/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* * Base class for DOM Core's nsIDOMComment, nsIDOMDocumentType, nsIDOMText, * nsIDOMCDATASection, and nsIDOMProcessingInstruction nodes. */ #include "nsGenericDOMDataNode.h" #include "nsGenericElement.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsEventListenerManager.h" #include "nsIDOMDocument.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "nsMutationEvent.h" #include "nsINameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsIPrivateDOMEvent.h" #include "nsIDOMEvent.h" #include "nsIDOMText.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsDOMString.h" #include "nsIDOMUserDataHandler.h" #include "nsChangeHint.h" #include "nsEventDispatcher.h" #include "nsCOMArray.h" #include "nsNodeUtils.h" #include "nsBindingManager.h" #include "nsCCUncollectableMarker.h" #include "mozAutoDocUpdate.h" #include "nsAsyncDOMEvent.h" #include "pldhash.h" #include "prprf.h" #include "nsWrapperCacheInlines.h" using namespace mozilla; nsGenericDOMDataNode::nsGenericDOMDataNode(already_AddRefed aNodeInfo) : nsIContent(aNodeInfo) { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mNodeInfo->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE || mNodeInfo->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE || mNodeInfo->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::COMMENT_NODE || mNodeInfo->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE || mNodeInfo->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, "Bad NodeType in aNodeInfo"); } nsGenericDOMDataNode::~nsGenericDOMDataNode() { NS_PRECONDITION(!IsInDoc(), "Please remove this from the document properly"); if (GetParent()) { NS_RELEASE(mParent); } } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(nsGenericDOMDataNode) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_BEGIN(nsGenericDOMDataNode) nsINode::Trace(tmp, aCallback, aClosure); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_BEGIN(nsGenericDOMDataNode) return nsGenericElement::CanSkip(tmp, aRemovingAllowed); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_IN_CC_BEGIN(nsGenericDOMDataNode) return nsGenericElement::CanSkipInCC(tmp); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_IN_CC_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_THIS_BEGIN(nsGenericDOMDataNode) return nsGenericElement::CanSkipThis(tmp); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CAN_SKIP_THIS_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_BEGIN(nsGenericDOMDataNode) // Always need to traverse script objects, so do that before we check // if we're uncollectable. NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_SCRIPT_OBJECTS if (!nsINode::Traverse(tmp, cb)) { return NS_SUCCESS_INTERRUPTED_TRAVERSE; } tmp->OwnerDoc()->BindingManager()->Traverse(tmp, cb); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_BEGIN(nsGenericDOMDataNode) nsINode::Unlink(tmp); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_END NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsGenericDOMDataNode) NS_WRAPPERCACHE_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRIES_CYCLE_COLLECTION(nsGenericDOMDataNode) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIContent) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsINode) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMEventTarget) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_TEAROFF(nsISupportsWeakReference, new nsNodeSupportsWeakRefTearoff(this)) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_TEAROFF(nsIDOMXPathNSResolver, new nsNode3Tearoff(this)) // nsNodeSH::PreCreate() depends on the identity pointer being the // same as nsINode (which nsIContent inherits), so if you change the // below line, make sure nsNodeSH::PreCreate() still does the right // thing! NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIContent) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(nsGenericDOMDataNode) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE_WITH_DESTROY(nsGenericDOMDataNode, nsNodeUtils::LastRelease(this)) nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetNodeValue(nsAString& aNodeValue) { return GetData(aNodeValue); } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetNodeValue(const nsAString& aNodeValue) { return SetTextInternal(0, mText.GetLength(), aNodeValue.BeginReading(), aNodeValue.Length(), true); } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetNamespaceURI(nsAString& aNamespaceURI) { SetDOMStringToNull(aNamespaceURI); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetPrefix(nsAString& aPrefix) { SetDOMStringToNull(aPrefix); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::IsSupported(const nsAString& aFeature, const nsAString& aVersion, bool* aReturn) { return nsGenericElement::InternalIsSupported(static_cast(this), aFeature, aVersion, aReturn); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of