/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; const DBG_STRINGS_URI = "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/debugger.properties"; const NEW_SOURCE_IGNORED_URLS = ["debugger eval code", "self-hosted"]; const NEW_SOURCE_DISPLAY_DELAY = 200; // ms const FETCH_SOURCE_RESPONSE_DELAY = 50; // ms const FRAME_STEP_CLEAR_DELAY = 100; // ms const CALL_STACK_PAGE_SIZE = 25; // frames Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-server.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-client.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/core/promise.js"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/source-editor.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/LayoutHelpers.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/BreadcrumbsWidget.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/SideMenuWidget.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/VariablesView.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/ViewHelpers.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Parser", "resource:///modules/devtools/Parser.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetworkHelper", "resource://gre/modules/devtools/NetworkHelper.jsm"); /** * Object defining the debugger controller components. */ let DebuggerController = { /** * Initializes the debugger controller. */ initialize: function DC_initialize() { dumpn("Initializing the DebuggerController"); this.startupDebugger = this.startupDebugger.bind(this); this.shutdownDebugger = this.shutdownDebugger.bind(this); this._onTabNavigated = this._onTabNavigated.bind(this); this._onTabDetached = this._onTabDetached.bind(this); // Chrome debugging lives in a different process and needs to handle // debugger startup and shutdown by itself. if (window._isChromeDebugger) { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this.startupDebugger, true); window.addEventListener("unload", this.shutdownDebugger, true); } }, /** * Initializes the view. * * @return object * A promise that is resolved when the debugger finishes startup. */ startupDebugger: function DC_startupDebugger() { if (this._isInitialized) { return this._startup.promise; } this._isInitialized = true; window.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this.startupDebugger, true); let deferred = this._startup = Promise.defer(); DebuggerView.initialize(() => { DebuggerView._isInitialized = true; // Chrome debugging needs to initiate the connection by itself. if (window._isChromeDebugger) { this.connect().then(deferred.resolve); } else { deferred.resolve(); } }); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Destroys the view and disconnects the debugger client from the server. * * @return object * A promise that is resolved when the debugger finishes shutdown. */ shutdownDebugger: function DC__shutdownDebugger() { if (this._isDestroyed) { return this._shutdown.promise; } this._isDestroyed = true; this._startup = null; window.removeEventListener("unload", this.shutdownDebugger, true); let deferred = this._shutdown = Promise.defer(); DebuggerView.destroy(() => { DebuggerView._isDestroyed = true; this.SourceScripts.disconnect(); this.StackFrames.disconnect(); this.ThreadState.disconnect(); this.disconnect(); deferred.resolve(); // Chrome debugging needs to close its parent process on shutdown. window._isChromeDebugger && this._quitApp(); }); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Initiates remote or chrome debugging based on the current target, * wiring event handlers as necessary. * * In case of a chrome debugger living in a different process, a socket * connection pipe is opened as well. * * @return object * A promise that is resolved when the debugger finishes connecting. */ connect: function DC_connect() { if (this._connection) { return this._connection.promise; } let deferred = this._connection = Promise.defer(); if (!window._isChromeDebugger) { let target = this._target; let { client, form, threadActor } = target; target.on("close", this._onTabDetached); target.on("navigate", this._onTabNavigated); target.on("will-navigate", this._onTabNavigated); if (target.chrome) { this._startChromeDebugging(client, form.chromeDebugger, deferred.resolve); } else { this._startDebuggingTab(client, threadActor, deferred.resolve); } return deferred.promise; } // Chrome debugging needs to make the connection to the debuggee. let transport = debuggerSocketConnect(Prefs.chromeDebuggingHost, Prefs.chromeDebuggingPort); let client = new DebuggerClient(transport); client.addListener("tabNavigated", this._onTabNavigated); client.addListener("tabDetached", this._onTabDetached); client.connect((aType, aTraits) => { client.listTabs((aResponse) => { this._startChromeDebugging(client, aResponse.chromeDebugger, deferred.resolve); }); }); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Disconnects the debugger client and removes event handlers as necessary. */ disconnect: function DC_disconnect() { // Return early if the client didn't even have a chance to instantiate. if (!this.client) { return; } // When debugging local or a remote instance, the connection is closed by // the RemoteTarget. if (window._isChromeDebugger) { this.client.removeListener("tabNavigated", this._onTabNavigated); this.client.removeListener("tabDetached", this._onTabDetached); this.client.close(); } this._connection = null; this.client = null; this.activeThread = null; }, /** * Called for each location change in the debugged tab. * * @param string aType * Packet type. * @param object aPacket * Packet received from the server. */ _onTabNavigated: function DC__onTabNavigated(aType, aPacket) { if (aType == "will-navigate") { DebuggerView._handleTabNavigation(); // Discard all the old sources. DebuggerController.SourceScripts.clearCache(); DebuggerController.Parser.clearCache(); SourceUtils.clearCache(); return; } this.ThreadState._handleTabNavigation(); this.StackFrames._handleTabNavigation(); this.SourceScripts._handleTabNavigation(); }, /** * Called when the debugged tab is closed. */ _onTabDetached: function DC__onTabDetached() { this.shutdownDebugger(); }, /** * Sets up a debugging