/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; const EPSILON = 0.001; const SOURCE_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHT_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 102400; // 100 KB in bytes const RESIZE_REFRESH_RATE = 50; // ms const REQUESTS_REFRESH_RATE = 50; // ms const REQUESTS_HEADERS_SAFE_BOUNDS = 30; // px const REQUESTS_WATERFALL_SAFE_BOUNDS = 90; // px const REQUESTS_WATERFALL_HEADER_TICKS_MULTIPLE = 5; // ms const REQUESTS_WATERFALL_HEADER_TICKS_SPACING_MIN = 60; // px const REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_MULTIPLE = 5; // ms const REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_SCALES = 3; const REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_SPACING_MIN = 10; // px const REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_COLOR_RGB = [128, 136, 144]; const REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_OPACITY_MIN = 32; // byte const REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_OPACITY_ADD = 32; // byte const DEFAULT_HTTP_VERSION = "HTTP/1.1"; const HEADERS_SIZE_DECIMALS = 3; const CONTENT_SIZE_DECIMALS = 2; const CONTENT_MIME_TYPE_ABBREVIATIONS = { "ecmascript": "js", "javascript": "js", "x-javascript": "js" }; const CONTENT_MIME_TYPE_MAPPINGS = { "/ecmascript": SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT, "/javascript": SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT, "/x-javascript": SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT, "/html": SourceEditor.MODES.HTML, "/xhtml": SourceEditor.MODES.HTML, "/xml": SourceEditor.MODES.HTML, "/atom": SourceEditor.MODES.HTML, "/soap": SourceEditor.MODES.HTML, "/rdf": SourceEditor.MODES.HTML, "/rss": SourceEditor.MODES.HTML, "/css": SourceEditor.MODES.CSS }; const DEFAULT_EDITOR_CONFIG = { mode: SourceEditor.MODES.TEXT, readOnly: true, showLineNumbers: true }; const GENERIC_VARIABLES_VIEW_SETTINGS = { lazyEmpty: true, lazyEmptyDelay: 10, // ms searchEnabled: true, editableValueTooltip: "", editableNameTooltip: "", preventDisableOnChage: true, preventDescriptorModifiers: true, eval: () => {}, switch: () => {} }; /** * Object defining the network monitor view components. */ let NetMonitorView = { /** * Initializes the network monitor view. * * @param function aCallback * Called after the view finishes initializing. */ initialize: function(aCallback) { dumpn("Initializing the NetMonitorView"); this._initializePanes(); this.Toolbar.initialize(); this.RequestsMenu.initialize(); this.NetworkDetails.initialize(); aCallback(); }, /** * Destroys the network monitor view. * * @param function aCallback * Called after the view finishes destroying. */ destroy: function(aCallback) { dumpn("Destroying the NetMonitorView"); this.Toolbar.destroy(); this.RequestsMenu.destroy(); this.NetworkDetails.destroy(); this._destroyPanes(); aCallback(); }, /** * Initializes the UI for all the displayed panes. */ _initializePanes: function() { dumpn("Initializing the NetMonitorView panes"); this._body = $("#body"); this._detailsPane = $("#details-pane"); this._detailsPaneToggleButton = $("#details-pane-toggle"); this._collapsePaneString = L10N.getStr("collapseDetailsPane"); this._expandPaneString = L10N.getStr("expandDetailsPane"); this._detailsPane.setAttribute("width", Prefs.networkDetailsWidth); this._detailsPane.setAttribute("height", Prefs.networkDetailsHeight); this.toggleDetailsPane({ visible: false }); }, /** * Destroys the UI for all the displayed panes. */ _destroyPanes: function() { dumpn("Destroying the NetMonitorView panes"); Prefs.networkDetailsWidth = this._detailsPane.getAttribute("width"); Prefs.networkDetailsHeight = this._detailsPane.getAttribute("height"); this._detailsPane = null; this._detailsPaneToggleButton = null; }, /** * Gets the visibility state of the network details pane. * @return boolean */ get detailsPaneHidden() this._detailsPane.hasAttribute("pane-collapsed"), /** * Sets the network details pane hidden or visible. * * @param object aFlags * An object containing some of the following properties: * - visible: true if the pane should be shown, false to hide * - animated: true to display an animation on toggle * - delayed: true to wait a few cycles before toggle * - callback: a function to invoke when the toggle finishes * @param number aTabIndex [optional] * The index of the intended selected tab in the details pane. */ toggleDetailsPane: function(aFlags, aTabIndex) { let pane = this._detailsPane; let button = this._detailsPaneToggleButton; ViewHelpers.togglePane(aFlags, pane); if (aFlags.visible) { this._body.removeAttribute("pane-collapsed"); button.removeAttribute("pane-collapsed"); button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", this._collapsePaneString); } else { this._body.setAttribute("pane-collapsed", ""); button.setAttribute("pane-collapsed", ""); button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", this._expandPaneString); } if (aTabIndex !== undefined) { $("#event-details-pane").selectedIndex = aTabIndex; } }, /** * Lazily initializes and returns a promise for a SourceEditor instance. * * @param string aId * The id of the editor placeholder node. * @return object * A Promise that is resolved when the editor is available. */ editor: function(aId) { dumpn("Getting a NetMonitorView editor: " + aId); if (this._editorPromises.has(aId)) { return this._editorPromises.get(aId); } let deferred = Promise.defer(); this._editorPromises.set(aId, deferred.promise); // Initialize the source editor and store the newly created instance // in the ether of a resolved promise's value. new SourceEditor().init($(aId), DEFAULT_EDITOR_CONFIG, deferred.resolve); return deferred.promise; }, _body: null, _detailsPane: null, _detailsPaneToggleButton: null, _collapsePaneString: "", _expandPaneString: "", _editorPromises: new Map(), _isInitialized: false, _isDestroyed: false }; /** * Functions handling the toolbar view: expand/collapse button etc. */ function ToolbarView() { dumpn("ToolbarView was instantiated"); this._onTogglePanesPressed = this._onTogglePanesPressed.bind(this); } ToolbarView.prototype = { /** * Initialization function, called when the debugger is started. */ initialize: function() { dumpn("Initializing the ToolbarView"); this._detailsPaneToggleButton = $("#details-pane-toggle"); this._detailsPaneToggleButton.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onTogglePanesPressed, false); }, /** * Destruction function, called when the debugger is closed. */ destroy: function() { dumpn("Destroying the ToolbarView"); this._detailsPaneToggleButton.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._onTogglePanesPressed, false); }, /** * Listener handling the toggle button click event. */ _onTogglePanesPressed: function() { let requestsMenu = NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu; let selectedIndex = requestsMenu.selectedIndex; // Make sure there's a selection if the button is pressed, to avoid // showing an empty network details pane. if (selectedIndex == -1 && requestsMenu.itemCount) { requestsMenu.selectedIndex = 0; } else { requestsMenu.selectedIndex = -1; } }, _detailsPaneToggleButton: null }; /** * Functions handling the requests menu (containing details about each request, * like status, method, file, domain, as well as a waterfall representing * timing imformation). */ function RequestsMenuView() { dumpn("RequestsMenuView was instantiated"); this._flushRequests = this._flushRequests.bind(this); this._onSelect = this._onSelect.bind(this); this._onResize = this._onResize.bind(this); this._byFile = this._byFile.bind(this); this._byDomain = this._byDomain.bind(this); this._byType = this._byType.bind(this); } RequestsMenuView.prototype = Heritage.extend(WidgetMethods, { /** * Initialization function, called when the network