nsIDOMCharacterData nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetData(nsAString& aData) const { if (mText.Is2b()) { aData.Assign(mText.Get2b(), mText.GetLength()); } else { // Must use Substring() since nsDependentCString() requires null // terminated strings. const char *data = mText.Get1b(); if (data) { CopyASCIItoUTF16(Substring(data, data + mText.GetLength()), aData); } else { aData.Truncate(); } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetData(const nsAString& aData) { return SetTextInternal(0, mText.GetLength(), aData.BeginReading(), aData.Length(), true); } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetLength(PRUint32* aLength) { *aLength = mText.GetLength(); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::SubstringData(PRUint32 aStart, PRUint32 aCount, nsAString& aReturn) { aReturn.Truncate(); PRUint32 textLength = mText.GetLength(); if (aStart > textLength) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR; } PRUint32 amount = aCount; if (amount > textLength - aStart) { amount = textLength - aStart; } if (mText.Is2b()) { aReturn.Assign(mText.Get2b() + aStart, amount); } else { // Must use Substring() since nsDependentCString() requires null // terminated strings. const char *data = mText.Get1b() + aStart; CopyASCIItoUTF16(Substring(data, data + amount), aReturn); } return NS_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::AppendData(const nsAString& aData) { return SetTextInternal(mText.GetLength(), 0, aData.BeginReading(), aData.Length(), true); } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::InsertData(PRUint32 aOffset, const nsAString& aData) { return SetTextInternal(aOffset, 0, aData.BeginReading(), aData.Length(), true); } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::DeleteData(PRUint32 aOffset, PRUint32 aCount) { return SetTextInternal(aOffset, aCount, nsnull, 0, true); } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::ReplaceData(PRUint32 aOffset, PRUint32 aCount, const nsAString& aData) { return SetTextInternal(aOffset, aCount, aData.BeginReading(), aData.Length(), true); } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetTextInternal(PRUint32 aOffset, PRUint32 aCount, const PRUnichar* aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength, bool aNotify, CharacterDataChangeInfo::Details* aDetails) { NS_PRECONDITION(aBuffer || !aLength, "Null buffer passed to SetTextInternal!"); // sanitize arguments PRUint32 textLength = mText.GetLength(); if (aOffset > textLength) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR; } if (aCount > textLength - aOffset) { aCount = textLength - aOffset; } PRUint32 endOffset = aOffset + aCount; // Make sure the text fragment can hold the new data. if (aLength > aCount && !mText.CanGrowBy(aLength - aCount)) { // This exception isn't per spec, but the spec doesn't actually // say what to do here. return NS_ERROR_DOM_DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR; } nsIDocument *document = GetCurrentDoc(); mozAutoDocUpdate updateBatch(document, UPDATE_CONTENT_MODEL, aNotify); bool haveMutationListeners = aNotify && nsContentUtils::HasMutationListeners(this, NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_CHARACTERDATAMODIFIED, this); nsCOMPtr oldValue; if (haveMutationListeners) { oldValue = GetCurrentValueAtom(); } if (aNotify) { CharacterDataChangeInfo info = { aOffset == textLength, aOffset, endOffset, aLength, aDetails }; nsNodeUtils::CharacterDataWillChange(this, &info); } if (aOffset == 0 && endOffset == textLength) { // Replacing whole text or old text was empty. Don't bother to check for // bidi in this string if the document already has bidi enabled. mText.SetTo(aBuffer, aLength, !document || !document->GetBidiEnabled()); } else if (aOffset == textLength) { // Appending to existing mText.Append(aBuffer, aLength, !document || !document->GetBidiEnabled()); } else { // Merging old and new // Allocate new buffer PRInt32 newLength = textLength - aCount + aLength; PRUnichar* to = new PRUnichar[newLength]; NS_ENSURE_TRUE(to, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); // Copy over appropriate data if (aOffset) { mText.CopyTo(to, 0, aOffset); } if (aLength) { memcpy(to + aOffset, aBuffer, aLength * sizeof(PRUnichar)); } if (endOffset != textLength) { mText.CopyTo(to + aOffset + aLength, endOffset, textLength - endOffset); } // XXX Add OOM checking to this mText.SetTo(to, newLength, !document || !document->GetBidiEnabled()); delete [] to; } if (document && mText.IsBidi()) { // If we found bidi characters in mText.SetTo() above, indicate that the // document contains bidi characters. document->SetBidiEnabled(); } // Notify observers if (aNotify) { CharacterDataChangeInfo info = { aOffset == textLength, aOffset, endOffset, aLength, aDetails }; nsNodeUtils::CharacterDataChanged(this, &info); if (haveMutationListeners) { nsMutationEvent