// -*- Mode: js2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; js2-skip-preprocessor-directives: t; -*- /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Responsible for zooming in to a given view rectangle */ const AnimatedZoom = { startScale: null, /** Starts an animated zoom to zoomRect. */ animateTo: function(aZoomRect) { if (!aZoomRect) return; this.zoomTo = aZoomRect.clone(); if (this.animationDuration === undefined) this.animationDuration = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.zoom.animationDuration"); Browser.forceChromeReflow(); this.start(); // Check if zooming animations were occuring before. if (!this.zoomRect) { this.updateTo(this.zoomFrom); mozRequestAnimationFrame(this); let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("AnimatedZoomBegin", true, true); window.dispatchEvent(event); } }, start: function start() { this.tab = Browser.selectedTab; this.browser = this.tab.browser; this.bcr = this.browser.getBoundingClientRect(); this.zoomFrom = this.zoomRect || this.getStartRect(); this.startScale = this.browser.scale; this.beginTime = mozAnimationStartTime; }, /** Get the visible rect, in device pixels relative to the content origin. */ getStartRect: function getStartRect() { let browser = this.browser; let scroll = browser.getRootView().getPosition(); return new Rect(scroll.x, scroll.y, this.bcr.width, this.bcr.height); }, /** Update the visible rect, in device pixels relative to the content origin. */ updateTo: function(nextRect) { // Stop animating if the browser has been destroyed if (typeof this.browser.fuzzyZoom !== "function") { this.reset(); return false; } let zoomRatio = this.bcr.width / nextRect.width; let scale = this.startScale * zoomRatio; let scrollX = nextRect.left * zoomRatio; let scrollY = nextRect.top * zoomRatio; this.browser.fuzzyZoom(scale, scrollX, scrollY); this.zoomRect = nextRect; return true; }, /** Stop animation, zoom to point, and clean up. */ finish: function() { if (!this.updateTo(this.zoomTo || this.zoomRect)) return; // Check whether the zoom limits have changed since the animation started. let browser = this.browser; let finalScale = this.tab.clampZoomLevel(browser.scale); if (browser.scale != finalScale) browser.scale = finalScale; // scale= calls finishFuzzyZoom. else browser.finishFuzzyZoom(); this.reset(); browser._updateCSSViewport(); }, reset: function reset() { this.beginTime = null; this.zoomTo = null; this.zoomFrom = null; this.zoomRect = null; this.startScale = null; let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("AnimatedZoomEnd", true, true); window.dispatchEvent(event); }, isZooming: function isZooming() { return this.beginTime != null; }, sample: function(aTimeStamp) { try { let tdiff = aTimeStamp - this.beginTime; let counter = tdiff / this.animationDuration; if (counter < 1) { // update browser to interpolated rectangle let rect = this.zoomFrom.blend(this.zoomTo, counter); if (this.updateTo(rect)) mozRequestAnimationFrame(this); } else { // last cycle already rendered final scaled image, now clean up this.finish(); } } catch(e) { this.finish(); throw e; } } };