/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * The ElementManager manages DOM references and interactions with elements. * According to the WebDriver spec (http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol), the * server sends the client an element reference, and maintains the map of reference to element. * The client uses this reference when querying/interacting with the element, and the * server uses maps this reference to the actual element when it executes the command. */ let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ElementManager", "CLASS_NAME", "SELECTOR", "ID", "NAME", "LINK_TEXT", "PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT", "TAG", "XPATH"]; let uuidGen = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIUUIDGenerator); let CLASS_NAME = "class name"; let SELECTOR = "css selector"; let ID = "id"; let NAME = "name"; let LINK_TEXT = "link text"; let PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT = "partial link text"; let TAG = "tag name"; let XPATH = "xpath"; function ElementException(msg, num, stack) { this.message = msg; this.num = num; this.stack = stack; } /* NOTE: Bug 736592 has been created to replace seenItems with a weakRef map */ function ElementManager(notSupported) { this.searchTimeout = 0; this.seenItems = {}; this.timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITimer); this.elementStrategies = [CLASS_NAME, SELECTOR, ID, NAME, LINK_TEXT, PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, TAG, XPATH]; for (let i = 0; i < notSupported.length; i++) { this.elementStrategies.splice(this.elementStrategies.indexOf(notSupported[i]), 1); } } ElementManager.prototype = { /** * Reset values */ reset: function EM_clear() { this.searchTimeout = 0; this.seenItems = {}; }, /** * Add element to list of seen elements * * @param nsIDOMElement element * The element to add * * @return string * Returns the server-assigned reference ID */ addToKnownElements: function EM_addToKnownElements(element) { for (let i in this.seenItems) { if (this.seenItems[i] == element) { return i; } } var id = uuidGen.generateUUID().toString(); this.seenItems[id] = element; return id; }, /** * Retrieve element from its unique ID * * @param String id * The DOM reference ID * @param nsIDOMWindow win * The window that contains the element * * @returns nsIDOMElement * Returns the element or throws Exception if not found */ getKnownElement: function EM_getKnownElement(id, win) { let el = this.seenItems[id]; if (!el) { throw new ElementException("Element has not been seen before", 17, null); } el = el; if (!(el.ownerDocument == win.document)) { throw new ElementException("Stale element reference", 10, null); } return el; }, /** * Convert values to primitives that can be transported over the Marionette * JSON protocol. * * @param object val * object to be wrapped * * @return object * Returns a JSON primitive or Object */ wrapValue: function EM_wrapValue(val) { let result; switch(typeof(val)) { case "undefined": result = null; break; case "string": case "number": case "boolean": result = val; break; case "object": if (Object.prototype.toString.call(val) == '[object Array]') { result = []; for (let i in val) { result.push(this.wrapValue(val[i])); } } else if (val == null) { result = null; } else if (val.nodeType == 1) { for(let i in this.seenItems) { if (this.seenItems[i] == val) { result = {'ELEMENT': i}; } } result = {'ELEMENT': this.addToKnownElements(val)}; } else { result = {}; for (let prop in val) { result[prop] = this.wrapValue(val[prop]); } } break; } return result; }, /** * Convert any ELEMENT references in 'args' to the actual elements * * @param object args * Arguments passed in by client * @param nsIDOMWindow win * The window that contains the elements * * @returns object * Returns the objects passed in by the client, with the * reference IDs replaced by the actual elements. */ convertWrappedArguments: function EM_convertWrappedArguments(args, win) { let converted; switch (typeof(args)) { case 'number': case 'string': case 'boolean': converted = args; break; case 'object': if (args == null) { converted = null; } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(args) == '[object Array]') { converted = []; for (let i in args) { converted.push(this.convertWrappedArguments(args[i], win)); } } else if (typeof(args['ELEMENT'] === 'string') && args.hasOwnProperty('ELEMENT')) { converted = this.getKnownElement(args['ELEMENT'], win); if (converted == null) throw new ElementException("Unknown element: " + args['ELEMENT'], 500, null); } else { converted = {}; for (let prop in args) { converted[prop] = this.convertWrappedArguments(args[prop], win); } } break; } return converted; }, /* * Execute* helpers */ /** * Return an object with any namedArgs applied to it. Used * to let clients use given names when refering to arguments * in execute calls, instead of using the arguments list. * * @param object args * list of arguments being passed in * * @return object * If '__marionetteArgs' is in args, then * it will return an object with these arguments * as its members. */ applyNamedArgs: function EM_applyNamedArgs(args) { namedArgs = {}; args.forEach(function(arg) { if (typeof(arg['__marionetteArgs']) === 'object') { for (let prop in arg['__marionetteArgs']) { namedArgs[prop] = arg['__marionetteArgs'][prop]; } } }); return namedArgs; }, /** * Find an element or elements starting at the document root or * given node, using the given search strategy. Search * will continue until the search timelimit has been reached. * * @param nsIDOMWindow win * The window to search in * @param object values * The 'using' member of values will tell us which search * method to use. The 'value' member tells us the value we * are looking for. * If this object has an 'element' member, this will be used * as the start node instead of the document root * If this object has a 'time' member, this number will be * used