# -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. var FullScreen = { _XULNS: "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul", init: function() { // called when we go into full screen, even if initiated by a web page script window.addEventListener("fullscreen", this, true); window.messageManager.addMessageListener("MozEnteredDomFullscreen", this); if (window.fullScreen) this.toggle(); }, uninit: function() { window.messageManager.removeMessageListener("MozEnteredDomFullscreen", this); this.cleanup(); }, toggle: function (event) { var enterFS = window.fullScreen; // We get the fullscreen event _before_ the window transitions into or out of FS mode. if (event && event.type == "fullscreen") enterFS = !enterFS; // Toggle the View:FullScreen command, which controls elements like the // fullscreen menuitem, and menubars. let fullscreenCommand = document.getElementById("View:FullScreen"); if (enterFS) { fullscreenCommand.setAttribute("checked", enterFS); } else { fullscreenCommand.removeAttribute("checked"); } #ifdef XP_MACOSX // Make sure the menu items are adjusted. document.getElementById("enterFullScreenItem").hidden = enterFS; document.getElementById("exitFullScreenItem").hidden = !enterFS; #endif if (!this._fullScrToggler) { this._fullScrToggler = document.getElementById("fullscr-toggler"); this._fullScrToggler.addEventListener("mouseover", this._expandCallback, false); this._fullScrToggler.addEventListener("dragenter", this._expandCallback, false); } // On OS X Lion we don't want to hide toolbars when entering fullscreen, unless // we're entering DOM fullscreen, in which case we should hide the toolbars. // If we're leaving fullscreen, then we'll go through the exit code below to // make sure toolbars are made visible in the case of DOM fullscreen. if (enterFS && this.useLionFullScreen) { if (document.mozFullScreen) { this.showXULChrome("toolbar", false); } else { gNavToolbox.setAttribute("inFullscreen", true); document.documentElement.setAttribute("inFullscreen", true); } return; } // show/hide menubars, toolbars (except the full screen toolbar) this.showXULChrome("toolbar", !enterFS); if (enterFS) { document.addEventListener("keypress", this._keyToggleCallback, false); document.addEventListener("popupshown", this._setPopupOpen, false); document.addEventListener("popuphidden", this._setPopupOpen, false); // We don't animate the toolbar collapse if in DOM full-screen mode, // as the size of the content area would still be changing after the // mozfullscreenchange event fired, which could confuse content script. this._shouldAnimate = !document.mozFullScreen; this.mouseoverToggle(false); } else { // The user may quit fullscreen during an animation this._cancelAnimation(); gNavToolbox.style.marginTop = ""; if (this._isChromeCollapsed) this.mouseoverToggle(true); // This is needed if they use the context menu to quit fullscreen this._isPopupOpen = false; document.documentElement.removeAttribute("inDOMFullscreen"); this.cleanup(); } }, exitDomFullScreen : function() { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); }, handleEvent: function (event) { switch (event.type) { case "activate": if (document.mozFullScreen) { this.showWarning(this.fullscreenOrigin); } break; case "fullscreen": this.toggle(event); break; case "transitionend": if (event.propertyName == "opacity") this.cancelWarning(); break; } }, receiveMessage: function(aMessage) { if (aMessage.name == "MozEnteredDomFullscreen") { // If we're a multiprocess browser, then the request to enter fullscreen // did not bubble up to the root browser document - it stopped at the root // of the content document. That means we have to kick off the switch to // fullscreen here at the operating system level in the parent process // ourselves. let data = aMessage.data; let browser = aMessage.target; if (gMultiProcessBrowser && browser.getAttribute("remote") == "true") { let windowUtils = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); windowUtils.remoteFrameFullscreenChanged(browser, data.origin); } this.enterDomFullscreen(browser, data.origin); } }, enterDomFullscreen : function(aBrowser, aOrigin) { if (!document.mozFullScreen) return; // If we've received a fullscreen notification, we have to ensure that the // element that's requesting fullscreen belongs to the browser that's currently // active. If not, we exit fullscreen since the "full-screen document" isn't // actually visible now. if (gBrowser.selectedBrowser != aBrowser) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); return; } let focusManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/focus-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIFocusManager); if (focusManager.activeWindow != window) { // The top-level window has lost focus since the request to enter // full-screen was made. Cancel full-screen. document.mozCancelFullScreen(); return; } document.documentElement.setAttribute("inDOMFullscreen", true); if (gFindBarInitialized) gFindBar.close(); this.showWarning(aOrigin); // Exit DOM full-screen mode upon open, close, or change