// -*- Mode: js2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; js2-skip-preprocessor-directives: t; -*- // This stays here because otherwise it's hard to tell if there's a parsing error dump("###################################### content loaded\n"); let Cc = Components.classes; let Ci = Components.interfaces; let Cu = Components.utils; let Cr = Components.results; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "Services", function() { Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); return Services; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "Rect", function() { Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Geometry.jsm"); return Rect; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "Point", function() { Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Geometry.jsm"); return Point; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gFocusManager", "@mozilla.org/focus-manager;1", "nsIFocusManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gDOMUtils", "@mozilla.org/inspector/dom-utils;1", "inIDOMUtils"); let XULDocument = Ci.nsIDOMXULDocument; let HTMLHtmlElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLHtmlElement; let HTMLIFrameElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLIFrameElement; let HTMLFrameElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLFrameElement; let HTMLFrameSetElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLFrameSetElement; let HTMLSelectElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement; let HTMLOptionElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement; // Blindly copied from Safari documentation for now. const kViewportMinScale = 0; const kViewportMaxScale = 10; const kViewportMinWidth = 200; const kViewportMaxWidth = 10000; const kViewportMinHeight = 223; const kViewportMaxHeight = 10000; const kReferenceDpi = 240; // standard "pixel" size used in some preferences const kStateActive = 0x00000001; // :active pseudoclass for elements /** Watches for mouse click in content and redirect them to the best found target **/ const ElementTouchHelper = { get radius() { let prefs = Services.prefs; delete this.radius; return this.radius = { "top": prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.top"), "right": prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.right"), "bottom": prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.bottom"), "left": prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.left") }; }, get weight() { delete this.weight; return this.weight = { "visited": Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.touch.weight.visited") }; }, /* Retrieve the closest element to a point by looking at borders position */ getClosest: function getClosest(aWindowUtils, aX, aY) { if (!this.dpiRatio) this.dpiRatio = aWindowUtils.displayDPI / kReferenceDpi; let dpiRatio = this.dpiRatio; let target = aWindowUtils.elementFromPoint(aX, aY, true, /* ignore root scroll frame*/ false); /* don't flush layout */ // return early if the click is just over a clickable element if (this._isElementClickable(target)) return target; let nodes = aWindowUtils.nodesFromRect(aX, aY, this.radius.top * dpiRatio, this.radius.right * dpiRatio, this.radius.bottom * dpiRatio, this.radius.left * dpiRatio, true, false); let threshold = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { let current = nodes[i]; if (!current.mozMatchesSelector || !this._isElementClickable(current)) continue; let rect = current.getBoundingClientRect(); let distance = this._computeDistanceFromRect(aX, aY, rect); // increase a little bit the weight for already visited items if (current && current.mozMatchesSelector("*:visited")) distance *= (this.weight.visited / 100); if (distance < threshold) { target = current; threshold = distance; } } return target; }, _isElementClickable: function _isElementClickable(aElement) { const selector = "a,:link,:visited,[role=button],button,input,select,textarea,label"; for (let elem = aElement; elem; elem = elem.parentNode) { if (this._hasMouseListener(elem)) return true; if (elem.mozMatchesSelector && elem.mozMatchesSelector(selector)) return true; } return false; }, _computeDistanceFromRect: function _computeDistanceFromRect(aX, aY, aRect) { let x = 0, y = 0; let xmost = aRect.left + aRect.width; let ymost = aRect.top + aRect.height; // compute horizontal distance from left/right border depending if X is // before/inside/after the element's rectangle if (aRect.left < aX && aX < xmost) x = Math.min(xmost - aX, aX - aRect.left); else if (aX < aRect.left) x = aRect.left - aX; else if (aX > xmost) x = aX - xmost; // compute vertical distance from top/bottom border depending if Y is // above/inside/below the element's rectangle if (aRect.top < aY && aY < ymost) y = Math.min(ymost - aY, aY - aRect.top); else if (aY < aRect.top) y = aRect.top - aY; if (aY > ymost) y = aY - ymost; return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2)); }, _els: Cc["@mozilla.org/eventlistenerservice;1"].getService(Ci.nsIEventListenerService), _clickableEvents: ["mousedown", "mouseup", "click"], _hasMouseListener: function _hasMouseListener(aElement) { let els = this._els; let listeners = els.getListenerInfoFor(aElement, {}); for (let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { if (this._clickableEvents.indexOf(listeners[i].type) != -1) return true; } return false; } }; /** * @param x,y Browser coordinates * @return Element at position, null if no active browser or no element found */ function elementFromPoint(x, y) { // browser's elementFromPoint expect browser-relative client coordinates. // subtract browser's scroll values to adjust let cwu = Util.getWindowUtils(content); let scroll = ContentScroll.getScrollOffset(content); x = x - scroll.x; y = y - scroll.y; let elem = ElementTouchHelper.getClosest(cwu, x, y); // step through layers of IFRAMEs and FRAMES to find innermost element while (elem && (elem instanceof HTMLIFrameElement || elem instanceof HTMLFrameElement)) { // adjust client coordinates' origin to be top left of iframe viewport let rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); x -= rect.left; y -= rect.top; let windowUtils = elem.contentDocument.defaultView.