/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_bluetooth_bluetoothadapter_h__ #define mozilla_dom_bluetooth_bluetoothadapter_h__ #include "BluetoothCommon.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/DOMEventTargetHelper.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BluetoothAdapter2Binding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BluetoothDeviceEvent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" namespace mozilla { namespace dom { class DOMRequest; class File; struct MediaMetaData; struct MediaPlayStatus; } } BEGIN_BLUETOOTH_NAMESPACE class BluetoothDevice; class BluetoothDiscoveryHandle; class BluetoothNamedValue; class BluetoothPairingListener; class BluetoothSignal; class BluetoothValue; class BluetoothAdapter : public DOMEventTargetHelper , public BluetoothSignalObserver { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS_INHERITED(BluetoothAdapter, DOMEventTargetHelper) /**************************************************************************** * Attribute Getters ***************************************************************************/ BluetoothAdapterState State() const { return mState; } void GetAddress(nsString& aAddress) const { aAddress = mAddress; } void GetName(nsString& aName) const { aName = mName; } bool Discovering() const { return mDiscovering; } bool Discoverable() const { return mDiscoverable; } BluetoothPairingListener* PairingReqs() const { return mPairingReqs; } /**************************************************************************** * Event Handlers ***************************************************************************/ IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(attributechanged); IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(devicepaired); IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(deviceunpaired); IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(a2dpstatuschanged); IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(hfpstatuschanged); IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(requestmediaplaystatus); IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(scostatuschanged); /**************************************************************************** * Methods (Web API Implementation) ***************************************************************************/ already_AddRefed Enable(ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed Disable(ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed SetName(const nsAString& aName, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed SetDiscoverable(bool aDiscoverable, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed StartDiscovery(ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed StopDiscovery(ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed Pair(const nsAString& aDeviceAddress, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed Unpair(const nsAString& aDeviceAddress, ErrorResult& aRv); /** * Get a list of paired bluetooth devices. * * @param aDevices [out] Devices array to return */ void GetPairedDevices(nsTArray >& aDevices); // Connection related methods already_AddRefed Connect(BluetoothDevice& aDevice, const Optional& aServiceUuid, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed Disconnect(BluetoothDevice& aDevice, const Optional& aServiceUuid, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed GetConnectedDevices(uint16_t aServiceUuid, ErrorResult& aRv); // OPP file transfer related methods already_AddRefed SendFile(const nsAString& aDeviceAddress, File& aBlob, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed StopSendingFile(const nsAString& aDeviceAddress, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed ConfirmReceivingFile(const nsAString& aDeviceAddress, bool aConfirmation, ErrorResult& aRv); // SCO related methods already_AddRefed ConnectSco(ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed DisconnectSco(ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed IsScoConnected(ErrorResult& aRv); // Handfree CDMA related methods already_AddRefed AnswerWaitingCall(ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed IgnoreWaitingCall(ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed ToggleCalls(ErrorResult& aRv); // AVRCP related methods already_AddRefed SendMediaMetaData(const MediaMetaData& aMediaMetaData, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed SendMediaPlayStatus(const MediaPlayStatus& aMediaPlayStatus, ErrorResult& aRv); /**************************************************************************** * Others ***************************************************************************/ static already_AddRefed Create(nsPIDOMWindow* aOwner, const BluetoothValue& aValue); void Notify(const BluetoothSignal& aParam); // BluetoothSignalObserver nsPIDOMWindow* GetParentObject() const { return GetOwner(); } virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual void DisconnectFromOwner() MOZ_OVERRIDE; /** * Set this adapter's discovery handle in use (mDiscoveryHandleInUse). * * |mDiscoveryHandleInUse| is set to the latest discovery handle when adapter * just starts discovery, and is reset to nullptr when discovery is stopped * by some adapter. * * @param aDiscoveryHandle [in] Discovery handle to set. */ void SetDiscoveryHandleInUse(BluetoothDiscoveryHandle* aDiscoveryHandle); private: BluetoothAdapter(nsPIDOMWindow* aOwner, const BluetoothValue& aValue); ~BluetoothAdapter(); /** * Set adapter properties according to properties array * * @param aValue [in] Properties array to set with */ void SetPropertyByValue(const BluetoothNamedValue& aValue); /** * Set adapter state and fire BluetoothAttributeEvent if state changed. * * @param aState [in] The new adapter state */ void SetAdapterState(BluetoothAdapterState aState); /** * Pair/Unpair adapter to device of given address. * This function is called by methods Enable() and Disable(). * * @param aPair [in] Whether to pair or unpair adapter to device. * @param aDeviceAddress [in] Address of device to pair/unpair. * @param aRv [out] Error result to set in case of error. */ already_AddRefed PairUnpair(bool aPair, const nsAString& aDeviceAddress, ErrorResult& aRv); /** * Retrieve properties of paired devices. * * @param aDeviceAddresses [in] Addresses array of paired devices */ void GetPairedDeviceProperties(const nsTArray& aDeviceAddresses); /** * Handle "PropertyChanged" bluetooth signal. * * @param aValue [in] Array of changed properties */ void HandlePropertyChanged(const BluetoothValue& aValue); /** * Handle DEVICE_PAIRED_ID bluetooth signal. * * @param aValue [in] Properties array of the paired device. * The array should contain two properties: * - nsString 'Address' * - bool 'Paired' */ void HandleDevicePaired(const BluetoothValue& aValue); /** * Handle DEVICE_UNPAIRED_ID bluetooth signal. * * @param aValue [in] Properties array of the unpaired device. * The array should contain two properties: * - nsString 'Address' * - bool 'Paired' */ void HandleDeviceUnpaired(const BluetoothValue& aValue); /** * Handle "DeviceFound" bluetooth signal. * * @param aValue [in] Properties array of the discovered device. */ void HandleDeviceFound(const BluetoothValue& aValue); /** * Fire BluetoothAttributeEvent to trigger onattributechanged event handler. */ void DispatchAttributeEvent(const nsTArray& aTypes); /** * Fire BluetoothDeviceEvent to trigger * ondeviceparied/ondeviceunpaired event handler. * * @param aType [in] Event type to fire * @param aInit [in] Event initialization value */ void DispatchDeviceEvent(const nsAString& aType, const BluetoothDeviceEventInit& aInit); /** * Convert string to BluetoothAdapterAttribute. * * @param aString [in] String to convert */ BluetoothAdapterAttribute ConvertStringToAdapterAttribute(const nsAString& aString); /** * Check whether value of given adapter property has changed. * * @param aType [in] Adapter property to check * @param aValue [in] New value of the adapter property */ bool IsAdapterAttributeChanged(BluetoothAdapterAttribute aType, const BluetoothValue& aValue); /** * Check whether this adapter is owned by Bluetooth certified app. * * @return a boolean value to indicate whether it's owned by Bluetooth app. */ bool IsBluetoothCertifiedApp(); /**************************************************************************** * Variables ***************************************************************************/ /** * Current state of this adapter. Can be Disabled/Disabling/Enabled/Enabling. */ BluetoothAdapterState mState; /** * BD address of this adapter. */ nsString mAddress; /** * Human-readable name of this adapter. */ nsString mName; /** * Whether this adapter can be discovered by nearby devices. */ bool mDiscoverable; /** * Whether this adapter is discovering nearby devices. */ bool mDiscovering; /** * Handle to fire pairing requests of different pairing types. */ nsRefPtr mPairingReqs; /** * Handle to fire 'ondevicefound' event handler for discovered device. * * This variable is set to the latest discovery handle when adapter just * starts discovery, and is reset to nullptr when discovery is stopped by * some adapter. */ nsRefPtr mDiscoveryHandleInUse; /** * Arrays of references to BluetoothDevices created by this adapter. * This array is empty when adapter state is Disabled. * * Devices will be appended when * 1) Enabling BT: Paired devices reported by stack. * 2) Discovering: Discovered devices during discovery operation. * A device won't be appended if a device object with the same * address already exists. * * Devices will be removed when * 1) Starting discovery: All unpaired devices will be removed before this * adapter starts a new discovery. * 2) Disabling BT: All devices will be removed. */ nsTArray > mDevices; }; END_BLUETOOTH_NAMESPACE #endif