# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import mozinfo import moznetwork import optparse import os import tempfile from automationutils import addCommonOptions, isURL from mozprofile import DEFAULT_PORTS here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject build_obj = MozbuildObject.from_environment(cwd=here) except ImportError: build_obj = None __all__ = ["MochitestOptions", "B2GOptions"] VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME = "vmwarerecordinghelper" class MochitestOptions(optparse.OptionParser): """Usage instructions for runtests.py. All arguments are optional. If --chrome is specified, chrome tests will be run instead of web content tests. If --browser-chrome is specified, browser-chrome tests will be run instead of web content tests. See for details on the logging levels. """ LOG_LEVELS = ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL") LEVEL_STRING = ", ".join(LOG_LEVELS) mochitest_options = [ [["--close-when-done"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "closeWhenDone", "default": False, "help": "close the application when tests are done running", }], [["--appname"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "app", "default": None, "help": "absolute path to application, overriding default", }], [["--utility-path"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "utilityPath", "default": build_obj.bindir if build_obj is not None else None, "help": "absolute path to directory containing utility programs (xpcshell, ssltunnel, certutil)", }], [["--certificate-path"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "certPath", "help": "absolute path to directory containing certificate store to use testing profile", "default": os.path.join(build_obj.topsrcdir, 'build', 'pgo', 'certs') if build_obj is not None else None, }], [["--log-file"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "logFile", "metavar": "FILE", "help": "file to which logging occurs", "default": "", }], [["--autorun"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "autorun", "help": "start running tests when the application starts", "default": False, }], [["--timeout"], { "type": "int", "dest": "timeout", "help": "per-test timeout in seconds", "default": None, }], [["--total-chunks"], { "type": "int", "dest": "totalChunks", "help": "how many chunks to split the tests up into", "default": None, }], [["--this-chunk"], { "type": "int", "dest": "thisChunk", "help": "which chunk to run", "default": None, }], [["--chunk-by-dir"], { "type": "int", "dest": "chunkByDir", "help": "group tests together in the same chunk that are in the same top chunkByDir directories", "default": 0, }], [["--shuffle"], { "dest": "shuffle", "action": "store_true", "help": "randomize test order", "default": False, }], [["--console-level"], { "action": "store", "type": "choice", "dest": "consoleLevel", "choices": LOG_LEVELS, "metavar": "LEVEL", "help": "one of %s to determine the level of console " "logging" % LEVEL_STRING, "default": None, }], [["--file-level"], { "action": "store", "type": "choice", "dest": "fileLevel", "choices": LOG_LEVELS, "metavar": "LEVEL", "help": "one of %s to determine the level of file " "logging if a file has been specified, defaulting " "to INFO" % LEVEL_STRING, "default": "INFO", }], [["--chrome"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "chrome", "help": "run chrome Mochitests", "default": False, }], [["--ipcplugins"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "ipcplugins", "help": "run ipcplugins Mochitests", "default": False, }], [["--test-path"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "testPath", "help": "start in the given directory's tests", "default": "", }], [["--start-at"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "startAt", "help": "skip over tests until reaching the given test", "default": "", }], [["--end-at"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "endAt", "help": "don't run any tests after the given one", "default": "", }], [["--browser-chrome"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "browserChrome", "help": "run browser chrome Mochitests", "default": False, }], [["--webapprt-content"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "webapprtContent", "help": "run WebappRT content tests", "default": False, }], [["--webapprt-chrome"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "webapprtChrome", "help": "run WebappRT chrome tests", "default": False, }], [["--a11y"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "a11y", "help": "run accessibility Mochitests", "default": False, }], [["--setenv"], { "action": "append", "type": "string", "dest": "environment", "metavar": "NAME=VALUE", "help": "sets the given variable in the application's " "environment", "default": [], }], [["--exclude-extension"], { "action": "append", "type": "string", "dest": "extensionsToExclude", "help": "excludes the given extension from being installed " "in the test profile", "default": [], }], [["--browser-arg"], { "action": "append", "type": "string", "dest": "browserArgs", "metavar": "ARG", "help": "provides an argument to the test application", "default": [], }], [["--leak-threshold"], { "action": "store", "type": "int", "dest": "leakThreshold", "metavar": "THRESHOLD", "help": "fail if the number of bytes leaked through " "refcounted objects (or bytes in classes with " "MOZ_COUNT_CTOR and MOZ_COUNT_DTOR) is greater " "than the given number", "default": 0, }], [["--fatal-assertions"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "fatalAssertions", "help": "abort testing whenever an assertion is hit " "(requires a debug build to be effective)", "default": False, }], [["--extra-profile-file"], { "action": "append", "dest": "extraProfileFiles", "help": "copy specified files/dirs to testing profile", "default": [], }], [["--install-extension"], { "action": "append", "dest": "extensionsToInstall", "help": "install the specified extension in the testing profile." "The extension file's name should be .xpi where is" "the extension's id as indicated in its install.rdf." "An optional path can be specified too.", "default": [], }], [["--profile-path"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "profilePath", "help": "Directory where the profile will be stored." "This directory will be deleted after the tests are finished", "default": tempfile.mkdtemp(), }], [["--testing-modules-dir"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "testingModulesDir", "help": "Directory where testing-only JS modules are located.", "default": None, }], [["--use-vmware-recording"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "vmwareRecording", "help": "enables recording while the application is running " "inside a VMware Workstation 7.0 or later VM", "default": False, }], [["--repeat"], { "action": "store", "type": "int", "dest": "repeat", "metavar": "REPEAT", "help": "repeats the test or set of tests the given number of times, ie: repeat: 1 will run the test twice.", "default": 