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); elem = ElementTouchHelper.getClosest(windowUtils, x, y); } return elem; } function getBoundingContentRect(aElement) { if (!aElement) return new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); let document = aElement.ownerDocument; while(document.defaultView.frameElement) document = document.defaultView.frameElement.ownerDocument; let offset = ContentScroll.getScrollOffset(content); offset = new Point(offset.x, offset.y); let r = aElement.getBoundingClientRect(); // step out of iframes and frames, offsetting scroll values for (let frame = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView; frame != content; frame = frame.parent) { // adjust client coordinates' origin to be top left of iframe viewport let rect = frame.frameElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let left = frame.getComputedStyle(frame.frameElement, "").borderLeftWidth; let top = frame.getComputedStyle(frame.frameElement, "").borderTopWidth; offset.add(rect.left + parseInt(left), rect.top + parseInt(top)); } return new Rect(r.left + offset.x, r.top + offset.y, r.width, r.height); } function getOverflowContentBoundingRect(aElement) { let r = getBoundingContentRect(aElement); // If the overflow is hidden don't bother calculating it let computedStyle = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(aElement); let blockDisplays = ["block", "inline-block", "list-item"]; if ((blockDisplays.indexOf(computedStyle.getPropertyValue("display")) != -1 && computedStyle.getPropertyValue("overflow") == "hidden") || aElement instanceof HTMLSelectElement) return r; for (let i = 0; i < aElement.childElementCount; i++) r = r.union(getBoundingContentRect(aElement.children[i])); return r; } function getContentClientRects(aElement) { let offset = ContentScroll.getScrollOffset(content); offset = new Point(offset.x, offset.y); let nativeRects = aElement.getClientRects(); // step out of iframes and frames, offsetting scroll values for (let frame = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView; frame != content; frame = frame.parent) { // adjust client coordinates' origin to be top left of iframe viewport let rect = frame.frameElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let left = frame.getComputedStyle(frame.frameElement, "").borderLeftWidth; let top = frame.getComputedStyle(frame.frameElement, "").borderTopWidth; offset.add(rect.left + parseInt(left), rect.top + parseInt(top)); } let result = []; for (let i = nativeRects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let r = nativeRects[i]; result.push({ left: r.left + offset.x, top: r.top + offset.y, width: r.width, height: r.height }); } return result; }; let Content = { get formAssistant() { delete this.formAssistant; return this.formAssistant = new FormAssistant(); }, init: function init() { this._isZoomedToElement = false; addMessageListener("Browser:Blur", this); addMessageListener("Browser:MouseOver", this); addMessageListener("Browser:MouseLong", this); addMessageListener("Browser:MouseDown", this); addMessageListener("Browser:MouseClick", this); addMessageListener("Browser:MouseCancel", this); addMessageListener("Browser:SaveAs", this); addMessageListener("Browser:ZoomToPoint", this); addMessageListener("Browser:MozApplicationCache:Fetch", this); addMessageListener("Browser:SetCharset", this); addMessageListener("Browser:ContextCommand", this); addMessageListener("Browser:CanUnload", this); addMessageListener("Browser:CanCaptureMouse", this); if (Util.isParentProcess()) addEventListener("DOMActivate", this, true); addEventListener("MozApplicationManifest", this, false); addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this, false); addEventListener("pagehide", this, false); addEventListener("keypress", this, false, false); // Attach a listener to watch for "click" events bubbling up from error // pages and other similar page. This lets us fix bugs like 401575 which // require error page UI to do privileged things, without letting error // pages have any privilege themselves. addEventListener("click", this, false); docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellHistory).useGlobalHistory = true; }, handleEvent: function handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { // If the keypress is a trusted event and has not been consume by content // let's send it back to the chrome process to have it handle shortcuts case "keypress": let timer = new Util.Timeout(function() { let eventData = { ctrlKey: aEvent.ctrlKey, altKey: aEvent.altKey, shiftKey: aEvent.shiftKey, metaKey: aEvent.metaKey, keyCode: aEvent.keyCode, charCode: aEvent.charCode, preventDefault: aEvent.getPreventDefault() }; sendAsyncMessage("Browser:KeyPress", eventData); }); timer.once(0); break; case "DOMActivate": { // In a local tab, open remote links in new tabs. let target = aEvent.originalTarget; let href = Util.getHrefForElement(target); if (/^http(s?):/.test(href)) { aEvent.preventDefault(); sendAsyncMessage("Browser:OpenURI", { uri: href, referrer: target.ownerDocument.documentURIObject.spec, bringFront: true }); } break; } case "MozApplicationManifest": { let doc = aEvent.originalTarget; sendAsyncMessage("Browser:MozApplicationManifest", { location: doc.documentURIObject.spec, manifest: doc.documentElement.getAttribute("manifest"), charset: doc.characterSet }); break; } case "click": { // Don't trust synthetic events if (!aEvent.isTrusted) return; let ot = aEvent.originalTarget; let errorDoc = ot.ownerDocument; // If the event came from an ssl error page, it is probably either the "Add // Exception…" or "Get me out of here!" button if (/^about:certerror\?e=nssBadCert/.test(errorDoc.documentURI)) { let perm = errorDoc.getElementById("permanentExceptionButton"); let temp = errorDoc.getElementById("temporaryExceptionButton"); if (ot == temp || ot == perm) { let action = (ot == perm ? "permanent" : "temporary"); sendAsyncMessage("Browser:CertException", { url: errorDoc.location.href, action: action }); } else if (ot == errorDoc.getElementById("getMeOutOfHereButton")) { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:CertException", { url: errorDoc.location.href, action: "leave" }); } } else if (/^about:blocked/.test(errorDoc.documentURI)) { // The event came from a button on a malware/phishing block page // First check whether it's malware or phishing, so that we can // use the right strings/links let isMalware = /e=malwareBlocked/.test(errorDoc.documentURI); if (ot == errorDoc.getElementById("getMeOutButton")) { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:BlockedSite", { url: errorDoc.location.href, action: "leave" }); } else if (ot == errorDoc.getElementById("reportButton")) { // This