start = aStats.start; this.end = aStats.end; this.statsData = new aWindow.Array(); // A function creates a StatsData object according to type. let createStatsDataObject = null; let self = this; switch (this.type) { case "power": createStatsDataObject = function(aStats) { let chromeObj = new PowerStatsData(aStats); return self._window.PowerStatsData._create(self._window, chromeObj); }; break; case "network": createStatsDataObject = function(aStats) { let chromeObj = new NetworkStatsData(aStats); return self._window.NetworkStatsData._create(self._window, chromeObj); }; break; } let sampleRate = aStats.sampleRate; let queryResult = aStats.statsData; let stats = queryResult.pop(); // Pop out the last element. let timestamp = this.start; // Push query result to statsData, and fill empty elements so that: // 1. the timestamp of the first element of statsData is equal to start; // 2. the timestamp of the last element of statsData is equal to end; // 3. the timestamp difference of every neighboring elements is SAMPLE_RATE. for (; timestamp <= this.end; timestamp += sampleRate) { if (!stats || stats.timestamp != timestamp) { // If dataArray is empty or timestamp are not equal, push a dummy object // (which stats are set to 0) to statsData. this.statsData.push(createStatsDataObject({ timestamp: timestamp })); } else { // Push stats to statsData and pop a new element form queryResult. this.statsData.push(createStatsDataObject(stats)); stats = queryResult.pop(); } } } ResourceStats.prototype = { getData: function() { return this.statsData; }, classID: Components.ID("{b7c970f2-3d58-4966-9633-2024feb5132b}"), contractID: "@mozilla.org/resourceStats;1", QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([]) }; function ResourceStatsAlarm(aWindow, aAlarm) { if (DEBUG) { debug("ResourceStatsAlarm(): " + JSON.stringify(aAlarm)); } this.alarmId = aAlarm.alarmId; this.type = aAlarm.type; this.component = aAlarm.component || null; this.serviceType = aAlarm.serviceType || null; this.manifestURL = aAlarm.manifestURL || null; this.threshold = aAlarm.threshold; // Clone data object using structured clone algorithm. this.data = null; if (aAlarm.data) { this.data = Cu.cloneInto(aAlarm.data, aWindow); } } ResourceStatsAlarm.prototype = { classID: Components.ID("{e2b66e7a-0ff1-4015-8690-a2a3f6a5b63a}"), contractID: "@mozilla.org/resourceStatsAlarm;1", QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([]), }; function ResourceStatsManager() { if (DEBUG) { debug("constructor()"); } } ResourceStatsManager.prototype = { __proto__: DOMRequestIpcHelper.prototype, _getPromise: function(aCallback) { let self = this; return this.createPromise(function(aResolve, aReject) { let resolverId = self.getPromiseResolverId({ resolve: aResolve, reject: aReject }); aCallback(resolverId); }); }, // Check time range. _checkTimeRange: function(aStart, aEnd) { if (DEBUG) { debug("_checkTimeRange(): " + aStart + " to " + aEnd); } let start = aStart ? aStart : 0; let end = aEnd ? aEnd : Date.now(); if (start > end) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } return { start: start, end: end }; }, getStats: function(aStatsOptions, aStart, aEnd) { // Check time range. let { start: start, end: end } = this._checkTimeRange(aStart, aEnd); // Create Promise. let self = this; return this._getPromise(function(aResolverId) { self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:GetStats", { resolverId: aResolverId, type: self.type, statsOptions: aStatsOptions, manifestURL: self._manifestURL, start: start, end: end }); }); }, clearStats: function(aStatsOptions, aStart, aEnd) { // Check time range. let {start: start, end: end} = this._checkTimeRange(aStart, aEnd); // Create Promise. let self = this; return this._getPromise(function(aResolverId) { self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:ClearStats", { resolverId: aResolverId, type: self.type, statsOptions: aStatsOptions, manifestURL: self._manifestURL, start: start, end: end }); }); }, clearAllStats: function() { // Create Promise. let self = this; return this._getPromise(function(aResolverId) { self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:ClearAllStats", { resolverId: aResolverId, type: self.type, manifestURL: self._manifestURL }); }); }, addAlarm: function(aThreshold, aStatsOptions, aAlarmOptions) { if (DEBUG) { debug("aStatsOptions: " + JSON.stringify(aAlarmOptions)); debug("aAlarmOptions: " + JSON.stringify(aAlarmOptions)); } // Parse alarm options. let startTime = aAlarmOptions.startTime || 0; // Clone data object using structured clone algorithm. let data = null; if (aAlarmOptions.data) { data = Cu.cloneInto(aAlarmOptions.data, this._window); } // Create Promise. let self = this; return this._getPromise(function(aResolverId) { self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:AddAlarm", { resolverId: aResolverId, type: self.type, threshold: aThreshold, statsOptions: aStatsOptions, manifestURL: self._manifestURL, startTime: startTime, data: data }); }); }, getAlarms: function(aStatsOptions) { // Create Promise. let self = this; return this._getPromise(function(aResolverId) { self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:GetAlarms", { resolverId: aResolverId, type: self.type, statsOptions: aStatsOptions, manifestURL: self._manifestURL }); }); }, removeAlarm: function(aAlarmId) { // Create Promise. let self = this; return this._getPromise(function(aResolverId) { self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm", { resolverId: aResolverId, type: self.type, manifestURL: self._manifestURL, alarmId: aAlarmId }); }); }, removeAllAlarms: function() { // Create Promise. let self = this; return this._getPromise(function(aResolverId) { self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms", { resolverId: aResolverId, type: self.type, manifestURL: self._manifestURL }); }); }, getAvailableComponents: function() { // Create Promise. let self = this; return this._getPromise(function(aResolverId) { self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:GetComponents", { resolverId: aResolverId, type: self.type, manifestURL: self._manifestURL }); }); }, get resourceTypes() { let types = new this._window.Array(); resourceTypeList.forEach(function(aType) { types.push(aType); }); return types; }, get sampleRate() { let msg = { manifestURL: this._manifestURL }; return this.cpmm.sendSyncMessage("ResourceStats:SampleRate", msg)[0]; }, get maxStorageAge() { let msg = { manifestURL: this._manifestURL }; return this.cpmm.sendSyncMessage("ResourceStats:MaxStorageAge", msg)[0]; }, receiveMessage: function(aMessage) { let data = aMessage.data; let chromeObj = null; let webidlObj = null; let self = this; if (DEBUG) { debug("receiveMessage(): " + aMessage.name + " " + data.resolverId); } let resolver = this.takePromiseResolver(data.resolverId); if (!resolver) { return; } switch (aMessage.name) { case "ResourceStats:GetStats:Resolved": if (DEBUG) { debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value)); } chromeObj = new ResourceStats(this._window, data.value); webidlObj = this._window.ResourceStats._create(this._window, chromeObj); resolver.resolve(webidlObj); break; case "ResourceStats:AddAlarm:Resolved": if (DEBUG) { debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value)); } resolver.resolve(data.value); // data.value is alarmId. break; case "ResourceStats:GetAlarms:Resolved": if (DEBUG) { debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value)); } let alarmArray = this._window.Array(); data.value.forEach(function(aAlarm) { chromeObj = new ResourceStatsAlarm(self._window, aAlarm); webidlObj = self._window.ResourceStatsAlarm._create(self._window, chromeObj); alarmArray.push(webidlObj); }); resolver.resolve(alarmArray); break; case "ResourceStats:GetComponents:Resolved": if (DEBUG) { debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value)); } let components = this._window.Array(); data.value.forEach(function(aComponent) { components.push(aComponent); }); resolver.resolve(components); break; case "ResourceStats:ClearStats:Resolved": case "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats:Resolved": case "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Resolved": case "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms:Resolved": if (DEBUG) { debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value)); } resolver.resolve(data.value); break; case "ResourceStats:GetStats:Rejected": case "ResourceStats:ClearStats:Rejected": case "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats:Rejected": case "ResourceStats:AddAlarm:Rejected": case "ResourceStats:GetAlarms:Rejected": case "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Rejected": case "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms:Rejected": case "ResourceStats:GetComponents:Rejected": if (DEBUG) { debug("data.reason = " + JSON.stringify(data.reason)); } resolver.reject(data.reason); break; default: if (DEBUG) { debug("Could not find a handler for " + aMessage.name); } resolver.reject(); } }, __init: function(aType) { if (resourceTypeList.indexOf(aType) < 0) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Do not support resource statistics for " + aType); } throw Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } else { if (DEBUG) { debug("Create " + aType + "Mgr"); } this.type = aType; } }, init: function(aWindow) { if (DEBUG) { debug("init()"); } // Get the manifestURL if this is an installed app let principal = aWindow.document.nodePrincipal; let appsService = Cc["@mozilla.org/AppsService;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIAppsService); this._manifestURL = appsService.getManifestURLByLocalId(principal.appId); const messages = ["ResourceStats:GetStats:Resolved", "ResourceStats:ClearStats:Resolved", "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats:Resolved", "ResourceStats:AddAlarm:Resolved", "ResourceStats:GetAlarms:Resolved", "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Resolved", "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms:Resolved", "ResourceStats:GetComponents:Resolved", "ResourceStats:GetStats:Rejected", "ResourceStats:ClearStats:Rejected", "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats:Rejected", "ResourceStats:AddAlarm:Rejected", "ResourceStats:GetAlarms:Rejected", "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Rejected", "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms:Rejected", "ResourceStats:GetComponents:Rejected"]; this.initDOMRequestHelper(aWindow, messages); this.cpmm = Cc["@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISyncMessageSender); }, classID: Components.ID("{101ed1f8-31b3-491c-95ea-04091e6e8027}"), contractID: "@mozilla.org/resourceStatsManager;1", QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference, Ci.nsIObserver]) }; this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([NetworkStatsData, PowerStatsData, ResourceStats, ResourceStatsAlarm, ResourceStatsManager]);