################################################################################ # Modified versions of macros provided by NSIS !ifndef OVERRIDES_INCLUDED !define OVERRIDES_INCLUDED ; When including a file check if its verbose macro is defined to prevent ; loading the file a second time. !ifmacrondef TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE !include TextFunc.nsh !endif !ifmacrondef FILEFUNC_VERBOSE !include FileFunc.nsh !endif ; Modified version of Locate from the NSIS File Functions Header v3.4 ; This version has the calls to SetDetailsPrint and DetailsPrint commented out. ; See /include/FileFunc.nsh for more information !macro LocateNoDetails !ifndef ${_FILEFUNC_UN}LocateNoDetails !verbose push !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} !define ${_FILEFUNC_UN}LocateNoDetails `!insertmacro ${_FILEFUNC_UN}LocateNoDetailsCall` Function ${_FILEFUNC_UN}LocateNoDetails Exch $2 Exch Exch $1 Exch Exch 2 Exch $0 Exch 2 Push $3 Push $4 Push $5 Push $6 Push $7 Push $8 Push $9 Push $R6 Push $R7 Push $R8 Push $R9 ClearErrors StrCpy $3 '' StrCpy $4 '' StrCpy $5 '' StrCpy $6 '' StrCpy $7 '' StrCpy $8 0 StrCpy $R7 '' StrCpy $R9 $0 1 -1 StrCmp $R9 '\' 0 +3 StrCpy $0 $0 -1 goto -3 IfFileExists '$0\*.*' 0 error option: StrCpy $R9 $1 1 StrCpy $1 $1 '' 1 StrCmp $R9 ' ' -2 StrCmp $R9 '' sizeset StrCmp $R9 '/' 0 -4 StrCpy $9 -1 IntOp $9 $9 + 1 StrCpy $R9 $1 1 $9 StrCmp $R9 '' +2 StrCmp $R9 '/' 0 -3 StrCpy $R8 $1 $9 StrCpy $R8 $R8 '' 2 StrCpy $R9 $R8 '' -1 StrCmp $R9 ' ' 0 +3 StrCpy $R8 $R8 -1 goto -3 StrCpy $R9 $1 2 StrCpy $1 $1 '' $9 StrCmp $R9 'L=' 0 mask StrCpy $3 $R8 StrCmp $3 '' +6 StrCmp $3 'FD' +5 StrCmp $3 'F' +4 StrCmp $3 'D' +3 StrCmp $3 'DE' +2 StrCmp $3 'FDE' 0 error goto option mask: StrCmp $R9 'M=' 0 size StrCpy $4 $R8 goto option size: StrCmp $R9 'S=' 0 gotosubdir StrCpy $6 $R8 goto option gotosubdir: StrCmp $R9 'G=' 0 banner StrCpy $7 $R8 StrCmp $7 '' +3 StrCmp $7 '1' +2 StrCmp $7 '0' 0 error goto option banner: StrCmp $R9 'B=' 0 error StrCpy $R7 $R8 StrCmp $R7 '' +3 StrCmp $R7 '1' +2 StrCmp $R7 '0' 0 error goto option sizeset: StrCmp $6 '' default StrCpy $9 0 StrCpy $R9 $6 1 $9 StrCmp $R9 '' +4 StrCmp $R9 ':' +3 IntOp $9 $9 + 1 goto -4 StrCpy $5 $6 $9 IntOp $9 $9 + 1 StrCpy $1 $6 1 -1 StrCpy $6 $6 -1 $9 StrCmp $5 '' +2 IntOp $5 $5 + 0 StrCmp $6 '' +2 IntOp $6 $6 + 0 StrCmp $1 'B' 0 +3 StrCpy $1 1 goto default StrCmp $1 'K' 0 +3 StrCpy $1 1024 goto default StrCmp $1 'M' 0 +3 StrCpy $1 1048576 goto default StrCmp $1 'G' 0 error StrCpy $1 1073741824 default: StrCmp $3 '' 0 +2 StrCpy $3 'FD' StrCmp $4 '' 0 +2 StrCpy $4 '*.*' StrCmp $7 '' 0 +2 StrCpy $7 '1' StrCmp $R7 '' 0 +2 StrCpy $R7 '0' StrCpy $7 'G$7B$R7' StrCpy $8 1 Push $0 ; SetDetailsPrint textonly nextdir: IntOp $8 $8 - 1 Pop $R8 StrCpy $9 $7 2 2 StrCmp $9 'B0' +3 GetLabelAddress $9 findfirst goto call ; DetailPrint 'Search in: $R8' findfirst: FindFirst $0 $R7 '$R8\$4' IfErrors subdir StrCmp $R7 '.' 0 dir FindNext $0 $R7 StrCmp $R7 '..' 0 dir FindNext $0 $R7 IfErrors 0 dir FindClose $0 goto subdir dir: IfFileExists '$R8\$R7\*.*' 0 file StrCpy $R6 '' StrCmp $3 'DE' +4 StrCmp $3 'FDE' +3 StrCmp $3 'FD' precall StrCmp $3 'F' findnext precall FindFirst $9 $R9 '$R8\$R7\*.*' StrCmp $R9 '.' 0 +4 FindNext $9 $R9 StrCmp $R9 '..' 