is the "Why is this site blocked" button. For malware, // we can fetch a site-specific report, for phishing, we redirect // to the generic page describing phishing protection. let action = isMalware ? "report-malware" : "report-phising"; sendAsyncMessage("Browser:BlockedSite", { url: errorDoc.location.href, action: action }); } else if (ot == errorDoc.getElementById("ignoreWarningButton")) { // Allow users to override and continue through to the site, // but add a notify bar as a reminder, so that they don't lose // track after, e.g., tab switching. let webNav = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation); webNav.loadURI(content.location, Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CLASSIFIER, null, null, null); // TODO: We'll need to impl notifications in the parent process and use the preference code found here: // http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/855e5cd3c884/browser/base/content/browser.js#l2672 // http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/855e5cd3c884/browser/components/safebrowsing/content/globalstore.js } } break; } case "DOMContentLoaded": this._maybeNotifyErroPage(); break; case "pagehide": if (aEvent.target == content.document) this._resetFontSize(); break; } }, receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(aMessage) { let json = aMessage.json; let x = json.x; let y = json.y; let modifiers = json.modifiers; switch (aMessage.name) { case "Browser:ContextCommand": { let wrappedTarget = elementFromPoint(x, y); if (!wrappedTarget || !(wrappedTarget instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNSEditableElement)) break; let target = wrappedTarget.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMNSEditableElement); if (!target) break; switch (json.command) { case "select-all": target.editor.selectAll(); break; case "paste": target.editor.paste(Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); break; } target.focus(); break; } case "Browser:Blur": gFocusManager.clearFocus(content); break; case "Browser:CanUnload": let canUnload = docShell.contentViewer.permitUnload(); sendSyncMessage("Browser:CanUnload:Return", { permit: canUnload }); break; case "Browser:MouseOver": { let element = elementFromPoint(x, y); if (!element) return; // Sending a mousemove force the dispatching of mouseover/mouseout this._sendMouseEvent("mousemove", element, x, y); break; } case "Browser:MouseDown": { let element = elementFromPoint(x, y); if (!element) return; // There is no need to have a feedback for disabled element let isDisabled = element instanceof HTMLOptionElement ? (element.disabled || element.parentNode.disabled) : element.disabled; if (isDisabled) return; // Calculate the rect of the active area this._doTapHighlight(element); break; } case "Browser:MouseCancel": { this._cancelTapHighlight(); break; } case "Browser:MouseLong": { let element = elementFromPoint(x, y); if (!element) return; #ifdef MOZ_PLATFORM_MAEMO if (element instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLEmbedElement) { // Generate a right click mouse event to make possible to show // context menu for plugins: this._sendMouseEvent("mousedown", element, x, y, 2); this._sendMouseEvent("mouseup", element, x, y, 2); break; } #endif ContextHandler.messageId = json.messageId; let event = content.document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); event.initMouseEvent("contextmenu", true, true, content, 0, x, y, x, y, false, false, false, false, 0, null); event.x = x; event.y = y; element.dispatchEvent(event); break; } case "Browser:MouseClick": { this.formAssistant.focusSync = true; let element = elementFromPoint(x, y); if (modifiers == Ci.nsIDOMNSEvent.CONTROL_MASK) { let uri = Util.getHrefForElement(element); if (uri) sendAsyncMessage("Browser:OpenURI", { uri: uri, referrer: element.ownerDocument.documentURIObject.spec }); break; } if (!this.formAssistant.open(element, x, y)) sendAsyncMessage("FindAssist:Hide", { }); // don't fire mouse events on selects, see bug 685197 if (this._highlightElement && !(element instanceof HTMLSelectElement)) { this._sendMouseEvent("mousemove", this._highlightElement, x, y); this._sendMouseEvent("mousedown", this._highlightElement, x, y); this._sendMouseEvent("mouseup", this._highlightElement, x, y); } this._cancelTapHighlight(); ContextHandler.reset(); this.formAssistant.focusSync = false; break; } case "Browser:SaveAs": if (json.type != Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputFormatPDF) return; let printSettings = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/printsettings-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPrintSettingsService) .newPrintSettings; printSettings.printSilent = true; printSettings.showPrintProgress = false; printSettings.printBGImages = true; printSettings.printBGColors = true; printSettings.printToFile = true; printSettings.toFileName = json.filePath; printSettings.printFrameType = Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kFramesAsIs; printSettings.outputFormat = Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputFormatPDF; //XXX we probably need a preference here, the header can be useful printSettings.footerStrCenter = ""; printSettings.footerStrLeft = ""; printSettings.footerStrRight = ""; printSettings.headerStrCenter = ""; printSettings.headerStrLeft = ""; printSettings.headerStrRight = ""; let listener = { onStateChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus) { if (aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:SaveAs:Return", { type: json.type, id: json.id, referrer: json.referrer }); } }, onProgressChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aCurSelfProgress, aMaxSelfProgress, aCurTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress) {}, // stubs for the nsIWebProgressListener interfaces which nsIWebBrowserPrint doesn't use. onLocationChange : function() { throw "Unexpected onLocationChange"; }, onStatusChange : function() { throw "Unexpected onStatusChange"; }, onSecurityChange : function() { throw "Unexpected onSecurityChange"; } }; let webBrowserPrint = content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIWebBrowserPrint); webBrowserPrint.print(printSettings, listener); break; case "Browser:ZoomToPoint": { let rect = null; if (this._isZoomedToElement) { this._resetFontSize(); } else { this._isZoomedToElement = true; let element = elementFromPoint(x, y); let win = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; while (element && win.getComputedStyle(element,null).display == "inline") element = element.parentNode; if (element) { rect = getBoundingContentRect(element); if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.ui.zoom.reflow")) { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:ZoomToPoint:Return", { x: x, y: y, zoomTo: rect }); let fontSize = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.ui.zoom.reflow.fontSize"); this._setMinFontSize(Math.max(1, rect.width / json.width) * fontSize); let oldRect = rect; rect = getBoundingContentRect(element); y += rect.top - oldRect.top; } } } content.setTimeout(function() { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:ZoomToPoint:Return", { x: x, y: y, zoomTo: rect }); }, 0); break; } case "Browser:MozApplicationCache:Fetch": { let currentURI = Services.io.newURI(json.location, json.charset, null); let manifestURI = Services.io.newURI(json.manifest, json.charset, currentURI); let updateService = Cc["@mozilla.org/offlinecacheupdate-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIOfflineCacheUpdateService); updateService.scheduleUpdate(manifestURI, currentURI, content); break; } case "Browser:SetCharset": { let docCharset = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocCharset); docCharset.charset = json.charset; let webNav = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation); webNav.reload(Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_CHARSET_CHANGE); break; } case "Browser:CanCaptureMouse": { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:CanCaptureMouse:Return", { contentMightCaptureMouse: content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils).mayHaveTouchEventListeners }); break; } } }, _maybeNotifyErroPage: function _maybeNotifyErroPage() { // Notify browser that an error page is being shown instead // of the target location. Necessary to get proper thumbnail // updates on chrome for error pages. if (content.location.href !== content.document.documentURI) sendAsyncMessage("Browser:ErrorPage", null); }, _resetFontSize: function _resetFontSize() { this._isZoomedToElement = false; this._setMinFontSize(0); }, _highlightElement: null, _doTapHighlight: function _doTapHighlight(aElement) { gDOMUtils.setContentState(aElement, kStateActive); this._highlightElement = aElement; }, _cancelTapHighlight: function _cancelTapHighlight(aElement) { gDOMUtils.setContentState(content.document.documentElement, kStateActive); this._highlightElement = null; }, _sendMouseEvent: function _sendMouseEvent(aName, aElement, aX, aY, aButton) { // the element can be out of the aX/aY point because of the touch radius // if outside, we gracefully move the touch point to the center of the element if (!(aElement instanceof HTMLHtmlElement)) { let isTouchClick = true; let rects = getContentClientRects(aElement); for (let i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) { let rect = rects[i]; // We might be able to deal with fractional pixels, but mouse events won't. // Deflate the bounds in by 1 pixel to deal with any fractional scroll offset issues. let inBounds = (aX > rect.left + 1 && aX < (rect.left + rect.width - 1)) && (aY > rect.top + 1 && aY < (rect.top + rect.height - 1)); if (inBounds) { isTouchClick = false; break; } } if (isTouchClick) { let rect = new Rect(rects[0].left, rects[0].top, rects[0].width, rects[0].height); if (rect.isEmpty()) return; let point = rect.center(); aX = point.x; aY = point.y; } } let scrollOffset = ContentScroll.getScrollOffset(content); let windowUtils = Util.getWindowUtils(content); aButton = aButton || 0; windowUtils.sendMouseEventToWindow(aName, aX - scrollOffset.x, aY - scrollOffset.y, aButton, 1, 0, true); }, _setMinFontSize: function _setMinFontSize(aSize) { let viewer = docShell.contentViewer.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMarkupDocumentViewer); if (viewer) viewer.minFontSize = aSize; } }; Content.init(); let ViewportHandler = { init: function init() { addEventListener("DOMWindowCreated", this, false); addEventListener("DOMMetaAdded", this, false); addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this, false); addEventListener("pageshow", this, false); }, handleEvent: function handleEvent(aEvent) { let target = aEvent.originalTarget; let isRootDocument = (target == content.document || target.ownerDocument == content.document); if (!isRootDocument) return; switch (aEvent.type) { case "DOMWindowCreated": this.resetMetadata(); break; case "DOMMetaAdded": if (target.name == "viewport") this.updateMetadata(); break; case "DOMContentLoaded": case "pageshow": this.updateMetadata(); break; } }, resetMetadata: function resetMetadata() { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:ViewportMetadata", null); }, updateMetadata: function updateMetadata() { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:ViewportMetadata", this.getViewportMetadata()); }, /** * Returns an object with the page's preferred viewport properties: * defaultZoom (optional float): The initial scale when the page is loaded. * minZoom (optional float): The minimum zoom level. * maxZoom (optional float): The maximum zoom level. * width (optional int): The CSS viewport width in px. * height (optional int): The CSS viewport height in px. * autoSize (boolean): Resize the CSS viewport when the window resizes. * allowZoom (boolean): Let the user zoom in or out. * autoScale (boolean): Adjust the viewport properties to account for display density. */ getViewportMetadata: function getViewportMetadata() { let doctype = content.document.doctype; if (doctype && /(WAP|WML|Mobile)/.test(doctype.publicId)) return { defaultZoom: 1, autoSize: true, allowZoom: true, autoScale: true }; let windowUtils = Util.getWindowUtils(content); let handheldFriendly = windowUtils.getDocumentMetadata("HandheldFriendly"); if (handheldFriendly == "true") return { defaultZoom: 1, autoSize: true, allowZoom: true, autoScale: true }; if (content.document instanceof XULDocument) return { defaultZoom: 1, autoSize: true, allowZoom: false, autoScale: false }; // HACK: Since we can't set the scale in local tabs (bug 597081), we force // them to device-width and scale=1 so they will lay out reasonably. if (Util.isParentProcess()) return { defaultZoom: 1, autoSize: true, allowZoom: false, autoScale: false }; // HACK: Since we can't set the scale correctly in frameset pages yet (bug 645756), we force // them to device-width and