/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test cookie database migration from version 2 (Gecko 1.9.3) to the current // version, presently 4 (Gecko 2.0). let test_generator = do_run_test(); function run_test() { do_test_pending(); test_generator.next(); } function finish_test() { do_execute_soon(function() { test_generator.close(); do_test_finished(); }); } function do_run_test() { // Set up a profile. let profile = do_get_profile(); // Create a schema 2 database. let schema2db = new CookieDatabaseConnection(do_get_cookie_file(profile), 2); let now = Date.now() * 1000; let futureExpiry = Math.round(now / 1e6 + 1000); let pastExpiry = Math.round(now / 1e6 - 1000); // Populate it, with: // 1) Unexpired, unique cookies. for (let i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { let cookie = new Cookie("oh" + i, "hai", "foo.com", "/", futureExpiry, now, now + i, false, false, false); schema2db.insertCookie(cookie); } // 2) Expired, unique cookies. for (let i = 20; i < 40; ++i) { let cookie = new Cookie("oh" + i, "hai", "bar.com", "/", pastExpiry, now, now + i, false, false, false); schema2db.insertCookie(cookie); } // 3) Many copies of the same cookie, some of which have expired and // some of which have not. for (let i = 40; i < 45; ++i) { let cookie = new Cookie("oh", "hai", "baz.com", "/", futureExpiry + i, now, now + i, false, false, false); schema2db.insertCookie(cookie); } for (let i = 45; i < 50; ++i) { let cookie = new Cookie("oh", "hai", "baz.com", "/", pastExpiry - i, now, now + i, false, false, false); schema2db.insertCookie(cookie); } for (let i = 50; i < 55; ++i) { let cookie = new Cookie("oh", "hai", "baz.com", "/", futureExpiry - i, now, now + i, false, false, false); schema2db.insertCookie(cookie); } for (let i = 55; i < 60; ++i) { let cookie = new Cookie("oh", "hai", "baz.com", "/", pastExpiry + i, now, now + i, false, false, false); schema2db.insertCookie(cookie); } // Close it. schema2db.close(); schema2db = null; // Load the database, forcing migration to the current schema version. Then // test the expected set of cookies: // 1) All unexpired, unique cookies exist. do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("foo.com"), 20); // 2) All expired, unique cookies exist. do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("bar.com"), 20); // 3) Only one cookie remains, and it's the one with the highest expiration // time. do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("baz.com"), 1); let enumerator = Services.cookiemgr.getCookiesFromHost("baz.com"); let cookie = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie2); do_check_eq(cookie.expiry, futureExpiry + 44); do_close_profile(test_generator); yield; // Open the database so we can execute some more schema 2 statements on it. schema2db = new CookieDatabaseConnection(do_get_cookie_file(profile), 2); // Populate it with more cookies. for (let i = 60; i < 80; ++i) { let cookie = new Cookie("oh" + i, "hai", "foo.com", "/", futureExpiry, now, now + i, false, false, false); schema2db.insertCookie(cookie); } for (let i = 80; i < 100; ++i) { let cookie = new Cookie("oh" + i, "hai", "cat.com", "/", futureExpiry, now, now + i, false, false, false); schema2db.insertCookie(cookie); } // Attempt to add a cookie with the same (name, host, path) values as another // cookie. This should succeed since we have a REPLACE clause for conflict on // the unique index. let cookie = new Cookie("oh", "hai", "baz.com", "/", futureExpiry, now, now + 100, false, false, false); schema2db.insertCookie(cookie); // Check that there is, indeed, a singular cookie for baz.com. do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db, "baz.com"), 1); // Close it. schema2db.close(); schema2db = null; // Back up the database, so we can test both asynchronous and synchronous // loading separately. let file = do_get_cookie_file(profile); let copy = profile.clone(); copy.append("cookies.sqlite.copy"); file.copyTo(null, copy.leafName); // Load the database asynchronously, forcing a purge of the newly-added // cookies. (Their baseDomain column will be NULL.) do_load_profile(test_generator); yield; // Test the expected set of cookies. do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("foo.com"), 20); do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("bar.com"), 20); do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("baz.com"), 0); do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("cat.com"), 0); do_close_profile(test_generator); yield; // Open the database and prove that they were deleted. schema2db = new CookieDatabaseConnection(do_get_cookie_file(profile), 2); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db), 40); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db, "foo.com"), 20); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db, "bar.com"), 20); schema2db.close(); // Copy the database back. file.remove(false); copy.copyTo(null, file.leafName); // Load the database host-at-a-time. do_load_profile(); // Test the expected set of cookies. do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("foo.com"), 20); do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("bar.com"), 20); do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("baz.com"), 0); do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("cat.com"), 0); do_close_profile(test_generator); yield; // Open the database and prove that they were deleted. schema2db = new CookieDatabaseConnection(do_get_cookie_file(profile), 2); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db), 40); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db, "foo.com"), 20); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db, "bar.com"), 20); schema2db.close(); // Copy the database back. file.remove(false); copy.copyTo(null, file.leafName); // Load the database synchronously, in its entirety. do_load_profile(); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies(), 40); // Test the expected set of cookies. do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("foo.com"), 20); do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("bar.com"), 20); do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("baz.com"), 0); do_check_eq(Services.cookiemgr.countCookiesFromHost("cat.com"), 0); do_close_profile(test_generator); yield; // Open the database and prove that they were deleted. schema2db = new CookieDatabaseConnection(do_get_cookie_file(profile), 2); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db), 40); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db, "foo.com"), 20); do_check_eq(do_count_cookies_in_db(schema2db.db, "bar.com"), 20); schema2db.close(); finish_test(); }