/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests that the pref commands work let prefBranch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPrefService).getBranch(null) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrefBranch2); const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,gcli-pref2"; function test() { return Task.spawn(spawnTest).then(finish, helpers.handleError); } function spawnTest() { let options = yield helpers.openTab(TEST_URI); yield helpers.openToolbar(options); let tabSizeOrig = prefBranch.getIntPref("devtools.editor.tabsize"); info("originally: devtools.editor.tabsize = " + tabSizeOrig); yield helpers.audit(options, [ { setup: 'pref show devtools.editor.tabsize', check: { args: { setting: { value: options.requisition.system.settings.get("devtools.editor.tabsize") } }, }, exec: { output: "devtools.editor.tabsize: " + tabSizeOrig, }, }, { setup: 'pref set devtools.editor.tabsize 20', check: { args: { setting: { value: options.requisition.system.settings.get("devtools.editor.tabsize") }, value: { value: 20 } }, }, exec: { output: '', }, post: function() { is(prefBranch.getIntPref("devtools.editor.tabsize"), 20, "devtools.editor.tabsize is 20"); } }, { setup: 'pref show devtools.editor.tabsize', check: { args: { setting: { value: options.requisition.system.settings.get("devtools.editor.tabsize") } }, }, exec: { output: "devtools.editor.tabsize: 20", } }, { setup: 'pref set devtools.editor.tabsize 1', check: { args: { setting: { value: options.requisition.system.settings.get("devtools.editor.tabsize") }, value: { value: 1 } }, }, exec: { output: '', }, }, { setup: 'pref show devtools.editor.tabsize', check: { args: { setting: { value: options.requisition.system.settings.get("devtools.editor.tabsize") } }, }, exec: { output: "devtools.editor.tabsize: 1", }, post: function() { is(prefBranch.getIntPref("devtools.editor.tabsize"), 1, "devtools.editor.tabsize is 1"); } }, ]); prefBranch.setIntPref("devtools.editor.tabsize", tabSizeOrig); yield helpers.closeToolbar(options); yield helpers.closeTab(options); }