0 +2 FindNext $9 $R9 FindClose $9 IfErrors precall findnext file: StrCmp $3 'FDE' +3 StrCmp $3 'FD' +2 StrCmp $3 'F' 0 findnext StrCpy $R6 0 StrCmp $5$6 '' precall FileOpen $9 '$R8\$R7' r IfErrors +3 FileSeek $9 0 END $R6 FileClose $9 System::Int64Op $R6 / $1 Pop $R6 StrCmp $5 '' +2 IntCmp $R6 $5 0 findnext StrCmp $6 '' +2 IntCmp $R6 $6 0 0 findnext precall: StrCpy $9 0 StrCpy $R9 '$R8\$R7' call: Push $0 Push $1 Push $2 Push $3 Push $4 Push $5 Push $6 Push $7 Push $8 Push $9 Push $R7 Push $R8 StrCmp $9 0 +4 StrCpy $R6 '' StrCpy $R7 '' StrCpy $R9 '' Call $2 Pop $R9 Pop $R8 Pop $R7 Pop $9 Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 IfErrors 0 +3 FindClose $0 goto error StrCmp $R9 'StopLocate' 0 +3 FindClose $0 goto clearstack goto $9 findnext: FindNext $0 $R7 IfErrors 0 dir FindClose $0 subdir: StrCpy $9 $7 2 StrCmp $9 'G0' end FindFirst $0 $R7 '$R8\*.*' StrCmp $R7 '.' 0 pushdir FindNext $0 $R7 StrCmp $R7 '..' 0 pushdir FindNext $0 $R7 IfErrors 0 pushdir FindClose $0 StrCmp $8 0 end nextdir pushdir: IfFileExists '$R8\$R7\*.*' 0 +3 Push '$R8\$R7' IntOp $8 $8 + 1 FindNext $0 $R7 IfErrors 0 pushdir FindClose $0 StrCmp $8 0 end nextdir error: SetErrors clearstack: StrCmp $8 0 end IntOp $8 $8 - 1 Pop $R8 goto clearstack end: ; SetDetailsPrint both Pop $R9 Pop $R8 Pop $R7 Pop $R6 Pop $9 Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd !verbose pop !endif !macroend !macro LocateNoDetailsCall _PATH _OPTIONS _FUNC !verbose push !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} Push $0 Push `${_PATH}` Push `${_OPTIONS}` GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` Push `$0` Call LocateNoDetails Pop $0 !verbose pop !macroend !macro un.LocateNoDetailsCall _PATH _OPTIONS _FUNC !verbose push !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} Push $0 Push `${_PATH}` Push `${_OPTIONS}` GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` Push `$0` Call un.LocateNoDetails Pop $0 !verbose pop !macroend !macro un.LocateNoDetails !ifndef un.LocateNoDetails !verbose push !verbose ${_FILEFUNC_VERBOSE} !undef _FILEFUNC_UN !define _FILEFUNC_UN `un.` !insertmacro LocateNoDetails !undef _FILEFUNC_UN !define _FILEFUNC_UN !verbose pop !endif !macroend ; Modified version of TextCompare from the NSIS Text Functions Header v2.4 ; This version has the calls to SetDetailsPrint and DetailsPrint commented out. ; See /include/TextFunc.nsh for more information !macro TextCompareNoDetails !ifndef ${_TEXTFUNC_UN}TextCompareNoDetails${_TEXTFUNC_S} !verbose push !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} !define ${_TEXTFUNC_UN}TextCompareNoDetails${_TEXTFUNC_S} `!insertmacro ${_TEXTFUNC_UN}TextCompareNoDetails${_TEXTFUNC_S}Call` Function ${_TEXTFUNC_UN}TextCompareNoDetails${_TEXTFUNC_S} Exch $3 Exch Exch $2 Exch Exch 2 Exch $1 Exch 2 Exch 3 Exch $0 Exch 3 Push $4 Push $5 Push $6 Push $7 Push $8 Push $9 ClearErrors IfFileExists $0 0 error IfFileExists $1 0 error StrCmp $2 'FastDiff' +5 StrCmp $2 'FastEqual' +4 StrCmp $2 'SlowDiff' +3 StrCmp $2 'SlowEqual' +2 goto error FileOpen $4 $0 r IfErrors error FileOpen $5 $1 r IfErrors error ; SetDetailsPrint textonly StrCpy $6 0 StrCpy $8 0 nextline: StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '' fast IntOp $8 $8 + 1 FileRead $4 $9 IfErrors 0 +4 FileClose $4 StrCpy $4 '' StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $5 '' end StrCmp $2 'FastDiff' fast