/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the Extension Manager UI. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * the Mozilla Foundation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Blair McBride * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DownloadUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonRepository.jsm"); const PREF_DISCOVERURL = "extensions.webservice.discoverURL"; const PREF_MAXRESULTS = "extensions.getAddons.maxResults"; const PREF_BACKGROUND_UPDATE = "extensions.update.enabled"; const LOADING_MSG_DELAY = 100; const SEARCH_SCORE_MULTIPLIER_NAME = 2; const SEARCH_SCORE_MULTIPLIER_DESCRIPTION = 2; // Use integers so search scores are sortable by nsIXULSortService const SEARCH_SCORE_MATCH_WHOLEWORD = 10; const SEARCH_SCORE_MATCH_WORDBOUNDRY = 6; const SEARCH_SCORE_MATCH_SUBSTRING = 3; const UPDATES_RECENT_TIMESPAN = 2 * 24 * 3600000; // 2 days (in milliseconds) const UPDATES_RELEASENOTES_TRANSFORMFILE = "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/updateinfo.xsl"; const XMLURI_PARSE_ERROR = "http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/xml/parsererror.xml" const VIEW_DEFAULT = "addons://list/extension"; const INTEGER_FIELDS = ["dateUpdated", "size", "relevancescore"]; var gStrings = {}; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(gStrings, "bundleSvc", "@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1", "nsIStringBundleService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(gStrings, "brand", function() { return this.bundleSvc.createBundle("chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties"); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(gStrings, "ext", function() { return this.bundleSvc.createBundle("chrome://mozapps/locale/extensions/extensions.properties"); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(gStrings, "dl", function() { return this.bundleSvc.createBundle("chrome://mozapps/locale/downloads/downloads.properties"); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(gStrings, "brandShortName", function() { return this.brand.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(gStrings, "appVersion", function() { return Services.appinfo.version; }); window.addEventListener("load", initialize, false); window.addEventListener("unload", shutdown, false); var gPendingInitializations = 1; __defineGetter__("gIsInitializing", function() gPendingInitializations > 0); function initialize() { gCategories.initialize(); gHeader.initialize(); gViewController.initialize(); gEventManager.initialize(); var view = VIEW_DEFAULT; if (gCategories.node.selectedItem && gCategories.node.selectedItem.id != "category-search") view = gCategories.node.selectedItem.value; if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments.length > 0) { if ("view" in window.arguments[0]) view = window.arguments[0].view; } gViewController.loadView(view); notifyInitialized(); } function notifyInitialized() { if (!gIsInitializing) return; gPendingInitializations--; if (!gIsInitializing) { var event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("Initialized", true, true); document.dispatchEvent(event); } } function shutdown() { gCategories.shutdown(); gSearchView.shutdown(); gEventManager.shutdown(); gViewController.shutdown(); } // Used by external callers to load a specific view into the manager function loadView(aViewId, aCallback) { gViewController.loadView(aViewId, aCallback); } var gEventManager = { _listeners: {}, _installListeners: [], initialize: function() { var self = this; ["onEnabling", "onEnabled", "onDisabling", "onDisabled", "onUninstalling", "onUninstalled", "onInstalled", "onOperationCancelled", "onUpdateAvailable", "onUpdateFinished", "onCompatibilityUpdateAvailable", "onPropertyChanged"].forEach(function(aEvent) { self[aEvent] = function() { self.delegateAddonEvent(aEvent, Array.splice(arguments, 0)); }; }); ["onNewInstall", "onDownloadStarted", "onDownloadEnded", "onDownloadFailed", "onDownloadProgress", "onDownloadCancelled", "onInstallStarted", "onInstallEnded", "onInstallFailed", "onInstallCancelled", "onExternalInstall"].forEach(function(aEvent) { self[aEvent] = function() { self.delegateInstallEvent(aEvent, Array.splice(arguments, 0)); }; }); AddonManager.addInstallListener(this); AddonManager.addAddonListener(this); }, shutdown: function() { AddonManager.removeInstallListener(this); AddonManager.removeAddonListener(this); }, registerAddonListener: function(aListener, aAddonId) { if (!(aAddonId in this._listeners)) this._listeners[aAddonId] = []; else if (this._listeners[aAddonId].indexOf(aListener) != -1) return; this._listeners[aAddonId].push(aListener); }, unregisterAddonListener: function(aListener, aAddonId) { if (!(aAddonId in this._listeners)) return; var index = this._listeners[aAddonId].indexOf(aListener); if (index == -1) return; this._listeners[aAddonId].splice(index, 1); }, registerInstallListener: function(aListener) { if (this._installListeners.indexOf(aListener) != -1) return; this._installListeners.push(aListener); }, unregisterInstallListener: function(aListener) { var i = this._installListeners.indexOf(aListener); if (i == -1) return; this._installListeners.splice(i, 1); }, delegateAddonEvent: function(aEvent, aParams) { var addon = aParams.shift(); if (!(addon.id in this._listeners)) return; var listeners = this._listeners[addon.id]; for (let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { let listener = listeners[i]; if (!(aEvent in listener)) continue; try { listener[aEvent].apply(listener, aParams); } catch(e) { // this shouldn't be fatal Cu.reportError(e); } } }, delegateInstallEvent: function(aEvent, aParams) { var install = aParams[0]; if (install.existingAddon) { // install is an update let addon = install.existingAddon; this.delegateAddonEvent(aEvent, [addon].concat(aParams)); return; } this.delegateNewInstallEvent(aEvent, aParams); }, delegateNewInstallEvent: function(aEvent, aParams) { for (let i = 0; i < this._installListeners.length; i++) { let listener = this._installListeners[i]; if (!