/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 et lcs=trail\:.,tab\:>~ : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "nsString.h" #include "mozStorageError.h" #include "mozStoragePrivateHelpers.h" #include "mozStorageBindingParams.h" #include "mozStorageBindingParamsArray.h" #include "Variant.h" namespace mozilla { namespace storage { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Local Helper Objects namespace { struct BindingColumnData { BindingColumnData(sqlite3_stmt *aStmt, int aColumn) : stmt(aStmt) , column(aColumn) { } sqlite3_stmt *stmt; int column; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Variant Specialization Functions (variantToSQLiteT) int sqlite3_T_int(BindingColumnData aData, int aValue) { return ::sqlite3_bind_int(aData.stmt, aData.column + 1, aValue); } int sqlite3_T_int64(BindingColumnData aData, sqlite3_int64 aValue) { return ::sqlite3_bind_int64(aData.stmt, aData.column + 1, aValue); } int sqlite3_T_double(BindingColumnData aData, double aValue) { return ::sqlite3_bind_double(aData.stmt, aData.column + 1, aValue); } int sqlite3_T_text(BindingColumnData aData, const nsCString& aValue) { return ::sqlite3_bind_text(aData.stmt, aData.column + 1, aValue.get(), aValue.Length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } int sqlite3_T_text16(BindingColumnData aData, const nsString& aValue) { return ::sqlite3_bind_text16(aData.stmt, aData.column + 1, aValue.get(), aValue.Length() * 2, // Length in bytes! SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } int sqlite3_T_null(BindingColumnData aData) { return ::sqlite3_bind_null(aData.stmt, aData.column + 1); } int sqlite3_T_blob(BindingColumnData aData, const void *aBlob, int aSize) { return ::sqlite3_bind_blob(aData.stmt, aData.column + 1, aBlob, aSize, free); } #include "variantToSQLiteT_impl.h" } // anonymous namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// BindingParams BindingParams::BindingParams(mozIStorageBindingParamsArray *aOwningArray, Statement *aOwningStatement) : mLocked(false) , mOwningArray(aOwningArray) , mOwningStatement(aOwningStatement) { (void)mOwningStatement->GetParameterCount(&mParamCount); (void)mParameters.SetCapacity(mParamCount); } BindingParams::BindingParams(mozIStorageBindingParamsArray *aOwningArray) : mLocked(false) , mOwningArray(aOwningArray) , mOwningStatement(nullptr) , mParamCount(0) { } AsyncBindingParams::AsyncBindingParams( mozIStorageBindingParamsArray *aOwningArray ) : BindingParams(aOwningArray) { } void BindingParams::lock() { NS_ASSERTION(mLocked == false, "Parameters have already been locked!"); mLocked = true; // We no longer need to hold a reference to our statement or our owning array. // The array owns us at this point, and it will own a reference to the // statement. mOwningStatement = nullptr; mOwningArray = nullptr; } void BindingParams::unlock(Statement *aOwningStatement) { NS_ASSERTION(mLocked == true, "Parameters were not yet locked!"); mLocked = false; mOwningStatement = aOwningStatement; } const mozIStorageBindingParamsArray * BindingParams::getOwner() const { return mOwningArray; } PLDHashOperator AsyncBindingParams::iterateOverNamedParameters(const nsACString &aName, nsIVariant *aValue, void *voidClosureThunk) { NamedParameterIterationClosureThunk *closureThunk = static_cast(voidClosureThunk); // We do not accept any forms of names other than ":name", but we need to add // the colon for SQLite. nsAutoCString name(":"); name.Append(aName); int oneIdx = ::sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(closureThunk->statement, name.get()); if (oneIdx == 0) { nsAutoCString errMsg(aName); errMsg.AppendLiteral(" is not a valid named parameter."); closureThunk->err = new Error(SQLITE_RANGE, errMsg.get()); return PL_DHASH_STOP; } // XPCVariant's AddRef and Release are not thread-safe and so we must not do // anything that would invoke them here on the async thread. As such we can't // cram aValue into self->mParameters using ReplaceObjectAt so that we can // freeload off of the BindingParams::Bind implementation. int rc = variantToSQLiteT(BindingColumnData(closureThunk->statement, oneIdx - 1), aValue); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { // We had an error while trying to bind. Now we need to create an error // object with the right message. Note that we special case // SQLITE_MISMATCH, but otherwise get the message from SQLite. const char *msg = "Could not covert nsIVariant to SQLite type."; if (rc != SQLITE_MISMATCH) msg = ::sqlite3_errmsg(::sqlite3_db_handle(closureThunk->statement)); closureThunk->err = new Error(rc, msg); return PL_DHASH_STOP; } return PL_DHASH_NEXT; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// nsISupports NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS( BindingParams , mozIStorageBindingParams , IStorageBindingParamsInternal ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// IStorageBindingParamsInternal already_AddRefed BindingParams::bind(sqlite3_stmt *aStatement) { // Iterate through all of our stored data, and bind it. for (size_t i = 0; i < mParameters.Length(); i++) { int rc = variantToSQLiteT(BindingColumnData(aStatement, i), mParameters[i]); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { // We had an error while trying to bind. Now we need to create an error // object with the right message. Note that we special case // SQLITE_MISMATCH, but otherwise get the message from SQLite. const char *msg = "Could not covert nsIVariant to SQLite type."; if (rc != SQLITE_MISMATCH) msg = ::sqlite3_errmsg(::sqlite3_db_handle(aStatement)); nsCOMPtr err(new Error(rc, msg)); return err.forget(); } } return nullptr; } already_AddRefed AsyncBindingParams::bind(sqlite3_stmt * aStatement) { // We should bind by index using the super-class if there is nothing in our // hashtable. if (!mNamedParameters.Count()) return BindingParams::bind(aStatement); // Enumerate over everyone in the map, propagating them into mParameters if // we can and creating an error immediately when we cannot. NamedParameterIterationClosureThunk closureThunk = {this, aStatement, nullptr}; (void)mNamedParameters.EnumerateRead(iterateOverNamedParameters, (void *)&closureThunk); return closureThunk.err.forget(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// mozIStorageBindingParams NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindByName(const nsACString &aName, nsIVariant *aValue) { NS_ENSURE_FALSE(mLocked, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); // Get the column index that we need to store this at. uint32_t index; nsresult rv = mOwningStatement->GetParameterIndex(aName, &index); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return BindByIndex(index, aValue); } NS_IMETHODIMP