/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsXULAppAPI.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h" #include "mozilla/dom/TabChild.h" #include "nsISettingsService.h" #include "nsGeolocation.h" #include "nsDOMClassInfoID.h" #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsCxPusher.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "mozilla/unused.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "PCOMContentPermissionRequestChild.h" class nsIPrincipal; #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_QTMOBILITY #include "QTMLocationProvider.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID #include "AndroidLocationProvider.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK #include "GonkGPSGeolocationProvider.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA #include "CoreLocationLocationProvider.h" #endif // Some limit to the number of get or watch geolocation requests // that a window can make. #define MAX_GEO_REQUESTS_PER_WINDOW 1500 // The settings key. #define GEO_SETINGS_ENABLED "geolocation.enabled" using mozilla::unused; // using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; class nsGeolocationRequest : public nsIContentPermissionRequest , public nsITimerCallback , public nsIGeolocationUpdate , public PCOMContentPermissionRequestChild { public: NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSICONTENTPERMISSIONREQUEST NS_DECL_NSITIMERCALLBACK NS_DECL_NSIGEOLOCATIONUPDATE NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS_AMBIGUOUS(nsGeolocationRequest, nsIContentPermissionRequest) nsGeolocationRequest(Geolocation* aLocator, const GeoPositionCallback& aCallback, const GeoPositionErrorCallback& aErrorCallback, PositionOptions* aOptions, bool aWatchPositionRequest = false, int32_t aWatchId = 0); void Shutdown(); void SendLocation(nsIDOMGeoPosition* location); bool WantsHighAccuracy() {return mOptions && mOptions->mEnableHighAccuracy;} void SetTimeoutTimer(); void NotifyErrorAndShutdown(uint16_t); nsIPrincipal* GetPrincipal(); ~nsGeolocationRequest(); virtual bool Recv__delete__(const bool& allow) MOZ_OVERRIDE; virtual void IPDLRelease() MOZ_OVERRIDE { Release(); } bool IsWatch() { return mIsWatchPositionRequest; } int32_t WatchId() { return mWatchId; } private: bool mIsWatchPositionRequest; nsCOMPtr mTimeoutTimer; GeoPositionCallback mCallback; GeoPositionErrorCallback mErrorCallback; nsAutoPtr mOptions; nsRefPtr mLocator; int32_t mWatchId; bool mShutdown; }; static PositionOptions* CreatePositionOptionsCopy(const PositionOptions& aOptions) { nsAutoPtr geoOptions(new PositionOptions()); geoOptions->mEnableHighAccuracy = aOptions.mEnableHighAccuracy; geoOptions->mMaximumAge = aOptions.mMaximumAge; geoOptions->mTimeout = aOptions.mTimeout; return geoOptions.forget(); } class GeolocationSettingsCallback : public nsISettingsServiceCallback { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS GeolocationSettingsCallback() { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(GeolocationSettingsCallback); } virtual ~GeolocationSettingsCallback() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(GeolocationSettingsCallback); } NS_IMETHOD Handle(const nsAString& aName, const JS::Value& aResult) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); // The geolocation is enabled by default: bool value = true; if (aResult.isBoolean()) { value = aResult.toBoolean(); } MozSettingValue(value); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHOD HandleError(const nsAString& aName) { NS_WARNING("Unable to get value for '" GEO_SETINGS_ENABLED "'"); // Default it's enabled: MozSettingValue(true); return NS_OK; } void MozSettingValue(const bool aValue) { nsRefPtr gs = nsGeolocationService::GetGeolocationService(); if (gs) { gs->HandleMozsettingValue(aValue); } } }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(GeolocationSettingsCallback, nsISettingsServiceCallback) class RequestPromptEvent : public nsRunnable { public: RequestPromptEvent(nsGeolocationRequest* request) : mRequest(request) { } NS_IMETHOD Run() { nsCOMPtr prompt = do_CreateInstance(NS_CONTENT_PERMISSION_PROMPT_CONTRACTID); if (prompt) { prompt->Prompt(mRequest); } return NS_OK; } private: nsRefPtr mRequest; }; class RequestAllowEvent : public nsRunnable { public: RequestAllowEvent(int