tab. gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabOpen", this.exitDomFullScreen); gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabClose", this.exitDomFullScreen); gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", this.exitDomFullScreen); // Add listener to detect when the fullscreen window is re-focused. // If a fullscreen window loses focus, we show a warning when the // fullscreen window is refocused. if (!this.useLionFullScreen) { window.addEventListener("activate", this); } // Cancel any "hide the toolbar" animation which is in progress, and make // the toolbar hide immediately. this._cancelAnimation(); this.mouseoverToggle(false); }, cleanup: function () { if (window.fullScreen) { MousePosTracker.removeListener(this); document.removeEventListener("keypress", this._keyToggleCallback, false); document.removeEventListener("popupshown", this._setPopupOpen, false); document.removeEventListener("popuphidden", this._setPopupOpen, false); this.cancelWarning(); gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabOpen", this.exitDomFullScreen); gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabClose", this.exitDomFullScreen); gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this.exitDomFullScreen); if (!this.useLionFullScreen) window.removeEventListener("activate", this); window.messageManager .broadcastAsyncMessage("DOMFullscreen:Cleanup"); } }, getMouseTargetRect: function() { return this._mouseTargetRect; }, // Event callbacks _expandCallback: function() { FullScreen.mouseoverToggle(true); }, onMouseEnter: function() { FullScreen.mouseoverToggle(false); }, _keyToggleCallback: function(aEvent) { // if we can use the keyboard (eg Ctrl+L or Ctrl+E) to open the toolbars, we // should provide a way to collapse them too. if (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) { FullScreen._shouldAnimate = false; FullScreen.mouseoverToggle(false, true); } // F6 is another shortcut to the address bar, but its not covered in OpenLocation() else if (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_F6) FullScreen.mouseoverToggle(true); }, // Checks whether we are allowed to collapse the chrome _isPopupOpen: false, _isChromeCollapsed: false, _safeToCollapse: function(forceHide) { if (!gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.fullscreen.autohide")) return false; // a popup menu is open in chrome: don't collapse chrome if (!forceHide && this._isPopupOpen) return false; // a textbox in chrome is focused (location bar anyone?): don't collapse chrome if (document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement && document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement.ownerDocument == document && document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement.localName == "input") { if (forceHide) // hidden textboxes that still have focus are bad bad bad document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement.blur(); else return false; } return true; }, _setPopupOpen: function(aEvent) { // Popups should only veto chrome collapsing if they were opened when the chrome was not collapsed. // Otherwise, they would not affect chrome and the user would expect the chrome to go away. // e.g. we wouldn't want the autoscroll icon firing this event, so when the user // toggles chrome when moving mouse to the top, it doesn't go away again. if (aEvent.type == "popupshown" && !FullScreen._isChromeCollapsed && aEvent.target.localName != "tooltip" && aEvent.target.localName != "window") FullScreen._isPopupOpen = true; else if (aEvent.type == "popuphidden" && aEvent.target.localName != "tooltip" && aEvent.target.localName != "window") FullScreen._isPopupOpen = false; }, // Autohide helpers for the context menu item getAutohide: function(aItem) { aItem.setAttribute("checked", gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.fullscreen.autohide")); }, setAutohide: function() { gPrefService.setBoolPref("browser.fullscreen.autohide", !gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.fullscreen.autohide")); }, // Animate the toolbars disappearing _shouldAnimate: true, _isAnimating: false, _animationTimeout: 0, _animationHandle: 0, _animateUp: function() { // check again, the user may have done something before the animation was due to start if (!window.fullScreen || !this._safeToCollapse(false)) { this._isAnimating = false; this._shouldAnimate = true; return; } this._animateStartTime = window.mozAnimationStartTime; if (!this._animationHandle) this._animationHandle = window.mozRequestAnimationFrame(this); }, sample: function (timeStamp) { const duration = 1500; const timePassed = timeStamp - this._animateStartTime; const pos = timePassed >= duration ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(1 - timePassed / duration, 4); if (pos >= 1) { // We've animated enough this._cancelAnimation(); gNavToolbox.style.marginTop = ""; this.mouseoverToggle(false); return; } gNavToolbox.style.marginTop = (gNavToolbox.boxObject.height * pos * -1) + "px"; this._animationHandle = window.mozRequestAnimationFrame(this); }, _cancelAnimation: function() { window.mozCancelAnimationFrame(this._animationHandle); this._animationHandle = 0; clearTimeout(this._animationTimeout); this._isAnimating = false; this._shouldAnimate = false; }, cancelWarning: function(event) { if (!this.warningBox) return; this.warningBox.removeEventListener("transitionend", this); if (this.warningFadeOutTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.warningFadeOutTimeout); this.warningFadeOutTimeout = null; } // Ensure focus switches away from the (now hidden) warning box. If the user // clicked buttons in the fullscreen key authorization UI, it would have been // focused, and any key events would be directed at the (now hidden) chrome // document instead of the target document. gBrowser.selectedBrowser.focus(); this.warningBox.setAttribute("hidden", true); this.warningBox.removeAttribute("fade-warning-out"); this.warningBox.removeAttribute("obscure-browser"); this.warningBox = null; }, setFullscreenAllowed: function(isApproved) { // The "remember decision" checkbox is hidden when showing for documents that // the permission manager can't handle (documents with URIs without a host). // We simply require those to be approved every time instead. let rememberCheckbox = document.getElementById("full-screen-remember-decision"); let uri = BrowserUtils.makeURI(this.fullscreenOrigin); if (!rememberCheckbox.hidden) { if (rememberCheckbox.checked) Services.perms.add(uri, "fullscreen", isApproved ? Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION : Services.perms.DENY_ACTION, Services.perms.EXPIRE_NEVER); else if (isApproved) { // The user has only temporarily approved fullscren for this fullscreen // session only. Add the permission (so Gecko knows to approve any further // fullscreen requests for this host in this fullscreen session) but add // a listener to revoke the permission when the chrome document exits // fullscreen. Services.perms.add(uri, "fullscreen", Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION, Services.perms.EXPIRE_SESSION); let host = uri.host; var onFullscreenchange = function onFullscreenchange(event) { if (event.target == document && document.mozFullScreenElement == null) { // The chrome document has left fullscreen. Remove the temporary permission grant. Services.perms.remove(host, "fullscreen"); document.removeEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", onFullscreenchange); } } document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", onFullscreenchange); } } if (this.warningBox) this.warningBox.setAttribute("fade-warning-out", "true"); // If the document has been granted fullscreen, notify Gecko so it can resume // any pending pointer lock requests, otherwise exit fullscreen; the user denied // the fullscreen request. if (isApproved) { gBrowser.selectedBrowser .messageManager .sendAsyncMessage("DOMFullscreen:Approved"); } else { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } }, warningBox: null, warningFadeOutTimeout: null, // Shows the fullscreen approval UI, or if the domain has already been approved // for fullscreen, shows a warning that the site has entered fullscreen for a short // duration. showWarning: function(aOrigin) { if (!document.mozFullScreen || !gPrefService.getBoolPref("full-screen-api.approval-required")) return; // Set the strings on the fullscreen approval UI. this.fullscreenOrigin = aOrigin; let uri = BrowserUtils.makeURI(aOrigin); let host = null; try { host = uri.host; } catch (e) { } let hostLabel = document.getElementById("full-screen-domain-text"); let rememberCheckbox = document.getElementById("full-screen-remember-decision"); let isApproved = false; if (host) { // Document's principal's URI has a host. Display a warning including the hostname and // show UI to enable the user to permanently grant this host permission to enter fullscreen. let utils = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DownloadUtils.jsm", utils); let displayHost = utils.DownloadUtils.getURIHost(uri.spec)[0]; let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties"); hostLabel.textContent = bundle.formatStringFromName("fullscreen.entered", [displayHost], 1); hostLabel.removeAttribute("hidden"); rememberCheckbox.label = bundle.formatStringFromName("fullscreen.rememberDecision", [displayHost], 1); rememberCheckbox.checked = false; rememberCheckbox.removeAttribute("hidden"); // Note we only allow documents whose principal's URI has a host to // store permission grants. isApproved = Services.perms.testPermission(uri, "fullscreen") == Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION; } else { hostLabel.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); rememberCheckbox.