#!/usr/bin/env python # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # import os import sys import tempfile from subprocess import call from shutil import rmtree import logging import unittest def banner(): """ Display interpreter and system info for the test env """ print '*' * 75 cmd = os.path.basename(__file__) print "%s: python version is %s" % (cmd, sys.version) print '*' * 75 def myopts(vals): """ Storage for extra command line args passed. Returns: hash - argparse::Namespace object values """ if not hasattr(myopts, 'vals'): if 'argparse' in sys.modules: tmp = { } # key existance enables unittest module debug else: tmp = { 'debug': False, 'verbose': False } for k in dir(vals): if k[0:1] == '_': continue tmp[k] = getattr(vals, k) myopts.vals = tmp return myopts.vals def path2posix(src): """ Normalize directory path syntax Keyword arguments: src - path to normalize Returns: scalar - a file path with drive separators and windows slashes removed Todo: move to {build,config,tools,toolkit}/python for use in a library """ ## (drive, tail) = os.path.splitdrive(src) ## Support path testing on all platforms drive = '' winpath = src.find(':') if -1 != winpath and 10 > winpath: (drive, tail) = src.split(':', 2) if drive: todo = [ '', drive.rstrip(':').lstrip('/').lstrip('\\') ] todo.extend( tail.lstrip('/').lstrip('\\').split('\\') ) # c:\a => [a] else: # os.name == 'posix' todo = src.split('\\') dst = '/'.join(todo) return dst def checkMkdir(work, debug=False): """ Verify arg permutations for directory mutex creation. Keyword arguments: None Returns: Exception on error Note: Exception() rather than self.assertTrue() is used in this test function to enable scatch cleanup on test exit/failure conditions. Not guaranteed by python closures on early exit. """ logging.debug("Testing: checkMkdir") if False: path = os.path.abspath(__file__).split(os.sep) else: path = path2posix(os.path.abspath(__file__)).split('/') root = os.path.join(os.sep, *path[:-5]) src = os.path.join(os.sep, *path[:-1]) rootP = path2posix(root) srcP = path2posix(src) workP = path2posix(work) # C:\foo -vs- /c/foo # [0] command paths use /c/foo # [1] os.path.exists() on mingw() requires C:\ paths = [ [ # function generated "%s/mkdir_bycall" % (workP), "%s/mkdir_bycall" % (work), ], [ # explicit dependency "%s/mkdir_bydep" % (workP), "%s/mkdir_bydep" % (work), ], [ # by GENERATED_DIRS macro "%s/mkdir_bygen" % (workP), "%s/mkdir_bygen" % (work), ] ] ## Use make from the parent "make check" call when available cmd = { 'make': 'make' } shell0 = os.environ.get('MAKECMD') if shell0: shell = os.path.splitext(shell0)[0] # strip: .exe, .py if -1 != shell.find('make'): print "MAKE COMMAND FOUND: %s" % (shell0) cmd['make'] = path2posix(shell0) args = [] args.append('%s' % (cmd['make'])) args.append('-C %s' % (workP)) args.append("-f %s/testor.tmpl" % (srcP)) args.append('topsrcdir=%s' % (rootP)) args.append('deps_mkdir_bycall=%s' % paths[0][0]) args.append('deps_mkdir_bydep=%s' % paths[1][0]) args.append('deps_mkdir_bygen=%s' % paths[2][0]) args.append('checkup') # target # Call will fail on mingw with output redirected ?!? if debug: pass if False: # if not debug: args.append('>/dev/null') cmd = '%s' % (' '.join(args)) logging.debug("Running: %s" % (cmd)) rc = call(cmd, shell=True) if rc: raise Exception("make failed ($?=%s): cmd=%s" % (rc, cmd)) for i in paths: logging.debug("Did testing mkdir(%s) succeed?" % (i[1])) if not os.path.exists(i[1]): raise Exception("Test path %s does not exist" % (i[1])) def parseargs(): """ Support additional command line arguments for testing Returns: hash - arguments of interested parsed from the command line """ opts = None try: import argparse2 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--debug', action="store_true", default=False, help='Enable debug mode') # Cannot overload verbose, Verbose: False enables debugging parser.add_argument('--verbose', action="store_true", default=False, help='Enable verbose mode') parser.add_argument('unittest_args', nargs='*' # help='Slurp/pass remaining args to unittest' ) opts = parser.parse_args() except ImportError: pass return opts class TestMakeLogic(unittest.TestCase): """ Test suite used to validate makefile library rules and macros """ def setUp(self): opts = myopts(None) # NameSpace object not hash self.debug = opts['debug'] self.verbose = opts['verbose'] if self.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if self.verbose: print print "ENVIRONMENT DUMP:" print '=' * 75 for k,v in os.environ.items(): print "env{%s} => %s" % (k, v) print def test_path2posix(self): todo = { '/dev/null' : '/dev/null', 'A:\\a\\b\\c' : '/A/a/b/c', 'B:/x/y' : '/B/x/y', 'C:/x\\y/z' : '/C/x/y/z', '//FOO/bar/tans': '//FOO/bar/tans', '//X\\a/b\\c/d' : '//X/a/b/c/d', '\\c:mozilla\\sandbox': '/c/mozilla/sandbox', } for val,exp in todo.items(): found = path2posix(val) tst = "posix2path(%s): %s != %s)" % (val, exp, found) self.assertEqual(exp, found, "%s: invalid path detected" % (tst)) def test_mkdir(self): """ Verify directory creation rules and macros """ failed = True # Exception handling is used to cleanup scratch space on error try: work = tempfile.mkdtemp() checkMkdir(work, self.debug) failed = False finally: if os.path.exists(work): rmtree(work) self.assertFalse(failed, "Unit test failure detected") if __name__ == '__main__': banner() opts = parseargs() myopts(opts) if opts: if hasattr(opts, 'unittest_args'): sys.argv[1:] = opts.unittest_args else: sys.argv[1:] = [] unittest.main()