allow, nsGeolocationRequest* request) : mAllow(allow), mRequest(request) { } NS_IMETHOD Run() { if (mAllow) { mRequest->Allow(); } else { mRequest->Cancel(); } return NS_OK; } private: bool mAllow; nsRefPtr mRequest; }; class RequestSendLocationEvent : public nsRunnable { public: RequestSendLocationEvent(nsIDOMGeoPosition* aPosition, nsGeolocationRequest* aRequest) : mPosition(aPosition), mRequest(aRequest) { } NS_IMETHOD Run() { mRequest->SendLocation(mPosition); return NS_OK; } private: nsCOMPtr mPosition; nsRefPtr mRequest; nsRefPtr mLocator; }; class RequestRestartTimerEvent : public nsRunnable { public: RequestRestartTimerEvent(nsGeolocationRequest* aRequest) : mRequest(aRequest) { } NS_IMETHOD Run() { mRequest->SetTimeoutTimer(); return NS_OK; } private: nsRefPtr mRequest; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PositionError //////////////////////////////////////////////////// NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(PositionError) NS_WRAPPERCACHE_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIDOMGeoPositionError) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMGeoPositionError) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_WRAPPERCACHE_1(PositionError, mParent) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(PositionError) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(PositionError) PositionError::PositionError(Geolocation* aParent, int16_t aCode) : mCode(aCode) , mParent(aParent) { SetIsDOMBinding(); } PositionError::~PositionError(){} NS_IMETHODIMP PositionError::GetCode(int16_t *aCode) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aCode); *aCode = Code(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP PositionError::GetMessage(nsAString& aMessage) { switch (mCode) { case nsIDOMGeoPositionError::PERMISSION_DENIED: aMessage = NS_LITERAL_STRING("User denied geolocation prompt"); break; case nsIDOMGeoPositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: aMessage = NS_LITERAL_STRING("Unknown error acquiring position"); break; case nsIDOMGeoPositionError::TIMEOUT: aMessage = NS_LITERAL_STRING("Position acquisition timed out"); break; default: break; } return NS_OK; } Geolocation* PositionError::GetParentObject() const { return mParent; } JSObject* PositionError::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aScope) { return PositionErrorBinding::Wrap(aCx, aScope, this); } void PositionError::NotifyCallback(const GeoPositionErrorCallback& aCallback) { // Ensure that the proper context is on the stack (bug 452762) nsCxPusher pusher; pusher.PushNull(); nsAutoMicroTask mt; if (aCallback.HasWebIDLCallback()) { PositionErrorCallback* callback = aCallback.GetWebIDLCallback(); if (callback) { ErrorResult err; callback->Call(*this, err); } } else { nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback* callback = aCallback.GetXPCOMCallback(); if (callback) { callback->HandleEvent(this); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsGeolocationRequest //////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsGeolocationRequest::nsGeolocationRequest(Geolocation* aLocator, const GeoPositionCallback& aCallback, const GeoPositionErrorCallback& aErrorCallback, PositionOptions* aOptions, bool aWatchPositionRequest, int32_t aWatchId) : mIsWatchPositionRequest(aWatchPositionRequest), mCallback(aCallback), mErrorCallback(aErrorCallback), mOptions(aOptions), mLocator(aLocator), mWatchId(aWatchId), mShutdown(false) { } nsGeolocationRequest::~nsGeolocationRequest() { } NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(nsGeolocationRequest) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIContentPermissionRequest) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIContentPermissionRequest) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsITimerCallback) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIGeolocationUpdate) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(nsGeolocationRequest) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(nsGeolocationRequest) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_3(nsGeolocationRequest, mCallback, mErrorCallback, mLocator) NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::Notify(nsITimer* aTimer) { NotifyErrorAndShutdown(nsIDOMGeoPositionError::TIMEOUT); return NS_OK; } void