to see if we have hit the search timelimit. * @param function notify * The notification callback used when we are returning * @param boolean all * If true, all found elements will be returned. * If false, only the first element will be returned. * * @return nsIDOMElement or list of nsIDOMElements * Returns the element(s) by calling the notify function. */ find: function EM_find(win, values, notify, all) { let startTime = values.time ? values.time : new Date().getTime(); let startNode = (values.element != undefined) ? this.getKnownElement(values.element, win) : win.document; if (this.elementStrategies.indexOf(values.using) < 0) { throw new ElementException("No such strategy.", 17, null); } let found = all ? this.findElements(values.using, values.value, win.document, startNode) : this.findElement(values.using, values.value, win.document, startNode); if (found) { let type = Object.prototype.toString.call(found); if ((type == '[object Array]') || (type == '[object HTMLCollection]')) { let ids = [] for (let i = 0 ; i < found.length ; i++) { ids.push(this.addToKnownElements(found[i])); } notify(ids); } else { let id = this.addToKnownElements(found); notify(id); } return; } else { if (this.searchTimeout == 0 || new Date().getTime() - startTime > this.searchTimeout) { throw new ElementException("Unable to locate element: " + values.value, 7, null); } else { values.time = startTime; this.timer.initWithCallback(this.find.bind(this, win, values, notify, all), 100, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } } }, /** * Find a value by XPATH * * @param nsIDOMElement root * Document root * @param string value * XPATH search string * @param nsIDOMElement node * start node * * @return nsIDOMElement * returns the found element */ findByXPath: function EM_findByXPath(root, value, node) { return root.evaluate(value, node, null, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; }, /** * Find values by XPATH * * @param nsIDOMElement root * Document root * @param string value * XPATH search string * @param nsIDOMElement node * start node * * @return object * returns a list of found nsIDOMElements */ findByXPathAll: function EM_findByXPathAll(root, value, node) { let values = root.evaluate(value, node, null, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); let elements = []; let element = values.iterateNext(); while (element) { elements.push(element); element = values.iterateNext(); } return elements; }, /** * Helper method to find. Finds one element using find's criteria * * @param string using * String identifying which search method to use * @param string value * Value to look for * @param nsIDOMElement rootNode * Document root * @param nsIDOMElement startNode * Node from which we start searching * * @return nsIDOMElement * Returns found element or throws Exception if not found */ findElement: function EM_findElement(using, value, rootNode, startNode) { let element; switch (using) { case ID: element = startNode.getElementById ? startNode.getElementById(value) : this.findByXPath(rootNode, './/*[@id="' + value + '"]', startNode); break; case NAME: element = startNode.getElementsByName ? startNode.getElementsByName(value)[0] : this.findByXPath(rootNode, './/*[@name="' + value + '"]', startNode); break; case CLASS_NAME: element = startNode.getElementsByClassName(value)[0]; //works for >=FF3 break; case TAG: element = startNode.getElementsByTagName(value)[0]; //works for all elements break; case XPATH: element = this.findByXPath(rootNode, value, startNode); break; case LINK_TEXT: case PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT: let allLinks = startNode.getElementsByTagName('A'); for (let i = 0; i < allLinks.length && !element; i++) { let text = allLinks[i].text; if (PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT == using) { if (text.indexOf(value) != -1) { element = allLinks[i]; } } else if (text == value) { element = allLinks[i]; } } break; case SELECTOR: element = startNode.querySelector(value); break; default: throw new ElementException("No such strategy", 500, null); } return element; }, /** * Helper method to find. Finds all element using find's criteria * * @param string using * String identifying which search method to use * @param string value * Value to look for * @param nsIDOMElement rootNode * Document root * @param nsIDOMElement startNode * Node from which we start searching * * @return nsIDOMElement * Returns found elements or throws Exception if not found */ findElements: function EM_findElements(using, value, rootNode, startNode) { let elements = []; switch (using) { case ID: value = './/*[@id="' + value + '"]'; case XPATH: elements = this.findByXPathAll(rootNode, value, startNode); break; case NAME: elements = startNode.getElementsByName ? startNode.getElementsByName(value) : this.findByXPathAll(rootNode, './/*[@name="' + value + '"]', startNode); break; case CLASS_NAME: elements = startNode.getElementsByClassName(value); break; case TAG: elements = startNode.getElementsByTagName(value); break; case LINK_TEXT: case PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT: let allLinks = rootNode.getElementsByTagName('A'); for (let i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++) { let text = allLinks[i].text; if (PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT == using) { if (text.indexOf(value) != -1) { elements.push(allLinks[i]); } } else if (text == value) { elements.push(allLinks[i]); } } break; case SELECTOR: elements = Array.slice(rootNode.querySelectorAll(value)); break; default: throw new ElementException("No such strategy", 500, null); } return elements; }, /** * Sets the timeout for searching for elements with find element * * @param number value * Timeout value in milliseconds */ setSearchTimeout: function EM_setSearchTimeout(value) { this.searchTimeout = parseInt(value); if(isNaN(this.searchTimeout)){ throw new ElementException("Not a Number", 500, null); } }, }