StrCmp $2 'FastEqual' fast slow fast: StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $5 '' call IntOp $6 $6 + 1 FileRead $5 $7 IfErrors 0 +5 FileClose $5 StrCpy $5 '' StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '' end StrCmp $2 'FastDiff' call close StrCmp $2 'FastDiff' 0 +2 StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $7 $9 nextline call StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $7 $9 call nextline slow: StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $4 '' close StrCpy $6 '' ; DetailPrint '$8. $9' FileSeek $5 0 slownext: FileRead $5 $7 IfErrors 0 +2 StrCmp $2 'SlowDiff' call nextline StrCmp $2 'SlowDiff' 0 +2 StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $7 $9 nextline slownext IntOp $6 $6 + 1 StrCmp${_TEXTFUNC_S} $7 $9 0 slownext call: Push $2 Push $3 Push $4 Push $5 Push $6 Push $7 Push $8 Push $9 Call $3 Pop $0 Pop $9 Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 StrCmp $0 'StopTextCompare' 0 nextline close: FileClose $4 FileClose $5 goto end error: SetErrors end: ; SetDetailsPrint both Pop $9 Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd !verbose pop !endif !macroend !macro TextCompareNoDetailsS !ifndef TextCompareNoDetailsS !verbose push !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} !undef _TEXTFUNC_S !define _TEXTFUNC_S `S` !insertmacro TextCompareNoDetails !undef _TEXTFUNC_S !define _TEXTFUNC_S !verbose pop !endif !macroend !macro TextCompareNoDetailsCall _FILE1 _FILE2 _OPTION _FUNC !verbose push !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} Push $0 Push `${_FILE1}` Push `${_FILE2}` Push `${_OPTION}` GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` Push `$0` Call TextCompareNoDetails Pop $0 !verbose pop !macroend !macro TextCompareNoDetailsSCall _FILE1 _FILE2 _OPTION _FUNC !verbose push !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} Push $0 Push `${_FILE1}` Push `${_FILE2}` Push `${_OPTION}` GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` Push `$0` Call TextCompareNoDetailsS Pop $0 !verbose pop !macroend !macro un.TextCompareNoDetailsCall _FILE1 _FILE2 _OPTION _FUNC !verbose push !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} Push $0 Push `${_FILE1}` Push `${_FILE2}` Push `${_OPTION}` GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` Push `$0` Call un.TextCompareNoDetails Pop $0 !verbose pop !macroend !macro un.TextCompareNoDetailsSCall _FILE1 _FILE2 _OPTION _FUNC !verbose push !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} Push $0 Push `${_FILE1}` Push `${_FILE2}` Push `${_OPTION}` GetFunctionAddress $0 `${_FUNC}` Push `$0` Call un.TextCompareNoDetailsS Pop $0 !verbose pop !macroend !macro un.TextCompareNoDetails !ifndef un.TextCompareNoDetails !verbose push !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} !undef _TEXTFUNC_UN !define _TEXTFUNC_UN `un.` !insertmacro TextCompareNoDetails !undef _TEXTFUNC_UN !define _TEXTFUNC_UN !verbose pop !endif !macroend !macro un.TextCompareNoDetailsS !ifndef un.TextCompareNoDetailsS !verbose push !verbose ${_TEXTFUNC_VERBOSE} !undef _TEXTFUNC_UN !define _TEXTFUNC_UN `un.` !undef _TEXTFUNC_S !define _TEXTFUNC_S `S` !insertmacro TextCompareNoDetails !undef _TEXTFUNC_UN !define _TEXTFUNC_UN !undef _TEXTFUNC_S !define _TEXTFUNC_S !verbose pop !endif !macroend !endif