nsGeolocationRequest::NotifyErrorAndShutdown(uint16_t aErrorCode) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mShutdown, "timeout after shutdown"); if (!mIsWatchPositionRequest) { Shutdown(); mLocator->RemoveRequest(this); } NotifyError(aErrorCode); if (!mShutdown) { SetTimeoutTimer(); } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::GetPrincipal(nsIPrincipal * *aRequestingPrincipal) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aRequestingPrincipal); nsCOMPtr principal = mLocator->GetPrincipal(); principal.forget(aRequestingPrincipal); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::GetType(nsACString & aType) { aType = "geolocation"; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::GetAccess(nsACString & aAccess) { aAccess = "unused"; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::GetWindow(nsIDOMWindow * *aRequestingWindow) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aRequestingWindow); nsCOMPtr window = do_QueryReferent(mLocator->GetOwner()); window.forget(aRequestingWindow); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::GetElement(nsIDOMElement * *aRequestingElement) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aRequestingElement); *aRequestingElement = nullptr; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::Cancel() { NotifyError(nsIDOMGeoPositionError::PERMISSION_DENIED); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::Allow() { // Kick off the geo device, if it isn't already running nsRefPtr gs = nsGeolocationService::GetGeolocationService(); nsresult rv = gs->StartDevice(GetPrincipal()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // Location provider error NotifyError(nsIDOMGeoPositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE); return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr lastPosition = gs->GetCachedPosition(); DOMTimeStamp cachedPositionTime; if (lastPosition) { lastPosition->GetTimestamp(&cachedPositionTime); } // check to see if we can use a cached value // // either: // a) the user has specified a maximumAge which allows us to return a cached value, // -or- // b) the cached position time is some reasonable value to return to the user (<30s) uint32_t maximumAge = 30 * PR_MSEC_PER_SEC; if (mOptions) { if (mOptions->mMaximumAge >= 0) { maximumAge = mOptions->mMaximumAge; } } gs->SetHigherAccuracy(mOptions && mOptions->mEnableHighAccuracy); bool canUseCache = lastPosition && maximumAge > 0 && (PRTime(PR_Now() / PR_USEC_PER_MSEC) - maximumAge <= PRTime(cachedPositionTime)); if (canUseCache) { // okay, we can return a cached position // getCurrentPosition requests serviced by the cache // will now be owned by the RequestSendLocationEvent Update(lastPosition); } if (mIsWatchPositionRequest || !canUseCache) { // let the locator know we're pending // we will now be owned by the locator mLocator->NotifyAllowedRequest(this); } SetTimeoutTimer(); return NS_OK; } void nsGeolocationRequest::SetTimeoutTimer() { if (mTimeoutTimer) { mTimeoutTimer->Cancel(); mTimeoutTimer = nullptr; } int32_t timeout; if (mOptions && (timeout = mOptions->mTimeout) != 0) { if (timeout < 0) { timeout = 0; } else if (timeout < 10) { timeout = 10; } mTimeoutTimer = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/timer;1"); mTimeoutTimer->InitWithCallback(this, timeout, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } } void nsGeolocationRequest::SendLocation(nsIDOMGeoPosition* aPosition) { if (mShutdown) { // Ignore SendLocationEvents issued before we were cleared. return; } nsRefPtr wrapped, cachedWrapper = mLocator->GetCachedPosition(); if (cachedWrapper && aPosition == cachedWrapper->GetWrappedGeoPosition()) { wrapped = cachedWrapper; } else if (aPosition) { nsCOMPtr coords; aPosition->GetCoords(getter_AddRefs(coords)); if (coords) { wrapped = new Position(ToSupports(mLocator), aPosition); } } if (!wrapped) { NotifyError(nsIDOMGeoPositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE); return; } mLocator->SetCachedPosition(wrapped); if (!mIsWatchPositionRequest) { // Cancel timer and position updates in case the position // callback spins the event loop Shutdown(); } // Ensure that the proper context is on the stack (bug 452762) nsCxPusher pusher; pusher.PushNull(); nsAutoMicroTask mt; if (mCallback.HasWebIDLCallback()) { ErrorResult err; PositionCallback* callback = mCallback.GetWebIDLCallback(); MOZ_ASSERT(callback); callback->Call(*wrapped, err); } else { nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback* callback = mCallback.GetXPCOMCallback(); MOZ_ASSERT(callback); callback->HandleEvent(aPosition); } if (!mShutdown) { // For watch requests, the handler may have called clearWatch MOZ_ASSERT(mIsWatchPositionRequest, "non-shutdown getCurrentPosition request after callback!"); SetTimeoutTimer(); } } nsIPrincipal* nsGeolocationRequest::GetPrincipal() { if (!mLocator) { return nullptr; } return mLocator->GetPrincipal(); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::Update(nsIDOMGeoPosition* aPosition) { nsCOMPtr ev = new RequestSendLocationEvent(aPosition, this); NS_DispatchToMainThread(ev); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationRequest::NotifyError(uint16_t aErrorCode) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); nsRefPtr positionError = new PositionError(mLocator, aErrorCode); positionError->NotifyCallback(mErrorCallback); return NS_OK; } void nsGeolocationRequest::Shutdown() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mShutdown, "request shutdown twice"); mShutdown = true; if (mTimeoutTimer) { mTimeoutTimer->Cancel(); mTimeoutTimer = nullptr; } // This should happen last, to ensure that this request isn't taken into consideration // when deciding whether existing requests still require high accuracy. if (mOptions && mOptions->mEnableHighAccuracy) { nsRefPtr gs = nsGeolocationService::GetGeolocationService(); if (gs) { gs->SetHigherAccuracy(false); } } } bool nsGeolocationRequest::Recv__delete__(const bool& allow) { if (allow) { (void) Allow(); } else { (void) Cancel(); } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsGeolocationService //////////////////////////////////////////////////// NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsGeolocationService) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIGeolocationUpdate) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIGeolocationUpdate) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIObserver) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_ADDREF(nsGeolocationService) NS_IMPL_RELEASE(nsGeolocationService) static bool sGeoEnabled = true; static bool sGeoInitPending = true; static bool sGeoIgnoreLocationFilter = false; static int32_t sProviderTimeout = 6000; // Time, in milliseconds, to wait for the location provider to spin up. nsresult nsGeolocationService::Init() { Preferences::AddIntVarCache(&sProviderTimeout, "geo.timeout", sProviderTimeout); Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sGeoEnabled, "geo.enabled", sGeoEnabled); Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sGeoIgnoreLocationFilter, "geo.ignore.location_filter", sGeoIgnoreLocationFilter); if (!sGeoEnabled) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (XRE_GetProcessType() == GeckoProcessType_Content) { sGeoInitPending = false; return NS_OK; } // check if the geolocation service is enable from settings nsCOMPtr settings = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/settingsService;1"); if (settings) { nsCOMPtr settingsLock; nsresult rv = settings->CreateLock(getter_AddRefs(settingsLock)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsRefPtr callback = new GeolocationSettingsCallback(); rv = settingsLock->Get(GEO_SETINGS_ENABLED, callback); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } else { // If we cannot obtain the settings service, we continue // assuming that the geolocation is enabled: sGeoInitPending = false; } // geolocation service can be enabled -> now register observer nsCOMPtr obs = services::GetObserverService(); if (!obs) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } obs->AddObserver(this, "quit-application", false); obs->AddObserver(this, "mozsettings-changed", false); #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_QTMOBILITY mProvider = new QTMLocationProvider(); #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID mProvider = new AndroidLocationProvider(); #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK mProvider = do_GetService(GONK_GPS_GEOLOCATION_PROVIDER_CONTRACTID); #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA mProvider = new CoreLocationLocationProvider(); #endif // Override platform-specific