mutation(true, NS_MUTATION_CHARACTERDATAMODIFIED); mutation.mPrevAttrValue = oldValue; if (aLength > 0) { nsAutoString val; mText.AppendTo(val); mutation.mNewAttrValue = do_GetAtom(val); } mozAutoSubtreeModified subtree(OwnerDoc(), this); (new nsAsyncDOMEvent(this, mutation))->RunDOMEventWhenSafe(); } } return NS_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of nsIContent #ifdef DEBUG void nsGenericDOMDataNode::ToCString(nsAString& aBuf, PRInt32 aOffset, PRInt32 aLen) const { if (mText.Is2b()) { const PRUnichar* cp = mText.Get2b() + aOffset; const PRUnichar* end = cp + aLen; while (cp < end) { PRUnichar ch = *cp++; if (ch == '&') { aBuf.AppendLiteral("&"); } else if (ch == '<') { aBuf.AppendLiteral("<"); } else if (ch == '>') { aBuf.AppendLiteral(">"); } else if ((ch < ' ') || (ch >= 127)) { char buf[10]; PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\\u%04x", ch); AppendASCIItoUTF16(buf, aBuf); } else { aBuf.Append(ch); } } } else { unsigned char* cp = (unsigned char*)mText.Get1b() + aOffset; const unsigned char* end = cp + aLen; while (cp < end) { PRUnichar ch = *cp++; if (ch == '&') { aBuf.AppendLiteral("&"); } else if (ch == '<') { aBuf.AppendLiteral("<"); } else if (ch == '>') { aBuf.AppendLiteral(">"); } else if ((ch < ' ') || (ch >= 127)) { char buf[10]; PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\\u%04x", ch); AppendASCIItoUTF16(buf, aBuf); } else { aBuf.Append(ch); } } } } #endif nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::BindToTree(nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIContent* aParent, nsIContent* aBindingParent, bool aCompileEventHandlers) { NS_PRECONDITION(aParent || aDocument, "Must have document if no parent!"); NS_PRECONDITION(HasSameOwnerDoc(NODE_FROM(aParent, aDocument)), "Must have the same owner document"); NS_PRECONDITION(!aParent || aDocument == aParent->GetCurrentDoc(), "aDocument must be current doc of aParent"); NS_PRECONDITION(!GetCurrentDoc() && !IsInDoc(), "Already have a document. Unbind first!"); // Note that as we recurse into the kids, they'll have a non-null parent. So // only assert if our parent is _changing_ while we have a parent. NS_PRECONDITION(!GetParent() || aParent == GetParent(), "Already have a parent. Unbind first!"); NS_PRECONDITION(!GetBindingParent() || aBindingParent == GetBindingParent() || (!aBindingParent && aParent && aParent->GetBindingParent() == GetBindingParent()), "Already have a binding parent. Unbind first!"); NS_PRECONDITION(aBindingParent != this, "Content must not be its own binding parent"); NS_PRECONDITION(!IsRootOfNativeAnonymousSubtree() || aBindingParent == aParent, "Native anonymous content must have its parent as its " "own binding parent"); if (!aBindingParent && aParent) { aBindingParent = aParent->GetBindingParent(); } // First set the binding parent if (aBindingParent) { nsDataSlots *slots = GetDataSlots(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(slots, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); NS_ASSERTION(IsRootOfNativeAnonymousSubtree() || !HasFlag(NODE_IS_IN_ANONYMOUS_SUBTREE) || (aParent && aParent->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()), "Trying to re-bind content from native anonymous subtree to " "non-native anonymous parent!"); slots->mBindingParent = aBindingParent; // Weak, so no addref happens. if (aParent->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) { SetFlags(NODE_IS_IN_ANONYMOUS_SUBTREE); } } // Set parent if (aParent) { if (!GetParent()) { NS_ADDREF(aParent); } mParent = aParent; } else { mParent = aDocument; } SetParentIsContent(aParent); // XXXbz sXBL/XBL2 issue! // Set document if (aDocument) { // We no longer need to track the subtree pointer (and in fact we'll assert // if we do this any later). ClearSubtreeRootPointer(); // XXX See the comment in nsGenericElement::BindToTree SetInDocument(); if (mText.IsBidi()) { aDocument->SetBidiEnabled(); } // Clear the lazy frame construction bits. UnsetFlags(NODE_NEEDS_FRAME | NODE_DESCENDANTS_NEED_FRAMES); } else { // If we're not in the doc, update our subtree pointer. SetSubtreeRootPointer(aParent->SubtreeRoot()); } nsNodeUtils::ParentChainChanged(this); UpdateEditableState(false); NS_POSTCONDITION(aDocument == GetCurrentDoc(), "Bound to wrong document"); NS_POSTCONDITION(aParent == GetParent(), "Bound to wrong parent"); NS_POSTCONDITION(aBindingParent == GetBindingParent(), "Bound to wrong binding parent"); return NS_OK; } void nsGenericDOMDataNode::UnbindFromTree(bool aDeep, bool aNullParent) { // Unset frame flags; if we need them again later, they'll get set again. UnsetFlags(NS_CREATE_FRAME_IF_NON_WHITESPACE | NS_REFRAME_IF_WHITESPACE); nsIDocument *document = GetCurrentDoc(); if (document) { // Notify XBL- & nsIAnonymousContentCreator-generated // anonymous content that the document is changing. // This is needed to update the insertion point. document->BindingManager()->RemovedFromDocument(this, document); } if (aNullParent) { if (GetParent()) { NS_RELEASE(mParent); } else { mParent = nsnull; } SetParentIsContent(false); } ClearInDocument(); // Begin keeping track of our subtree root. SetSubtreeRootPointer(aNullParent ? this : mParent->SubtreeRoot()); nsDataSlots *slots = GetExistingDataSlots(); if (slots) { slots->mBindingParent = nsnull; } nsNodeUtils::ParentChainChanged(this); } already_AddRefed nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetChildren(PRUint32 aFilter) { return nsnull; } nsIAtom * nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetIDAttributeName() const { return nsnull; } already_AddRefed nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetExistingAttrNameFromQName(const nsAString& aStr) const { return nsnull; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetAttr(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom* aAttr, nsIAtom* aPrefix, const nsAString& aValue, bool aNotify) { return NS_OK; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::UnsetAttr(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom* aAttr, bool aNotify) { return NS_OK; } bool nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetAttr(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom *aAttr, nsAString& aResult) const { aResult.Truncate(); return false; } bool nsGenericDOMDataNode::HasAttr(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom *aAttribute) const { return false; } const nsAttrName* nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetAttrNameAt(PRUint32 aIndex) const { return nsnull; } PRUint32 nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetAttrCount() const { return 0; } PRUint32 nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetChildCount() const { return 0; } nsIContent * nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetChildAt(PRUint32 aIndex) const { return nsnull; } nsIContent * const * nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetChildArray(PRUint32* aChildCount) const { *aChildCount = 0; return nsnull; } PRInt32 nsGenericDOMDataNode::IndexOf(nsINode* aPossibleChild) const { return -1; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::InsertChildAt(nsIContent* aKid, PRUint32 aIndex, bool aNotify) { return NS_OK; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::RemoveChildAt(PRUint32 aIndex, bool aNotify) { return NS_OK; } nsIContent * nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetBindingParent() const { nsDataSlots *slots = GetExistingDataSlots(); return slots ? slots->mBindingParent : nsnull; } bool nsGenericDOMDataNode::IsNodeOfType(PRUint32 aFlags) const { return !(aFlags & ~(eCONTENT | eDATA_NODE)); } void nsGenericDOMDataNode::SaveSubtreeState() { } void nsGenericDOMDataNode::DestroyContent() { // XXX We really should let cycle collection do this, but that currently still // leaks (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=406684). nsContentUtils::ReleaseWrapper(this, this); } #ifdef DEBUG void nsGenericDOMDataNode::List(FILE* out, PRInt32 aIndent) const { } void nsGenericDOMDataNode::DumpContent(FILE* out, PRInt32 aIndent, bool aDumpAll) const { } #endif bool nsGenericDOMDataNode::IsLink(nsIURI** aURI) const { *aURI = nsnull; return false; } nsINode::nsSlots* nsGenericDOMDataNode::CreateSlots() { return new nsDataSlots(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the nsIDOMText interface nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::SplitData(PRUint32 aOffset, nsIContent** aReturn, bool aCloneAfterOriginal) { *aReturn = nsnull; nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsAutoString cutText; PRUint32 length = TextLength(); if (aOffset > length) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR; } PRUint32 cutStartOffset = aCloneAfterOriginal ? aOffset : 0; PRUint32 cutLength = aCloneAfterOriginal ? length - aOffset : aOffset; rv = SubstringData(cutStartOffset, cutLength, cutText); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } nsIDocument* document = GetCurrentDoc(); mozAutoDocUpdate updateBatch(document, UPDATE_CONTENT_MODEL, true); // Use Clone for creating the new node so that the new node is of same class // as this node! nsCOMPtr newContent = CloneDataNode(mNodeInfo, false); if (!newContent) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } newContent->SetText(cutText, true); // XXX should be false? CharacterDataChangeInfo::Details details = { CharacterDataChangeInfo::Details::eSplit, newContent }; rv = SetTextInternal(cutStartOffset, cutLength, nsnull, 0, true, aCloneAfterOriginal ? &details : nsnull); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } nsCOMPtr parent = GetNodeParent(); if (parent) { PRInt32 insertionIndex = parent->IndexOf(this); if (aCloneAfterOriginal) { ++insertionIndex; } parent->InsertChildAt(newContent, insertionIndex, true); } newContent.swap(*aReturn); return rv; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::SplitText(PRUint32 