session. * * @param DebuggerClient aClient * The debugger client. * @param string aThreadActor * The remote protocol grip of the tab. * @param function aCallback * A function to invoke once the client attached to the active thread. */ _startDebuggingTab: function DC__startDebuggingTab(aClient, aThreadActor, aCallback) { if (!aClient) { Cu.reportError("No client found!"); return; } this.client = aClient; aClient.attachThread(aThreadActor, (aResponse, aThreadClient) => { if (!aThreadClient) { Cu.reportError("Couldn't attach to thread: " + aResponse.error); return; } this.activeThread = aThreadClient; this.ThreadState.connect(); this.StackFrames.connect(); this.SourceScripts.connect(); aThreadClient.resume(this._ensureResumptionOrder); if (aCallback) { aCallback(); } }); }, /** * Warn if resuming execution produced a wrongOrder error. */ _ensureResumptionOrder: function DC__ensureResumptionOrder(aResponse) { if (aResponse.error == "wrongOrder") { DebuggerView.Toolbar.showResumeWarning(aResponse.lastPausedUrl); } }, /** * Sets up a chrome debugging session. * * @param DebuggerClient aClient * The debugger client. * @param object aChromeDebugger * The remote protocol grip of the chrome debugger. * @param function aCallback * A function to invoke once the client attached to the active thread. */ _startChromeDebugging: function DC__startChromeDebugging(aClient, aChromeDebugger, aCallback) { if (!aClient) { Cu.reportError("No client found!"); return; } this.client = aClient; aClient.attachThread(aChromeDebugger, (aResponse, aThreadClient) => { if (!aThreadClient) { Cu.reportError("Couldn't attach to thread: " + aResponse.error); return; } this.activeThread = aThreadClient; this.ThreadState.connect(); this.StackFrames.connect(); this.SourceScripts.connect(); aThreadClient.resume(this._ensureResumptionOrder); if (aCallback) { aCallback(); } }); }, /** * Attempts to quit the current process if allowed. */ _quitApp: function DC__quitApp() { let canceled = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool); Services.obs.notifyObservers(canceled, "quit-application-requested", null); // Somebody canceled our quit request. if (canceled.data) { return; } Services.startup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit); }, _isInitialized: false, _isDestroyed: false, _startup: null, _shutdown: null, _connection: null, client: null, activeThread: null }; /** * ThreadState keeps the UI up to date with the state of the * thread (paused/attached/etc.). */ function ThreadState() { this._update = this._update.bind(this); } ThreadState.prototype = { get activeThread() DebuggerController.activeThread, /** * Connect to the current thread client. */ connect: function TS_connect() { dumpn("ThreadState is connecting..."); this.activeThread.addListener("paused", this._update); this.activeThread.addListener("resumed", this._update); this.activeThread.pauseOnExceptions(Prefs.pauseOnExceptions); this._handleTabNavigation(); }, /** * Disconnect from the client. */ disconnect: function TS_disconnect() { if (!this.activeThread) { return; } dumpn("ThreadState is disconnecting..."); this.activeThread.removeListener("paused", this._update); this.activeThread.removeListener("resumed", this._update); }, /** * Handles any initialization on a tab navigation event issued by the client. */ _handleTabNavigation: function TS__handleTabNavigation() { if (!this.activeThread) { return; } dumpn("Handling tab navigation in the ThreadState"); this._update(); }, /** * Update the UI after a thread state change. */ _update: function TS__update(aEvent) { DebuggerView.Toolbar.toggleResumeButtonState(this.activeThread.state); if (DebuggerController._target && (aEvent == "paused" || aEvent == "resumed")) { DebuggerController._target.emit("thread-" + aEvent); } } }; /** * Keeps the stack frame list up-to-date, using the thread client's * stack frame cache. */ function StackFrames() { this._onPaused = this._onPaused.bind(this); this._onResumed = this._onResumed.bind(this); this._onFrames = this._onFrames.bind(this); this._onFramesCleared = this._onFramesCleared.bind(this); this._afterFramesCleared = this._afterFramesCleared.bind(this); this._fetchScopeVariables = this._fetchScopeVariables.bind(this); this._fetchVarProperties = this._fetchVarProperties.bind(this); this._addVarExpander = this._addVarExpander.bind(this); this.evaluate = this.evaluate.bind(this); } StackFrames.prototype = { get activeThread() DebuggerController.activeThread, autoScopeExpand: false, currentFrame: null, syncedWatchExpressions: null, currentWatchExpressions: null, currentBreakpointLocation: null, currentEvaluation: null, currentException: null, /** * Connect to the current thread client. */ connect: function SF_connect() { dumpn("StackFrames is connecting..."); this.activeThread.addListener("paused", this._onPaused); this.activeThread.addListener("resumed", this._onResumed); this.activeThread.addListener("framesadded", this._onFrames); this.activeThread.addListener("framescleared", this._onFramesCleared); this._handleTabNavigation(); }, /** * Disconnect from the client. */ disconnect: function SF_disconnect() { if (!this.activeThread) { return; } dumpn("StackFrames is disconnecting..."); this.activeThread.removeListener("paused", this._onPaused); this.activeThread.removeListener("resumed", this._onResumed); this.activeThread.removeListener("framesadded", this._onFrames); this.activeThread.removeListener("framescleared", this._onFramesCleared); }, /** * Handles any initialization on a tab navigation event issued by the client. */ _handleTabNavigation: function SF__handleTabNavigation() { dumpn("Handling tab navigation in the StackFrames"); // Nothing to do here yet. }, /** * Handler for the thread client's paused notification. * * @param string aEvent * The name of the notification ("paused" in this case). * @param object aPacket * The response packet. */ _onPaused: function SF__onPaused(aEvent, aPacket) { switch (aPacket.why.type) { // If paused by a breakpoint, store the breakpoint location. case "breakpoint": this.currentBreakpointLocation = aPacket.frame.where; break; // If paused by a client