monitor is started. */ initialize: function() { dumpn("Initializing the RequestsMenuView"); this.widget = new SideMenuWidget($("#requests-menu-contents"), false); this._summary = $("#request-menu-network-summary"); this.allowFocusOnRightClick = true; this.widget.maintainSelectionVisible = false; this.widget.autoscrollWithAppendedItems = true; this.widget.addEventListener("select", this._onSelect, false); window.addEventListener("resize", this._onResize, false); }, /** * Destruction function, called when the network monitor is closed. */ destroy: function() { dumpn("Destroying the SourcesView"); this.widget.removeEventListener("select", this._onSelect, false); window.removeEventListener("resize", this._onResize, false); }, /** * Resets this container (removes all the networking information). */ reset: function() { this.empty(); this._firstRequestStartedMillis = -1; this._lastRequestEndedMillis = -1; }, /** * Specifies if this view may be updated lazily. */ lazyUpdate: true, /** * Adds a network request to this container. * * @param string aId * An identifier coming from the network monitor controller. * @param string aStartedDateTime * A string representation of when the request was started, which * can be parsed by Date (for example "2012-09-17T19:50:03.699Z"). * @param string aMethod * Specifies the request method (e.g. "GET", "POST", etc.) * @param string aUrl * Specifies the request's url. * @param boolean aIsXHR * True if this request was initiated via XHR. */ addRequest: function(aId, aStartedDateTime, aMethod, aUrl, aIsXHR) { // Convert the received date/time string to a unix timestamp. let unixTime = Date.parse(aStartedDateTime); // Create the element node for the network request item. let menuView = this._createMenuView(aMethod, aUrl); // Remember the first and last event boundaries. this._registerFirstRequestStart(unixTime); this._registerLastRequestEnd(unixTime); // Append a network request item to this container. let requestItem = this.push([menuView, aId, ""], { attachment: { startedDeltaMillis: unixTime - this._firstRequestStartedMillis, startedMillis: unixTime, method: aMethod, url: aUrl, isXHR: aIsXHR } }); $("#details-pane-toggle").disabled = false; $("#requests-menu-empty-notice").hidden = true; this.refreshSummary(); this.refreshZebra(); if (aId == this._preferredItemId) { this.selectedItem = requestItem; } }, /** * Create a new custom request form populated with the data from * the currently selected request. */ cloneSelectedRequest: function() { let selected = this.selectedItem.attachment; // Create the element node for the network request item. let menuView = this._createMenuView(selected.method, selected.url); let newItem = this.push([menuView,, ""], { attachment: Object.create(selected, { isCustom: { value: true } }) }); // Immediately switch to new request pane. this.selectedItem = newItem; }, /** * Send a new HTTP request using the data in the custom request form. */ sendCustomRequest: function() { let selected = this.selectedItem.attachment; let data = Object.create(selected, { headers: { value: selected.requestHeaders.headers } }); if (selected.requestPostData) { data.body = selected.requestPostData.postData.text; } NetMonitorController.webConsoleClient.sendHTTPRequest(data, (response) => { let id = response.eventActor.actor; this._preferredItemId = id; }); this.closeCustomRequest(); }, /** * Remove the currently selected custom request. */ closeCustomRequest: function() { this.remove(this.selectedItem); NetMonitorView.Sidebar.toggle(false); }, /** * Filters all network requests in this container by a specified type. * * @param string aType * Either "all", "html", "css", "js", "xhr", "fonts", "images", "media" * or "flash". */ filterOn: function(aType = "all") { let target = $("#requests-menu-filter-" + aType + "-button"); let buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".requests-menu-footer-button"); for (let button of buttons) { if (button != target) { button.removeAttribute("checked"); } else { button.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } } // Filter on whatever was requested. switch (aType) { case "all": this.filterContents(() => true); break; case "html": this.filterContents(this._onHtml); break; case "css": this.filterContents(this._onCss); break; case "js": this.filterContents(this._onJs); break; case "xhr": this.filterContents(this._onXhr); break; case "fonts": this.filterContents(this._onFonts); break; case "images": this.filterContents(this._onImages); break; case "media": this.filterContents(this._onMedia); break; case "flash": this.filterContents(this._onFlash); break; } this.refreshSummary(); this.refreshZebra(); }, /** * Sorts all network requests in this container by a specified detail. * * @param string aType * Either "status", "method", "file", "domain", "type", "size" or * "waterfall". */ sortBy: function(aType = "waterfall") { let target = $("#requests-menu-" + aType + "-button"); let headers = document.querySelectorAll(".requests-menu-header-button"); for (let header of headers) { if (header != target) { header.removeAttribute("sorted"); header.removeAttribute("tooltiptext"); } } let direction = ""; if (target) { if (target.getAttribute("sorted") == "ascending") { target.setAttribute("sorted", direction = "descending"); target.setAttribute("tooltiptext", L10N.getStr("networkMenu.sortedDesc")); } else { target.setAttribute("sorted", direction = "ascending"); target.setAttribute("tooltiptext", L10N.getStr("networkMenu.sortedAsc")); } } // Sort by whatever was requested. switch (aType) { case "status": if (direction == "ascending") { this.sortContents(this._byStatus); } else { this.sortContents((a, b) => !this._byStatus(a, b)); } break; case "method": if (direction == "ascending") { this.sortContents(this._byMethod); } else { this.sortContents((a, b) => !this._byMethod(a, b)); } break; case "file": if (direction == "ascending") { this.sortContents(this._byFile); } else { this.sortContents((a, b) => !this._byFile(a, b)); } break; case "domain": if (direction == "ascending") { this.sortContents(this._byDomain); } else { this.sortContents((a, b) => !this._byDomain(a, b)); } break; case "type": if (direction == "ascending") { this.sortContents(this._byType); } else { this.sortContents((a, b) => !this._byType(a, b)); } break; case "size": if (direction == "ascending") { this.sortContents(this._bySize); } else { this.sortContents((a, b) => !this._bySize(a, b)); } break; case "waterfall": if (direction == "ascending") { this.sortContents(this._byTiming); } else { this.sortContents((a, b) => !this._byTiming(a, b)); } break; } this.refreshSummary(); this.refreshZebra(); }, /** * Predicates used when filtering items. * * @param object aItem * The filtered item. * @return boolean * True if the item should be visible, false otherwise. */ _onHtml: function({ attachment: { mimeType } }) mimeType && mimeType.contains("/html"), _onCss: function({ attachment: { mimeType } }) mimeType && mimeType.contains("/css"), _onJs: function({ attachment: { mimeType } }) mimeType && ( mimeType.contains("/ecmascript") || mimeType.contains("/javascript") || mimeType.contains("/x-javascript")), _onXhr: function({ attachment: { isXHR } }) isXHR, _onFonts: function({ attachment: { url, mimeType } }) // Fonts are a mess. (mimeType && ( mimeType.contains("font/") || mimeType.contains("/font"))) || url.contains(".eot") || url.contains(".ttf") || url.contains(".otf") || url.contains(".woff"), _onImages: function({ attachment: { mimeType } }) mimeType && mimeType.contains("image/"), _onMedia: function({ attachment: { mimeType } }) // Not including images. mimeType && ( mimeType.contains("audio/") || mimeType.contains("video/") || mimeType.contains("model/")), _onFlash: function({ attachment: { url, mimeType } }) // Flash