(aEvent in listener)) continue; try { listener[aEvent].apply(listener, aParams); } catch(e) { // this shouldn't be fatal Cu.reportError(e); } } } }; var gViewController = { viewPort: null, currentViewId: "", currentViewObj: null, currentViewRequest: 0, previousViewId: "", viewObjects: {}, viewChangeCallback: null, initialize: function() { this.viewPort = document.getElementById("view-port"); this.viewObjects["search"] = gSearchView; this.viewObjects["discover"] = gDiscoverView; this.viewObjects["list"] = gListView; this.viewObjects["detail"] = gDetailView; this.viewObjects["updates"] = gUpdatesView; for each (let view in this.viewObjects) view.initialize(); window.controllers.appendController(this); }, shutdown: function() { if (this.currentViewObj) this.currentViewObj.hide(); this.currentViewRequest = 0; for each(let view in this.viewObjects) { if ("shutdown" in view) { try { view.shutdown(); } catch(e) { // this shouldn't be fatal Cu.reportError(e); } } } }, parseViewId: function(aViewId) { var matchRegex = /^addons:\/\/([^\/]+)\/(.*)$/; var [,viewType, viewParam] = aViewId.match(matchRegex) || []; return {type: viewType, param: decodeURIComponent(viewParam)}; }, get isLoading() { return this.currentViewObj.node.hasAttribute("loading"); }, loadView: function(aViewId, aCallback) { if (aViewId == this.currentViewId) return; var view = this.parseViewId(aViewId); if (!view.type || !(view.type in this.viewObjects)) throw new Error("Invalid view: " + view.type); var viewObj = this.viewObjects[view.type]; if (!viewObj.node) throw new Error("Root node doesn't exist for '" + view.type + "' view"); if (this.currentViewObj) { try { let canHide = this.currentViewObj.hide(); if (canHide === false) return; this.viewPort.selectedPanel.removeAttribute("loading"); } catch (e) { // this shouldn't be fatal Cu.reportError(e); } } gCategories.select(aViewId); this.previousViewId = this.currentViewId; this.currentViewId = aViewId; this.currentViewObj = viewObj; this.viewChangeCallback = aCallback; this.viewPort.selectedPanel = this.currentViewObj.node; this.viewPort.selectedPanel.setAttribute("loading", "true"); this.currentViewObj.show(view.param, ++this.currentViewRequest); }, notifyViewChanged: function() { this.viewPort.selectedPanel.removeAttribute("loading"); if (this.viewChangeCallback) this.viewChangeCallback(); var event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("ViewChanged", true, true); this.currentViewObj.node.dispatchEvent(event); }, commands: { cmd_restartApp: { isEnabled: function() true, doCommand: function() { Application.restart(); } }, cmd_goToDiscoverPane: { isEnabled: function() { return gDiscoverView.enabled; }, doCommand: function() { gViewController.loadView("addons://discover/"); } }, cmd_goToRecentUpdates: { isEnabled: function() true, doCommand: function() { gViewController.loadView("addons://updates/recent"); } }, cmd_goToAvailableUpdates: { isEnabled: function() true, doCommand: function() { gViewController.loadView("addons://updates/available"); } }, cmd_toggleBackgroundUpdateCheck: { isEnabled: function() true, doCommand: function() { var enabled = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_BACKGROUND_UPDATE); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_BACKGROUND_UPDATE, enabled); } }, cmd_showItemDetails: { isEnabled: function(aAddon) { return !!aAddon; }, doCommand: function(aAddon) { gViewController.loadView("addons://detail/" + encodeURIComponent(aAddon.id)); } }, cmd_findAllUpdates: { inProgress: false, isEnabled: function() !this.inProgress, doCommand: function() { this.inProgress = true; gViewController.updateCommand("cmd_findAllUpdates"); document.getElementById("updates-noneFound").hidden = true; document.getElementById("updates-progress").hidden = false; document.getElementById("updates-manualUpdatesFound").hidden = true; var pendingChecks = 0; var numUpdated = 0; var numManualUpdates = 0; var restartNeeded = false; var self = this; function updateStatus() { if (pendingChecks > 0) return; self.inProgress = false; gViewController.updateCommand("cmd_findAllUpdates"); document.getElementById("updates-progress").hidden = true; gUpdatesView.maybeRefresh(); if (numManualUpdates > 0 && numUpdated == 0) { document.getElementById("updates-manualUpdatesFound").hidden = false; return; } if (numUpdated == 0) { document.getElementById("updates-noneFound").hidden = false; return; } if (restartNeeded) { document.getElementById("updates-downloaded").hidden = false; document.getElementById("updates-restart").hidden = false; } else { document.getElementById("updates-installed").hidden = false; } } var updateInstallListener = { onDownloadFailed: function() { pendingChecks--; updateStatus(); }, onInstallFailed: function() { pendingChecks--; updateStatus(); }, onInstallEnded: function(aInstall, aAddon) { pendingChecks--; numUpdated++; if (isPending(aInstall.existingAddon, "upgrade")) restartNeeded = true; updateStatus(); } }; var updateCheckListener = { onUpdateAvailable: function(aAddon, aInstall) { gEventManager.delegateAddonEvent("onUpdateAvailable", [aAddon, aInstall]); if (aAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates !== false) { aInstall.addListener(updateInstallListener); aInstall.install(); } else { pendingChecks--; numManualUpdates++; updateStatus(); } }, onNoUpdateAvailable: function(aAddon) { pendingChecks--; updateStatus(); }, onUpdateFinished: function(aAddon, aError) { gEventManager.delegateAddonEvent("onUpdateFinished", [aAddon, aError]); } }; AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(null, function(aAddonList) { aAddonList.forEach(function(aAddon) { if (aAddon.permissions & AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UPGRADE) { pendingChecks++; aAddon.findUpdates(updateCheckListener, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED); } }); if (pendingChecks == 0) updateStatus(); }); } }, cmd_findItemUpdates: { isEnabled: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon) return false; return hasPermission(aAddon, "upgrade"); }, doCommand: function(aAddon) { var listener = { onUpdateAvailable: function(aAddon, aInstall) { gEventManager.delegateAddonEvent("onUpdateAvailable", [aAddon, aInstall]); if (aAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates !== false) aInstall.install(); }, onNoUpdateAvailable: function(aAddon) { gEventManager.delegateAddonEvent("onNoUpdateAvailable", [aAddon]); } }; gEventManager.delegateAddonEvent("onCheckingUpdate", [aAddon]); aAddon.findUpdates(listener, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED); } }, cmd_showItemPreferences: { isEnabled: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon) return false; return aAddon.isActive && !!aAddon.optionsURL; }, doCommand: function(aAddon) { var optionsURL = aAddon.optionsURL; var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { var win = windows.getNext(); if (win.document.documentURI == optionsURL) { win.focus(); return; } } var features = "chrome,titlebar,toolbar,centerscreen"; try { var instantApply = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.preferences.instantApply"); features += instantApply ? ",dialog=no" : ",modal"; } catch (e) { features += ",modal"; } openDialog(optionsURL, "", features); } }, cmd_showItemAbout: { isEnabled: function(aAddon) { // XXXunf This may be applicable to install items too. See bug 561260 return !!aAddon; }, doCommand: function(aAddon) { var aboutURL = aAddon.aboutURL; if (aboutURL) openDialog(aboutURL, "", "chrome,centerscreen,modal"); else openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/about.xul", "", "chrome,centerscreen,modal", aAddon); } }, cmd_enableItem: { isEnabled: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon) return false; return hasPermission(aAddon, "enable"); }, doCommand: function(aAddon) { aAddon.userDisabled = false; }, getTooltip: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon) return ""; if (aAddon.operationsRequiringRestart & AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_ENABLE) return gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("enableAddonRestartRequiredTooltip"); return gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("enableAddonTooltip"); } }, cmd_disableItem: { isEnabled: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon) return false; return hasPermission(aAddon, "disable"); }, doCommand: function(aAddon) { aAddon.userDisabled = true; }, getTooltip: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon) return ""; if (aAddon.operationsRequiringRestart & AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_DISABLE) return gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("disableAddonRestartRequiredTooltip"); return gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("disableAddonTooltip"); } }, cmd_uninstallItem: { isEnabled: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon) return false; return hasPermission(aAddon, "uninstall"); }, doCommand: function(aAddon) { if (gViewController.currentViewObj != gDetailView) { aAddon.uninstall(); return; } gViewController.loadView(gViewController.previousViewId, function() { gViewController.currentViewObj.getListItemForID(aAddon.id).uninstall(); }); }, getTooltip: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon) return ""; if (aAddon.operationsRequiringRestart & AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_UNINSTALL) return gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("uninstallAddonRestartRequiredTooltip"); return gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("uninstallAddonTooltip"); } }, cmd_cancelUninstallItem: { isEnabled: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon) return false; return isPending(aAddon, "uninstall"); }, doCommand: function(aAddon) { aAddon.cancelUninstall(); } }, cmd_installFromFile: { isEnabled: function() true, doCommand: function() { const nsIFilePicker = Ci.nsIFilePicker; var fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"] .createInstance(nsIFilePicker); fp.init(window, gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("installFromFile.dialogTitle"), nsIFilePicker.modeOpenMultiple); try { fp.appendFilter(gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("installFromFile.filterName"), "*.xpi;*.jar"); fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll); } catch (e) { } if (fp.show() != nsIFilePicker.returnOK) return; var files = fp.files; var installs = []; function buildNextInstall() { if (!files.hasMoreElements()) { if (installs.length > 0) { // Display the normal install confirmation for the installs AddonManager.installAddonsFromWebpage("application/x-xpinstall", this, null, installs); } return; } var file = files.getNext(); AddonManager.getInstallForFile(file, function(aInstall) { installs.push(aInstall); buildNextInstall(); }); } buildNextInstall(); } } }, supportsCommand: function(aCommand) { return (aCommand in this.commands); }, isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand) { if (!this.supportsCommand(aCommand)) return false; var addon = this.currentViewObj.getSelectedAddon(); return this.commands[aCommand].isEnabled(addon); }, updateCommands: function() { // wait until the view is initialized if (!this.currentViewObj) return; var addon = this.currentViewObj.getSelectedAddon(); for (let commandId in this.commands) this.updateCommand(commandId, addon); }, updateCommand: function(aCommandId, aAddon) { if (typeof aAddon == "undefined") aAddon = this.currentViewObj.getSelectedAddon(); var cmd = this.commands[aCommandId]; var cmdElt = document.getElementById(aCommandId); cmdElt.setAttribute("disabled", !cmd.isEnabled(aAddon)); if ("getTooltip" in cmd) { let tooltip = cmd.getTooltip(aAddon); if (tooltip) cmdElt.setAttribute("tooltiptext", tooltip); else cmdElt.removeAttribute("tooltiptext"); } }, doCommand: function(aCommand, aAddon) { if (!this.supportsCommand(aCommand)) return; var cmd = this.commands[aCommand]; if (!aAddon) aAddon = this.currentViewObj.getSelectedAddon(); if (!cmd.isEnabled(aAddon)) return; cmd.doCommand(aAddon); }, onEvent: function() {} }; function formatDate(aDate) { return Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptabledateformat;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIScriptableDateFormat) .FormatDate("", Ci.nsIScriptableDateFormat.dateFormatLong, aDate.getFullYear(), aDate.getMonth() + 1, aDate.getDate() ); } function hasPermission(aAddon, aPerm) { var perm = AddonManager["PERM_CAN_" + aPerm.toUpperCase()]; return !!