evaluation, store the evaluated value. case "clientEvaluated": this.currentEvaluation = aPacket.why.frameFinished; break; // If paused by an exception, store the exception value. case "exception": this.currentException = aPacket.why.exception; break; } this.activeThread.fillFrames(CALL_STACK_PAGE_SIZE); DebuggerView.editor.focus(); }, /** * Handler for the thread client's resumed notification. */ _onResumed: function SF__onResumed() { DebuggerView.editor.setDebugLocation(-1); // Prepare the watch expression evaluation string for the next pause. if (!this._isWatchExpressionsEvaluation) { this.currentWatchExpressions = this.syncedWatchExpressions; } }, /** * Handler for the thread client's framesadded notification. */ _onFrames: function SF__onFrames() { // Ignore useless notifications. if (!this.activeThread.cachedFrames.length) { return; } // Conditional breakpoints are { breakpoint, expression } tuples. The // boolean evaluation of the expression decides if the active thread // automatically resumes execution or not. if (this.currentBreakpointLocation) { let { url, line } = this.currentBreakpointLocation; let breakpointClient = DebuggerController.Breakpoints.getBreakpoint(url, line); if (breakpointClient) { // Make sure a breakpoint actually exists at the specified url and line. let conditionalExpression = breakpointClient.conditionalExpression; if (conditionalExpression) { // Evaluating the current breakpoint's conditional expression will // cause the stack frames to be cleared and active thread to pause, // sending a 'clientEvaluated' packed and adding the frames again. this.evaluate(conditionalExpression, 0); this._isConditionalBreakpointEvaluation = true; return; } } } // Got our evaluation of the current breakpoint's conditional expression. if (this._isConditionalBreakpointEvaluation) { this._isConditionalBreakpointEvaluation = false; // If the breakpoint's conditional expression evaluation is falsy, // automatically resume execution. if (VariablesView.isFalsy({ value: this.currentEvaluation.return })) { this.activeThread.resume(DebuggerController._ensureResumptionOrder); return; } } // Watch expressions are evaluated in the context of the topmost frame, // and the results and displayed in the variables view. if (this.currentWatchExpressions) { // Evaluation causes the stack frames to be cleared and active thread to // pause, sending a 'clientEvaluated' packed and adding the frames again. this.evaluate(this.currentWatchExpressions, 0); this._isWatchExpressionsEvaluation = true; return; } // Got our evaluation of the current watch expressions. if (this._isWatchExpressionsEvaluation) { this._isWatchExpressionsEvaluation = false; // If an error was thrown during the evaluation of the watch expressions, // then at least one expression evaluation could not be performed. if (this.currentEvaluation.throw) { DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.removeExpressionAt(0); DebuggerController.StackFrames.syncWatchExpressions(); return; } // If the watch expressions were evaluated successfully, attach // the results to the topmost frame. let topmostFrame = this.activeThread.cachedFrames[0]; topmostFrame.watchExpressionsEvaluation = this.currentEvaluation.return; } // Make sure the debugger view panes are visible. DebuggerView.showInstrumentsPane(); // Make sure all the previous stackframes are removed before re-adding them. DebuggerView.StackFrames.empty(); for (let frame of this.activeThread.cachedFrames) { this._addFrame(frame); } if (this.currentFrame == null) { this.selectFrame(0); } if (this.activeThread.moreFrames) { DebuggerView.StackFrames.dirty = true; } }, /** * Handler for the thread client's framescleared notification. */ _onFramesCleared: function SF__onFramesCleared() { this.currentFrame = null; this.currentWatchExpressions = null; this.currentBreakpointLocation = null; this.currentEvaluation = null; this.currentException = null; // After each frame step (in, over, out), framescleared is fired, which // forces the UI to be emptied and rebuilt on framesadded. Most of the times // this is not necessary, and will result in a brief redraw flicker. // To avoid it, invalidate the UI only after a short time if necessary. window.setTimeout(this._afterFramesCleared, FRAME_STEP_CLEAR_DELAY); }, /** * Called soon after the thread client's framescleared notification. */ _afterFramesCleared: function SF__afterFramesCleared() { // Ignore useless notifications. if (this.activeThread.cachedFrames.length) { return; } DebuggerView.StackFrames.empty(); DebuggerView.Sources.unhighlightBreakpoint(); DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.toggleContents(true); DebuggerView.Variables.empty(0); window.dispatchEvent(document, "Debugger:AfterFramesCleared"); }, /** * Marks the stack frame at the specified depth as selected and updates the * properties view with the stack frame's data. * * @param number aDepth * The depth of the frame in the stack. */ selectFrame: function SF_selectFrame(aDepth) { let frame = this.activeThread.cachedFrames[this.currentFrame = aDepth]; if (!frame) { return; } let { environment, watchExpressionsEvaluation } = frame; let { url, line } = frame.where; // Check if the frame does not represent the evaluation of debuggee code. if (!environment) { return; } // Move the editor's caret to the proper url and line. DebuggerView.updateEditor(url, line); // Highlight the stack frame at the specified depth. DebuggerView.StackFrames.highlightFrame(aDepth); // Highlight the breakpoint at the specified url and line if it exists. DebuggerView.Sources.highlightBreakpoint(url, line); // Don't display the watch expressions textbox inputs in the pane. DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.toggleContents(false); // Start recording any added variables or properties in any scope. DebuggerView.Variables.createHierarchy(); // Clear existing scopes and create each one dynamically. DebuggerView.Variables.empty(); // If watch expressions evaluation results are available, create a scope // to contain all the values. if (this.syncedWatchExpressions && watchExpressionsEvaluation) { let label = L10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel"); let scope = DebuggerView.Variables.addScope(label); // Customize the scope for holding watch expressions evaluations. scope.descriptorTooltip = false; scope.contextMenuId = "debuggerWatchExpressionsContextMenu"; scope.separatorStr = L10N.getStr("watchExpressionsSeparatorLabel"); scope.switch = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.switchExpression; scope.delete = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.deleteExpression; // The evaluation hasn't thrown, so display the returned results and // always expand the watch expressions scope by default. this._fetchWatchExpressions(scope, watchExpressionsEvaluation); scope.expand(); } do { // Create a scope to contain all the inspected variables. let label = StackFrameUtils.getScopeLabel(environment); let scope = DebuggerView.Variables.addScope(label); // Handle additions to the innermost scope. if (environment == frame.environment) { this._insertScopeFrameReferences(scope, frame); this._addScopeExpander(scope, environment); // Always expand the innermost scope by default. scope.expand(); } // Lazily add nodes for every other environment scope. else { this._addScopeExpander(scope, environment); this.autoScopeExpand && scope.expand(); } } while ((environment = environment.parent)); // Signal that variables have been fetched. window.dispatchEvent(document, "Debugger:FetchedVariables"); DebuggerView.Variables.commitHierarchy(); }, /** * Adds an 'onexpand' callback for a scope, lazily handling * the addition of new variables. * * @param Scope aScope * The scope where the variables will be placed into. * @param object aEnv * The scope's environment. */ _addScopeExpander: function SF__addScopeExpander(aScope, aEnv) { aScope._sourceEnvironment = aEnv; // It's a good idea to be prepared in case of an expansion. aScope.addEventListener("mouseover", this._fetchScopeVariables, false); // Make sure that variables are always available on expansion. aScope.onexpand = this._fetchScopeVariables; }, /** * Adds an 'onexpand' callback for a variable, lazily handling * the addition of new properties. * * @param Variable aVar * The variable where the properties will be placed into. * @param any aGrip * The grip of the variable. */ _addVarExpander: function SF__addVarExpander(aVar, aGrip) { // No need for expansion for primitive values. if (VariablesView.isPrimitive({ value: aGrip })) { return; } aVar._sourceGrip = aGrip; // Some variables are likely to contain a very large number of properties. // It's a good idea to be prepared in case of an expansion. if (aVar.name == "window" || aVar.name == "this") { aVar.addEventListener("mouseover", this._fetchVarProperties, false); } // Make sure that properties are always available on expansion. aVar.onexpand = this._fetchVarProperties; }, /** * Adds the watch expressions evaluation results to a scope in the view. * * @param Scope aScope * The scope where the watch expressions will be placed into. * @param object aExp * The grip of the evaluation results. */ _fetchWatchExpressions: function SF__fetchWatchExpressions(aScope, aExp) { // Fetch the expressions only once. if (aScope._fetched) { return; } aScope._fetched = true; // Add nodes for every watch expression in scope. this.activeThread.pauseGrip(aExp).getPrototypeAndProperties(function(aResponse) { let ownProperties = aResponse.ownProperties; let totalExpressions = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.itemCount; for (let i = 0; i < totalExpressions; i++) { let name = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.getExpression(i); let expVal = ownProperties[i].value; let expRef = aScope.addVar(name, ownProperties[i]); this._addVarExpander(expRef, expVal); // Revert some of the custom watch expressions scope presentation flags. expRef.switch = null; expRef.delete = null; expRef.descriptorTooltip = true; expRef.separatorStr = L10N.getStr("variablesSeparatorLabel"); } // Signal that watch expressions have been fetched. window.dispatchEvent(document, "Debugger:FetchedWatchExpressions"); DebuggerView.Variables.commitHierarchy(); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Adds variables to a scope in the view. Triggered when a scope is * expanded or is hovered. It does not expand the scope. * * @param Scope aScope * The scope where the variables will be placed into. */ _fetchScopeVariables: function SF__fetchScopeVariables(aScope) { // Fetch the variables only once. if (aScope._fetched) { return; } aScope._fetched = true; let env = aScope._sourceEnvironment; switch (env.type) { case "with": case "object": // Add nodes for every variable in scope. this.activeThread.pauseGrip(env.object).getPrototypeAndProperties(function(aResponse) { this._insertScopeVariables(aResponse.ownProperties, aScope); // Signal that variables have been fetched. window.dispatchEvent(document, "Debugger:FetchedVariables"); DebuggerView.Variables.commitHierarchy(); }.bind(this)); break; case "block": case "function": // Add nodes for every argument and every other variable in scope. this._insertScopeArguments(env.bindings.arguments, aScope); this._insertScopeVariables(env.bindings.variables, aScope); // No need to signal that variables have been fetched, since // the scope arguments and variables are already attached to the // environment bindings, so pausing the active thread is unnecessary. break; default: Cu.reportError("Unknown Debugger.Environment type: " + env.type); break; } }, /** * Add nodes for special frame references in the innermost scope. * * @param Scope aScope * The scope where the references will be placed into. * @param object aFrame * The frame to get some references from. */ _insertScopeFrameReferences: function SF__insertScopeFrameReferences(aScope, aFrame) { // Add any thrown exception. if (this.currentException) { let excRef = aScope.addVar("", { value: this.currentException }); this._addVarExpander(excRef, this.currentException); } // Add "this". if (aFrame.this) { let thisRef = aScope.addVar("this", { value: aFrame.this }); this._addVarExpander(thisRef, aFrame.this); } }, /** * Add nodes for every argument in scope. * * @param