is a mess. (mimeType && ( mimeType.contains("/x-flv") || mimeType.contains("/x-shockwave-flash"))) || url.contains(".swf") || url.contains(".flv"), /** * Predicates used when sorting items. * * @param object aFirst * The first item used in the comparison. * @param object aSecond * The second item used in the comparison. * @return number * -1 to sort aFirst to a lower index than aSecond * 0 to leave aFirst and aSecond unchanged with respect to each other * 1 to sort aSecond to a lower index than aFirst */ _byTiming: function({ attachment: first }, { attachment: second }) first.startedMillis > second.startedMillis, _byStatus: function({ attachment: first }, { attachment: second }) first.status > second.status, _byMethod: function({ attachment: first }, { attachment: second }) first.method > second.method, _byFile: function({ attachment: first }, { attachment: second }) this._getUriNameWithQuery(first.url).toLowerCase() > this._getUriNameWithQuery(second.url).toLowerCase(), _byDomain: function({ attachment: first }, { attachment: second }) this._getUriHostPort(first.url).toLowerCase() > this._getUriHostPort(second.url).toLowerCase(), _byType: function({ attachment: first }, { attachment: second }) this._getAbbreviatedMimeType(first.mimeType).toLowerCase() > this._getAbbreviatedMimeType(second.mimeType).toLowerCase(), _bySize: function({ attachment: first }, { attachment: second }) first.contentSize > second.contentSize, /** * Refreshes the status displayed in this container's footer, providing * concise information about all requests. */ refreshSummary: function() { let visibleItems = this.visibleItems; let visibleRequestsCount = visibleItems.length; if (!visibleRequestsCount) { this._summary.setAttribute("value", L10N.getStr("networkMenu.empty")); return; } let totalBytes = this._getTotalBytesOfRequests(visibleItems); let totalMillis = this._getNewestRequest(visibleItems).attachment.endedMillis - this._getOldestRequest(visibleItems).attachment.startedMillis; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Localization_and_Plurals let str = PluralForm.get(visibleRequestsCount, L10N.getStr("networkMenu.summary")); this._summary.setAttribute("value", str .replace("#1", visibleRequestsCount) .replace("#2", L10N.numberWithDecimals((totalBytes || 0) / 1024, 2)) .replace("#3", L10N.numberWithDecimals((totalMillis || 0) / 1000, 2)) ); }, /** * Adds odd/even attributes to all the visible items in this container. */ refreshZebra: function() { let visibleItems = this.orderedVisibleItems; for (let i = 0, len = visibleItems.length; i < len; i++) { let requestItem = visibleItems[i]; let requestTarget = requestItem.target; if (i % 2 == 0) { requestTarget.setAttribute("even", ""); requestTarget.removeAttribute("odd"); } else { requestTarget.setAttribute("odd", ""); requestTarget.removeAttribute("even"); } } }, /** * Schedules adding additional information to a network request. * * @param string aId * An identifier coming from the network monitor controller. * @param object aData * An object containing several { key: value } tuples of network info. * Supported keys are "httpVersion", "status", "statusText" etc. */ updateRequest: function(aId, aData) { // Prevent interference from zombie updates received after target closed. if (NetMonitorView._isDestroyed) { return; } this._updateQueue.push([aId, aData]); // Lazy updating is disabled in some tests. if (!this.lazyUpdate) { return void this._flushRequests(); } // Allow requests to settle down first. drain("update-requests", REQUESTS_REFRESH_RATE, () => this._flushRequests()); }, /** * Starts adding all queued additional information about network requests. */ _flushRequests: function() { // For each queued additional information packet, get the corresponding // request item in the view and update it based on the specified data. for (let [id, data] of this._updateQueue) { let requestItem = this.getItemByValue(id); if (!requestItem) { // Packet corresponds to a dead request item, target navigated. continue; } // Each information packet may contain several { key: value } tuples of // network info, so update the view based on each one. for (let key in data) { let value = data[key]; if (value === undefined) { // The information in the packet is empty, it can be safely ignored. continue; } switch (key) { case "requestHeaders": requestItem.attachment.requestHeaders = value; break; case "requestCookies": requestItem.attachment.requestCookies = value; break; case "requestPostData": requestItem.attachment.requestPostData = value; break; case "responseHeaders": requestItem.attachment.responseHeaders = value; break; case "responseCookies": requestItem.attachment.responseCookies = value; break; case "httpVersion": requestItem.attachment.httpVersion = value; break; case "status": requestItem.attachment.status = value; this.updateMenuView(requestItem, key, value); break; case "statusText": requestItem.attachment.statusText = value; this.updateMenuView(requestItem, key, requestItem.attachment.status + " " + requestItem.attachment.statusText); break; case "headersSize": requestItem.attachment.headersSize = value; break; case "contentSize": requestItem.attachment.contentSize = value; this.updateMenuView(requestItem, key, value); break; case "mimeType": requestItem.attachment.mimeType = value; this.updateMenuView(requestItem, key, value); break; case "responseContent": requestItem.attachment.responseContent = value; break; case "totalTime": requestItem.attachment.totalTime = value; requestItem.attachment.endedMillis = requestItem.attachment.startedMillis + value; this.updateMenuView(requestItem, key, value); this._registerLastRequestEnd(requestItem.attachment.endedMillis); break; case "eventTimings": requestItem.attachment.eventTimings = value; this._createWaterfallView(requestItem, value.timings); break; } } // This update may have additional information about a request which // isn't shown yet in the network details pane. let selectedItem = this.selectedItem; if (selectedItem && selectedItem.value == id) { NetMonitorView.NetworkDetails.populate(selectedItem.attachment); } } // We're done flushing all the requests, clear the update queue. this._updateQueue = []; // Make sure all the requests are sorted and filtered. // Freshly added requests may not yet contain all the information required // for sorting and filtering predicates, so this is done each time the // network requests table is flushed (don't worry, events are drained first // so this doesn't happen once per network event update). this.sortContents(); this.filterContents(); this.refreshSummary(); this.refreshZebra(); }, /** * Customization function for creating an item's UI. * * @param string aMethod * Specifies the request method (e.g. "GET", "POST", etc.) * @param string aUrl * Specifies the request's url. * @return nsIDOMNode * The network request view. */ _createMenuView: function(aMethod, aUrl) { let template = $("#requests-menu-item-template"); let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.updateMenuView(template, 'method', aMethod); this.updateMenuView(template, 'url', aUrl); let waterfall = $(".requests-menu-waterfall", template); waterfall.style.backgroundImage = this._cachedWaterfallBackground; // Flatten the DOM by removing one redundant box (the template container). for (let node of template.childNodes) { fragment.