/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
// Test cancelling the addition of a new property in the rule-view
let test = asyncTest(function*() {
yield addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8,browser_ruleview_ui.js");
let {toolbox, inspector, view} = yield openRuleView();
info("Creating the test document");
let style = "" +
"#testid {" +
" background-color: blue;" +
"}" +
".testclass, .unmatched {" +
" background-color: green;" +
let styleNode = addStyle(content.document, style);
content.document.body.innerHTML = "
Styled Node
" +
"Styled Node
yield testCancelNew(inspector, view);
yield testCancelNewOnEscape(inspector, view);
yield inspector.once("inspector-updated");
function* testCancelNew(inspector, ruleView) {
// Start at the beginning: start to add a rule to the element's style
// declaration, but leave it empty.
let elementRuleEditor = ruleView.element.children[0]._ruleEditor;
let editor = yield focusEditableField(elementRuleEditor.closeBrace);
is(inplaceEditor(elementRuleEditor.newPropSpan), editor,
"Property editor is focused");
let onBlur = once(editor.input, "blur");
yield onBlur;
ok(!elementRuleEditor.rule._applyingModifications, "Shouldn't have an outstanding modification request after a cancel.");
is(elementRuleEditor.rule.textProps.length, 0, "Should have canceled creating a new text property.");
ok(!elementRuleEditor.propertyList.hasChildNodes(), "Should not have any properties.");
function* testCancelNewOnEscape(inspector, ruleView) {
// Start at the beginning: start to add a rule to the element's style
// declaration, add some text, then press escape.
let elementRuleEditor = ruleView.element.children[0]._ruleEditor;
let editor = yield focusEditableField(elementRuleEditor.closeBrace);
is(inplaceEditor(elementRuleEditor.newPropSpan), editor, "Next focused editor should be the new property editor.");
for (let ch of "background") {
EventUtils.sendChar(ch, ruleView.doc.defaultView);
let onBlur = once(editor.input, "blur");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
yield onBlur;
ok(!elementRuleEditor.rule._applyingModifications, "Shouldn't have an outstanding modification request after a cancel.");
is(elementRuleEditor.rule.textProps.length, 0, "Should have canceled creating a new text property.");
ok(!elementRuleEditor.propertyList.hasChildNodes(), "Should not have any properties.");