var _ios; var ACCESS_WRITE = Ci.nsICache.ACCESS_WRITE; var ACCESS_READ = Ci.nsICache.ACCESS_READ; var KEY_CORRUPT_SECINFO = "http://corruptSecurityInfo/"; var ENTRY_DATA = "foobar"; function create_scriptable_input(unscriptable_input) { var istream = Cc[";1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream); istream.init(unscriptable_input); return istream; } function write_data(entry) { var ostream = entry.openOutputStream(0); if (ostream.write(ENTRY_DATA, ENTRY_DATA.length) != ENTRY_DATA.length) { do_throw("Could not write all data!"); } ostream.close(); } function continue_failure(status, entry) { // Make sure we couldn't open this for reading do_check_eq(status, Cr.NS_ERROR_CACHE_KEY_NOT_FOUND); // Make sure the cache is empty get_device_entry_count("disk", null, function(count, consumption) { do_check_eq(count, 0); do_check_eq(consumption, 0); run_next_test(); }); } function try_read_corrupt_secinfo() { asyncOpenCacheEntry(KEY_CORRUPT_SECINFO, "disk", Ci.nsICacheStorage.OPEN_READONLY, null, continue_failure); } function write_corrupt_secinfo(status, entry) { entry.setMetaDataElement("security-info", "blablabla"); write_data(entry); try { entry.close(); } catch (e) { do_throw("Unexpected exception closing corrupt entry: " + e); } try_read_corrupt_secinfo(); } function test_corrupt_secinfo() { asyncOpenCacheEntry(KEY_CORRUPT_SECINFO, "disk", Ci.nsICacheStorage.OPEN_TRUNCATE, null, write_corrupt_secinfo); } function run_test() { if (newCacheBackEndUsed()) { // broken sec info should doom a cache entry (when broken sec info is written, load should fail with NOT_FOUND) do_check_true(true, "This test doesn't run with the new cache backend, the test or the cache needs to be fixed"); return; } // Make sure we have a cache to use do_get_profile(); // Make sure the cache is empty evict_cache_entries(); // Add new tests at the end of this section add_test(test_corrupt_secinfo); // Let's get going! run_next_test(); }