(aAddon.permissions & perm); } function isPending(aAddon, aAction) { var action = AddonManager["PENDING_" + aAction.toUpperCase()]; return !!(aAddon.pendingOperations & action); } function isInState(aInstall, aState) { var state = AddonManager["STATE_" + aState.toUpperCase()]; return aInstall.state == state; } function createItem(aObj, aIsInstall, aRequiresRestart, aIsRemote) { let item = document.createElement("richlistitem"); item.setAttribute("class", "addon"); item.setAttribute("name", aObj.name); item.setAttribute("type", aObj.type); item.setAttribute("remote", !!aIsRemote); if (aIsInstall) { item.mInstall = aObj; item.setAttribute("status", "installing"); } else if (aRequiresRestart) { item.mAddon = aObj; item.setAttribute("status", "installing"); } else { item.mAddon = aObj; if (isPending(aObj, "uninstall")) item.setAttribute("status", "uninstalled"); else item.setAttribute("status", "installed"); // set only attributes needed for sorting and XBL binding, // the binding handles the rest item.setAttribute("value", aObj.id); // The XUL sort service only supports 32 bit integers so we strip the // milliseconds to make this small enough if (aObj.updateDate) item.setAttribute("dateUpdated", aObj.updateDate.getTime() / 1000); if (aObj.size) item.setAttribute("size", aObj.size); } return item; } function getAddonsAndInstalls(aType, aCallback) { var addonTypes = null, installTypes = null; if (aType != null) { addonTypes = [aType]; installTypes = [aType]; if (aType == "extension") { addonTypes.push("bootstrapped"); installTypes = addonTypes.concat(""); } } var addons = null, installs = null; AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(addonTypes, function(aAddonsList) { addons = aAddonsList; if (installs != null) aCallback(addons, installs); }); AddonManager.getInstallsByTypes(installTypes, function(aInstallsList) { // skip over upgrade installs and non-active installs installs = aInstallsList.filter(function(aInstall) { return !(aInstall.existingAddon || aInstall.state == AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE); }); if (addons != null) aCallback(addons, installs) }); return {addon: addonTypes, install: installTypes}; } var gCategories = { node: null, _search: null, _maybeHidden: null, initialize: function() { this.node = document.getElementById("categories"); this._search = this.get("addons://search/"); this.maybeHideSearch(); var self = this; this.node.addEventListener("select", function() { self.maybeHideSearch(); gViewController.loadView(self.node.selectedItem.value); }, false); this.node.addEventListener("click", function(aEvent) { var selectedItem = self.node.selectedItem; if (aEvent.target.localName == "richlistitem" && aEvent.target == selectedItem) { var viewId = selectedItem.value; if (gViewController.parseViewId(viewId).type == "search") { viewId += encodeURIComponent(gHeader.searchQuery); } gViewController.loadView(viewId); } }, false); this._maybeHidden = ["addons://list/locale", "addons://list/searchengine"]; gPendingInitializations += this._maybeHidden.length; this._maybeHidden.forEach(function(aId) { var type = gViewController.parseViewId(aId).param; getAddonsAndInstalls(type, function(aAddonsList, aInstallsList) { var hidden = (aAddonsList.length == 0 && aInstallsList.length == 0); var item = self.get(aId); // Don't load view that is becoming hidden if (hidden && aId == gViewController.currentViewId) gViewController.loadView(VIEW_DEFAULT); item.hidden = hidden; if (aAddonsList.length > 0 || aInstallsList.length > 0) { notifyInitialized(); return; } gEventManager.registerInstallListener({ onDownloadStarted: function(aInstall) { this._maybeShowCategory(aInstall); }, onInstallStarted: function(aInstall) { this._maybeShowCategory(aInstall); }, onInstallEnded: function(aInstall, aAddon) { this._maybeShowCategory(aAddon); }, onExternalInstall: function(aAddon, aExistingAddon, aRequiresRestart) { this._maybeShowCategory(aAddon); }, _maybeShowCategory: function(aAddon) { if (type == aAddon.type) { self.get(aId).hidden = false; gEventManager.unregisterInstallListener(this); } } }); notifyInitialized(); }); }); }, shutdown: function() { // Force persist of hidden state. See bug 15232 var self = this; this._maybeHidden.forEach(function(aId) { var item = self.get(aId); item.setAttribute("hidden", !!item.hidden); }); }, select: function(aId) { if (this.node.selectedItem && this.node.selectedItem.value == aId) return; var view = gViewController.parseViewId(aId); if (view.type == "detail") return; if (view.type == "search") var item = this._search; else var item = this.get(aId); if (item) { item.hidden = false; item.disabled = false; this.node.suppressOnSelect = true; this.node.selectedItem = item; this.node.suppressOnSelect = false; this.node.ensureElementIsVisible(item); this.maybeHideSearch(); } }, get: function(aId) { var items = document.getElementsByAttribute("value", aId); if (items.length) return items[0]; return null; }, setBadge: function(aId, aCount) { let item = this.get(aId); if (item) item.badgeCount = aCount; }, maybeHideSearch: function() { var view = gViewController.parseViewId(this.node.selectedItem.value); this._search.disabled = view.type != "search"; } }; var gHeader = { _search: null, _searching: null, _name: null, _link: null, _dest: "", initialize: function() { this._name = document.getElementById("header-name"); this._link = document.getElementById("header-link"); this._search = document.getElementById("header-search"); this._searching = document.getElementById("header-searching"); var self = this; this._link.addEventListener("command", function() { gViewController.loadView(gViewController.previousViewId); }, false); this._search.addEventListener("command", function(aEvent) { var query = aEvent.target.value; if (query.length == 0) return false; gViewController.loadView("addons://search/" + encodeURIComponent(query)); }, false); this.setName(""); }, setName: function(aName) { this._name.value = aName; this._name.hidden = false; this._link.hidden = true; }, showBackButton: function() { this._link.label = gStrings.ext.formatStringFromName("header-goBack", [this._name.value], 1); this._name.hidden = true; this._link.hidden = false; }, get searchQuery() { return this._search.value; }, set searchQuery(aQuery) { this._search.value = aQuery; }, get isSearching() { return this._searching.hasAttribute("active"); }, set isSearching(aIsSearching) { if (aIsSearching) this._searching.setAttribute("active", true); else this._searching.removeAttribute("active"); } }; var gDiscoverView = { node: null, enabled: true, _browser: null, initialize: function() { if (Services.prefs.getPrefType(PREF_DISCOVERURL) == Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID) { this.enabled = false; gCategories.get("addons://discover/").hidden = true; return; } this.node = document.getElementById("discover-view"); this._browser = document.getElementById("discover-browser"); var url = Cc["@mozilla.org/toolkit/URLFormatterService;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIURLFormatter) .formatURLPref(PREF_DISCOVERURL); gPendingInitializations++; AddonManager.getAllAddons(function(aAddons) { var list = {}; aAddons.forEach(function(aAddon) { list[aAddon.id] = { name: aAddon.name, version: aAddon.version, type: aAddon.type, userDisabled: aAddon.userDisabled, isCompatible: aAddon.isCompatible, isBlocklisted: aAddon.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED } }); gDiscoverView._browser.homePage = url + "#" + JSON.stringify(list); notifyInitialized(); }); }, show: function() { gHeader.setName(gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("header-discover")); // load content only if we're not already showing something on AMO // XXXunf should only be comparing hostname. bug 557698 if (this._browser.currentURI.spec.indexOf(this._browser.homePage) == -1) this._browser.goHome(); gViewController.updateCommands(); gViewController.notifyViewChanged(); }, hide: function() { }, getSelectedAddon: function() null }; var gCachedAddons = {}; var gSearchView = { node: null, _localFilter: null, _remoteFilter: null, _sorters: null, _listBox: null, _emptyNotice: null, _lastQuery: null, _pendingSearches: 0, initialize: function() { this.node = document.getElementById("search-view"); this._localFilter = document.getElementById("search-filter-local"); this._remoteFilter = document.getElementById("search-filter-remote"); this._sorters = document.getElementById("search-sorters"); this._sorters.handler = this; this._listBox = document.getElementById("search-list"); this._emptyNotice = document.getElementById("search-list-empty"); var self = this; this._listBox.addEventListener("keydown", function(aEvent) { if (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_ENTER || aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) { var item = self._listBox.selectedItem; if (item) item.showInDetailView(); } }, false); this._localFilter.addEventListener("command", function() self.updateView(), false); this._remoteFilter.addEventListener("command", function() self.updateView(), false); }, shutdown: function() { // Force persist of checked state. See bug 15232 this._localFilter.setAttribute("checked", !!this._localFilter.checked); this._remoteFilter.setAttribute("checked", !!this._remoteFilter.checked); if (AddonRepository.isSearching) AddonRepository.cancelSearch(); }, get isSearching() { return this._pendingSearches > 0; }, show: function(aQuery, aRequest) { gHeader.setName(gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("header-search")); gHeader.isSearching = true; this.showEmptyNotice(false); gHeader.searchQuery = aQuery; aQuery = aQuery.trim().toLocaleLowerCase(); if (this._lastQuery == aQuery) { this.updateView(); gViewController.notifyViewChanged(); return; } this._lastQuery = aQuery; if (AddonRepository.isSearching) AddonRepository.cancelSearch(); while (this._listBox.lastChild.localName == "richlistitem") this._listBox.removeChild(this._listBox.lastChild); var self = this; gCachedAddons = {}; this._pendingSearches = 2; this._sorters.setSort("relevancescore", false); function createSearchResults(aObjsList, aIsInstall, aIsRemote) { var createdCount = 0; aObjsList.forEach(function(aObj) { let score = 0; if (aQuery.length > 0) { score = self.getMatchScore(aObj, aQuery); if (score == 0 && !aIsRemote) return; } let item = createItem(aObj, aIsInstall, false, aIsRemote); item.setAttribute("relevancescore", score); if (aIsRemote) gCachedAddons[aObj.id] = aObj; self._listBox.appendChild(item); createdCount++; }); return createdCount; } function finishSearch(createdCount) { if (createdCount > 0) self.onSortChanged(self._sorters.sortBy, self._sorters.ascending); self._pendingSearches--; self.updateView(); if (!self.isSearching) gViewController.notifyViewChanged(); } getAddonsAndInstalls(null, function(aAddons, aInstalls) { if (gViewController && aRequest != gViewController.currentViewRequest) return; var createdCount = createSearchResults(aAddons, false, false); createdCount += createSearchResults(aInstalls, true, false); finishSearch(createdCount); }); var maxRemoteResults = 0; try { maxRemoteResults = Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_MAXRESULTS); } catch(e) {} if (maxRemoteResults <= 0) { finishSearch(0); return; } AddonRepository.searchAddons(aQuery, maxRemoteResults, { searchFailed: function() { if (gViewController && aRequest != gViewController.currentViewRequest) return; // XXXunf Better handling of AMO search failure. See bug 579502 finishSearch(0); // Silently fail }, searchSucceeded: function(aAddonsList, aAddonCount, aTotalResults) { if (gViewController && aRequest != gViewController.currentViewRequest) return; var createdCount = createSearchResults(aAddonsList, false, true); finishSearch(createdCount); } }); }, updateView: function() { var showLocal = this._localFilter.checked; var showRemote = this._remoteFilter.checked; this._listBox.setAttribute("local", showLocal); this._listBox.setAttribute("remote", showRemote); gHeader.isSearching = this.isSearching; if (!this.isSearching) { var isEmpty = true; var results = this._listBox.getElementsByTagName("richlistitem"); for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var