/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.gecko; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import java.lang.Thread; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class GeckoJavaSampler { private static final String LOGTAG = "JavaSampler"; private static Thread sSamplingThread = null; private static SamplingThread sSamplingRunnable = null; private static Thread sMainThread = null; private static volatile boolean sLibsLoaded = false; // Use the same timer primitive as the profiler // to get a perfect sample syncing. private static native double getProfilerTime(); private static class Sample { public Frame[] mFrames; public double mTime; public long mJavaTime; // non-zero if Android system time is used public Sample(StackTraceElement[] aStack) { mFrames = new Frame[aStack.length]; if (sLibsLoaded) { mTime = getProfilerTime(); } if (mTime == 0.0d) { // getProfilerTime is not available yet; either libs are not loaded, // or profiling hasn't started on the Gecko side yet mJavaTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } for (int i = 0; i < aStack.length; i++) { mFrames[aStack.length - 1 - i] = new Frame(); mFrames[aStack.length - 1 - i].fileName = aStack[i].getFileName(); mFrames[aStack.length - 1 - i].lineNo = aStack[i].getLineNumber(); mFrames[aStack.length - 1 - i].methodName = aStack[i].getMethodName(); mFrames[aStack.length - 1 - i].className = aStack[i].getClassName(); } } } private static class Frame { public String fileName; public int lineNo; public String methodName; public String className; } private static class SamplingThread implements Runnable { private final int mInterval; private final int mSampleCount; private boolean mPauseSampler = false; private boolean mStopSampler = false; private Map mSamples = new HashMap(); private int mSamplePos; public SamplingThread(final int aInterval, final int aSampleCount) { // If we sample faster then 10ms we get to many missed samples mInterval = Math.max(10, aInterval); mSampleCount = aSampleCount; } public void run() { synchronized (GeckoJavaSampler.class) { mSamples.put(0, new Sample[mSampleCount]); mSamplePos = 0; // Find the main thread Set threadSet = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet(); for (Thread t : threadSet) { if (t.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("main") == 0) { sMainThread = t; break; } } if (sMainThread == null) { Log.e(LOGTAG, "Main thread not found"); return; } } while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(mInterval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } synchronized (GeckoJavaSampler.class) { if (!mPauseSampler) { StackTraceElement[] bt = sMainThread.getStackTrace(); mSamples.get(0)[mSamplePos] = new Sample(bt); mSamplePos = (mSamplePos+1) % mSamples.get(0).length; } if (mStopSampler) { break; } } } } private Sample getSample(int aThreadId, int aSampleId) { if (aThreadId < mSamples.size() && aSampleId < mSamples.get(aThreadId).length && mSamples.get(aThreadId)[aSampleId] != null) { int startPos = 0; if (mSamples.get(aThreadId)[mSamplePos] != null) { startPos = mSamplePos; } int readPos = (startPos + aSampleId) % mSamples.get(aThreadId).length; return mSamples.get(aThreadId)[readPos]; } return null; } } public synchronized static String getThreadName(int aThreadId) { if (aThreadId == 0 && sMainThread != null) { return sMainThread.getName(); } return null; } private synchronized static Sample getSample(int aThreadId, int aSampleId) { return sSamplingRunnable.getSample(aThreadId, aSampleId); } public synchronized static double getSampleTime(int aThreadId, int aSampleId) { Sample sample = getSample(aThreadId, aSampleId); if (sample != null) { if (sample.mJavaTime != 0) { return (double)(sample.mJavaTime - SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()) + getProfilerTime(); } System.out.println("Sample: " + sample.mTime); return sample.mTime; } return 0; } public synchronized static String getFrameName(int aThreadId, int aSampleId, int aFrameId) { Sample sample = getSample(aThreadId, aSampleId); if (sample != null && aFrameId < sample.mFrames.length) { Frame frame = sample.mFrames[aFrameId]; if (frame == null) { return null; } return frame.className + "." + frame.methodName + "()"; } return null; } public static void start(int aInterval, int aSamples) { synchronized (GeckoJavaSampler.class) { if (sSamplingRunnable != null) { return; } sSamplingRunnable = new SamplingThread(aInterval, aSamples); sSamplingThread = new Thread(sSamplingRunnable, "Java Sampler"); sSamplingThread.start(); } } public static void pause() { synchronized (GeckoJavaSampler.class) { sSamplingRunnable.mPauseSampler = true; } } public static void unpause() { synchronized (GeckoJavaSampler.class) { sSamplingRunnable.mPauseSampler = false; } } public static void stop() { synchronized (GeckoJavaSampler.class) { if (sSamplingThread == null) { return; } sSamplingRunnable.mStopSampler = true; try { sSamplingThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sSamplingThread = null; sSamplingRunnable = null; } } public static void setLibsLoaded() { sLibsLoaded = true; } }