providers with the default (network) // provider while testing. Our tests are currently not meant to exercise // the provider, and some tests rely on the network provider being used. // "geo.provider.testing" is always set for all plain and browser chrome // mochitests, and also for xpcshell tests. if (!mProvider || Preferences::GetBool("geo.provider.testing", false)) { nsCOMPtr override = do_GetService(NS_GEOLOCATION_PROVIDER_CONTRACTID); if (override) { mProvider = override; } } return NS_OK; } nsGeolocationService::~nsGeolocationService() { } void nsGeolocationService::HandleMozsettingChanged(const PRUnichar* aData) { // The string that we're interested in will be a JSON string that looks like: // {"key":"gelocation.enabled","value":true} AutoSafeJSContext cx; nsDependentString dataStr(aData); JS::Rooted val(cx); if (!JS_ParseJSON(cx, dataStr.get(), dataStr.Length(), &val) || !val.isObject()) { return; } JS::Rooted obj(cx, &val.toObject()); JS::Rooted key(cx); if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "key", &key) || !key.isString()) { return; } bool match; if (!JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, key.toString(), GEO_SETINGS_ENABLED, &match) || !match) { return; } JS::Rooted value(cx); if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "value", &value) || !value.isBoolean()) { return; } HandleMozsettingValue(value.toBoolean()); } void nsGeolocationService::HandleMozsettingValue(const bool aValue) { if (!aValue) { // turn things off StopDevice(); Update(nullptr); mLastPosition = nullptr; sGeoEnabled = false; } else { sGeoEnabled = true; } if (sGeoInitPending) { sGeoInitPending = false; for (uint32_t i = 0, length = mGeolocators.Length(); i < length; ++i) { mGeolocators[i]->ServiceReady(); } } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationService::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const PRUnichar* aData) { if (!strcmp("quit-application", aTopic)) { nsCOMPtr obs = services::GetObserverService(); if (obs) { obs->RemoveObserver(this, "quit-application"); obs->RemoveObserver(this, "mozsettings-changed"); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i< mGeolocators.Length(); i++) { mGeolocators[i]->Shutdown(); } StopDevice(); return NS_OK; } if (!strcmp("mozsettings-changed", aTopic)) { HandleMozsettingChanged(aData); return NS_OK; } if (!strcmp("timer-callback", aTopic)) { // decide if we can close down the service. for (uint32_t i = 0; i< mGeolocators.Length(); i++) if (mGeolocators[i]->HasActiveCallbacks()) { SetDisconnectTimer(); return NS_OK; } // okay to close up. StopDevice(); Update(nullptr); return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationService::Update(nsIDOMGeoPosition *aSomewhere) { SetCachedPosition(aSomewhere); for (uint32_t i = 0; i< mGeolocators.Length(); i++) { mGeolocators[i]->Update(aSomewhere); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGeolocationService::NotifyError(uint16_t aErrorCode) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mGeolocators.Length(); i++) { mGeolocators[i]->NotifyError(aErrorCode); } return NS_OK; } void nsGeolocationService::SetCachedPosition(nsIDOMGeoPosition* aPosition) { mLastPosition = aPosition; } nsIDOMGeoPosition* nsGeolocationService::GetCachedPosition() { return mLastPosition; } nsresult nsGeolocationService::StartDevice(nsIPrincipal *aPrincipal) { if (!sGeoEnabled || sGeoInitPending) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // we do not want to keep the geolocation devices online // indefinitely. Close them down after a reasonable period of // inactivivity SetDisconnectTimer(); if (XRE_GetProcessType() == GeckoProcessType_Content) { ContentChild* cpc = ContentChild::GetSingleton(); cpc->SendAddGeolocationListener(IPC::Principal(aPrincipal), HighAccuracyRequested()); return NS_OK; } // Start them up! nsCOMPtr obs = services::GetObserverService(); if (!obs) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (!mProvider) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsresult rv; if (NS_FAILED(rv = mProvider->Startup()) || NS_FAILED(rv = mProvider->Watch(this))) { NotifyError(nsIDOMGeoPositionError::POSITION_UNAVAILABLE); return rv; } obs->NotifyObservers(mProvider, "geolocation-device-events", NS_LITERAL_STRING("starting").get()); return NS_OK; } void