scale=1 so they will lay out reasonably. if (content.frames.length > 0 && (content.document.body instanceof HTMLFrameSetElement)) return { defaultZoom: 1, autoSize: true, allowZoom: false, autoScale: false }; // viewport details found here // http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariHTMLRef/Articles/MetaTags.html // http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/UsingtheViewport/UsingtheViewport.html // Note: These values will be NaN if parseFloat or parseInt doesn't find a number. // Remember that NaN is contagious: Math.max(1, NaN) == Math.min(1, NaN) == NaN. let scale = parseFloat(windowUtils.getDocumentMetadata("viewport-initial-scale")); let minScale = parseFloat(windowUtils.getDocumentMetadata("viewport-minimum-scale")); let maxScale = parseFloat(windowUtils.getDocumentMetadata("viewport-maximum-scale")); let widthStr = windowUtils.getDocumentMetadata("viewport-width"); let heightStr = windowUtils.getDocumentMetadata("viewport-height"); let width = Util.clamp(parseInt(widthStr), kViewportMinWidth, kViewportMaxWidth); let height = Util.clamp(parseInt(heightStr), kViewportMinHeight, kViewportMaxHeight); let allowZoomStr = windowUtils.getDocumentMetadata("viewport-user-scalable"); let allowZoom = !/^(0|no|false)$/.test(allowZoomStr); // WebKit allows 0, "no", or "false" scale = Util.clamp(scale, kViewportMinScale, kViewportMaxScale); minScale = Util.clamp(minScale, kViewportMinScale, kViewportMaxScale); maxScale = Util.clamp(maxScale, kViewportMinScale, kViewportMaxScale); // If initial scale is 1.0 and width is not set, assume width=device-width let autoSize = (widthStr == "device-width" || (!widthStr && (heightStr == "device-height" || scale == 1.0))); return { defaultZoom: scale, minZoom: minScale, maxZoom: maxScale, width: width, height: height, autoSize: autoSize, allowZoom: allowZoom, autoScale: true }; } }; ViewportHandler.init(); const kXLinkNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; var ContextHandler = { _types: [], _getLinkURL: function ch_getLinkURL(aLink) { let href = aLink.href; if (href) return href; href = aLink.getAttributeNS(kXLinkNamespace, "href"); if (!href || !href.match(/\S/)) { // Without this we try to save as the current doc, // for example, HTML case also throws if empty throw "Empty href"; } return Util.makeURLAbsolute(aLink.baseURI, href); }, _getURI: function ch_getURI(aURL) { try { return Util.makeURI(aURL); } catch (ex) { } return null; }, _getProtocol: function ch_getProtocol(aURI) { if (aURI) return aURI.scheme; return null; }, init: function ch_init() { addEventListener("contextmenu", this, false); addEventListener("pagehide", this, false); addMessageListener("Browser:ContextCommand", this, false); this.popupNode = null; }, reset: function ch_reset() { this.popupNode = null; }, handleEvent: function ch_handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "contextmenu": this.onContextMenu(aEvent); break; case "pagehide": this.reset(); break; } }, onContextMenu: function ch_onContextMenu(aEvent) { if (aEvent.getPreventDefault()) return; let state = { types: [], label: "", linkURL: "", linkTitle: "", linkProtocol: null, mediaURL: "", x: aEvent.x, y: aEvent.y }; let popupNode = this.popupNode = aEvent.originalTarget; // Do checks for nodes that never have children. if (popupNode.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) { // See if the user clicked on an image. if (popupNode instanceof Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent && popupNode.currentURI) { state.types.push("image"); state.label = state.mediaURL = popupNode.currentURI.spec; // Retrieve the type of image from the cache since the url can fail to // provide valuable informations try { let imageCache = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/cache;1"].getService(Ci.imgICache); let props = imageCache.findEntryProperties(popupNode.currentURI, content.document.characterSet); if (props) { state.contentType = String(props.get("type", Ci.nsISupportsCString)); state.contentDisposition = String(props.get("content-disposition", Ci.nsISupportsCString)); } } catch (e) { // Failure to get type and content-disposition off the image is non-fatal } } else if (popupNode instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement) { state.label = state.mediaURL = (popupNode.currentSrc || popupNode.src); state.types.push((popupNode.paused || popupNode.ended) ? "media-paused" : "media-playing"); if (popupNode instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLVideoElement) state.types.push("video"); } } let elem = popupNode; let isText = false; while (elem) { if (elem.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) { // Link? if ((elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement && elem.href) || (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLAreaElement && elem.href) || elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLLinkElement || elem.getAttributeNS(kXLinkNamespace, "type") == "simple") { // Target is a link or a descendant of a link. state.types.push("link"); state.label = state.linkURL = this._getLinkURL(elem); state.linkTitle = popupNode.textContent || popupNode.title; state.linkProtocol = this._getProtocol(this._getURI(state.linkURL)); break; } else if ((elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement && elem.mozIsTextField(false)) || elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement) { let selectionStart = elem.selectionStart; let selectionEnd = elem.selectionEnd; state.types.push("input-text"); // Don't include "copy" for password fields. if (!(elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement) || elem.mozIsTextField(true)) { if (selectionStart != selectionEnd) { state.types.push("copy"); state.string = elem.value.