%filter substitution %define panel_dark_color #41464C %define panel_dark_background url(chrome://browser/skin/images/panel-dark.png) %define panel_light_color #F1F1F1 %define field_sizing 30px %define field_foreground_color #000000 %define field_disabled_foreground_color #999999 %define field_mid_foreground_color #bababa %define field_background_color #FFFFFF %define border_color #BFC6CE %define selected_color #FF8000 %define urlbar_border_color #BFC6CC %define urlbar_edit_height 36px %define toolbar_vertical_spacing 5px %define toolbar_horizontal_spacing 17px %define toolbar_horizontal_padding 21px %define toolbar_snapped_horizontal_padding 10px %define toolbar_snapped_horizontal_spacing 10px % XXX Per UX mockups, this should be 68px, but we need to make this % one pixel higher to reduce button clipping until bug 905453 is resolved %define toolbar_height 69px %define labelled_toolbar_height 90px %define tabs_height 178px %define findbar_height 54px %define progress_height 5px %define metro_orange #FF8000 %define thumbnail_width 232px %define thumbnail_height 148px %define grid_column_width 131px %define grid_double_column_width 262px %define grid_row_height 86px %define grid_double_row_height 172px %define grid_search_width 86px %define compactgrid_column_width 62px %define compactgrid_row_height 62px %define tile_border_color #dbdcde %define tile_spacing 12px %define tile_side_margin 6px %define scroller_thickness 4px %define scroller_minimum 8px %define metro_spacing_xsmall 3px %define metro_spacing_small 5px %define metro_spacing_snormal 10px %define metro_spacing_normal 15px %define metro_spacing_xnormal 20px %define metro_spacing_xxnormal 25px %define metro_spacing_xxxnormal 30px %define metro_spacing_large 40px %define metro_border_thin 1px %define metro_border_thick 2px %define metro_border_xthick 4px %define metro_font_snormal 14px %define metro_font_normal 15px %define metro_font_large 25px %define metro_font_xlarge 35px %define metro_font_xxlarge 45px %define font_normal 16px %define font_snormal 15px %define font_small 12px %define font_xsmall 11px %define touch_row 47px %define touch_button_small 37px %define touch_action_minwidth 133px %define touch_action_snapped_minwidth 80px %define margin_large 16px %define margin_xnormal 7px %define margin_normal 5px %define padding_xxnormal 8px %define padding_xnormal 7px %define padding_normal 5px %define border_width_large 2px %define border_width_small 1px %define border_width_tiny 1px %define border_radius_normal 5px %define border_radius_tiny 1px %define shadow_width_small 1px % easing function and duration for animations match winJS showPanel method %define metro_animation_duration 550ms %define metro_animation_easing cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1) % this is meant to be slower than the system keyboard such % that the bars slide up after the keyboard is in place. %define appbar_keyboard_slideup_duration 750ms % minimum resolution cutoffs for displaying 1.4x and 1.8x versions of icons % XXX currently, there's some weirdness with the dppx unit, as documented in % bug 895277. Because of that, we have to use 1.39dppx instead of 1.4dppx. %define min_res_140pc 1.39dppx %define min_res_180pc 1.8dppx