/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); newWindowWithTabView(onTabViewWindowLoaded); } function onTabViewWindowLoaded(win) { win.removeEventListener("tabviewshown", onTabViewWindowLoaded, false); ok(win.TabView.isVisible(), "Tab View is visible"); let contentWindow = win.document.getElementById("tab-view").contentWindow; let [originalTab] = win.gBrowser.visibleTabs; let currentGroup = contentWindow.GroupItems.getActiveGroupItem(); // Create a group and make it active let box = new contentWindow.Rect(100, 100, 370, 370); let group = new contentWindow.GroupItem([], { bounds: box }); ok(group.isEmpty(), "This group is empty"); contentWindow.UI.setActive(group); is(contentWindow.GroupItems.getActiveGroupItem(), group, "new group is active"); // Create a bunch of tabs in the group let bg = {inBackground: true}; let datatext = win.gBrowser.loadOneTab("data:text/plain,bug610242", bg); let datahtml = win.gBrowser.loadOneTab("data:text/html,don't blink!", bg); let mozilla = win.gBrowser.loadOneTab("about:mozilla", bg); let html = win.gBrowser.loadOneTab("http://example.com", bg); let png = win.gBrowser.loadOneTab("http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/base/content/test/moz.png", bg); let svg = win.gBrowser.loadOneTab("http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/base/content/test/title_test.svg", bg); ok(!group.shouldStack(group._children.length), "Group should not stack."); // PREPARE FINISH: group.addSubscriber("close", function onClose() { group.removeSubscriber("close", onClose); ok(group.isEmpty(), "The group is empty again"); contentWindow.UI.setActive(currentGroup); isnot(contentWindow.GroupItems.getActiveGroupItem(), null, "There is an active group"); is(win.gBrowser.tabs.length, 1, "There is only one tab left"); is(win.gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, 1, "There is also only one visible tab"); let onTabViewHidden = function() { win.removeEventListener("tabviewhidden", onTabViewHidden, false); win.close(); ok(win.closed, "new window is closed"); finish(); }; win.addEventListener("tabviewhidden", onTabViewHidden, false); win.gBrowser.selectedTab = originalTab; win.TabView.hide(); }); function check(tab, label, visible) { let display = contentWindow.getComputedStyle(tab._tabViewTabItem.$fav[0], null).getPropertyValue("display"); if (visible) { is(display, "block", label + " has favicon"); } else { is(display, "none", label + " has no favicon"); } } afterAllTabsLoaded(function() { afterAllTabItemsUpdated(function() { check(datatext, "datatext", false); check(datahtml, "datahtml", false); check(mozilla, "about:mozilla", true); check(html, "html", true); check(png, "png", false); check(svg, "svg", true); // Get rid of the group and its children // The group close will trigger a finish(). closeGroupItem(group); }, win); }, win); }