object aArguments * The map of names to arguments, as specified in the protocol. * @param Scope aScope * The scope where the nodes will be placed into. */ _insertScopeArguments: function SF__insertScopeArguments(aArguments, aScope) { if (!aArguments) { return; } for (let argument of aArguments) { let name = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(argument)[0]; let argRef = aScope.addVar(name, argument[name]); let argVal = argument[name].value; this._addVarExpander(argRef, argVal); } }, /** * Add nodes for every variable in scope. * * @param object aVariables * The map of names to variables, as specified in the protocol. * @param Scope aScope * The scope where the nodes will be placed into. */ _insertScopeVariables: function SF__insertScopeVariables(aVariables, aScope) { if (!aVariables) { return; } let variableNames = Object.keys(aVariables); // Sort all of the variables before adding them, if preferred. if (Prefs.variablesSortingEnabled) { variableNames.sort(); } // Add the variables to the specified scope. for (let name of variableNames) { let varRef = aScope.addVar(name, aVariables[name]); let varVal = aVariables[name].value; this._addVarExpander(varRef, varVal); } }, /** * Adds properties to a variable in the view. Triggered when a variable is * expanded or certain variables are hovered. It does not expand the variable. * * @param Variable aVar * The variable where the properties will be placed into. */ _fetchVarProperties: function SF__fetchVarProperties(aVar) { // Fetch the properties only once. if (aVar._fetched) { return; } aVar._fetched = true; let grip = aVar._sourceGrip; this.activeThread.pauseGrip(grip).getPrototypeAndProperties(function(aResponse) { let { ownProperties, prototype } = aResponse; let sortable = VariablesView.NON_SORTABLE_CLASSES.indexOf(grip.class) == -1; // Add all the variable properties. if (ownProperties) { aVar.addProperties(ownProperties, { // Not all variables need to force sorted properties. sorted: sortable, // Expansion handlers must be set after the properties are added. callback: this._addVarExpander }); } // Add the variable's __proto__. if (prototype && prototype.type != "null") { aVar.addProperty("__proto__", { value: prototype }); // Expansion handlers must be set after the properties are added. this._addVarExpander(aVar.get("__proto__"), prototype); } // Mark the variable as having retrieved all its properties. aVar._retrieved = true; // Signal that properties have been fetched. window.dispatchEvent(document, "Debugger:FetchedProperties"); DebuggerView.Variables.commitHierarchy(); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Adds the specified stack frame to the list. * * @param object aFrame * The new frame to add. */ _addFrame: function SF__addFrame(aFrame) { let depth = aFrame.depth; let { url, line } = aFrame.where; let frameLocation = NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(url)); let frameTitle = StackFrameUtils.getFrameTitle(aFrame); DebuggerView.StackFrames.addFrame(frameTitle, frameLocation, line, depth); }, /** * Loads more stack frames from the debugger server cache. */ addMoreFrames: function SF_addMoreFrames() { this.activeThread.fillFrames( this.activeThread.cachedFrames.length + CALL_STACK_PAGE_SIZE); }, /** * Updates a list of watch expressions to evaluate on each pause. */ syncWatchExpressions: function SF_syncWatchExpressions() { let list = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.getExpressions(); // Sanity check all watch expressions before syncing them. To avoid // having the whole watch expressions array throw because of a single // faulty expression, simply convert it to a string describing the error. // There's no other information necessary to be offered in such cases. let sanitizedExpressions = list.map(function(str) { // Reflect.parse throws when it encounters a syntax error. try { Parser.reflectionAPI.parse(str); return str; // Watch expression can be executed safely. } catch (e) { return "\"" + e.name + ": " + e.message + "\""; // Syntax error. } }); if (sanitizedExpressions.length) { this.syncedWatchExpressions = this.currentWatchExpressions = "[" + sanitizedExpressions.map(function(str) "eval(\"" + "try {" + // Make sure all quotes are escaped in the expression's syntax, // and add a newline after the statement to avoid comments // breaking the code integrity inside the eval block. str.replace(/"/g, "\\$&") + "\" + " + "'\\n'" + " + \"" + "} catch (e) {" + "e.name + ': ' + e.message;" + // FIXME: bug 812765, 812764 "}" + "\")" ).join(",") + "]"; } else { this.syncedWatchExpressions = this.currentWatchExpressions = null; } this.currentFrame = null; this._onFrames(); }, /** * Evaluate an expression in the context of the selected frame. This is used * for modifying the value of variables or properties in scope. * * @param string aExpression * The expression to evaluate. * @param number aFrame [optional] * The frame depth used for evaluation. */ evaluate: function SF_evaluate(aExpression, aFrame = this.currentFrame || 0) { let frame = this.activeThread.cachedFrames[aFrame]; this.activeThread.eval(frame.actor, aExpression); } }; /** * Keeps the source script list up-to-date, using the thread client's * source script cache. */ function SourceScripts() { this._cache = new Map(); // Can't use a WeakMap because keys are strings. this._onNewSource = this._onNewSource.bind(this); this._onNewGlobal = this._onNewGlobal.bind(this); this._onSourcesAdded = this._onSourcesAdded.bind(this); this._onFetch = this._onFetch.bind(this); this._onTimeout = this._onTimeout.bind(this); this._onFinished = this._onFinished.bind(this); } SourceScripts.prototype = { get activeThread() DebuggerController.activeThread, get debuggerClient() DebuggerController.client, _newSourceTimeout: null, /** * Connect to the current thread client. */ connect: function SS_connect() { dumpn("SourceScripts is connecting..."); this.debuggerClient.addListener("newGlobal", this._onNewGlobal); this.debuggerClient.addListener("newSource", this._onNewSource); this._handleTabNavigation(); }, /** * Disconnect from the client. */ disconnect: function SS_disconnect() { if (!this.activeThread) { return; } dumpn("SourceScripts is disconnecting..."); window.clearTimeout(this._newSourceTimeout); this.debuggerClient.removeListener("newGlobal", this._onNewGlobal); this.debuggerClient.removeListener("newSource", this._onNewSource); }, /** * Handles any initialization on a tab navigation event issued by the client. */ _handleTabNavigation: function SS__handleTabNavigation() { if (!this.activeThread) { return; } dumpn("Handling tab navigation in the SourceScripts"); window.clearTimeout(this._newSourceTimeout); // Retrieve the list of script sources known to the server from before // the client was ready to handle "newSource" notifications. this.activeThread.getSources(this._onSourcesAdded); }, /** * Handler for the debugger client's unsolicited newGlobal notification. */ _onNewGlobal: function SS__onNewGlobal(aNotification, aPacket) { // TODO: bug 806775, update the globals list using aPacket.hostAnnotations // from bug 801084. }, /** * Handler for the debugger client's unsolicited newSource notification. */ _onNewSource: function SS__onNewSource(aNotification, aPacket) { // Ignore bogus scripts, e.g. generated from 'clientEvaluate' packets. if (NEW_SOURCE_IGNORED_URLS.indexOf(aPacket.source.url) != -1) { return; } // Add the source in the debugger view sources container. DebuggerView.Sources.addSource(aPacket.source, { staged: false }); let container = DebuggerView.Sources; let preferredValue = container.preferredValue; // Select this source if it's the preferred one. if (aPacket.source.url == preferredValue) { container.selectedValue = preferredValue; } // ..or the first entry if there's none selected yet after a while else { window.clearTimeout(this._newSourceTimeout); this._newSourceTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { // If after a certain delay the preferred source still wasn't received, // just give up on waiting and display the first entry. if (!container.selectedValue) { container.selectedIndex = 0; } }, NEW_SOURCE_DISPLAY_DELAY); } // If there are any stored breakpoints for this source, display them again, // both in the editor and the breakpoints pane. DebuggerController.Breakpoints.updateEditorBreakpoints(); DebuggerController.Breakpoints.updatePaneBreakpoints(); // Signal that a new script has been added. window.dispatchEvent(document, "Debugger:AfterNewSource"); }, /** * Callback for the debugger's active thread getSources() method. */ _onSourcesAdded: function SS__onSourcesAdded(aResponse) { if (aResponse.error) { Cu.reportError("Error getting sources: " + aResponse.message); return; } // Add all the sources in the debugger view sources container. for (let source of aResponse.sources) { // Ignore bogus scripts, e.g. generated from 'clientEvaluate' packets. if (NEW_SOURCE_IGNORED_URLS.indexOf(source.url) != -1) { continue; } DebuggerView.Sources.addSource(source, { staged: true }); } let container = DebuggerView.Sources; let preferredValue = container.preferredValue; // Flushes all the prepared sources into the sources container. container.commit({ sorted: true }); // Select the preferred source if it exists and was part of the response. if (container.containsValue(preferredValue)) { container.selectedValue = preferredValue; } // ..or the first entry if there's no one selected yet. else if (!container.selectedValue) { container.selectedIndex = 0; } // If there are any stored breakpoints for the sources, display them again, // both in the editor and the breakpoints pane. DebuggerController.Breakpoints.updateEditorBreakpoints(); DebuggerController.Breakpoints.updatePaneBreakpoints(); // Signal that scripts have been added. window.dispatchEvent(document, "Debugger:AfterSourcesAdded"); }, /** * Gets a specified source's text. * * @param object aSource * The source object coming from the active thread. * @param function aCallback * Function called after the source text has been loaded. * @param function aTimeout * Function called when the source text takes too long to fetch. */ getText: function SS_getText(aSource, aCallback, aTimeout) { // If already loaded, return the source text immediately. if (aSource.loaded) { aCallback(aSource); return; } // If the source text takes too long to fetch, invoke a timeout to // avoid blocking any operations. if (aTimeout) { var fetchTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { aSource._fetchingTimedOut = true; aTimeout(aSource); }, FETCH_SOURCE_RESPONSE_DELAY); } // Get the source text from the active thread. this.activeThread.source(aSource).source((aResponse) => { if (aTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(fetchTimeout); } if (aResponse.error) { Cu.reportError("Error loading: " + aSource.url + "\n" + aResponse.message); return void aCallback(aSource); } aSource.loaded = true; aSource.text = aResponse.source; aCallback(aSource); }); }, /** * Gets all the fetched sources. * * @return array * An array containing [url, text] entries for the fetched sources. */ getCache: function SS_getCache() { let sources = []; for (let source of this._cache) { sources.push(source); } return sources.sort(([first], [second]) => first > second); }, /** * Clears all the fetched sources from cache. */ clearCache: function SS_clearCache() { this._cache.clear(); }, /** * Starts fetching all the sources, silently. * * @param array aUrls * The urls for the sources to fetch. * @param object aCallbacks [optional] * An object containing the callback functions to invoke: * - onFetch: optional, called after each source is fetched * - onTimeout: optional, called when a source takes too long to fetch * - onFinished: called when all the sources are fetched */ fetchSources: function SS_fetchSources(aUrls, aCallbacks = {}) { this._fetchQueue = new Set(); this._fetchCallbacks = aCallbacks; // Add each new source which needs to be fetched in a queue. for (let url of aUrls) { if (!this._cache.has(url)) { this._fetchQueue.add(url); } } // If all the sources were already fetched, don't do anything special. if (this._fetchQueue.size == 0) { this._onFinished(); return; } // Start fetching each new source. for (let url of this._fetchQueue) { let