/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; let gTestTab; let gContentAPI; let gContentWindow; Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/UITour.jsm"); function test() { UITourTest(); } let tests = [ function test_info_customize_auto_open_close(done) { let popup = document.getElementById("UITourTooltip"); gContentAPI.showInfo("customize", "Customization", "Customize me please!"); UITour.getTarget(window, "customize").then((customizeTarget) => { waitForPopupAtAnchor(popup, customizeTarget.node, function checkPanelIsOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened before the popup anchored"); ok(PanelUI.panel.hasAttribute("noautohide"), "@noautohide on the menu panel should have been set"); // Move the info outside which should close the app menu. gContentAPI.showInfo("appMenu", "Open Me", "You know you want to"); UITour.getTarget(window, "appMenu").then((target) => { waitForPopupAtAnchor(popup, target.node, function checkPanelIsClosed() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Panel should have closed after the info moved elsewhere."); ok(!PanelUI.panel.hasAttribute("noautohide"), "@noautohide on the menu panel should have been cleaned up on close"); done(); }, "Info should move to the appMenu button"); }); }, "Info panel should be anchored to the customize button"); }); }, function test_info_customize_manual_open_close(done) { let popup = document.getElementById("UITourTooltip"); // Manually open the app menu then show an info panel there. The menu should remain open. let shownPromise = promisePanelShown(window); gContentAPI.showMenu("appMenu"); shownPromise.then(() => { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened"); ok(PanelUI.panel.hasAttribute("noautohide"), "@noautohide on the menu panel should have been set"); gContentAPI.showInfo("customize", "Customization", "Customize me please!"); UITour.getTarget(window, "customize").then((customizeTarget) => { waitForPopupAtAnchor(popup, customizeTarget.node, function checkMenuIsStillOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should still be open"); ok(PanelUI.panel.hasAttribute("noautohide"), "@noautohide on the menu panel should still be set"); // Move the info outside which shouldn't close the app menu since it was manually opened. gContentAPI.showInfo("appMenu", "Open Me", "You know you want to"); UITour.getTarget(window, "appMenu").then((target) => { waitForPopupAtAnchor(popup, target.node, function checkMenuIsStillOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Menu should remain open since UITour didn't open it in the first place"); gContentAPI.hideMenu("appMenu"); ok(!PanelUI.panel.hasAttribute("noautohide"), "@noautohide on the menu panel should have been cleaned up on close"); done(); }, "Info should move to the appMenu button"); }); }, "Info should be shown after showInfo() for fixed menu panel items"); }); }).then(null, Components.utils.reportError); }, function test_pinnedTab(done) { is(UITour.pinnedTabs.get(window), null, "Should not already have a pinned tab"); gContentAPI.addPinnedTab(); let tabInfo = UITour.pinnedTabs.get(window); isnot(tabInfo, null, "Should have recorded data about a pinned tab after addPinnedTab()"); isnot(tabInfo.tab, null, "Should have added a pinned tab after addPinnedTab()"); is(tabInfo.tab.pinned, true, "Tab should be marked as pinned"); let tab = tabInfo.tab; gContentAPI.removePinnedTab(); isnot(gBrowser.tabs[0], tab, "First tab should not be the pinned tab"); let tabInfo = UITour.pinnedTabs.get(window); is(tabInfo, null, "Should not have any data about the removed pinned tab after removePinnedTab()"); gContentAPI.addPinnedTab(); gContentAPI.addPinnedTab(); gContentAPI.addPinnedTab(); is(gBrowser.tabs[1].pinned, false, "After multiple calls of addPinnedTab, should still only have one pinned tab"); done(); }, function test_menu(done) { let bookmarksMenuButton = document.getElementById("bookmarks-menu-button"); ise(bookmarksMenuButton.open, false, "Menu should initially be closed"); gContentAPI.showMenu("bookmarks"); ise(bookmarksMenuButton.open, true, "Menu should be shown after showMenu()"); gContentAPI.hideMenu("bookmarks"); ise(bookmarksMenuButton.open, false, "Menu should be closed after hideMenu()"); done(); }, ];