nsGeolocationService::SetDisconnectTimer() { if (!mDisconnectTimer) { mDisconnectTimer = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/timer;1"); } else { mDisconnectTimer->Cancel(); } mDisconnectTimer->Init(this, sProviderTimeout, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } bool nsGeolocationService::HighAccuracyRequested() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mGeolocators.Length(); i++) { if (mGeolocators[i]->HighAccuracyRequested()) { return true; } } return false; } void nsGeolocationService::SetHigherAccuracy(bool aEnable) { bool highRequired = aEnable || HighAccuracyRequested(); if (XRE_GetProcessType() == GeckoProcessType_Content) { ContentChild* cpc = ContentChild::GetSingleton(); cpc->SendSetGeolocationHigherAccuracy(highRequired); return; } if (!mHigherAccuracy && highRequired) { mProvider->SetHighAccuracy(true); } if (mHigherAccuracy && !highRequired) { mProvider->SetHighAccuracy(false); } mHigherAccuracy = highRequired; } void nsGeolocationService::StopDevice() { if(mDisconnectTimer) { mDisconnectTimer->Cancel(); mDisconnectTimer = nullptr; } if (XRE_GetProcessType() == GeckoProcessType_Content) { ContentChild* cpc = ContentChild::GetSingleton(); cpc->SendRemoveGeolocationListener(); return; // bail early } nsCOMPtr obs = services::GetObserverService(); if (!obs) { return; } if (!mProvider) { return; } mHigherAccuracy = false; mProvider->Shutdown(); obs->NotifyObservers(mProvider, "geolocation-device-events", NS_LITERAL_STRING("shutdown").get()); } StaticRefPtr nsGeolocationService::sService; already_AddRefed nsGeolocationService::GetGeolocationService() { nsRefPtr result; if (nsGeolocationService::sService) { result = nsGeolocationService::sService; return result.forget(); } result = new nsGeolocationService(); if (NS_FAILED(result->Init())) { return nullptr; } ClearOnShutdown(&nsGeolocationService::sService); nsGeolocationService::sService = result; return result.forget(); } void nsGeolocationService::AddLocator(Geolocation* aLocator) { mGeolocators.AppendElement(aLocator); } void nsGeolocationService::RemoveLocator(Geolocation* aLocator) { mGeolocators.RemoveElement(aLocator); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Geolocation //////////////////////////////////////////////////// NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(Geolocation) NS_WRAPPERCACHE_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIDOMGeoGeolocation) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMGeoGeolocation) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIGeolocationUpdate) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(Geolocation) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(Geolocation) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_WRAPPERCACHE_4(Geolocation, mCachedPosition, mPendingCallbacks, mWatchingCallbacks, mPendingRequests) Geolocation::Geolocation() : mLastWatchId(0) { SetIsDOMBinding(); } Geolocation::~Geolocation() { if (mService) { Shutdown(); } } nsresult Geolocation::Init(nsIDOMWindow* aContentDom) { // Remember the window if (aContentDom) { nsCOMPtr window = do_QueryInterface(aContentDom); if (!window) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mOwner = do_GetWeakReference(window->GetCurrentInnerWindow()); if (!mOwner) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Grab the principal of the document nsCOMPtr doc = window->GetDoc(); if (!doc) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mPrincipal = doc->NodePrincipal(); } // If no aContentDom was passed into us, we are being used // by chrome/c++ and have no mOwner, no mPrincipal, and no need // to prompt. mService = nsGeolocationService::GetGeolocationService(); if (mService) { mService->AddLocator(this); } return NS_OK; } void Geolocation::Shutdown() { // Release all callbacks mPendingCallbacks.Clear(); mWatchingCallbacks.Clear(); if (mService) { mService->RemoveLocator(this); } mService = nullptr; mPrincipal = nullptr; } nsIDOMWindow* Geolocation::GetParentObject() const { nsCOMPtr window = do_QueryReferent(mOwner); return window.get(); } bool Geolocation::HasActiveCallbacks() { return mPendingCallbacks.Length() || mWatchingCallbacks.Length(); } bool Geolocation::HighAccuracyRequested() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mWatchingCallbacks.Length(); i++) { if (mWatchingCallbacks[i]->WantsHighAccuracy()) { return true; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mPendingCallbacks.Length(); i++) { if (mPendingCallbacks[i]->WantsHighAccuracy()) { return true; } } return false; } void Geolocation::RemoveRequest(nsGeolocationRequest* aRequest) { bool requestWasKnown = (mPendingCallbacks.RemoveElement(aRequest) != mWatchingCallbacks.RemoveElement(aRequest)); // request must have been in one of the lists MOZ_ASSERT(requestWasKnown); unused << requestWasKnown; } NS_IMETHODIMP Geolocation::Update(nsIDOMGeoPosition *aSomewhere) { if (!WindowOwnerStillExists()) { Shutdown(); return NS_OK; } for (uint32_t i = mPendingCallbacks.Length(); i > 0; i--) { mPendingCallbacks[i-1]->Update(aSomewhere); RemoveRequest(mPendingCallbacks[i-1]); } // notify everyone that is watching for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mWatchingCallbacks.Length(); i++) { mWatchingCallbacks[i]->Update(aSomewhere); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP Geolocation::NotifyError(uint16_t aErrorCode) { if (!WindowOwnerStillExists()) { Shutdown(); return NS_OK; } for (uint32_t i = mPendingCallbacks.Length(); i > 0; i--) { mPendingCallbacks[i-1]->NotifyErrorAndShutdown(aErrorCode); //NotifyErrorAndShutdown() removes the request from the array } // notify everyone that is watching for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mWatchingCallbacks.Length(); i++) { mWatchingCallbacks[i]->NotifyErrorAndShutdown(aErrorCode); } return NS_OK; } void Geolocation::SetCachedPosition(Position* aPosition) { mCachedPosition = aPosition; } Position* Geolocation::GetCachedPosition() { return mCachedPosition; } void Geolocation::GetCurrentPosition(PositionCallback& aCallback, PositionErrorCallback* aErrorCallback, const PositionOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv) { GeoPositionCallback successCallback(&aCallback); GeoPositionErrorCallback errorCallback(aErrorCallback); nsresult rv = GetCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, CreatePositionOptionsCopy(aOptions)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aRv.Throw(rv); } return; } NS_IMETHODIMP Geolocation::GetCurrentPosition(nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback* aCallback, nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback* aErrorCallback, PositionOptions* aOptions) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aCallback); GeoPositionCallback successCallback(aCallback); GeoPositionErrorCallback errorCallback(aErrorCallback); return GetCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, aOptions); } nsresult Geolocation::GetCurrentPosition(GeoPositionCallback& callback, GeoPositionErrorCallback& errorCallback, PositionOptions *options) { if (mPendingCallbacks.Length() > MAX_GEO_REQUESTS_PER_WINDOW) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsRefPtr request = new nsGeolocationRequest(this, callback, errorCallback, options, false); if (!sGeoEnabled) { nsCOMPtr ev = new RequestAllowEvent(false, request); NS_DispatchToMainThread(ev); return NS_OK; } if (!mOwner && !nsContentUtils::IsCallerChrome()) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (sGeoInitPending) { mPendingRequests.AppendElement(request); return NS_OK; } return GetCurrentPositionReady(request); } nsresult Geolocation::GetCurrentPositionReady(nsGeolocationRequest* aRequest) { if (mOwner) { if (!RegisterRequestWithPrompt(aRequest)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } return NS_OK; } if (!nsContentUtils::IsCallerChrome()) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsCOMPtr ev = new RequestAllowEvent(true, aRequest); NS_DispatchToMainThread(ev); return NS_OK; } int32_t Geolocation::WatchPosition(PositionCallback& aCallback, PositionErrorCallback* aErrorCallback, const PositionOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv) { int32_t ret; GeoPositionCallback successCallback(&aCallback); GeoPositionErrorCallback errorCallback(aErrorCallback); nsresult rv = WatchPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, CreatePositionOptionsCopy(aOptions), &ret); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aRv.Throw(rv); } return ret; } NS_IMETHODIMP Geolocation::WatchPosition(nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback *aCallback, nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback *aErrorCallback, PositionOptions *aOptions, int32_t* aRv) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aCallback); GeoPositionCallback successCallback(aCallback); GeoPositionErrorCallback errorCallback(aErrorCallback); return WatchPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, aOptions, aRv); } nsresult Geolocation::WatchPosition(GeoPositionCallback& aCallback, GeoPositionErrorCallback& aErrorCallback, PositionOptions* aOptions, int32_t* aRv) { if (mWatchingCallbacks.Length() > MAX_GEO_REQUESTS_PER_WINDOW) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // The watch ID: *aRv = mLastWatchId++; nsRefPtr request = new nsGeolocationRequest(this, aCallback, aErrorCallback, aOptions, true, *aRv); if (!sGeoEnabled) { nsCOMPtr ev = new RequestAllowEvent(false, request); NS_DispatchToMainThread(ev); return NS_OK; } if (!mOwner && !nsContentUtils::IsCallerChrome()) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (sGeoInitPending) { mPendingRequests.AppendElement(request); return NS_OK; } return WatchPositionReady(request); } nsresult Geolocation::WatchPositionReady(nsGeolocationRequest* aRequest) { if (mOwner) { if (!RegisterRequestWithPrompt(aRequest)) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; return NS_OK; } if (!nsContentUtils::IsCallerChrome()) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } aRequest->Allow(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP Geolocation::ClearWatch(int32_t aWatchId) { if (aWatchId < 0) { return NS_OK; } for (uint32_t i = 0, length = mWatchingCallbacks.Length(); i < length; ++i) { if (mWatchingCallbacks[i]->WatchId() == aWatchId) { mWatchingCallbacks[i]->Shutdown(); RemoveRequest(mWatchingCallbacks[i]); break; } } // make sure we also search through the pending requests lists for // watches to clear... for (uint32_t i = 0, length = mPendingRequests.Length(); i < length; ++i) { if (mPendingRequests[i]->IsWatch() && (mPendingRequests[i]->WatchId() == aWatchId)) { mPendingRequests[i]->Shutdown(); mPendingRequests.RemoveElementAt(i); break; } } return NS_OK; } void Geolocation::ServiceReady() { for (uint32_t length = mPendingRequests.Length(); length > 0; --length) { if (mPendingRequests[0]->IsWatch()) { WatchPositionReady(mPendingRequests[0]); } else { GetCurrentPositionReady(mPendingRequests[0]); } mPendingRequests.RemoveElementAt(0); } } bool Geolocation::WindowOwnerStillExists() { // an owner was never set when Geolocation // was created, which means that this object // is being used without a window. if (mOwner == nullptr) { return true; } nsCOMPtr window = do_QueryReferent(mOwner); if (window) { bool closed = false; window->GetClosed(&closed); if (closed) { return false; } nsPIDOMWindow* outer = window->GetOuterWindow(); if (!outer || outer->GetCurrentInnerWindow() != window) { return false; } } return true; } void Geolocation::NotifyAllowedRequest(nsGeolocationRequest* aRequest) { if (aRequest->IsWatch()) { mWatchingCallbacks.AppendElement(aRequest); } else { mPendingCallbacks.AppendElement(aRequest); } } bool Geolocation::RegisterRequestWithPrompt(nsGeolocationRequest* request) { if (Preferences::GetBool("geo.prompt.testing", false)) { bool allow = Preferences::GetBool("geo.prompt.testing.allow", false); nsCOMPtr ev = new RequestAllowEvent(allow, request); NS_DispatchToMainThread(ev); return true; } if (XRE_GetProcessType() == GeckoProcessType_Content) { nsCOMPtr window = do_QueryReferent(mOwner); if (!window) { return true; } // because owner implements nsITabChild, we can assume that it is // the one and only TabChild. TabChild* child = TabChild::GetFrom(window->GetDocShell()); if (!child) { return false; } // Retain a reference so the object isn't deleted without IPDL's knowledge. // Corresponding release occurs in DeallocPContentPermissionRequest. request->AddRef(); child->SendPContentPermissionRequestConstructor(request, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("geolocation"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("unused"), IPC::Principal(mPrincipal)); request->Sendprompt(); return true; } nsCOMPtr ev = new RequestPromptEvent(request); NS_DispatchToMainThread(ev); return true; } JSObject* Geolocation::WrapObject(JSContext *aCtx, JS::Handle aScope) { return GeolocationBinding::Wrap(aCtx, aScope, this); }