/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cu = Components.utils; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); // Make it possible to mock out timers for testing let MakeTimer = () => Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["DeferredSave"]; // If delay parameter is not provided, default is 50 milliseconds. const DEFAULT_SAVE_DELAY_MS = 50; /** * A module to manage deferred, asynchronous writing of data files * to disk. Writing is deferred by waiting for a specified delay after * a request to save the data, before beginning to write. If more than * one save request is received during the delay, all requests are * fulfilled by a single write. * * @constructor * @param aPath * String representing the full path of the file where the data * is to be written. * @param aDataProvider * Callback function that takes no argument and returns the data to * be written. If aDataProvider returns an ArrayBufferView, the * bytes it contains are written to the file as is. * If aDataProvider returns a String the data are UTF-8 encoded * and then written to the file. * @param [optional] aDelay * The delay in milliseconds between the first saveChanges() call * that marks the data as needing to be saved, and when the DeferredSave * begins writing the data to disk. Default 50 milliseconds. */ this.DeferredSave = function (aPath, aDataProvider, aDelay) { // Set up loggers for this instance of DeferredSave let leafName = OS.Path.basename(aPath); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonLogging.jsm"); LogManager.getLogger("DeferredSave/" + leafName, this); // @type {Deferred|null}, null when no data needs to be written // @resolves with the result of OS.File.writeAtomic when all writes complete // @rejects with the error from OS.File.writeAtomic if the write fails, // or with the error from aDataProvider() if that throws. this._pending = null; // @type {Promise}, completes when the in-progress write (if any) completes, // kept as a resolved promise at other times to simplify logic. // Because _deferredSave() always uses _writing.then() to execute // its next action, we don't need a special case for whether a write // is in progress - if the previous write is complete (and the _writing // promise is already resolved/rejected), _writing.then() starts // the next action immediately. // // @resolves with the result of OS.File.writeAtomic // @rejects with the error from OS.File.writeAtomic this._writing = Promise.resolve(0); // Are we currently waiting for a write to complete this.writeInProgress = false; this._path = aPath; this._dataProvider = aDataProvider; this._timer = null; // Some counters for telemetry // The total number of times the file was written this.totalSaves = 0; // The number of times the data became dirty while // another save was in progress this.overlappedSaves = 0; // Error returned by the most recent write (if any) this._lastError = null; if (aDelay && (aDelay > 0)) this._delay = aDelay; else this._delay = DEFAULT_SAVE_DELAY_MS; } this.DeferredSave.prototype = { get dirty() { return this._pending || this.writeInProgress; }, get lastError() { return this._lastError; }, // Start the pending timer if data is dirty _startTimer: function() { if (!this._pending) { return; } this.LOG("Starting timer"); if (!this._timer) this._timer = MakeTimer(); this._timer.initWithCallback(() => this._deferredSave(), this._delay, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); }, /** * Mark the current stored data dirty, and schedule a flush to disk * @return A Promise that will be resolved after the data is written to disk; * the promise is resolved with the number of bytes written. */ saveChanges: function() { this.LOG("Save changes"); if (!this._pending) { if (this.writeInProgress) { this.LOG("Data changed while write in progress"); this.overlappedSaves++; } this._pending = Promise.defer(); // Wait until the most recent write completes or fails (if it hasn't already) // and then restart our timer this._writing.then(count => this._startTimer(), error => this._startTimer()); } return this._pending.promise; }, _deferredSave: function() { let pending = this._pending; this._pending = null; let writing = this._writing; this._writing = pending.promise; // In either the success or the exception handling case, we don't need to handle // the error from _writing here; it's already being handled in another then() let toSave = null; try { toSave = this._dataProvider(); } catch(e) { this.ERROR("Deferred save dataProvider failed", e); writing.then(null, error => {}) .then(count => { pending.reject(e); }); return; } writing.then(null, error => {return 0;}) .then(count => { this.LOG("Starting write"); this.totalSaves++; this.writeInProgress = true; OS.File.writeAtomic(this._path, toSave, {tmpPath: this._path + ".tmp"}) .then( result => { this._lastError = null; this.writeInProgress = false; this.LOG("Write succeeded"); pending.resolve(result); }, error => { this._lastError = error; this.writeInProgress = false; this.WARN("Write failed", error); pending.reject(error); }); }); }, /** * Immediately save the dirty data to disk, skipping * the delay of normal operation. Note that the write * still happens asynchronously in the worker * thread from OS.File. * * There are four possible situations: * 1) Nothing to flush * 2) Data is not currently being written, in-memory copy is dirty * 3) Data is currently being written, in-memory copy is clean * 4) Data is being written and in-memory copy is dirty * * @return Promise that will resolve when all in-memory data * has finished being flushed, returning the number of bytes * written. If all in-memory data is clean, completes with the * result of the most recent write. */ flush: function() { // If we have pending changes, cancel our timer and set up the write // immediately (_deferredSave queues the write for after the most // recent write completes, if it hasn't already) if (this._pending) { this.LOG("Flush called while data is dirty"); if (this._timer) { this._timer.cancel(); this._timer = null; } this._deferredSave(); } return this._writing; } }