sourceItem = DebuggerView.Sources.getItemByValue(url); let sourceObject = sourceItem.attachment.source; this.getText(sourceObject, this._onFetch, this._onTimeout); } }, /** * Called when a source has been fetched via fetchSources(). * * @param object aSource * The source object coming from the active thread. */ _onFetch: function SS__onFetch(aSource) { // Remember the source in a cache so we don't have to fetch it again. this._cache.set(aSource.url, aSource.text); // Fetch completed before timeout, remove the source from the fetch queue. this._fetchQueue.delete(aSource.url); // If this fetch was eventually completed at some point after a timeout, // don't call any subsequent event listeners. if (aSource._fetchingTimedOut) { return; } // Invoke the source fetch callback if provided via fetchSources(); if (this._fetchCallbacks.onFetch) { this._fetchCallbacks.onFetch(aSource); } // Check if all sources were fetched and stored in the cache. if (this._fetchQueue.size == 0) { this._onFinished(); } }, /** * Called when a source's text takes too long to fetch via fetchSources(). * * @param object aSource * The source object coming from the active thread. */ _onTimeout: function SS__onTimeout(aSource) { // Remove the source from the fetch queue. this._fetchQueue.delete(aSource.url); // Invoke the source timeout callback if provided via fetchSources(); if (this._fetchCallbacks.onTimeout) { this._fetchCallbacks.onTimeout(aSource); } // Check if the remaining sources were fetched and stored in the cache. if (this._fetchQueue.size == 0) { this._onFinished(); } }, /** * Called when all the sources have been fetched. */ _onFinished: function SS__onFinished() { // Invoke the finish callback if provided via fetchSources(); if (this._fetchCallbacks.onFinished) { this._fetchCallbacks.onFinished(); } }, _cache: null, _fetchQueue: null, _fetchCallbacks: null }; /** * Handles all the breakpoints in the current debugger. */ function Breakpoints() { this._onEditorBreakpointChange = this._onEditorBreakpointChange.bind(this); this._onEditorBreakpointAdd = this._onEditorBreakpointAdd.bind(this); this._onEditorBreakpointRemove = this._onEditorBreakpointRemove.bind(this); this.addBreakpoint = this.addBreakpoint.bind(this); this.removeBreakpoint = this.removeBreakpoint.bind(this); this.getBreakpoint = this.getBreakpoint.bind(this); } Breakpoints.prototype = { get activeThread() DebuggerController.ThreadState.activeThread, get editor() DebuggerView.editor, /** * The list of breakpoints in the debugger as tracked by the current * debugger instance. This is an object where the values are BreakpointActor * objects received from the client, while the keys are actor names, for * example "conn0.breakpoint3". */ store: {}, /** * Skip editor breakpoint change events. * * This property tells the source editor event handler to skip handling of * the BREAKPOINT_CHANGE events. This is used when the debugger adds/removes * breakpoints from the editor. Typically, the BREAKPOINT_CHANGE event handler * adds/removes events from the debugger, but when breakpoints are added from * the public debugger API, we need to do things in reverse. * * This implementation relies on the fact that the source editor fires the * BREAKPOINT_CHANGE events synchronously. */ _skipEditorBreakpointCallbacks: false, /** * Adds the source editor breakpoint handlers. */ initialize: function BP_initialize() { this.editor.addEventListener( SourceEditor.EVENTS.BREAKPOINT_CHANGE, this._onEditorBreakpointChange); }, /** * Removes the source editor breakpoint handlers & all the added breakpoints. */ destroy: function BP_destroy() { this.editor.removeEventListener( SourceEditor.EVENTS.BREAKPOINT_CHANGE, this._onEditorBreakpointChange); for each (let breakpointClient in this.store) { this.removeBreakpoint(breakpointClient); } }, /** * Event handler for breakpoint changes that happen in the editor. This * function syncs the breakpoints in the editor to those in the debugger. * * @param object aEvent * The SourceEditor.EVENTS.BREAKPOINT_CHANGE event object. */ _onEditorBreakpointChange: function BP__onEditorBreakpointChange(aEvent) { if (this._skipEditorBreakpointCallbacks) { return; } this._skipEditorBreakpointCallbacks = true; aEvent.added.forEach(this._onEditorBreakpointAdd, this); aEvent.removed.forEach(this._onEditorBreakpointRemove, this); this._skipEditorBreakpointCallbacks = false; }, /** * Event handler for new breakpoints that come from the editor. * * @param object aEditorBreakpoint * The breakpoint object coming from the editor. */ _onEditorBreakpointAdd: function BP__onEditorBreakpointAdd(aEditorBreakpoint) { let url = DebuggerView.Sources.selectedValue; let line = aEditorBreakpoint.line + 1; this.addBreakpoint({ url: url, line: line }, function(aBreakpointClient) { // If the breakpoint client has an "actualLocation" attached, then // the original requested placement for the breakpoint wasn't accepted. // In this case, we need to update the editor with the new location. if (aBreakpointClient.actualLocation) { this.editor.removeBreakpoint(line - 1); this.editor.addBreakpoint(aBreakpointClient.actualLocation.line - 1); } }.bind(this)); }, /** * Event handler for breakpoints that are removed from the editor. * * @param object aEditorBreakpoint * The breakpoint object that was removed from the editor. */ _onEditorBreakpointRemove: function BP__onEditorBreakpointRemove(aEditorBreakpoint) { let url = DebuggerView.Sources.selectedValue; let line = aEditorBreakpoint.line + 1; this.removeBreakpoint(this.getBreakpoint(url, line)); }, /** * Update the breakpoints in the editor view. This function takes the list of * breakpoints in the debugger and adds them back into the editor view. * This is invoked when the selected script is changed. */ updateEditorBreakpoints: function BP_updateEditorBreakpoints() { for each (let breakpointClient in this.store) { if (DebuggerView.Sources.selectedValue == breakpointClient.location.url) { this._showBreakpoint(breakpointClient, { noPaneUpdate: true, noPaneHighlight: true }); } } }, /** * Update the breakpoints in the pane view. This function takes the list of * breakpoints in