#filter substitution package @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.tests; import @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.*; import android.app.Activity; import android.graphics.Color; public class testFindInPage extends PixelTest { private static final int WAIT_FOR_TEST = 3000; protected Element next, close; int height,width; @Override protected int getTestType() { return TEST_MOCHITEST; } public void testFindInPage() { blockForGeckoReady(); String url = getAbsoluteUrl("/robocop/robocop_text_page.html"); loadAndPaint(url); height = mDriver.getGeckoHeight()/8; width = mDriver.getGeckoWidth()/2; // Search that does not find the term and therefor should not pan the page Actions.RepeatedEventExpecter paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint(); findText("Robocoop", 3); // This will be close enough to existing text to test that search finds just what it should PaintedSurface painted = waitForPaint(paintExpecter); paintExpecter.unregisterListener(); try { mAsserter.ispixel(painted.getPixelAt(width,height), 255, 0, 0, "Pixel at " + String.valueOf(width) + "," + String.valueOf(height)); } finally { painted.close(); } // Search that finds matches and therefor pans the page paintExpecter = mActions.expectPaint(); findText("Robocop", 3); painted = waitForPaint(paintExpecter); paintExpecter.unregisterListener(); try { mAsserter.isnotpixel(painted.getPixelAt(width,height), 255, 0, 0, "Pixel at " + String.valueOf(width) + "," + String.valueOf(height)); } finally { painted.close(); } } public void findText(String text, int nrOfMatches){ selectMenuItem("Find in Page"); close = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "find_close"); boolean success = waitForTest ( new BooleanTest() { public boolean test() { next = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "find_next"); if (next != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } }, WAIT_FOR_TEST); mAsserter.ok(success, "Looking for the next search match button in the Find in Page UI", "Found the next match button"); // TODO: Find a better way to wait and then enter the text // Without the sleep this seems to work but the actions are not updated in the UI mSolo.sleep(500); mActions.sendKeys(text); mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.ENTER); // Advance a few matches to scroll the page for (int i=1;i < nrOfMatches;i++) { success = waitForTest ( new BooleanTest() { public boolean test() { if (next.click()) { return true; } else { return false; } } }, WAIT_FOR_TEST); mSolo.sleep(500); // TODO: Find a better way to wait here because waitForTest is not enough mAsserter.ok(success, "Checking if the next button was clicked", "button was clicked"); } close.click(); // Close find in page bar } }