/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["StyleSheetEditor"]; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; let promise = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/core/promise.js").Promise; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/shared/event-emitter.js"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/source-editor.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/StyleEditorUtil.jsm"); const SAVE_ERROR = "error-save"; // max update frequency in ms (avoid potential typing lag and/or flicker) // @see StyleEditor.updateStylesheet const UPDATE_STYLESHEET_THROTTLE_DELAY = 500; /** * StyleSheetEditor controls the editor linked to a particular StyleSheet * object. * * Emits events: * 'source-load': The source of the stylesheet has been fetched * 'property-change': A property on the underlying stylesheet has changed * 'source-editor-load': The source editor for this editor has been loaded * 'error': An error has occured * * @param {StyleSheet} styleSheet * @param {DOMWindow} win * panel window for style editor * @param {nsIFile} file * Optional file that the sheet was imported from * @param {boolean} isNew * Optional whether the sheet was created by the user */ function StyleSheetEditor(styleSheet, win, file, isNew) { EventEmitter.decorate(this); this.styleSheet = styleSheet; this._inputElement = null; this._sourceEditor = null; this._window = win; this._isNew = isNew; this.savedFile = file; this.errorMessage = null; this._state = { // state to use when inputElement attaches text: "", selection: {start: 0, end: 0}, readOnly: false, topIndex: 0, // the first visible line }; this._styleSheetFilePath = null; if (styleSheet.href && Services.io.extractScheme(this.styleSheet.href) == "file") { this._styleSheetFilePath = this.styleSheet.href; } this._onSourceLoad = this._onSourceLoad.bind(this); this._onPropertyChange = this._onPropertyChange.bind(this); this._onError = this._onError.bind(this); this._focusOnSourceEditorReady = false; this.styleSheet.once("source-load", this._onSourceLoad); this.styleSheet.on("property-change", this._onPropertyChange); this.styleSheet.on("error", this._onError); } StyleSheetEditor.prototype = { /** * This editor's source editor */ get sourceEditor() { return this._sourceEditor; }, /** * Whether there are unsaved changes in the editor */ get unsaved() { return this._sourceEditor && this._sourceEditor.dirty; }, /** * Whether the editor is for a stylesheet created by the user * through the style editor UI. */ get isNew() { return this._isNew; }, /** * Get a user-friendly name for the style sheet. * * @return string */ get friendlyName() { if (this.savedFile) { // reuse the saved filename if any return this.savedFile.leafName; } if (this._isNew) { let index = this.styleSheet.styleSheetIndex + 1; // 0-indexing only works for devs return _("newStyleSheet", index); } if (!this.styleSheet.href) { let index = this.styleSheet.styleSheetIndex + 1; // 0-indexing only works for devs return _("inlineStyleSheet", index); } if (!this._friendlyName) { let sheetURI = this.styleSheet.href; let contentURI = this.styleSheet.debuggee.baseURI; let contentURIScheme = contentURI.scheme; let contentURILeafIndex = contentURI.specIgnoringRef.lastIndexOf("/"); contentURI = contentURI.specIgnoringRef; // get content base URI without leaf name (if any) if (contentURILeafIndex > contentURIScheme.length) { contentURI = contentURI.substring(0, contentURILeafIndex + 1); } // avoid verbose repetition of absolute URI when the style sheet URI // is relative to the content URI this._friendlyName = (sheetURI.indexOf(contentURI) == 0) ? sheetURI.substring(contentURI.length) : sheetURI; try { this._friendlyName = decodeURI(this._friendlyName); } catch (ex) { } } return this._friendlyName; }, /** * Start fetching the full text source for this editor's sheet. */ fetchSource: function() { this.styleSheet.fetchSource(); }, /** * Handle source fetched event. Forward source-load event. * * @param {string} event * Event type * @param {string} source * Full-text source of the stylesheet */ _onSourceLoad: function(event, source) { this._state.text = prettifyCSS(source); this.sourceLoaded = true; this.emit("source-load"); }, /** * Forward property-change event from stylesheet. * * @param {string} event * Event type * @param {string} property * Property that has changed on sheet */ _onPropertyChange: function(event, property) { this.emit("property-change", property); }, /** * Forward error event from stylesheet. * * @param {string} event * Event type * @param {string} errorCode */ _onError: function(event, errorCode) { this.emit("error", errorCode); }, /** * Create source editor and load state into it. * @param {DOMElement} inputElement * Element to load source editor in */ load: function(inputElement) { this._inputElement = inputElement; let sourceEditor = new SourceEditor(); let config = { initialText: this._state.text, showLineNumbers: true, mode: SourceEditor.MODES.CSS, readOnly: this._state.readOnly, keys: this._getKeyBindings() }; sourceEditor.init(inputElement, config, function onSourceEditorReady() { setupBracketCompletion(sourceEditor); sourceEditor.addEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.TEXT_CHANGED, function onTextChanged(event) { this.updateStyleSheet(); }.bind(this)); this._sourceEditor = sourceEditor; if (this._focusOnSourceEditorReady) { this._focusOnSourceEditorReady = false; sourceEditor.focus(); } sourceEditor.setTopIndex(this._state.topIndex); sourceEditor.setSelection(this._state.selection.start, this._state.selection.end); this.emit("source-editor-load"); }.bind(this)); sourceEditor.addEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.DIRTY_CHANGED, this._onPropertyChange); }, /** * Get the source editor for this editor. * * @return {Promise} * Promise that will resolve with the editor. */ getSourceEditor: function() { let deferred = promise.defer(); if (this.sourceEditor) { return promise.resolve(this); } this.on("source-editor-load", (event) => { deferred.resolve(this); }); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Focus the Style Editor input. */ focus: function() { if (this._sourceEditor) { this._sourceEditor.focus(); } else { this._focusOnSourceEditorReady = true; } }, /** * Event handler for when the editor is shown. */ onShow: function() { if (this._sourceEditor) { this._sourceEditor.setTopIndex(this._state.topIndex); } this.focus(); }, /** * Toggled the disabled state of the underlying stylesheet. */ toggleDisabled: function() { this.styleSheet.toggleDisabled(); }, /** * Queue a throttled task to update the live style sheet. * * @param boolean immediate * Optional. If true the update is performed immediately. */ updateStyleSheet: function(immediate) { if (this._updateTask) { // cancel previous queued task not executed within throttle delay this._window.clearTimeout(this._updateTask); } if (immediate) { this._updateStyleSheet(); } else { this._updateTask = this._window.setTimeout(this._updateStyleSheet.bind(this), UPDATE_STYLESHEET_THROTTLE_DELAY); } }, /** * Update live style sheet according to modifications. */ _updateStyleSheet: function() { if (this.styleSheet.disabled) { return; // TODO: do we want to do this? } this._updateTask = null; // reset only if we actually perform an update // (stylesheet is enabled) so that 'missed' updates // while the stylesheet is disabled can be performed // when it is enabled back. @see enableStylesheet if (this.sourceEditor) { this._state.text = this.sourceEditor.getText(); } this.styleSheet.update(this._state.text); }, /** * Save the editor contents into a file and set savedFile property. * A file picker UI will open if file is not set and editor is not headless. * * @param mixed file * Optional nsIFile or string representing the filename to save in the * background, no UI will be displayed. * If not specified, the original style sheet URI is used. * To implement 'Save' instead of 'Save as', you can pass savedFile here. * @param function(nsIFile aFile) callback * Optional callback called when the operation has finished. * aFile has the nsIFile object for saved file or null if the operation * has failed or has been canceled by the user. * @see savedFile */ saveToFile: function(file, callback) { let onFile = (returnFile) => { if (!returnFile) { if (callback) { callback(null); } return; } if (this._sourceEditor) { this._state.text = this._sourceEditor.getText(); } let ostream = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(returnFile); let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter); converter.charset = "UTF-8"; let istream = converter.convertToInputStream(this._state.text); NetUtil.asyncCopy(istream, ostream, function onStreamCopied(status) { if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status)) { if (callback) { callback(null); } this.emit("error", SAVE_ERROR); return; } FileUtils.closeSafeFileOutputStream(ostream); // remember filename for next save if any this._friendlyName = null; this.savedFile = returnFile; if (callback) { callback(returnFile); } this.sourceEditor.dirty = false; }.bind(this)); }; showFilePicker(file || this._styleSheetFilePath, true, this._window, onFile); }, /** * Retrieve custom key bindings objects as expected by SourceEditor. * SourceEditor action names are not displayed to the user. * * @return {array} key binding objects for the source editor */ _getKeyBindings: function() { let bindings = []; bindings.push({ action: "StyleEditor.save", code: _("saveStyleSheet.commandkey"), accel: true, callback: function save() { this.saveToFile(this.savedFile); return true; }.bind(this) }); bindings.push({ action: "StyleEditor.saveAs", code: _("saveStyleSheet.commandkey"), accel: true, shift: true, callback: function saveAs() { this.saveToFile(); return true; }.bind(this) }); return bindings; }, /** * Clean up for this editor. */ destroy: function() { this.styleSheet.off("source-load", this._onSourceLoad); this.styleSheet.off("property-change", this._onPropertyChange); this.styleSheet.off("error", this._onError); } } const TAB_CHARS = "\t"; const OS = Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime).OS; const LINE_SEPARATOR = OS === "WINNT" ? "\r\n" : "\n"; /** * Return string that repeats text for aCount times. * * @param string text * @param number aCount * @return string */ function repeat(text, aCount) { return (new Array(aCount + 1)).join(text); } /** * Prettify minified CSS text. * This prettifies CSS code where there is no indentation in usual places while * keeping original indentation as-is elsewhere. * * @param string text * The CSS source to prettify. * @return string * Prettified CSS source */ function prettifyCSS(text) { // remove initial and terminating HTML comments and surrounding whitespace text = text.replace(/(?:^\s*\s*$)/g, ""); let parts = []; // indented parts let partStart = 0; // start offset of currently parsed part let indent = ""; let indentLevel = 0; for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { let c = text[i]; let shouldIndent = false; switch (c) { case "}": if (i - partStart > 1) { // there's more than just } on the line, add line parts.push(indent + text.substring(partStart, i)); partStart = i; } indent = repeat(TAB_CHARS, --indentLevel); /* fallthrough */ case ";": case "{": shouldIndent = true; break; } if (shouldIndent) { let la = text[i+1]; // one-character lookahead if (!/\s/.test(la)) { // following character should be a new line (or whitespace) but it isn't // force indentation then parts.push(indent + text.substring(partStart, i + 1)); if (c == "}") { parts.push(""); // for extra line separator } partStart = i + 1; } else { return text; // assume it is not minified, early exit } } if (c == "{") { indent = repeat(TAB_CHARS, ++indentLevel); } } return parts.join(LINE_SEPARATOR); } /** * Set up bracket completion on a given SourceEditor. * This automatically closes the following CSS brackets: "{", "(", "[" * * @param SourceEditor sourceEditor */ function setupBracketCompletion(sourceEditor) { let editorElement = sourceEditor.editorElement; let pairs = { 123: { // { closeString: "}", closeKeyCode: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_CLOSE_BRACKET }, 40: { // ( closeString: ")", closeKeyCode: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_0 }, 91: { // [ closeString: "]", closeKeyCode: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_CLOSE_BRACKET }, }; editorElement.addEventListener("keypress", function onKeyPress(event) { let pair = pairs[event.charCode]; if (!pair || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.accelKey || event.altKey) { return true; } // We detected an open bracket, sending closing character let keyCode = pair.closeKeyCode; let charCode = pair.closeString.charCodeAt(0); let modifiers = 0; let utils = editorElement.ownerDocument.defaultView. QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); if (utils.sendKeyEvent("keydown", keyCode, 0, modifiers)) { utils.sendKeyEvent("keypress", 0, charCode, modifiers); } utils.sendKeyEvent("keyup", keyCode, 0, modifiers); // and rewind caret sourceEditor.setCaretOffset(sourceEditor.getCaretOffset() - 1); }, false); }