Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/engines/history.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/type_records/history.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); const TIMESTAMP1 = ( - 103406528) * 1000; const TIMESTAMP2 = ( - 6592903) * 1000; const TIMESTAMP3 = ( - 123894) * 1000; function queryPlaces(uri, options) { let query = Svc.History.getNewQuery(); query.uri = uri; let res = Svc.History.executeQuery(query, options); res.root.containerOpen = true; let results = []; for (let i = 0; i < res.root.childCount; i++) results.push(res.root.getChild(i)); return results; } function queryHistoryVisits(uri) { let options = Svc.History.getNewQueryOptions(); options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY; options.resultType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_VISIT; options.sortingMode = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_DATE_ASCENDING; return queryPlaces(uri, options); } function onNextTitleChanged(callback) { Svc.History.addObserver({ onBeginUpdateBatch: function onBeginUpdateBatch() {}, onEndUpdateBatch: function onEndUpdateBatch() {}, onPageChanged: function onPageChanged() {}, onTitleChanged: function onTitleChanged() { Svc.History.removeObserver(this); Utils.delay(callback, 0, this); }, onVisit: function onVisit() {}, onDeleteVisits: function onDeleteVisits() {}, onPageExpired: function onPageExpired() {}, onBeforeDeleteURI: function onBeforeDeleteURI() {}, onDeleteURI: function onDeleteURI() {}, onClearHistory: function onClearHistory() {}, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver, Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver_MOZILLA_1_9_1_ADDITIONS, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference ]) }, true); } // Ensure exceptions from inside callbacks leads to test failures while // we still clean up properly. function ensureThrows(func) { return function() { try { func.apply(this, arguments); } catch (ex) { Svc.History.removeAllPages(); do_throw(ex); } }; } function run_test() { _("Verify that we've got an empty store to work with."); let store = new HistoryEngine()._store; do_check_eq([id for (id in store.getAllIDs())].length, 0); let fxuri, fxguid, tburi, tbguid; do_test_pending(); Utils.asyncChain(function (next) { _("Let's create an entry in the database."); fxuri = Utils.makeURI(""); Svc.History.addPageWithDetails(fxuri, "Get Firefox!", TIMESTAMP1); _("Verify that the entry exists."); let ids = [id for (id in store.getAllIDs())]; do_check_eq(ids.length, 1); fxguid = ids[0]; do_check_true(store.itemExists(fxguid)); _("If we query a non-existent record, it's marked as deleted."); let record = store.createRecord("non-existent"); do_check_true(record.deleted); _("Verify createRecord() returns a complete record."); record = store.createRecord(fxguid); do_check_eq(record.histUri, fxuri.spec); do_check_eq(record.title, "Get Firefox!"); do_check_eq(record.visits.length, 1); do_check_eq(record.visits[0].date, TIMESTAMP1); do_check_eq(record.visits[0].type, Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_LINK); _("Let's modify the record and have the store update the database."); let secondvisit = {date: TIMESTAMP2, type: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_TYPED}; onNextTitleChanged(ensureThrows(function() { let queryres = queryHistoryVisits(fxuri); do_check_eq(queryres.length, 2); do_check_eq(queryres[0].time, TIMESTAMP1); do_check_eq(queryres[0].title, "Hol Dir Firefox!"); do_check_eq(queryres[1].time, TIMESTAMP2); do_check_eq(queryres[1].title, "Hol Dir Firefox!"); next(); })); store.update({histUri: record.histUri, title: "Hol Dir Firefox!", visits: [record.visits[0], secondvisit]}); }, function (next) { _("Create a brand new record through the store."); tbguid = Utils.makeGUID(); tburi = Utils.makeURI(""); onNextTitleChanged(ensureThrows(function() { do_check_eq([id for (id in store.getAllIDs())].length, 2); let queryres = queryHistoryVisits(tburi); do_check_eq(queryres.length, 1); do_check_eq(queryres[0].time, TIMESTAMP3); do_check_eq(queryres[0].title, "The bird is the word!"); next(); })); store.create({id: tbguid, histUri: tburi.spec, title: "The bird is the word!", visits: [{date: TIMESTAMP3, type: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_TYPED}]}); }, function (next) { _("Make sure we handle a null title gracefully (it can happen in some cases, e.g. for resource:// URLs)"); let resguid = Utils.makeGUID(); let resuri = Utils.makeURI("unknown://title"); store.create({id: resguid, histUri: resuri.spec, title: null, visits: [{date: TIMESTAMP3, type: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_TYPED}]}); do_check_eq([id for (id in store.getAllIDs())].length, 3); let queryres = queryHistoryVisits(resuri); do_check_eq(queryres.length, 1); do_check_eq(queryres[0].time, TIMESTAMP3); next(); }, function (next) { _("Make sure we handle invalid URLs in places databases gracefully."); let table = store._haveTempTables ? "moz_places_temp" : "moz_places"; let query = "INSERT INTO " + table + " " + "(url, title, rev_host, visit_count, last_visit_date) " + "VALUES ('invalid-uri', 'Invalid URI', '.', 1, " + TIMESTAMP3 + ")"; let stmt = Utils.createStatement(Svc.History.DBConnection, query); let result = Utils.queryAsync(stmt); do_check_eq([id for (id in store.getAllIDs())].length, 4); _("Remove a record from the store."); store.remove({id: fxguid}); do_check_false(store.itemExists(fxguid)); let queryres = queryHistoryVisits(fxuri); do_check_eq(queryres.length, 0); _("Make sure wipe works."); store.wipe(); do_check_eq([id for (id in store.getAllIDs())].length, 0); queryres = queryHistoryVisits(fxuri); do_check_eq(queryres.length, 0); queryres = queryHistoryVisits(tburi); do_check_eq(queryres.length, 0); _("Clean up."); Svc.History.removeAllPages(); do_test_finished(); })(); }