AsyncBindingParams::BindByName(const nsACString &aName, nsIVariant *aValue) { NS_ENSURE_FALSE(mLocked, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nsRefPtr variant = convertVariantToStorageVariant(aValue); if (!variant) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; mNamedParameters.Put(aName, variant); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindUTF8StringByName(const nsACString &aName, const nsACString &aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new UTF8TextVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByName(aName, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindStringByName(const nsACString &aName, const nsAString &aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new TextVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByName(aName, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindDoubleByName(const nsACString &aName, double aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new FloatVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByName(aName, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindInt32ByName(const nsACString &aName, int32_t aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new IntegerVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByName(aName, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindInt64ByName(const nsACString &aName, int64_t aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new IntegerVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByName(aName, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindNullByName(const nsACString &aName) { nsCOMPtr value(new NullVariant()); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByName(aName, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindBlobByName(const nsACString &aName, const uint8_t *aValue, uint32_t aValueSize) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_MAX(aValueSize, INT_MAX); std::pair data( static_cast(aValue), int(aValueSize) ); nsCOMPtr value(new BlobVariant(data)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByName(aName, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindStringAsBlobByName(const nsACString& aName, const nsAString& aValue) { return DoBindStringAsBlobByName(this, aName, aValue); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindUTF8StringAsBlobByName(const nsACString& aName, const nsACString& aValue) { return DoBindStringAsBlobByName(this, aName, aValue); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindAdoptedBlobByName(const nsACString &aName, uint8_t *aValue, uint32_t aValueSize) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_MAX(aValueSize, INT_MAX); std::pair data( aValue, int(aValueSize) ); nsCOMPtr value(new AdoptedBlobVariant(data)); return BindByName(aName, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, nsIVariant *aValue) { NS_ENSURE_FALSE(mLocked, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); ENSURE_INDEX_VALUE(aIndex, mParamCount); // Store the variant for later use. nsRefPtr variant = convertVariantToStorageVariant(aValue); if (!variant) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if (mParameters.Length() <= aIndex) { (void)mParameters.SetLength(aIndex); (void)mParameters.AppendElement(variant); } else { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mParameters.ReplaceElementAt(aIndex, variant), NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP AsyncBindingParams::BindByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, nsIVariant *aValue) { NS_ENSURE_FALSE(mLocked, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); // In the asynchronous case we do not know how many parameters there are to // bind to, so we cannot check the validity of aIndex. nsRefPtr variant = convertVariantToStorageVariant(aValue); if (!variant) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if (mParameters.Length() <= aIndex) { mParameters.SetLength(aIndex); mParameters.AppendElement(variant); } else { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mParameters.ReplaceElementAt(aIndex, variant), NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindUTF8StringByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, const nsACString &aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new UTF8TextVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByIndex(aIndex, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindStringByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, const nsAString &aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new TextVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByIndex(aIndex, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindDoubleByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, double aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new FloatVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByIndex(aIndex, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindInt32ByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, int32_t aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new IntegerVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByIndex(aIndex, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindInt64ByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, int64_t aValue) { nsCOMPtr value(new IntegerVariant(aValue)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByIndex(aIndex, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindNullByIndex(uint32_t aIndex) { nsCOMPtr value(new NullVariant()); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByIndex(aIndex, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindBlobByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, const uint8_t *aValue, uint32_t aValueSize) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_MAX(aValueSize, INT_MAX); std::pair data( static_cast(aValue), int(aValueSize) ); nsCOMPtr value(new BlobVariant(data)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return BindByIndex(aIndex, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindStringAsBlobByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, const nsAString& aValue) { return DoBindStringAsBlobByIndex(this, aIndex, aValue); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindUTF8StringAsBlobByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, const nsACString& aValue) { return DoBindStringAsBlobByIndex(this, aIndex, aValue); } NS_IMETHODIMP BindingParams::BindAdoptedBlobByIndex(uint32_t aIndex, uint8_t *aValue, uint32_t aValueSize) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_MAX(aValueSize, INT_MAX); std::pair data( static_cast(aValue), int(aValueSize) ); nsCOMPtr value(new AdoptedBlobVariant(data)); return BindByIndex(aIndex, value); } } // namespace storage } // namespace mozilla