isRemote = (results[i].getAttribute("remote") == "true"); if ((isRemote && showRemote) || (!isRemote && showLocal)) { isEmpty = false; break; } } this.showEmptyNotice(isEmpty); } gViewController.updateCommands(); }, hide: function() { var listitem = this._listBox.firstChild; while (listitem) { if (listitem.getAttribute("status") == "uninstalled" && !listitem.isPending("uninstall")) listitem.mAddon.uninstall(); listitem = listitem.nextSibling; } }, getMatchScore: function(aObj, aQuery) { var score = 0; score += this.calculateMatchScore(aObj.name, aQuery, SEARCH_SCORE_MULTIPLIER_NAME); score += this.calculateMatchScore(aObj.description, aQuery, SEARCH_SCORE_MULTIPLIER_DESCRIPTION); return score; }, calculateMatchScore: function(aStr, aQuery, aMultiplier) { var score = 0; if (!aStr || aQuery.length == 0) return score; aStr = aStr.trim().toLocaleLowerCase(); var haystack = aStr.split(/\s+/); var needles = aQuery.split(/\s+/); for (let n = 0; n < needles.length; n++) { for (let h = 0; h < haystack.length; h++) { if (haystack[h] == needles[n]) { // matching whole words is best score += SEARCH_SCORE_MATCH_WHOLEWORD; } else { let i = haystack[h].indexOf(needles[n]); if (i == 0) // matching on word boundries is also good score += SEARCH_SCORE_MATCH_WORDBOUNDRY; else if (i > 0) // substring matches not so good score += SEARCH_SCORE_MATCH_SUBSTRING; } } } // give progressively higher score for longer queries, since longer queries // are more likely to be unique and therefore more relevant. if (needles.length > 1 && aStr.indexOf(aQuery) != -1) score += needles.length; return score * aMultiplier; }, showEmptyNotice: function(aShow) { this._emptyNotice.hidden = !aShow; }, onSortChanged: function(aSortBy, aAscending) { var header = this._listBox.firstChild; this._listBox.removeChild(header); var hints = aAscending ? "ascending" : "descending"; if (INTEGER_FIELDS.indexOf(aSortBy) >= 0) hints += " integer"; var sortService = Cc["@mozilla.org/xul/xul-sort-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIXULSortService); sortService.sort(this._listBox, aSortBy, hints); this._listBox.insertBefore(header, this._listBox.firstChild); }, getSelectedAddon: function() { var item = this._listBox.selectedItem; if (item) return item.mAddon; return null; }, getListItemForID: function(aId) { var listitem = this._listBox.firstChild; while (listitem) { if (listitem.getAttribute("status") == "installed" && listitem.mAddon.id == aId) return listitem; listitem = listitem.nextSibling; } } }; var gListView = { node: null, _listBox: null, _emptyNotice: null, _sorters: null, _types: [], _installTypes: [], initialize: function() { this.node = document.getElementById("list-view"); this._sorters = document.getElementById("list-sorters"); this._sorters.handler = this; this._listBox = document.getElementById("addon-list"); this._emptyNotice = document.getElementById("addon-list-empty"); var self = this; this._listBox.addEventListener("keydown", function(aEvent) { if (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_ENTER || aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) { var item = self._listBox.selectedItem; if (item) item.showInDetailView(); } }, false); }, show: function(aType, aRequest) { gHeader.setName(gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("header-" + aType)); this.showEmptyNotice(false); while (this._listBox.itemCount > 0) this._listBox.removeItemAt(0); var self = this; var types = getAddonsAndInstalls(aType, function(aAddonsList, aInstallsList) { if (gViewController && aRequest != gViewController.currentViewRequest) return; for (let i = 0; i < aAddonsList.length; i++) { let item = createItem(aAddonsList[i]); self._listBox.appendChild(item); } for (let i = 0; i < aInstallsList.length; i++) { let item = createItem(aInstallsList[i], true); self._listBox.appendChild(item); } if (self._listBox.childElementCount > 0) self.onSortChanged(self._sorters.sortBy, self._sorters.ascending); else self.showEmptyNotice(true); gEventManager.registerInstallListener(self); gViewController.updateCommands(); gViewController.notifyViewChanged(); }); this._types = types.addon; this._installTypes = types.install; }, hide: function() { gEventManager.unregisterInstallListener(this); var listitem = this._listBox.firstChild; while (listitem) { if (listitem.getAttribute("status") == "uninstalled" && !listitem.isPending("uninstall")) listitem.mAddon.uninstall(); listitem = listitem.nextSibling; } }, showEmptyNotice: function(aShow) { this._emptyNotice.hidden = !aShow; }, onSortChanged: function(aSortBy, aAscending) { var hints = aAscending ? "ascending" : "descending"; if (INTEGER_FIELDS.indexOf(aSortBy) >= 0) hints += " integer"; var sortService = Cc["@mozilla.org/xul/xul-sort-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIXULSortService); sortService.sort(this._listBox, aSortBy, hints); }, onNewInstall: function(aInstall) { // the event manager ensures that upgrades are filtered out var item = createItem(aInstall, true); this._listBox.insertBefore(item, this._listBox.firstChild); }, onExternalInstall: function(aAddon, aExistingAddon, aRequiresRestart) { if (this._types.indexOf(aAddon.type) == -1) return; var item = createItem(aAddon, false, aRequiresRestart); this._listBox.insertBefore(item, this._listBox.firstChild); }, onDownloadCancelled: function(aInstall) { this.removeInstall(aInstall); }, onInstallCancelled: function(aInstall) { this.removeInstall(aInstall); }, removeInstall: function(aInstall) { for (let i = 0; i < this._listBox.childNodes.length; i++) { let item = this._listBox.childNodes[i]; if (item.mInstall == aInstall) { this._listBox.removeChild(item); return; } } }, getSelectedAddon: function() { var item = this._listBox.selectedItem; if (item) return item.mAddon; return null; }, getListItemForID: function(aId) { var listitem = this._listBox.firstChild; while (listitem) { if (listitem.getAttribute("status") == "installed" && listitem.mAddon.id == aId) return listitem; listitem = listitem.nextSibling; } } }; var gDetailView = { node: null, _addon: null, _loadingTimer: null, _notificationContainer: null, _notificationText: null, _autoUpdate: null, initialize: function() { this.node = document.getElementById("detail-view"); this._notificationContainer = document.getElementById("detail-notification"); this._notificationText = document.getElementById("detail-notification-text"); this._autoUpdate = document.getElementById("detail-autoUpdate"); var self = this; var autoUpdate = document.getElementById("detail-autoUpdate"); autoUpdate.addEventListener("command", function() { self._addon.applyBackgroundUpdates = autoUpdate.checked; }, true); }, show: function(aAddonId, aRequest) { var self = this; this._loadingTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.node.setAttribute("loading-extended", true); }, LOADING_MSG_DELAY); gHeader.showBackButton(); var view = gViewController.currentViewId; AddonManager.getAddonByID(aAddonId, function(aAddon) { self.clearLoading(); if (gViewController && aRequest != gViewController.currentViewRequest) return; if (!aAddon && (aAddonId in gCachedAddons)) aAddon = gCachedAddons[aAddonId]; self._addon = aAddon; gEventManager.registerAddonListener(self, aAddon.id); self.node.setAttribute("type", aAddon.type); document.getElementById("detail-name").value = aAddon.name; document.getElementById("detail-icon").src = aAddon.iconURL ? aAddon.iconURL : ""; document.getElementById("detail-name").value = aAddon.name; document.getElementById("detail-creator").setCreator(aAddon.creator, aAddon.creatorURL || aAddon.homepageURL); document.getElementById("detail-homepage").href = aAddon.homepageURL; document.getElementById("detail-version").value = aAddon.version; var dateUpdated = document.getElementById("detail-dateUpdated"); if (aAddon.updateDate) { var date = formatDate(aAddon.updateDate); dateUpdated.value = gStrings.ext.formatStringFromName("dateUpdated", [date], 1); } dateUpdated.hidden = !aAddon.updateDate; var desc = document.getElementById("detail-desc"); desc.textContent = aAddon.fullDescription ? aAddon.fullDescription : aAddon.description; self._autoUpdate.checked = aAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates; var canUpdate = hasPermission(aAddon, "upgrade"); self._autoUpdate.hidden = !canUpdate; document.getElementById("detail-findUpdates").hidden = !canUpdate; document.getElementById("detail-prefs").hidden = !aAddon.optionsURL; self.updateState(); gViewController.updateCommands(); gViewController.notifyViewChanged(); }); }, hide: function() { this.clearLoading(); gEventManager.unregisterAddonListener(this, this._addon.id); this._addon = null; }, updateState: function() { gViewController.updateCommands(); var showAsActive = this._addon.isActive; var showUndo = false; var notificationMsg = null; if (isPending(this._addon, "enable")) { showAsActive = true; notificationMsg = "restartToEnable2"; } else if (isPending(this._addon, "disable")) { showAsActive = false; notificationMsg = "restartToDisable"; } else if (isPending(this._addon, "uninstall")) { showUndo = true; notificationMsg = "restartToUninstall"; } else if (isPending(this._addon, "upgrade")) { notificationMsg = "restartToUpgrade"; } this.node.setAttribute("active", showAsActive); document.getElementById("detail-cancel-uninstall").hidden = !showUndo; if (notificationMsg) { var text = gStrings.ext.formatStringFromName(notificationMsg, [this._addon.name, gStrings.brandShortName], 2); this._notificationText.value = text; } this._notificationContainer.hidden = !notificationMsg; }, clearLoading: function() { if (this._loadingTimer) { clearTimeout(this._loadingTimer); this._loadingTimer = null; } this.node.removeAttribute("loading-extended"); }, getSelectedAddon: function() { return this._addon; }, onEnabling: function() { this.updateState(); }, onEnabled: function() { this.updateState(); }, onDisabling: function() { this.updateState(); }, onDisabled: function() { this.updateState(); }, onUninstalling: function() { this.updateState(); }, onUninstalled: function() { gViewController.loadView(gViewController.previousViewId); }, onOperationCancelled: function() { this.updateState(); }, onPropertyChanged: function(aProperties) { if (aProperties.indexOf("applyBackgroundUpdates") != -1) { this._autoUpdate.checked = this._addon.applyBackgroundUpdates; } } }; var gUpdatesView = { node: null, _listBox: null, _emptyNotice: null, _sorters: null, _updatePrefs: null, _backgroundUpdateCheck: null, _categoryItem: null, _numManualUpdaters: 0, initialize: function() { this.node = document.getElementById("updates-view"); this._listBox = document.getElementById("updates-list"); this._emptyNotice = document.getElementById("updates-list-empty"); this._sorters = document.getElementById("updates-sorters"); this._sorters.handler = this; this._backgroundUpdateCheck = document.getElementById("utils-backgroudUpdateCheck"); this._categoryItem = gCategories.get("addons://updates/available"); this._updatePrefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("extensions.update."); this._updatePrefs.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrefBranch2); this._updatePrefs.addObserver("", this, false); this.updateBackgroundCheck(); this.updateManualUpdatersCount(true); this.updateAvailableCount(true); AddonManager.addAddonListener(this); AddonManager.addInstallListener(this); }, shutdown: function() { AddonManager.removeAddonListener(this); AddonManager.removeInstallListener(this); this._updatePrefs.removeObserver("", this); delete this._updatePrefs; }, show: function(aType, aRequest) { gHeader.setName(gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("header-" + aType + "Updates")); document.getElementById("empty-availableUpdates-msg").hidden = aType != "available"; document.getElementById("empty-recentUpdates-msg").hidden = aType != "recent"; this.showEmptyNotice(false); while (this._listBox.itemCount > 0) this._listBox.removeItemAt(0); if (aType == "recent") this._showRecentUpdates(aRequest); else this._showAvailableUpdates(false, aRequest); }, hide: function() { // do nothing }, _showRecentUpdates: function(aRequest) { var self = this; AddonManager.getAllAddons(function(aAddonsList) { if (gViewController && aRequest != gViewController.currentViewRequest) return; let threshold = Date.now() - UPDATES_RECENT_TIMESPAN; aAddonsList.forEach(function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon.updateDate || aAddon.updateDate.getTime() < threshold) return; let item = createItem(aAddon); self._listBox.appendChild(item); }); if (self._listBox.itemCount > 0) self.onSortChanged(self._sorters.sortBy, self._sorters.ascending); else self.showEmptyNotice(true); gViewController.notifyViewChanged(); }); }, _showAvailableUpdates: function(aIsRefresh, aRequest) { var self = this; AddonManager.getAllInstalls(function(aInstallsList) { if (!aIsRefresh && gViewController && aRequest != gViewController.currentViewRequest) return; if (aIsRefresh) { while (self._listBox.itemCount > 0) self._listBox.removeItemAt(0); } aInstallsList.forEach(function(aInstall) { if (!self.isManualUpdate(aInstall)) return; let item = createItem(aInstall.existingAddon); item.setAttribute("upgrade", true); self._listBox.appendChild(item); }); if (self._listBox.itemCount > 0) self.onSortChanged(self._sorters.sortBy, self._sorters.ascending); else self.showEmptyNotice(true); // ensure badge count is in sync self._categoryItem.badgeCount = self._listBox.itemCount; if (!aIsRefresh) gViewController.notifyViewChanged(); }); }, showEmptyNotice: function(aShow) { this._emptyNotice.hidden = !aShow; }, isManualUpdate: function(aInstall, aOnlyAvailable) { var isManual = aInstall.existingAddon && aInstall.existingAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates === false; if (isManual && aOnlyAvailable) return isInState(aInstall, "available"); return isManual; }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic == "nsPref:changed" && aData == "enabled") this.updateBackgroundCheck(); }, updateBackgroundCheck: function() { let isEnabled = this._updatePrefs.getBoolPref("enabled"); this._backgroundUpdateCheck.setAttribute("checked", isEnabled); }, maybeRefresh: function() { if (gViewController.currentViewId == "addons://updates/available") { this._showAvailableUpdates(true); } else { this.updateManualUpdatersCount(); this.updateAvailableCount(); } }, maybeShowCategory: function() { var hide = this._numManualUpdaters == 0; if (this._categoryItem.disabled != hide) { this._categoryItem.disabled = hide; var event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("CategoryVisible", true, true); this._categoryItem.dispatchEvent(event); } }, updateManualUpdatersCount: function(aInitializing) { if (aInitializing) gPendingInitializations++; var self = this; AddonManager.getAllAddons(function(aAddonList) { var manualUpdaters = aAddonList.filter(function(aAddon) { return aAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates === false; }); self._numManualUpdaters = manualUpdaters.length; self.maybeShowCategory(); if (aInitializing) notifyInitialized(); }); }, updateAvailableCount: function(aInitializing) { if (aInitializing) gPendingInitializations++; var self = this; AddonManager.getAllInstalls(function(aInstallsList) { var count = aInstallsList.filter(function(aInstall) { return self.isManualUpdate(aInstall, true); }).length; self._categoryItem.badgeCount = count; if (aInitializing) notifyInitialized(); }); }, getSelectedAddon: function() { var item = this._listBox.selectedItem; if (item) return item.mAddon; return null; }, getListItemForID: function(aId) { var listitem = this._listBox.firstChild; while (listitem) { if (listitem.mAddon.id == aId) return listitem; listitem = listitem.nextSibling; } return null; }, onSortChanged: function(aSortBy, aAscending) { var hints = aAscending ? "ascending" : "descending"; if (INTEGER_FIELDS.indexOf(aSortBy) >= 0) hints += " integer"; var sortService = Cc["@mozilla.org/xul/xul-sort-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIXULSortService); sortService.sort(this._listBox, aSortBy, hints); }, onNewInstall: function(aInstall) { if (!this.isManualUpdate(aInstall)) return; this.maybeRefresh(); }, onExternalInstall: function(aAddon) { if (aAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates === false) { this._numManualUpdaters++; this.maybeShowCategory(); } }, onDownloadStarted: function(aInstall) { if (!this.isManualUpdate(aInstall)) return; this.maybeRefresh(); }, onInstallStarted: function(aInstall) { if (!this.isManualUpdate(aInstall)) return; this.maybeRefresh(); }, onInstallEnded: function(aAddon) { if (aAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates === false) { this._numManualUpdaters++; this.maybeShowCategory(); } }, onApplyBackgroundUpdatesChanged: function(aAddon) { if (!("applyBackgroundUpdates" in aAddon)) return; if (aAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates) this._numManualUpdaters--; else this._numManualUpdaters++; this.maybeShowCategory(); }, onPropertyChanged: function(aAddon, aProperties) { if (aProperties.indexOf("applyBackgroundUpdates") != -1) this.onApplyBackgroundUpdatesChanged(aAddon); } }; var gDragDrop = { onDragOver: function(aEvent) { var types = aEvent.dataTransfer.types; if (types.contains("text/uri-list") || types.contains("text/x-moz-url") || types.contains("application/x-moz-file")) aEvent.preventDefault(); }, onDrop: function(aEvent) { var dataTransfer = aEvent.dataTransfer; var urls = []; // Convert every dropped item into a url for (var i = 0; i < dataTransfer.mozItemCount; i++) { var url = dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt("text/uri-list", i); if (url) { urls.push(url); continue; } url = dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt("text/x-moz-url", i); if (url) { urls.push(url.split("\n")[0]); continue; } var file = dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt("application/x-moz-file", i); if (file) { urls.push(Services.io.newFileURI(file).spec); continue; } } var pos = 0; var installs = []; function buildNextInstall() { if (pos == urls.length) { if (installs.length > 0) { // Display the normal install confirmation for the installs AddonManager.installAddonsFromWebpage("application/x-xpinstall", this, null, installs); } return; } AddonManager.getInstallForURL(urls[pos++], function(aInstall) { installs.push(aInstall); buildNextInstall(); }, "application/x-xpinstall"); } buildNextInstall(); aEvent.preventDefault(); } };