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } else if (elem.value) { state.types.push("copy-all"); state.string = elem.value; } } if (selectionStart > 0 || selectionEnd < elem.textLength) state.types.push("select-all"); let clipboard = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboard); let flavors = ["text/unicode"]; let hasData = clipboard.hasDataMatchingFlavors(flavors, flavors.length, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); if (hasData && !elem.readOnly) state.types.push("paste"); break; } else if (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLParagraphElement || elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDivElement || elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLLIElement || elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLPreElement || elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLHeadingElement || elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTableCellElement) { isText = true; } } elem = elem.parentNode; } if (isText) state.types.push("content-text"); for (let i = 0; i < this._types.length; i++) if (this._types[i].handler(state, popupNode)) state.types.push(this._types[i].name); state.messageId = this.messageId; sendAsyncMessage("Browser:ContextMenu", state); }, receiveMessage: function ch_receiveMessage(aMessage) { let node = this.popupNode; let command = aMessage.json.command; switch (command) { case "play": case "pause": if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement) node[command](); break; case "fullscreen": if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLVideoElement) { node.pause(); Cu.import("resource:///modules/video.jsm"); Video.fullScreenSourceElement = node; sendAsyncMessage("Browser:FullScreenVideo:Start"); } break; } }, /** * For add-ons to add new types and data to the ContextMenu message. * * @param aName A string to identify the new type. * @param aHandler A function that takes a state object and a target element. * If aHandler returns true, then aName will be added to the list of types. * The function may also modify the state object. */ registerType: function registerType(aName, aHandler) { this._types.push({name: aName, handler: aHandler}); }, /** Remove all handlers registered for a given type. */ unregisterType: function unregisterType(aName) { this._types = this._types.filter(function(type) type.name != aName); } }; ContextHandler.init(); ContextHandler.registerType("mailto", function(aState, aElement) { return aState.linkProtocol == "mailto"; }); ContextHandler.registerType("callto", function(aState, aElement) { let protocol = aState.linkProtocol; return protocol == "tel" || protocol == "callto" || protocol == "sip" || protocol == "voipto"; }); ContextHandler.registerType("link-openable", function(aState, aElement) { return Util.isOpenableScheme(aState.linkProtocol); }); ContextHandler.registerType("link-shareable", function(aState, aElement) { return Util.isShareableScheme(aState.linkProtocol); }); ["image", "video"].forEach(function(aType) { ContextHandler.registerType(aType+"-shareable", function(aState, aElement) { if (aState.types.indexOf(aType) == -1) return false; let protocol = ContextHandler._getProtocol(ContextHandler._getURI(aState.mediaURL)); return Util.isShareableScheme(protocol); }); }); ContextHandler.registerType("image-loaded", function(aState, aElement) { if (aState.types.indexOf("image") != -1) { let request = aElement.getRequest(Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent.CURRENT_REQUEST); if (request && (request.imageStatus & request.STATUS_SIZE_AVAILABLE)) return true; } return false; }); var FormSubmitObserver = { init: function init(){ addMessageListener("Browser:TabOpen", this); addMessageListener("Browser:TabClose", this); addEventListener("pageshow", this, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "invalidformsubmit", false); }, handleEvent: function handleEvent(aEvent) { let target = aEvent.originalTarget; let isRootDocument = (target == content.document || target.ownerDocument == content.document); if (!isRootDocument) return; // Reset invalid submit state on each pageshow if (aEvent.type == "pageshow") Content.formAssistant.invalidSubmit = false; }, receiveMessage: function findHandlerReceiveMessage(aMessage) { let json = aMessage.json; switch (aMessage.name) { case "Browser:TabOpen": Services.obs.addObserver(this, "formsubmit", false); break; case "Browser:TabClose": Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "formsubmit", false); break; } }, notify: function notify(aFormElement, aWindow, aActionURI, aCancelSubmit) { // Do not notify unless this is the window where the submit occurred if (aWindow == content) // We don't need to send any data along sendAsyncMessage("Browser:FormSubmit", {}); }, notifyInvalidSubmit: function notifyInvalidSubmit(aFormElement, aInvalidElements) { if (!aInvalidElements.length) return; let element = aInvalidElements.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsISupports); if (!(element instanceof HTMLInputElement || element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || element instanceof HTMLSelectElement || element instanceof HTMLButtonElement)) { return; } Content.formAssistant.invalidSubmit = true; Content.formAssistant.open(element); }, QueryInterface : function(aIID) { if (!aIID.equals(Ci.nsIFormSubmitObserver) && !aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference) && !aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; return this; } }; FormSubmitObserver.init(); var FindHandler = { get _fastFind() { delete this._fastFind; this._fastFind = Cc["@mozilla.org/typeaheadfind;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITypeAheadFind); this._fastFind.init(docShell); return this._fastFind; }, init: function findHandlerInit() { addMessageListener("FindAssist:Find", this); addMessageListener("FindAssist:Next", this); addMessageListener("FindAssist:Previous", this); }, receiveMessage: function findHandlerReceiveMessage(aMessage) { let findResult = Ci.nsITypeAheadFind.FIND_NOTFOUND; let json = aMessage.json; switch (aMessage.name) { case "FindAssist:Find": findResult = this._fastFind.find(json.searchString, false); break; case "FindAssist:Previous": findResult = this._fastFind.findAgain(true, false); break; case "FindAssist:Next": findResult = this._fastFind.findAgain(false, false); break; } if (findResult == Ci.nsITypeAheadFind.FIND_NOTFOUND) { sendAsyncMessage("FindAssist:Show", { rect: null , result: findResult }); return; } let selection = this._fastFind.currentWindow.getSelection(); if (!selection.rangeCount || selection.isCollapsed) { // The selection can be into an input or a textarea element let nodes = content.document.querySelectorAll("input[type='text'], textarea"); for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { let node = nodes[i]; if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNSEditableElement && node.editor) { selection = node.editor.selectionController.getSelection(Ci.nsISelectionController.SELECTION_NORMAL); if (selection.rangeCount && !selection.isCollapsed) break; } } } let scroll = ContentScroll.getScrollOffset(content); for (let frame = this._fastFind.currentWindow; frame != content; frame = frame.parent) { let rect = frame.frameElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let left = frame.getComputedStyle(frame.frameElement, "").borderLeftWidth; let top = frame.getComputedStyle(frame.frameElement, "").borderTopWidth; scroll.add(rect.left + parseInt(left), rect.top + parseInt(top)); } let rangeRect = selection.getRangeAt(0).getBoundingClientRect(); let rect = new Rect(scroll.x + rangeRect.left, scroll.y + rangeRect.top, rangeRect.width, rangeRect.height); // Ensure the potential "scroll" event fired during a search as already fired let timer = new Util.Timeout(function() { sendAsyncMessage("FindAssist:Show", { rect: rect.isEmpty() ? null: rect , result: findResult }); }); timer.once(0); } }; FindHandler.init(); var ConsoleAPIObserver = { init: function init() { addMessageListener("Browser:TabOpen", this); addMessageListener("Browser:TabClose", this); }, receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(aMessage) { let json = aMessage.json; switch (aMessage.name) { case "Browser:TabOpen": Services.obs.addObserver(this, "console-api-log-event", false); break; case "Browser:TabClose": Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "console-api-log-event", false); break; } }, observe: function observe(aMessage, aTopic, aData) { let contentWindowId = content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils).outerWindowID; aMessage = aMessage.wrappedJSObject; if (aMessage.ID != contentWindowId) return; let mappedArguments = Array.map(aMessage.arguments, this.formatResult, this); let joinedArguments = Array.join(mappedArguments, " "); if (aMessage.level == "error" || aMessage.level == "warn") { let flag = (aMessage.level == "error" ? Ci.nsIScriptError.errorFlag : Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag); let consoleMsg = Cc["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptError); consoleMsg.init(joinedArguments, null, null, 0, 0, flag, "content javascript"); Services.console.logMessage(consoleMsg); } else if (aMessage.level == "trace") { let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/headsUpDisplay.properties"); let args = aMessage.arguments; let filename = this.abbreviateSourceURL(args[0].filename); let functionName = args[0].functionName || bundle.GetStringFromName("stacktrace.anonymousFunction"); let lineNumber = args[0].lineNumber; let body = bundle.formatStringFromName("stacktrace.outputMessage", [filename, functionName, lineNumber], 3); body += "\n"; args.forEach(function(aFrame) { body += aFrame.filename + " :: " + aFrame.functionName + " :: " + aFrame.lineNumber + "\n"; }); Services.console.logStringMessage(body); } else { Services.console.logStringMessage(joinedArguments); } }, getResultType: function getResultType(aResult) { let type = aResult === null ? "null" : typeof aResult; if (type == "object" && aResult.constructor && aResult.constructor.name) type = aResult.constructor.name; return type.toLowerCase(); }, formatResult: function formatResult(aResult) { let output = ""; let type = this.getResultType(aResult); switch (type) { case "string": case "boolean": case "date": case "error": case "number": case "regexp": output = aResult.toString(); break; case "null": case "undefined": output = type; break; default: if (aResult.toSource) { try { output = aResult.toSource(); } catch (ex) { } } if (!output || output == "({})") { output = aResult.toString(); } break; } return output; }, abbreviateSourceURL: function abbreviateSourceURL(aSourceURL) { // Remove any query parameters. let hookIndex = aSourceURL.indexOf("?"); if (hookIndex > -1) aSourceURL = aSourceURL.substring(0, hookIndex); // Remove a trailing "/". if (aSourceURL[aSourceURL.length - 1] == "/") aSourceURL = aSourceURL.substring(0, aSourceURL.length - 1); // Remove all but the last path component. let slashIndex = aSourceURL.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slashIndex > -1) aSourceURL = aSourceURL.substring(slashIndex + 1); return aSourceURL; } }; ConsoleAPIObserver.init(); var TouchEventHandler = { element: null, isCancellable: true, init: function() { addMessageListener("Browser:MouseUp", this); addMessageListener("Browser:MouseDown", this); addMessageListener("Browser:MouseMove", this); }, receiveMessage: function(aMessage) { let json = aMessage.json; if (Util.isParentProcess()) return; if (!content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils).mayHaveTouchEventListeners) { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:CaptureEvents", { type: null, messageId: json.messageId, click: false, panning: false, contentMightCaptureMouse: false }); return; } let type; switch (aMessage.name) { case "Browser:MouseDown": this.isCancellable = true; this.element = elementFromPoint(json.x, json.y); type = "touchstart"; break; case "Browser:MouseUp": this.isCancellable = false; type = "touchend"; break; case "Browser:MouseMove": type = "touchmove"; break; } if (!this.element) return; let cancelled = !this.sendEvent(type, json, this.element); if (type == "touchend") this.element = null; if (this.isCancellable) { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:CaptureEvents", { messageId: json.messageId, type: type, contentMightCaptureMouse: true, click: cancelled && aMessage.name == "Browser:MouseDown", panning: cancelled }); // Panning can be cancelled only during the "touchstart" event and the // first "touchmove" event. After it's cancelled, it stays cancelled // until the next touchstart event. if (cancelled || aMessage.name == "Browser:MouseMove") this.isCancellable = false; } }, sendEvent: function(aName, aData, aElement) { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled")) return true; let evt = content.document.createEvent("touchevent"); let scrollOffset = ContentScroll.getScrollOffset(aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView); let point = content.document.createTouch(content, aElement, 0, aData.x, aData.y, aData.x, aData.y, aData.x - scrollOffset.x, aData.y - scrollOffset.y, 1, 1, 0, 0); let touches = content.document.createTouchList(point); if (aName == "touchend") { let empty = content.document.createTouchList(); evt.initTouchEvent(aName, true, true, content, 0, true, true, true, true, empty, empty, touches); } else { evt.initTouchEvent(aName, true, true, content, 0, true, true, true, true, touches, touches, touches); } return aElement.dispatchEvent(evt); } }; TouchEventHandler.init(); var SelectionHandler = { cache: {}, selectedText: "", contentWindow: null, init: function sh_init() { addMessageListener("Browser:SelectionStart", this); addMessageListener("Browser:SelectionEnd", this); addMessageListener("Browser:SelectionMove", this); }, getCurrentWindowAndOffset: function(x, y, offset) { let utils = Util.getWindowUtils(content); let elem = utils.elementFromPoint(x, y, true, false); while (elem && (elem instanceof HTMLIFrameElement || elem instanceof HTMLFrameElement)) { // adjust client coordinates' origin to be top left of iframe viewport let rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); scrollOffset = ContentScroll.getScrollOffset(elem.ownerDocument.defaultView); offset.x += rect.left; x -= rect.left; offset.y += rect.top + scrollOffset.y; y -= rect.top + scrollOffset.y; utils = elem.contentDocument.defaultView.