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)); } return fragment; }, /** * Updates the information displayed in a network request item view. * * @param object aItem * The network request item in this container. * @param string aKey * The type of information that is to be updated. * @param any aValue * The new value to be shown. */ updateMenuView: function(aItem, aKey, aValue) { let target = aItem.target || aItem; switch (aKey) { case "method": { let node = $(".requests-menu-method", target); node.setAttribute("value", aValue); break; } case "url": { let uri; try { uri = nsIURL(aValue); } catch(e) { break; // User input may not make a well-formed url yet. } let nameWithQuery = this._getUriNameWithQuery(uri); let hostPort = this._getUriHostPort(uri); let node = $(".requests-menu-file", target); node.setAttribute("value", nameWithQuery); node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", nameWithQuery); let domain = $(".requests-menu-domain", target); domain.setAttribute("value", hostPort); domain.setAttribute("tooltiptext", hostPort); break; } case "status": { let node = $(".requests-menu-status", target); node.setAttribute("code", aValue); break; } case "statusText": { let node = $(".requests-menu-status-and-method", target); node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aValue); break; } case "contentSize": { let kb = aValue / 1024; let size = L10N.numberWithDecimals(kb, CONTENT_SIZE_DECIMALS); let node = $(".requests-menu-size", target); let text = L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.sizeKB", size); node.setAttribute("value", text); node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", text); break; } case "mimeType": { let type = this._getAbbreviatedMimeType(aValue); let node = $(".requests-menu-type", target); let text = CONTENT_MIME_TYPE_ABBREVIATIONS[type] || type; node.setAttribute("value", text); node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aValue); break; } case "totalTime": { let node = $(".requests-menu-timings-total", target); let text = L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.totalMS", aValue); // integer node.setAttribute("value", text); node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", text); break; } } }, /** * Creates a waterfall representing timing information in a network request item view. * * @param object aItem * The network request item in this container. * @param object aTimings * An object containing timing information. */ _createWaterfallView: function(aItem, aTimings) { let { target, attachment } = aItem; let sections = ["dns", "connect", "send", "wait", "receive"]; // Skipping "blocked" because it doesn't work yet. let timingsNode = $(".requests-menu-timings", target); let startCapNode = $(".requests-menu-timings-cap.start", timingsNode); let endCapNode = $(".requests-menu-timings-cap.end", timingsNode); let firstBox; // Add a set of boxes representing timing information. for (let key of sections) { let width = aTimings[key]; // Don't render anything if it surely won't be visible. // One millisecond == one unscaled pixel. if (width > 0) { let timingBox = document.createElement("hbox"); timingBox.className = "requests-menu-timings-box " + key; timingBox.setAttribute("width", width); timingsNode.insertBefore(timingBox, endCapNode); // Make the start cap inherit the aspect of the first timing box. if (!firstBox) { firstBox = timingBox; startCapNode.classList.add(key); } // Same goes for the end cap, inherit the aspect of the last timing box. endCapNode.classList.add(key); } } // Since at least one timing box should've been rendered, unhide the // start and end timing cap nodes. startCapNode.hidden = false; endCapNode.hidden = false; // Rescale all the waterfalls so that everything is visible at once. this._flushWaterfallViews(); }, /** * Rescales and redraws all the waterfall views in this container. * * @param boolean aReset * True if this container's width was changed. */ _flushWaterfallViews: function(aReset) { // To avoid expensive operations like getBoundingClientRect() and // rebuilding the waterfall background each time a new request comes in, // stuff is cached. However, in certain scenarios like when the window // is resized, this needs to be invalidated. if (aReset) { this._cachedWaterfallWidth = 0; this._hideOverflowingColumns(); } // Determine the scaling to be applied to all the waterfalls so that // everything is visible at once. One millisecond == one unscaled pixel. let availableWidth = this._waterfallWidth - REQUESTS_WATERFALL_SAFE_BOUNDS; let longestWidth = this._lastRequestEndedMillis - this._firstRequestStartedMillis; let scale = Math.min(Math.max(availableWidth / longestWidth, EPSILON), 1); // Redraw and set the canvas background for each waterfall view. this._showWaterfallDivisionLabels(scale); this._drawWaterfallBackground(scale); this._flushWaterfallBackgrounds(); // Apply CSS transforms to each waterfall in this container totalTime // accurately translate and resize as needed. for (let { target, attachment } in this) { let timingsNode = $(".requests-menu-timings", target); let startCapNode = $(".requests-menu-timings-cap.start", target); let endCapNode = $(".requests-menu-timings-cap.end", target); let totalNode = $(".requests-menu-timings-total", target); let direction = window.isRTL ? -1 : 1; // Render the timing information at a specific horizontal translation // based on the delta to the first monitored event network. let translateX = "translateX(" + (direction * attachment.startedDeltaMillis) + "px)"; // Based on the total time passed until the last request, rescale // all the waterfalls to a reasonable size. let scaleX = "scaleX(" + scale + ")"; // Certain nodes should not be scaled, even if they're children of // another scaled node. In this case, apply a reversed transformation. let revScaleX = "scaleX(" + (1 / scale) + ")"; timingsNode.style.transform = scaleX + " " + translateX; startCapNode.style.transform = revScaleX + " translateX(" + (direction * 0.5) + "px)"; endCapNode.style.transform = revScaleX + " translateX(" + (direction * -0.5) + "px)"; totalNode.style.transform = revScaleX; } }, /** * Creates the labels displayed on the waterfall header in this container. * * @param number aScale * The current waterfall scale. */ _showWaterfallDivisionLabels: function(aScale) { let container = $("#requests-menu-waterfall-button"); let availableWidth = this._waterfallWidth - REQUESTS_WATERFALL_SAFE_BOUNDS; // Nuke all existing labels. while (container.hasChildNodes()) { container.firstChild.remove(); } // Build new millisecond tick labels... let timingStep = REQUESTS_WATERFALL_HEADER_TICKS_MULTIPLE; let optimalTickIntervalFound = false; while (!optimalTickIntervalFound) { // Ignore any divisions that would end up being too close to each other. let scaledStep = aScale * timingStep; if (scaledStep < REQUESTS_WATERFALL_HEADER_TICKS_SPACING_MIN) { timingStep <<= 1; continue; } optimalTickIntervalFound = true; // Insert one label for each division on the current scale. let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); let direction = window.isRTL ? -1 : 1; for (let x = 0; x < availableWidth; x += scaledStep) { let divisionMS = (x / aScale).toFixed(0); let translateX = "translateX(" + ((direction * x) | 0) + "px)"; let node = document.createElement("label"); let text = L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.divisionMS", divisionMS); node.className = "plain requests-menu-timings-division"; node.style.transform = translateX; node.setAttribute("value", text); fragment.appendChild(node); } container.appendChild(fragment); } }, /** * Creates the background displayed on each waterfall view in this container. * * @param number aScale * The current waterfall scale. */ _drawWaterfallBackground: function(aScale) { if (!this._canvas || !this._ctx) { this._canvas = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "canvas"); this._ctx = this._canvas.getContext("2d"); } let canvas = this._canvas; let ctx = this._ctx; // Nuke the context. let canvasWidth = canvas.width = this._waterfallWidth; let canvasHeight = canvas.height = 1; // Awww yeah, 1px, repeats on Y axis. // Start over. let imageData = ctx.createImageData(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); let