/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function test() { let cw; let win; let groupItem; let next = function () { let test = tests.shift(); if (test) { test(); return; } win.close(); finish(); } let prepareTest = function (testName) { let originalBounds = groupItem.getChild(0).getBounds(); let tabItem = groupItem.getChild(1); let bounds = tabItem.getBounds(); tabItem.close(); ok(originalBounds.equals(groupItem.getChild(0).getBounds()), testName + ': tabs did not change their size'); ok(bounds.equals(groupItem.getChild(1).getBounds()), testName + ': third tab is now on second tab\'s previous position'); return originalBounds; } let cleanUpTest = function (testName, originalBounds, callback) { // Use setTimeout here because the groupItem.arrange() call uses // animation to re-arrange the tabItems. win.setTimeout(function () { ok(!originalBounds.equals(groupItem.getChild(0).getBounds()), testName + ': tabs changed their size'); // cleanup cw.GroupItems.setActiveGroupItem(groupItem); win.gBrowser.loadOneTab('about:blank', {inBackground: true}); afterAllTabsLoaded(callback, win); }, 500); } let tests = []; // focus group title's input field to cause item arrange let testFocusTitle = function () { let originalBounds = prepareTest('testFocusTitle'); let target = groupItem.$titleShield[0]; EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(target, {}, cw); cleanUpTest('testFocusTitle', originalBounds, next); } // hide tabview to cause item arrange let testHideTabView = function () { let originalBounds = prepareTest('testHideTabView'); hideTabView(function () { cleanUpTest('testHideTabView', originalBounds, function () { showTabView(next, win); }); }, win); } // (undo) close a group to cause item arrange let testCloseGroupUndo = function () { let originalBounds = prepareTest('testCloseGroupUndo'); hideGroupItem(groupItem, function () { unhideGroupItem(groupItem, function () { cleanUpTest('testCloseGroupUndo', originalBounds, next); }); }); } // leave the group's container with the mouse to cause item arrange let testMouseOut = function () { let originalBounds = prepareTest('testMouseOut'); let doc = cw.document.documentElement; let bounds = groupItem.getBounds(); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(doc, bounds.right - 5, bounds.bottom - 5, {type: 'mousemove'}, cw); ok(originalBounds.equals(groupItem.getChild(0).getBounds()), 'testMouseOut: tabs did not change their size'); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(doc, bounds.right + 1, bounds.bottom + 1, {type: 'mousemove'}, cw); cleanUpTest('testMouseOut', originalBounds, next); } // sort item (drag it around) in its group to cause item arrange let testSortInGroup = function () { let originalBounds = prepareTest('testSortInGroup'); let target = groupItem.getChild(0).container; // simulate drag/drop sorting EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, 20, 20, {type: 'mousedown'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, 40, 20, {type: 'mousemove'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, 20, 20, {type: 'mouseup'}, cw); cleanUpTest('testSortInGroup', originalBounds, next); } // arrange items when the containing group is resized let testResizeGroup = function () { let originalBounds = prepareTest('testResizeGroup'); let oldBounds = groupItem.getBounds(); let resizer = groupItem.$resizer[0]; // simulate drag/drop resizing EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(resizer, 5, 5, {type: 'mousedown'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(resizer, 40, 20, {type: 'mousemove'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(resizer, 20, 20, {type: 'mouseup'}, cw); // reset group size groupItem.setBounds(oldBounds); groupItem.setUserSize(); cleanUpTest('testResizeGroup', originalBounds, next); } // make sure we don't freeze item size when removing an item from a stack let testRemoveWhileStacked = function () { let oldBounds = groupItem.getBounds(); groupItem.setSize(250, 250, true); groupItem.setUserSize(); let originalBounds = groupItem.getChild(0).getBounds(); ok(!groupItem.isStacked(), 'testRemoveWhileStacked: group is not stacked'); // add new tabs to let the group stack while (!groupItem.isStacked()) win.gBrowser.loadOneTab('about:blank', {inBackground: true}); afterAllTabsLoaded(function () { groupItem.getChild(0).close(); ok(!groupItem.isStacked(), 'testRemoveWhileStacked: group is not stacked'); let bounds = groupItem.getChild(0).getBounds(); ok(originalBounds.equals(bounds), 'testRemoveWhileStacked: tabs did not change their size'); // reset group size groupItem.setBounds(oldBounds); groupItem.setUserSize(); next(); }, win); } // 1) make sure item size is frozen when removing an item in expanded mode // 2) make sure item size stays frozen while moving the mouse in the expanded // layer let testExpandedMode = function () { let oldBounds = groupItem.getBounds(); groupItem.setSize(100, 100, true); groupItem.setUserSize(); ok(groupItem.isStacked(), 'testExpandedMode: group is stacked'); groupItem.addSubscriber(groupItem, 'expanded', function () { groupItem.removeSubscriber(groupItem, 'expanded'); onExpanded(); }); groupItem.addSubscriber(groupItem, 'collapsed', function () { groupItem.removeSubscriber(groupItem, 'collapsed'); onCollapsed(); }); let onExpanded = function () { let originalBounds = groupItem.getChild(0).getBounds(); let tabItem = groupItem.getChild(1); let bounds = tabItem.getBounds(); while (groupItem.getChildren().length > 2) groupItem.getChild(1).close(); ok(originalBounds.equals(groupItem.getChild(0).getBounds()), 'testExpandedMode: tabs did not change their size'); // move the mouse over the expanded layer let trayBounds = groupItem.expanded.bounds; let target = groupItem.expanded.$tray[0]; EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, trayBounds.right - 5, trayBounds.bottom -5, {type: 'mousemove'}, cw); ok(originalBounds.equals(groupItem.getChild(0).getBounds()), 'testExpandedMode: tabs did not change their size'); groupItem.collapse(); } let onCollapsed = function () { // reset group size groupItem.setBounds(oldBounds); groupItem.setUserSize(); next(); } groupItem.expand(); } tests.push(testFocusTitle); tests.push(testHideTabView); tests.push(testCloseGroupUndo); tests.push(testMouseOut); tests.push(testSortInGroup); tests.push(testResizeGroup); tests.push(testRemoveWhileStacked); tests.push(testExpandedMode); waitForExplicitFinish(); newWindowWithTabView(function (tvwin) { win = tvwin; registerCleanupFunction(function () { if (!win.closed) win.close(); }); cw = win.TabView.getContentWindow(); groupItem = cw.GroupItems.groupItems[0]; groupItem.setSize(400, 200, true); groupItem.setUserSize(); for (let i=0; i<3; i++) win.gBrowser.loadOneTab('about:blank', {inBackground: true}); afterAllTabsLoaded(next, win); }); }