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); elem = utils.elementFromPoint(x, y, true, false); } if (!elem) return {}; return { contentWindow: elem.ownerDocument.defaultView, offset: offset }; }, receiveMessage: function sh_receiveMessage(aMessage) { let scrollOffset = ContentScroll.getScrollOffset(content); let utils = Util.getWindowUtils(content); let json = aMessage.json; switch (aMessage.name) { case "Browser:SelectionStart": { // Clear out the text cache this.selectedText = ""; // if this is an iframe, dig down to find the document that was clicked let x = json.x - scrollOffset.x; let y = json.y - scrollOffset.y; let { contentWindow: contentWindow, offset: offset } = this.getCurrentWindowAndOffset(x, y, scrollOffset); if (!contentWindow) return; let currentDocShell = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell); // Remove any previous selected or created ranges. Tapping anywhere on a // page will create an empty range. let selection = contentWindow.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); // Position the caret using a fake mouse click utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mousedown", x, y, 0, 1, 0, true); utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mouseup", x, y, 0, 1, 0, true); try { let selcon = currentDocShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsISelectionDisplay).QueryInterface(Ci.nsISelectionController); // Select the word nearest the caret selcon.wordMove(false, false); selcon.wordMove(true, true); } catch(e) { // If we couldn't select the word at the given point, bail return; } // Find the selected text rect and send it back so the handles can position correctly if (selection.rangeCount == 0) return; let range = selection.getRangeAt(0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMNSRange); if (!range) return; // Cache the selected text since the selection might be gone by the time we get the "end" message this.selectedText = selection.toString().trim(); // If the range didn't have any text, let's bail if (!this.selectedText.length) { selection.collapseToStart(); return; } this.cache = this._extractFromRange(range, offset); this.contentWindow = contentWindow; sendAsyncMessage("Browser:SelectionRange", this.cache); break; } case "Browser:SelectionEnd": { let tap = { x: json.x - this.cache.offset.x, y: json.y - this.cache.offset.y }; pointInSelection = (tap.x > this.cache.rect.left && tap.x < this.cache.rect.right) && (tap.y > this.cache.rect.top && tap.y < this.cache.rect.bottom); try { // The selection might already be gone if (this.contentWindow) this.contentWindow.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); this.contentWindow = null; } catch(e) { Cu.reportError(e); } if (pointInSelection && this.selectedText.length) { let clipboard = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper); clipboard.copyString(this.selectedText); sendAsyncMessage("Browser:SelectionCopied", { succeeded: true }); } else { sendAsyncMessage("Browser:SelectionCopied", { succeeded: false }); } break; } case "Browser:SelectionMove": { if (!this.contentWindow) return; // Hack to avoid setting focus in a textbox [Bugs 654352 & 667243] let elemUnder = elementFromPoint(json.x - scrollOffset.x, json.y - scrollOffset.y); if (elemUnder && elemUnder instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement || elemUnder instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement) // Limit the selection to the initial content window (don't leave or enter iframes) if (elemUnder && elemUnder.ownerDocument.defaultView != this.contentWindow) return; // Use fake mouse events to update the selection if (json.type == "end") { // Keep the cache in "client" coordinates, but translate for the mouse event this.cache.end = { x: json.x, y: json.y }; let end = { x: this.cache.end.x - scrollOffset.x, y: this.cache.end.y - scrollOffset.y }; utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mousedown", end.x, end.y, 0, 1, Ci.nsIDOMNSEvent.SHIFT_MASK, true); utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mouseup", end.x, end.y, 0, 1, Ci.nsIDOMNSEvent.SHIFT_MASK, true); } else { // Keep the cache in "client" coordinates, but translate for the mouse event this.cache.start = { x: json.x, y: json.y }; let start = { x: this.cache.start.x - scrollOffset.x, y: this.cache.start.y - scrollOffset.y }; let end = { x: this.cache.end.x - scrollOffset.x, y: this.cache.end.y - scrollOffset.y }; utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mousedown", start.x, start.y, 0, 0, 0, true); utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mouseup", start.x, start.y, 0, 0, 0, true); utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mousedown", end.x, end.y, 0, 1, Ci.nsIDOMNSEvent.SHIFT_MASK, true); utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mouseup", end.x, end.y, 0, 1, Ci.nsIDOMNSEvent.SHIFT_MASK, true); } // Cache the selected text since the selection might be gone by the time we get the "end" message let selection = this.contentWindow.getSelection() this.selectedText = selection.toString().trim(); // Update the rect we use to test when finishing the clipboard operation let range = selection.getRangeAt(0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMNSRange); this.cache.rect = this._extractFromRange(range, this.cache.offset).rect; break; } } }, _extractFromRange: function sh_extractFromRange(aRange, aOffset) { let cache = { start: {}, end: {}, rect: { left: Number.MAX_VALUE, top: Number.MAX_VALUE, right: 0, bottom: 0 } }; let rects = aRange.getClientRects(); for (let i=0; i