pixelArray = imageData.data; let buf = new ArrayBuffer(pixelArray.length); let buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(buf); let data32 = new Uint32Array(buf); // Build new millisecond tick lines... let timingStep = REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_MULTIPLE; let [r, g, b] = REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_COLOR_RGB; let alphaComponent = REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_OPACITY_MIN; let optimalTickIntervalFound = false; while (!optimalTickIntervalFound) { // Ignore any divisions that would end up being too close to each other. let scaledStep = aScale * timingStep; if (scaledStep < REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_SPACING_MIN) { timingStep <<= 1; continue; } optimalTickIntervalFound = true; // Insert one pixel for each division on each scale. for (let i = 1; i <= REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_SCALES; i++) { let increment = scaledStep * Math.pow(2, i); for (let x = 0; x < canvasWidth; x += increment) { let position = (window.isRTL ? canvasWidth - x : x) | 0; data32[position] = (alphaComponent << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; } alphaComponent += REQUESTS_WATERFALL_BACKGROUND_TICKS_OPACITY_ADD; } } // Flush the image data and cache the waterfall background. pixelArray.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); this._cachedWaterfallBackground = "url(" + canvas.toDataURL() + ")"; }, /** * Reapplies the current waterfall background on all request items. */ _flushWaterfallBackgrounds: function() { for (let { target } in this) { let waterfallNode = $(".requests-menu-waterfall", target); waterfallNode.style.backgroundImage = this._cachedWaterfallBackground; } }, /** * Hides the overflowing columns in the requests table. */ _hideOverflowingColumns: function() { if (window.isRTL) { return; } let table = $("#network-table"); let toolbar = $("#requests-menu-toolbar"); let columns = [ ["#requests-menu-waterfall-header-box", "waterfall-overflows"], ["#requests-menu-size-header-box", "size-overflows"], ["#requests-menu-type-header-box", "type-overflows"], ["#requests-menu-domain-header-box", "domain-overflows"] ]; // Flush headers. columns.forEach(([, attribute]) => table.removeAttribute(attribute)); let availableWidth = toolbar.getBoundingClientRect().width; // Hide the columns. columns.forEach(([id, attribute]) => { let bounds = $(id).getBoundingClientRect(); if (bounds.right > availableWidth - REQUESTS_HEADERS_SAFE_BOUNDS) { table.setAttribute(attribute, ""); } }); }, /** * The selection listener for this container. */ _onSelect: function({ detail: item }) { if (item) { NetMonitorView.Sidebar.populate(item.attachment); NetMonitorView.Sidebar.toggle(true); } else { NetMonitorView.Sidebar.toggle(false); } }, /** * The resize listener for this container's window. */ _onResize: function(e) { // Allow requests to settle down first. drain("resize-events", RESIZE_REFRESH_RATE, () => this._flushWaterfallViews(true)); }, /** * Handle the context menu opening. Hide items if no request is selected. */ _onContextShowing: function() { let element = $("#request-menu-context-resend"); element.hidden = !this.selectedItem || this.selectedItem.attachment.isCustom; }, /** * Checks if the specified unix time is the first one to be known of, * and saves it if so. * * @param number aUnixTime * The milliseconds to check and save. */ _registerFirstRequestStart: function(aUnixTime) { if (this._firstRequestStartedMillis == -1) { this._firstRequestStartedMillis = aUnixTime; } }, /** * Checks if the specified unix time is the last one to be known of, * and saves it if so. * * @param number aUnixTime * The milliseconds to check and save. */ _registerLastRequestEnd: function(aUnixTime) { if (this._lastRequestEndedMillis < aUnixTime) { this._lastRequestEndedMillis = aUnixTime; } }, /** * Helpers for getting details about an nsIURL. * * @param nsIURL | string aUrl * @return string */ _getUriNameWithQuery: function(aUrl) { if (!(aUrl instanceof Ci.nsIURL)) { aUrl = nsIURL(aUrl); } let name = NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(aUrl.fileName)) || "/"; let query = NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(aUrl.query)); return name + (query ? "?" + query : ""); }, _getUriHostPort: function(aUrl) { if (!(aUrl instanceof Ci.nsIURL)) { aUrl = nsIURL(aUrl); } return NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(aUrl.hostPort)); }, /** * Helper for getting an abbreviated string for a mime type. * * @param string aMimeType * @return string */ _getAbbreviatedMimeType: function(aMimeType) { if (!aMimeType) { return ""; } return (aMimeType.split(";")[0].split("/")[1] || "").split("+")[0]; }, /** * Gets the total number of bytes representing the cumulated content size of * a set of requests. Returns 0 for an empty set. * * @param array aItemsArray * @return number */ _getTotalBytesOfRequests: function(aItemsArray) { if (!aItemsArray.length) { return 0; } return aItemsArray.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr.attachment.contentSize || 0, 0); }, /** * Gets the oldest (first performed) request in a set. Returns null for an * empty set. * * @param array aItemsArray * @return object */ _getOldestRequest: function(aItemsArray) { if (!aItemsArray.length) { return null; } return aItemsArray.reduce((prev, curr) => prev.attachment.startedMillis < curr.attachment.startedMillis ? prev : curr); }, /** * Gets the newest (latest performed) request in a set. Returns null for an * empty set. * * @param array aItemsArray * @return object */ _getNewestRequest: function(aItemsArray) { if (!aItemsArray.length) { return null; } return aItemsArray.reduce((prev, curr) => prev.attachment.startedMillis > curr.attachment.startedMillis ? prev : curr); }, /** * Gets the available waterfall width in this container. * @return number */ get _waterfallWidth() { if (this._cachedWaterfallWidth == 0) { let container = $("#requests-menu-toolbar"); let waterfall = $("#requests-menu-waterfall-header-box"); let containerBounds = container.getBoundingClientRect(); let waterfallBounds = waterfall.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!window.isRTL) { this._cachedWaterfallWidth = containerBounds.width - waterfallBounds.left; } else { this._cachedWaterfallWidth = waterfallBounds.right; } } return this._cachedWaterfallWidth; }, _summary: null, _canvas: null, _ctx: null, _cachedWaterfallWidth: 0, _cachedWaterfallBackground: "", _firstRequestStartedMillis: -1, _lastRequestEndedMillis: -1, _updateQueue: [], _updateTimeout: null, _resizeTimeout: null }); /** * Functions handling the sidebar details view. */ function SidebarView() { dumpn("SidebarView was instantiated"); } SidebarView.prototype = { /** * Sets this view hidden or visible. It's visible by default. * * @param boolean aVisibleFlag * Specifies the intended visibility. */ toggle: function(aVisibleFlag) { NetMonitorView.toggleDetailsPane({ visible: aVisibleFlag }); NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu._flushWaterfallViews(true); }, /** * Populates this view with the specified data. * * @param object aData * The data source (this should be the attachment of a request item). */ populate: function(aData) { if (aData.isCustom) { NetMonitorView.CustomRequest.populate(aData); $("#details-pane").selectedIndex = 0; } else { NetMonitorView.NetworkDetails.populate(aData); $("#details-pane").selectedIndex = 1; } }, /** * Hides this container. */ reset: function() { this.toggle(false); } } /** * Functions handling the custom request view. */ function CustomRequestView() { dumpn("CustomRequestView was instantiated"); } CustomRequestView.prototype = { /** * Populates this view with the specified data. * * @param object