0, }], [["--run-until-failure"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "runUntilFailure", "help": "Run tests repeatedly and stops on the first time a test fails. " "Default cap is 30 runs, which can be overwritten with the --repeat parameter.", "default": False, }], [["--run-only-tests"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "runOnlyTests", "help": "JSON list of tests that we only want to run. [DEPRECATED- please use --test-manifest]", "default": None, }], [["--test-manifest"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "testManifest", "help": "JSON list of tests to specify 'runtests'. Old format for mobile specific tests", "default": None, }], [["--manifest"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "manifestFile", "help": ".ini format of tests to run.", "default": None, }], [["--failure-file"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "failureFile", "help": "Filename of the output file where we can store a .json list of failures to be run in the future with --run-only-tests.", "default": None, }], [["--run-slower"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "runSlower", "help": "Delay execution between test files.", "default": False, }], [["--metro-immersive"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "immersiveMode", "help": "launches tests in immersive browser", "default": False, }], [["--httpd-path"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "httpdPath", "default": None, "help": "path to the httpd.js file", }], [["--setpref"], { "action": "append", "type": "string", "default": [], "dest": "extraPrefs", "metavar": "PREF=VALUE", "help": "defines an extra user preference", }], [["--jsdebugger"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "dest": "jsdebugger", "help": "open the browser debugger", }], [["--debug-on-failure"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "dest": "debugOnFailure", "help": "breaks execution and enters the JS debugger on a test failure. Should be used together with --jsdebugger." }], [["--e10s"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "dest": "e10s", "help": "Run tests with electrolysis preferences and test filtering enabled.", }], [["--dmd-path"], { "action": "store", "default": None, "dest": "dmdPath", "help": "Specifies the path to the directory containing the shared library for DMD.", }], [["--dump-output-directory"], { "action": "store", "default": None, "dest": "dumpOutputDirectory", "help": "Specifies the directory in which to place dumped memory reports.", }], [["--dump-about-memory-after-test"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "dest": "dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest", "help": "Produce an about:memory dump after each test in the directory specified " "by --dump-output-directory." }], [["--dump-dmd-after-test"], { "action": "store_true", "default": False, "dest": "dumpDMDAfterTest", "help": "Produce a DMD dump after each test in the directory specified " "by --dump-output-directory." }], ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) for option, value in self.mochitest_options: self.add_option(*option, **value) addCommonOptions(self) self.set_usage(self.__doc__) def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest): """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """ if options.app is None: if build_obj is not None: options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path() else: self.error("could not find the application path, --appname must be specified") if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None: self.error("thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified") if options.totalChunks: if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks: self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks") if options.xrePath is None: # default xrePath to the app path if not provided # but only if an app path was explicitly provided if options.app != self.defaults['app']: options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app) elif build_obj is not None: # otherwise default to dist/bin options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir else: self.error("could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified") # allow relative paths options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath) options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath) options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app) if options.dmdPath is not None: options.dmdPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.dmdPath) if not os.path.exists(options.app): msg = """\ Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist. Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?""" self.error(msg % {"app": options.app}) return None if options.utilityPath: options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath) if options.certPath: options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath) if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath): options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath) # Set server information on the options object options.webServer = '' options.httpPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['http'] options.sslPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['https'] # options.webSocketPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['ws'] options.webSocketPort = str(9988) # <- http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/b871dfb2186f/build/automation.py.in#l30 # The default websocket port is incorrect in mozprofile; it is # set to the SSL proxy setting. See: # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=916517 if options.vmwareRecording: if not mozinfo.isWin: self.error("use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.") mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join( options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll") if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath): self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." % mochitest.vmwareHelperPath) if options.testManifest and options.runOnlyTests: self.error("Please use --test-manifest only and not --run-only-tests") if options.runOnlyTests: if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(options.runOnlyTests)): self.error("unable to find --run-only-tests file '%s'" % options.runOnlyTests) options.runOnly = True options.testManifest = options.runOnlyTests options.runOnlyTests = None if options.manifestFile and options.testManifest: self.error("Unable to support both --manifest and --test-manifest/--run-only-tests at the same time") if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome: self.error("Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given.") if options.jsdebugger: options.extraPrefs += [ "devtools.debugger.remote-enabled=true", "devtools.debugger.chrome-enabled=true", "devtools.chrome.enabled=true", "devtools.debugger.prompt-connection=false" ] options.autorun = False if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger: self.error("--debug-on-failure