aOffset, nsIDOMText** aReturn) { nsCOMPtr newChild; nsresult rv = SplitData(aOffset, getter_AddRefs(newChild)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = CallQueryInterface(newChild, aReturn); } return rv; } /* static */ PRInt32 nsGenericDOMDataNode::FirstLogicallyAdjacentTextNode(nsIContent* aParent, PRInt32 aIndex) { while (aIndex-- > 0) { nsIContent* sibling = aParent->GetChildAt(aIndex); if (!sibling->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT)) return aIndex + 1; } return 0; } /* static */ PRInt32 nsGenericDOMDataNode::LastLogicallyAdjacentTextNode(nsIContent* aParent, PRInt32 aIndex, PRUint32 aCount) { while (++aIndex < PRInt32(aCount)) { nsIContent* sibling = aParent->GetChildAt(aIndex); if (!sibling->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT)) return aIndex - 1; } return aCount - 1; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetWholeText(nsAString& aWholeText) { nsIContent* parent = GetParent(); // Handle parent-less nodes if (!parent) return GetData(aWholeText); PRInt32 index = parent->IndexOf(this); NS_WARN_IF_FALSE(index >= 0, "Trying to use .wholeText with an anonymous" "text node child of a binding parent?"); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(index >= 0, NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); PRInt32 first = FirstLogicallyAdjacentTextNode(parent, index); PRInt32 last = LastLogicallyAdjacentTextNode(parent, index, parent->GetChildCount()); aWholeText.Truncate(); nsCOMPtr node; nsAutoString tmp; do { node = do_QueryInterface(parent->GetChildAt(first)); node->GetData(tmp); aWholeText.Append(tmp); } while (first++ < last); return NS_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the nsIContent interface text functions const nsTextFragment * nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetText() { return &mText; } PRUint32 nsGenericDOMDataNode::TextLength() { return mText.GetLength(); } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetText(const PRUnichar* aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength, bool aNotify) { return SetTextInternal(0, mText.GetLength(), aBuffer, aLength, aNotify); } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::AppendText(const PRUnichar* aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength, bool aNotify) { return SetTextInternal(mText.GetLength(), 0, aBuffer, aLength, aNotify); } bool nsGenericDOMDataNode::TextIsOnlyWhitespace() { if (mText.Is2b()) { // The fragment contains non-8bit characters and such characters // are never considered whitespace. return false; } const char* cp = mText.Get1b(); const char* end = cp + mText.GetLength(); while (cp < end) { char ch = *cp; if (!XP_IS_SPACE(ch)) { return false; } ++cp; } return true; } void nsGenericDOMDataNode::AppendTextTo(nsAString& aResult) { mText.AppendTo(aResult); } already_AddRefed nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetCurrentValueAtom() { nsAutoString val; GetData(val); return NS_NewAtom(val); } nsIAtom* nsGenericDOMDataNode::DoGetID() const { return nsnull; } const nsAttrValue* nsGenericDOMDataNode::DoGetClasses() const { NS_NOTREACHED("Shouldn't ever be called"); return nsnull; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGenericDOMDataNode::WalkContentStyleRules(nsRuleWalker* aRuleWalker) { return NS_OK; } nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration* nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetSMILOverrideStyle() { return nsnull; } css::StyleRule* nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetSMILOverrideStyleRule() { return nsnull; } nsresult nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetSMILOverrideStyleRule(css::StyleRule* aStyleRule, bool aNotify) { NS_NOTREACHED("How come we're setting SMILOverrideStyle on a non-element?"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } css::StyleRule* nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetInlineStyleRule() { return nsnull; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetInlineStyleRule(css::StyleRule* aStyleRule, bool aNotify) { NS_NOTREACHED("How come we're setting inline style on a non-element?"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP_(bool) nsGenericDOMDataNode::IsAttributeMapped(const nsIAtom* aAttribute) const { return false; } nsChangeHint nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetAttributeChangeHint(const nsIAtom* aAttribute, PRInt32 aModType) const { NS_NOTREACHED("Shouldn't be calling this!"); return nsChangeHint(0); } nsIAtom* nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetClassAttributeName() const { return nsnull; } size_t nsGenericDOMDataNode::SizeOfExcludingThis(nsMallocSizeOfFun aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t n = nsIContent::SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mText.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); return n; }