aData * The data source (this should be the attachment of a request item). */ populate: function(aData) { $("#custom-url-value").value = aData.url; $("#custom-method-value").value = aData.method; $("#custom-headers-value").value = writeHeaderText(aData.requestHeaders.headers); if (aData.requestPostData) { let body = aData.requestPostData.postData.text; gNetwork.getString(body).then((aString) => { $("#custom-postdata-value").value = aString; }); } this.updateCustomQuery(aData.url); }, /** * Handle user input in the custom request form. * * @param object aField * the field that the user updated. */ onUpdate: function(aField) { let selectedItem = NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.selectedItem; let field = aField; let value; switch(aField) { case 'method': value = $("#custom-method-value").value.trim(); selectedItem.attachment.method = value; break; case 'url': value = $("#custom-url-value").value; this.updateCustomQuery(value); selectedItem.attachment.url = value; break; case 'query': let query = $("#custom-query-value").value; this.updateCustomUrl(query); field = 'url'; value = $("#custom-url-value").value selectedItem.attachment.url = value; break; case 'body': value = $("#custom-postdata-value").value; selectedItem.attachment.requestPostData = { postData: { text: value } }; break; case 'headers': let headersText = $("#custom-headers-value").value; value = parseHeaderText(headersText); selectedItem.attachment.requestHeaders = { headers: value }; break; } NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateMenuView(selectedItem, field, value); }, /** * Update the query string field based on the url. * * @param object aUrl * url to extract query string from. */ updateCustomQuery: function(aUrl) { let paramsArray = parseQueryString(nsIURL(aUrl).query); if (!paramsArray) { $("#custom-query").hidden = true; return; } $("#custom-query").hidden = false; $("#custom-query-value").value = writeQueryText(paramsArray); }, /** * Update the url based on the query string field. * * @param object aQueryText * contents of the query string field. */ updateCustomUrl: function(aQueryText) { let params = parseQueryText(aQueryText); let queryString = writeQueryString(params); let url = $("#custom-url-value").value; let oldQuery = nsIURL(url).query; let path = url.replace(oldQuery, queryString); $("#custom-url-value").value = path; } } /** * Functions handling the requests details view. */ function NetworkDetailsView() { dumpn("NetworkDetailsView was instantiated"); this._onTabSelect = this._onTabSelect.bind(this); }; NetworkDetailsView.prototype = { /** * Initialization function, called when the network monitor is started. */ initialize: function() { dumpn("Initializing the NetworkDetailsView"); this.widget = $("#event-details-pane"); this._headers = new VariablesView($("#all-headers"), Heritage.extend(GENERIC_VARIABLES_VIEW_SETTINGS, { emptyText: L10N.getStr("headersEmptyText"), searchPlaceholder: L10N.getStr("headersFilterText") })); this._cookies = new VariablesView($("#all-cookies"), Heritage.extend(GENERIC_VARIABLES_VIEW_SETTINGS, { emptyText: L10N.getStr("cookiesEmptyText"), searchPlaceholder: L10N.getStr("cookiesFilterText") })); this._params = new VariablesView($("#request-params"), Heritage.extend(GENERIC_VARIABLES_VIEW_SETTINGS, { emptyText: L10N.getStr("paramsEmptyText"), searchPlaceholder: L10N.getStr("paramsFilterText") })); this._json = new VariablesView($("#response-content-json"), Heritage.extend(GENERIC_VARIABLES_VIEW_SETTINGS, { searchPlaceholder: L10N.getStr("jsonFilterText") })); this._paramsQueryString = L10N.getStr("paramsQueryString"); this._paramsFormData = L10N.getStr("paramsFormData"); this._paramsPostPayload = L10N.getStr("paramsPostPayload"); this._requestHeaders = L10N.getStr("requestHeaders"); this._responseHeaders = L10N.getStr("responseHeaders"); this._requestCookies = L10N.getStr("requestCookies"); this._responseCookies = L10N.getStr("responseCookies"); $("tabpanels", this.widget).addEventListener("select", this._onTabSelect); }, /** * Destruction function, called when the network monitor is closed. */ destroy: function() { dumpn("Destroying the NetworkDetailsView"); }, /** * Resets this container (removes all the networking information). */ reset: function() { this._dataSrc = null; }, /** * Populates this view with the specified data. * * @param object aData * The data source (this should be the attachment of a request item). */ populate: function(aData) { $("#request-params-box").setAttribute("flex", "1"); $("#request-params-box").hidden = false; $("#request-post-data-textarea-box").hidden = true; $("#response-content-info-header").hidden = true; $("#response-content-json-box").hidden = true; $("#response-content-textarea-box").hidden = true; $("#response-content-image-box").hidden = true; this._headers.empty(); this._cookies.empty(); this._params.empty(); this._json.empty(); this._dataSrc = { src: aData, populated: [] }; this._onTabSelect(); }, /** * Listener handling the tab selection event. */ _onTabSelect: function() { let { src, populated } = this._dataSrc || {}; let tab = this.widget.selectedIndex; // Make sure the data source is valid and don't populate the same tab twice. if (!src || populated[tab]) { return; } switch (tab) { case 0: // "Headers" this._setSummary(src); this._setResponseHeaders(src.responseHeaders); this._setRequestHeaders(src.requestHeaders); break; case 1: // "Cookies" this._setResponseCookies(src.responseCookies); this._setRequestCookies(src.requestCookies); break; case 2: // "Params" this._setRequestGetParams(src.url); this._setRequestPostParams(src.requestHeaders, src.requestPostData); break; case 3: // "Response" this._setResponseBody(src.url, src.responseContent); break; case 4: // "Timings" this._setTimingsInformation(src.eventTimings); break; } populated[tab] = true; }, /** * Sets the network request summary shown in this view. * * @param object aData * The data source (this should be the attachment of a request item). */ _setSummary: function(aData) { if (aData.url) { let unicodeUrl = NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(aData.url)); $("#headers-summary-url-value").setAttribute("value", unicodeUrl); $("#headers-summary-url-value").setAttribute("tooltiptext", unicodeUrl); $("#headers-summary-url").removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { $("#headers-summary-url").setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } if (aData.method) { $("#headers-summary-method-value").setAttribute("value", aData.method); $("#headers-summary-method").removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { $("#headers-summary-method").setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } if (aData.status) { $("#headers-summary-status-circle").setAttribute("code", aData.status); $("#headers-summary-status-value").setAttribute("value", aData.status + " " + aData.statusText); $("#headers-summary-status").removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { $("#headers-summary-status").setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } if (aData.httpVersion && aData.httpVersion != DEFAULT_HTTP_VERSION) { $("#headers-summary-version-value").setAttribute("value", aData.httpVersion); $("#headers-summary-version").removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { $("#headers-summary-version").setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } }, /** * Sets the network request headers shown in this view. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _setRequestHeaders: function(aResponse) { if (aResponse && aResponse.headers.length) { this._addHeaders(this._requestHeaders, aResponse); } }, /** * Sets the network response headers shown in this view. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _setResponseHeaders: function(aResponse) { if (aResponse && aResponse.headers.length) { aResponse.headers.sort((a, b) => a.name > b.name); this._addHeaders(this._responseHeaders, aResponse); } }, /** * Populates the headers container in this view with the specified data. * * @param string aName * The type of headers to populate (request or response). * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _addHeaders: function(aName, aResponse) { let kb = aResponse.headersSize / 1024; let size = L10N.numberWithDecimals(kb, HEADERS_SIZE_DECIMALS); let text = L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.sizeKB", size); let headersScope = this._headers.addScope(aName + " (" + text + ")"); headersScope.expanded = true; for (let header of aResponse.headers) { let headerVar = headersScope.addItem(header.name, {}, true); gNetwork.getString(header.value).then((aString) => headerVar.setGrip(aString)); } }, /** * Sets the network request cookies shown in this view. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _setRequestCookies: function(aResponse) { if (aResponse && aResponse.cookies.length) { aResponse.cookies.sort((a, b) => a.name > b.name); this._addCookies(this._requestCookies, aResponse); } }, /** * Sets the network response cookies shown in this view. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _setResponseCookies: function(aResponse) { if (aResponse && aResponse.cookies.length) { this._addCookies(this._responseCookies, aResponse); } }, /** * Populates the cookies container in this view with the specified data. * * @param string aName * The type of cookies to populate (request or response). * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _addCookies: function(aName, aResponse) { let cookiesScope = this._cookies.addScope(aName); cookiesScope.expanded = true; for (let cookie of aResponse.cookies) { let cookieVar = cookiesScope.addItem(cookie.name, {}, true); gNetwork.getString(cookie.value).then((aString) => cookieVar.setGrip(aString)); // By default the cookie name and value are shown. If this is the only // information available, then nothing else is to be displayed. let cookieProps = Object.keys(cookie); if (cookieProps.length == 2) { continue; } // Display any other information other than the cookie name and value // which may be available. let rawObject = Object.create(null); let otherProps = cookieProps.filter((e) => e != "name" && e != "value"); for (let prop of otherProps) { rawObject[prop] = cookie[prop]; } cookieVar.populate(rawObject); cookieVar.twisty = true; cookieVar.expanded = true; } }, /** * Sets the network request get params shown in this view. * * @param string aUrl * The request's url. */ _setRequestGetParams: function(aUrl) { let query = nsIURL(aUrl).query; if (query) { this._addParams(this._paramsQueryString, query); } }, /** * Sets the network request post params shown in this view. * * @param object aHeadersResponse * The "requestHeaders" message received from the server. * @param object aPostDataResponse * The "requestPostData" message received from the server. */ _setRequestPostParams: function(aHeadersResponse, aPostDataResponse) { if (!aHeadersResponse || !aPostDataResponse) { return; } gNetwork.getString(aPostDataResponse.postData.text).then((aString) => { // Handle query strings (poor man's forms, e.g. "?foo=bar&baz=42"). let cType = aHeadersResponse.headers.filter(({ name }) => name == "Content-Type")[0]; let cString = cType ? cType.value : ""; if (cString.contains("x-www-form-urlencoded") || aString.contains("x-www-form-urlencoded")) { let formDataGroups = aString.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/); for (let group of formDataGroups) { this._addParams(this._paramsFormData, group); } } // Handle actual forms ("multipart/form-data" content type). else { // This is really awkward, but hey, it works. Let's show an empty // scope in the params view and place the source editor containing // the raw post data directly underneath. $("#request-params-box").removeAttribute("flex"); let paramsScope = this._params.addScope(this._paramsPostPayload); paramsScope.expanded = true; paramsScope.locked = true; $("#request-post-data-textarea-box").hidden = false; NetMonitorView.editor("#request-post-data-textarea").then((aEditor) => { aEditor.setText(aString); }); } window.emit("NetMonitor:ResponsePostParamsAvailable"); }); }, /** * Populates the params container in this view with the specified data. * * @param string aName * The type of params to populate (get or post). * @param string aQueryString * A query string of params (e.g. "?foo=bar&baz=42"). */ _addParams: function(aName, aQueryString) { let paramsArray = parseQueryString(aQueryString); if (!paramsArray) { return; } let paramsScope = this._params.addScope(aName); paramsScope.expanded = true; for (let param of paramsArray) { let headerVar = paramsScope.addItem(param.name, {}, true); headerVar.setGrip(param.value); } }, /** * Sets the network response body shown in this view. * * @param string aUrl * The request's url. * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _setResponseBody: function(aUrl, aResponse) { if (!aResponse) { return; } let { mimeType, text, encoding } = aResponse.content; gNetwork.getString(text).then((aString) => { // Handle json. if (mimeType.contains("/json")) { let jsonpRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_$]+\(|\)$/g; // JSONP with callback. let sanitizedJSON = aString.replace(jsonpRegex, ""); let callbackPadding = aString.match(jsonpRegex); // Make sure this is an valid JSON object first. If so, nicely display // the parsing results in a variables view. Otherwise, simply show // the contents as plain text. try { var jsonObject = JSON.parse(sanitizedJSON); } catch (e) { var parsingError = e; } // Valid JSON. if (jsonObject) { $("#response-content-json-box").hidden = false; let jsonScopeName = callbackPadding ? L10N.getFormatStr("jsonpScopeName", callbackPadding[0].slice(0, -1)) : L10N.getStr("jsonScopeName"); let jsonScope = this._json.addScope(jsonScopeName); jsonScope.addItem().populate(jsonObject, { expanded: true }); jsonScope.expanded = true; } // Malformed JSON. else { $("#response-content-textarea-box").hidden = false; NetMonitorView.editor("#response-content-textarea").then((aEditor) => { aEditor.setMode(SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT); aEditor.setText(aString); }); let infoHeader = $("#response-content-info-header"); infoHeader.setAttribute("value", parsingError); infoHeader.setAttribute("tooltiptext", parsingError); infoHeader.hidden = false; } } // Handle images. else if (mimeType.contains("image/")) { $("#response-content-image-box").setAttribute("align", "center"); $("#response-content-image-box").setAttribute("pack", "center"); $("#response-content-image-box").hidden = false; $("#response-content-image").src = "data:" + mimeType + ";" + encoding + "," + aString; // Immediately display additional information about the image: // file name, mime type and encoding. $("#response-content-image-name-value").setAttribute("value", nsIURL(aUrl).fileName); $("#response-content-image-mime-value").setAttribute("value", mimeType); $("#response-content-image-encoding-value").setAttribute("value", encoding); // Wait for the image to load in order to display the width and height. $("#response-content-image").onload = (e) => { // XUL images are majestic so they don't bother storing their dimensions // in width and height attributes like the rest of the folk. Hack around // this by getting the bounding client rect and subtracting the margins. let { width, height } = e.target.getBoundingClientRect(); let dimensions = (width - 2) + " x " + (height - 2); $("#response-content-image-dimensions-value").setAttribute("value", dimensions); }; } // Handle anything else. else { $("#response-content-textarea-box").hidden = false; NetMonitorView.editor("#response-content-textarea").then((aEditor) => { aEditor.setMode(SourceEditor.MODES.TEXT); aEditor.setText(aString); // Maybe set a more appropriate mode in the Source Editor if possible, // but avoid doing this for very large files. if (aString.length < SOURCE_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHT_MAX_FILE_SIZE) { for (let key in CONTENT_MIME_TYPE_MAPPINGS) { if (mimeType.contains(key)) { aEditor.setMode(CONTENT_MIME_TYPE_MAPPINGS[key]); break; } } } }); } window.emit("NetMonitor:ResponseBodyAvailable"); }); }, /** * Sets the timings information shown in this view. * * @param object aResponse * The message received from the server. */ _setTimingsInformation: function(aResponse) { if (!aResponse) { return; } let { blocked, dns, connect, send, wait, receive } = aResponse.timings; let tabboxWidth = $("#details-pane").getAttribute("width"); let availableWidth = tabboxWidth / 2; // Other nodes also take some space. let scale = Math.max(availableWidth / aResponse.totalTime, 0); $("#timings-summary-blocked .requests-menu-timings-box") .setAttribute("width", blocked * scale); $("#timings-summary-blocked .requests-menu-timings-total") .setAttribute("value", L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.totalMS", blocked)); $("#timings-summary-dns .requests-menu-timings-box") .setAttribute("width", dns * scale); $("#timings-summary-dns .requests-menu-timings-total") .setAttribute("value", L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.totalMS", dns)); $("#timings-summary-connect .requests-menu-timings-box") .setAttribute("width", connect * scale); $("#timings-summary-connect .requests-menu-timings-total") .setAttribute("value", L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.totalMS", connect)); $("#timings-summary-send .requests-menu-timings-box") .setAttribute("width", send * scale); $("#timings-summary-send .requests-menu-timings-total") .setAttribute("value", L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.totalMS", send)); $("#timings-summary-wait .requests-menu-timings-box") .setAttribute("width", wait * scale); $("#timings-summary-wait .requests-menu-timings-total") .setAttribute("value", L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.totalMS", wait)); $("#timings-summary-receive .requests-menu-timings-box") .setAttribute("width", receive * scale); $("#timings-summary-receive .requests-menu-timings-total") .setAttribute("value", L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.totalMS", receive)); $("#timings-summary-dns .requests-menu-timings-box") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * blocked) + "px)"; $("#timings-summary-connect .requests-menu-timings-box") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * (blocked + dns)) + "px)"; $("#timings-summary-send .requests-menu-timings-box") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * (blocked + dns + connect)) + "px)"; $("#timings-summary-wait .requests-menu-timings-box") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * (blocked + dns + connect + send)) + "px)"; $("#timings-summary-receive .requests-menu-timings-box") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * (blocked + dns + connect + send + wait)) + "px)"; $("#timings-summary-dns .requests-menu-timings-total") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * blocked) + "px)"; $("#timings-summary-connect .requests-menu-timings-total") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * (blocked + dns)) + "px)"; $("#timings-summary-send .requests-menu-timings-total") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * (blocked + dns + connect)) + "px)"; $("#timings-summary-wait .requests-menu-timings-total") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * (blocked + dns + connect + send)) + "px)"; $("#timings-summary-receive .requests-menu-timings-total") .style.transform = "translateX(" + (scale * (blocked + dns + connect + send + wait)) + "px)"; }, _dataSrc: null, _headers: null, _cookies: null, _params: null, _json: null, _paramsQueryString: "", _paramsFormData: "", _paramsPostPayload: "", _requestHeaders: "", _responseHeaders: "", _requestCookies: "", _responseCookies: "" }; /** * DOM query helper. */ function $(aSelector, aTarget = document) aTarget.querySelector(aSelector); /** * Helper for getting an nsIURL instance out of a string. */ function nsIURL(aUrl, aStore = nsIURL.store) { if (aStore.has(aUrl)) { return aStore.get(aUrl); } let uri = Services.io.newURI(aUrl, null, null).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL); aStore.set(aUrl, uri); return uri; } nsIURL.store = new Map(); /** * Parse a url's query string into its components * * @param string aQueryString * The query part of a url * @return array * Array of query params {name, value} */ function parseQueryString(aQueryString) { // Make sure there's at least one param available. if (!aQueryString || !aQueryString.contains("=")) { return; } // Turn the params string into an array containing { name: value } tuples. let paramsArray = aQueryString.replace(/^[?&]/, "").split("&").map((e) => let (param = e.split("=")) { name: NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(param[0])), value: NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(param[1])) }); return paramsArray; } /** * Parse text representation of HTTP headers. * * @param string aText * Text of headers * @return array * Array of headers info {name, value} */ function parseHeaderText(aText) { return parseRequestText(aText, ":"); } /** * Parse readable text list of a query string. * * @param string aText * Text of query string represetation * @return array * Array of query params {name, value} */ function parseQueryText(aText) { return parseRequestText(aText, "="); } /** * Parse a text representation of a name:value list with * the given name:value divider character. * * @param string aText * Text of list * @return array * Array of headers info {name, value} */ function parseRequestText(aText, aDivider) { let regex = new RegExp("(.+?)\\" + aDivider + "\\s*(.+)"); let pairs = []; for (let line of aText.split("\n")) { let matches; if (matches = regex.exec(line)) { let [, name, value] = matches; pairs.push({name: name, value: value}); } } return pairs; } /** * Write out a list of headers into a chunk of text * * @param array aHeaders * Array of headers info {name, value} * @return string aText * List of headers in text format */ function writeHeaderText(aHeaders) { return [(name + ": " + value) for ({name, value} of aHeaders)].join("\n"); } /** * Write out a list of query params into a chunk of text * * @param array aParams * Array of query params {name, value} * @return string * List of query params in text format */ function writeQueryText(aParams) { return [(name + "=" + value) for ({name, value} of aParams)].join("\n"); } /** * Write out a list of query params into a query string * * @param array aParams * Array of query params {name, value} * @return string * Query string that can be appended to a url. */ function writeQueryString(aParams) { return [(name + "=" + value) for ({name, value} of aParams)].join("&"); } /** * Helper for draining a rapid succession of events and invoking a callback * once everything settles down. */ function drain(aId, aWait, aCallback, aStore = drain.store) { window.clearTimeout(aStore.get(aId)); aStore.set(aId, window.setTimeout(aCallback, aWait)); } drain.store = new Map(); /** * Preliminary setup for the NetMonitorView object. */ NetMonitorView.Toolbar = new ToolbarView(); NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu = new RequestsMenuView(); NetMonitorView.Sidebar = new SidebarView(); NetMonitorView.CustomRequest = new CustomRequestView(); NetMonitorView.NetworkDetails = new NetworkDetailsView();