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } // Note: the warning box can be non-null if the warning box from the previous request // wasn't hidden before another request was made. if (!this.warningBox) { this.warningBox = document.getElementById("full-screen-warning-container"); // Add a listener to clean up state after the warning is hidden. this.warningBox.addEventListener("transitionend", this); this.warningBox.removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { if (this.warningFadeOutTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.warningFadeOutTimeout); this.warningFadeOutTimeout = null; } this.warningBox.removeAttribute("fade-warning-out"); } // If fullscreen mode has not yet been approved for the fullscreen // document's domain, show the approval UI and don't auto fade out the // fullscreen warning box. Otherwise, we're just notifying of entry into // fullscreen mode. Note if the resource's host is null, we must be // showing a local file or a local data URI, and we require explicit // approval every time. let authUI = document.getElementById("full-screen-approval-pane"); if (isApproved) { authUI.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); this.warningBox.removeAttribute("obscure-browser"); } else { // Partially obscure the element underneath the approval UI. this.warningBox.setAttribute("obscure-browser", "true"); authUI.removeAttribute("hidden"); } // If we're not showing the fullscreen approval UI, we're just notifying the user // of the transition, so set a timeout to fade the warning out after a few moments. if (isApproved) this.warningFadeOutTimeout = setTimeout( function() { if (this.warningBox) this.warningBox.setAttribute("fade-warning-out", "true"); }.bind(this), 3000); }, mouseoverToggle: function(aShow, forceHide) { // Don't do anything if: // a) we're already in the state we want, // b) we're animating and will become collapsed soon, or // c) we can't collapse because it would be undesirable right now if (aShow != this._isChromeCollapsed || (!aShow && this._isAnimating) || (!aShow && !this._safeToCollapse(forceHide))) return; // browser.fullscreen.animateUp // 0 - never animate up // 1 - animate only for first collapse after entering fullscreen (default for perf's sake) // 2 - animate every time it collapses if (gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.fullscreen.animateUp") == 0) this._shouldAnimate = false; if (!aShow && this._shouldAnimate) { this._isAnimating = true; this._shouldAnimate = false; this._animationTimeout = setTimeout(this._animateUp.bind(this), 800); return; } // Hiding/collapsing the toolbox interferes with the tab bar's scrollbox, // so we just move it off-screen instead. See bug 430687. gNavToolbox.style.marginTop = aShow ? "" : -gNavToolbox.getBoundingClientRect().height + "px"; this._fullScrToggler.hidden = aShow || document.mozFullScreen; if (aShow) { let rect = gBrowser.mPanelContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); this._mouseTargetRect = { top: rect.top + 50, bottom: rect.bottom, left: rect.left, right: rect.right }; MousePosTracker.addListener(this); } else { MousePosTracker.removeListener(this); } this._isChromeCollapsed = !aShow; if (gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.fullscreen.animateUp") == 2) this._shouldAnimate = true; }, showXULChrome: function(aTag, aShow) { var els = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(this._XULNS, aTag); for (let el of els) { // XXX don't interfere with previously collapsed toolbars if (el.getAttribute("fullscreentoolbar") == "true") { if (!aShow) { // Give the main nav bar and the tab bar the fullscreen context menu, // otherwise remove context menu to prevent breakage el.setAttribute("saved-context", el.getAttribute("context")); if (el.id == "nav-bar" || el.id == "TabsToolbar") el.setAttribute("context", "autohide-context"); else el.removeAttribute("context"); // Set the inFullscreen attribute to allow specific styling // in fullscreen mode el.setAttribute("inFullscreen", true); } else { if (el.hasAttribute("saved-context")) { el.setAttribute("context", el.getAttribute("saved-context")); el.removeAttribute("saved-context"); } el.removeAttribute("inFullscreen"); } } else { // use moz-collapsed so it doesn't persist hidden/collapsed, // so that new windows don't have missing toolbars if (aShow) el.removeAttribute("moz-collapsed"); else el.setAttribute("moz-collapsed", "true"); } } if (aShow) { gNavToolbox.removeAttribute("inFullscreen"); document.documentElement.removeAttribute("inFullscreen"); } else { gNavToolbox.setAttribute("inFullscreen", true); document.documentElement.setAttribute("inFullscreen", true); } var fullscreenctls = document.getElementById("window-controls"); var navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar"); var ctlsOnTabbar = window.toolbar.visible; if (fullscreenctls.parentNode == navbar && ctlsOnTabbar) { fullscreenctls.removeAttribute("flex"); document.getElementById("TabsToolbar").appendChild(fullscreenctls); } else if (fullscreenctls.parentNode.id == "TabsToolbar" && !ctlsOnTabbar) { fullscreenctls.setAttribute("flex", "1"); navbar.appendChild(fullscreenctls); } fullscreenctls.hidden = aShow; ToolbarIconColor.inferFromText(); } }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(FullScreen, "useLionFullScreen", function() { // We'll only use OS X Lion full screen if we're // * on OS X // * on Lion or higher (Darwin 11+) // * have fullscreenbutton="true" #ifdef XP_MACOSX return parseFloat(Services.sysinfo.getProperty("version")) >= 11 && document.documentElement.getAttribute("fullscreenbutton") == "true"; #else return false; #endif });