should be used together with --jsdebugger.") # Try to guess the testing modules directory. # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever # passes this argument, this code can be deleted. if options.testingModulesDir is None: possible = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.pardir, 'modules') if os.path.isdir(possible): options.testingModulesDir = possible # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes. if options.testingModulesDir is not None: options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(options.testingModulesDir) if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir): options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(options.testingModulesDir) if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir): self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' % options.testingModulesDir) options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace('\\', '/') if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/': options.testingModulesDir += '/' if options.immersiveMode: if not mozinfo.isWin: self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.") mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join( options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe") if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath): self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." % mochitest.immersiveHelperPath) if options.runUntilFailure: if not options.repeat: options.repeat = 29 if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None: options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir() if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest: if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory): self.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' % options.dumpOutputDirectory) return options class B2GOptions(MochitestOptions): b2g_options = [ [["--b2gpath"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "b2gPath", "help": "path to B2G repo or qemu dir", "default": None, }], [["--desktop"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "desktop", "help": "Run the tests on a B2G desktop build", "default": False, }], [["--marionette"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "marionette", "help": "host:port to use when connecting to Marionette", "default": None, }], [["--emulator"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "emulator", "help": "Architecture of emulator to use: x86 or arm", "default": None, }], [["--sdcard"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "sdcard", "help": "Define size of sdcard: 1MB, 50MB...etc", "default": "10MB", }], [["--no-window"], { "action": "store_true", "dest": "noWindow", "help": "Pass --no-window to the emulator", "default": False, }], [["--adbpath"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "adbPath", "help": "path to adb", "default": "adb", }], [["--deviceIP"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "deviceIP", "help": "ip address of remote device to test", "default": None, }], [["--devicePort"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "devicePort", "help": "port of remote device to test", "default": 20701, }], [["--remote-logfile"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "remoteLogFile", "help": "Name of log file on the device relative to the device root. \ PLEASE ONLY USE A FILENAME.", "default" : None, }], [["--remote-webserver"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "remoteWebServer", "help": "ip address where the remote web server is hosted at", "default": None, }], [["--http-port"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "httpPort", "help": "ip address where the remote web server is hosted at", "default": None, }], [["--ssl-port"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "sslPort", "help": "ip address where the remote web server is hosted at", "default": None, }], [["--pidfile"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "pidFile", "help": "name of the pidfile to generate", "default": "", }], [["--gecko-path"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "geckoPath", "help": "the path to a gecko distribution that should \ be installed on the emulator prior to test", "default": None, }], [["--profile"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "profile", "help": "for desktop testing, the path to the \ gaia profile to use", "default": None, }], [["--logcat-dir"], { "action": "store", "type": "string", "dest": "logcat_dir", "help": "directory to store logcat dump files", "default": None, }], [['--busybox'], { "action": 'store', "type": 'string', "dest": 'busybox', "help": "Path to busybox binary to install on device", "default": None, }], [['--profile-data-dir'], { "action": 'store', "type": 'string', "dest": 'profile_data_dir', "help": "Path to a directory containing preference and other \ data to be installed into the profile", "default": os.path.join(here, 'profile_data'), }], ] def __init__(self): MochitestOptions.__init__(self) for option in self.b2g_options: self.add_option(*option[0], **option[1]) defaults = {} defaults["httpPort"] = DEFAULT_PORTS['http'] defaults["sslPort"] = DEFAULT_PORTS['https'] defaults["remoteTestRoot"] = "/data/local/tests" defaults["logFile"] = "mochitest.log" defaults["autorun"] = True defaults["closeWhenDone"] = True defaults["testPath"] = "" defaults["extensionsToExclude"] = ["specialpowers"] self.set_defaults(**defaults) def verifyRemoteOptions(self, options): if options.remoteWebServer == None: if os.name != "nt": options.remoteWebServer = moznetwork.get_ip() else: self.error("You must specify a --remote-webserver=") options.webServer = options.remoteWebServer if options.geckoPath and not options.emulator: self.error("You must specify --emulator if you specify --gecko-path") if options.logcat_dir and not options.emulator: self.error("You must specify --emulator if you specify --logcat-dir") if not os.path.isdir(options.xrePath): self.error("--xre-path '%s' is not a directory" % options.xrePath) xpcshell = os.path.join(options.xrePath, 'xpcshell') if not os.access(xpcshell, os.F_OK): self.error('xpcshell not found at %s' % xpcshell) if self.elf_arm(xpcshell): self.error('--xre-path points to an ARM version of xpcshell; it ' 'should instead point to a version that can run on ' 'your desktop') if options.pidFile != "": f = open(options.pidFile, 'w') f.write("%s" % os.getpid()) f.close() return options def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest): # since we are reusing verifyOptions, it will exit if App is not found temp = options.app options.app = __file__ tempPort = options.httpPort tempSSL = options.sslPort tempIP = options.webServer options = MochitestOptions.verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest) options.webServer = tempIP options.app = temp options.sslPort = tempSSL options.httpPort = tempPort return options def elf_arm(self, filename): data = open(filename, 'rb').read(20) return data[:4] == "\x7fELF" and ord(data[18]) == 40 # EM_ARM