the debugger and adds them back into the breakpoints pane. * This is invoked when scripts are added. */ updatePaneBreakpoints: function BP_updatePaneBreakpoints() { for each (let breakpointClient in this.store) { if (DebuggerView.Sources.containsValue(breakpointClient.location.url)) { this._showBreakpoint(breakpointClient, { noEditorUpdate: true, noPaneHighlight: true }); } } }, /** * Add a breakpoint. * * @param object aLocation * The location where you want the breakpoint. This object must have * two properties: * - url: the url of the source. * - line: the line number (starting from 1). * @param function aCallback [optional] * Optional function to invoke once the breakpoint is added. The * callback is invoked with two arguments: * - aBreakpointClient: the BreakpointActor client object * - aResponseError: if there was any error * @param object aFlags [optional] * An object containing some of the following boolean properties: * - conditionalExpression: tells this breakpoint's conditional expression * - openPopup: tells if the expression popup should be shown * - noEditorUpdate: tells if you want to skip editor updates * - noPaneUpdate: tells if you want to skip breakpoint pane updates * - noPaneHighlight: tells if you don't want to highlight the breakpoint */ addBreakpoint: function BP_addBreakpoint(aLocation, aCallback, aFlags = {}) { let breakpointClient = this.getBreakpoint(aLocation.url, aLocation.line); // If the breakpoint was already added, callback immediately. if (breakpointClient) { aCallback && aCallback(breakpointClient); return; } this.activeThread.setBreakpoint(aLocation, function(aResponse, aBreakpointClient) { let { url, line } = aResponse.actualLocation || aLocation; // If the response contains a breakpoint that exists in the cache, prevent // it from being shown in the source editor at an incorrect position. if (this.getBreakpoint(url, line)) { this._hideBreakpoint(aBreakpointClient); return; } // If the breakpoint response has an "actualLocation" attached, then // the original requested placement for the breakpoint wasn't accepted. if (aResponse.actualLocation) { // Store the originally requested location in case it's ever needed. aBreakpointClient.requestedLocation = { url: aBreakpointClient.location.url, line: aBreakpointClient.location.line }; // Store the response actual location to be used. aBreakpointClient.actualLocation = aResponse.actualLocation; // Update the breakpoint client with the actual location. aBreakpointClient.location.url = aResponse.actualLocation.url; aBreakpointClient.location.line = aResponse.actualLocation.line; } // Remember the breakpoint client in the store. this.store[aBreakpointClient.actor] = aBreakpointClient; // Attach any specified conditional expression to the breakpoint client. aBreakpointClient.conditionalExpression = aFlags.conditionalExpression; // Preserve information about the breakpoint's line text, to display it in // the sources pane without requiring fetching the source. aBreakpointClient.lineText = DebuggerView.getEditorLine(line - 1).trim(); // Show the breakpoint in the editor and breakpoints pane. this._showBreakpoint(aBreakpointClient, aFlags); // We're done here. aCallback && aCallback(aBreakpointClient, aResponse.error); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Remove a breakpoint. * * @param object aBreakpointClient * The BreakpointActor client object to remove. * @param function aCallback [optional] * Optional function to invoke once the breakpoint is removed. The * callback is invoked with one argument * - aBreakpointClient: the breakpoint location (url and line) * @param object aFlags [optional] * @see DebuggerController.Breakpoints.addBreakpoint */ removeBreakpoint: function BP_removeBreakpoint(aBreakpointClient, aCallback, aFlags = {}) { let breakpointActor = (aBreakpointClient || {}).actor; // If the breakpoint was already removed, callback immediately. if (!this.store[breakpointActor]) { aCallback && aCallback(aBreakpointClient.location); return; } aBreakpointClient.remove(function() { // Delete the breakpoint client from the store. delete this.store[breakpointActor]; // Hide the breakpoint from the editor and breakpoints pane. this._hideBreakpoint(aBreakpointClient, aFlags); // We're done here. aCallback && aCallback(aBreakpointClient.location); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Update the editor and breakpoints pane to show a specified breakpoint. * * @param object aBreakpointClient * The BreakpointActor client object to show. * @param object aFlags [optional] * @see DebuggerController.Breakpoints.addBreakpoint */ _showBreakpoint: function BP__showBreakpoint(aBreakpointClient, aFlags = {}) { let currentSourceUrl = DebuggerView.Sources.selectedValue; let { url, line } = aBreakpointClient.location; // Update the editor if required. if (!aFlags.noEditorUpdate) { if (url == currentSourceUrl) { this._skipEditorBreakpointCallbacks = true; this.editor.addBreakpoint(line - 1); this._skipEditorBreakpointCallbacks = false; } } // Update the breakpoints pane if required. if (!aFlags.noPaneUpdate) { DebuggerView.Sources.addBreakpoint({ sourceLocation: url, lineNumber: line, lineText: aBreakpointClient.lineText, actor: aBreakpointClient.actor, openPopupFlag: aFlags.openPopup }); } // Highlight the breakpoint in the pane if required. if (!aFlags.noPaneHighlight) { DebuggerView.Sources.highlightBreakpoint(url, line, aFlags); } }, /** * Update the editor and breakpoints pane to hide a specified breakpoint. * * @param object aBreakpointClient * The BreakpointActor client object to hide. * @param object aFlags [optional] * @see DebuggerController.Breakpoints.addBreakpoint */ _hideBreakpoint: function BP__hideBreakpoint(aBreakpointClient, aFlags = {}) { let currentSourceUrl = DebuggerView.Sources.selectedValue; let { url, line } = aBreakpointClient.location; // Update the editor if required. if (!aFlags.noEditorUpdate) { if (url == currentSourceUrl) { this._skipEditorBreakpointCallbacks = true; this.editor.removeBreakpoint(line - 1); this._skipEditorBreakpointCallbacks = false; } } // Update the breakpoints pane if required. if (!aFlags.noPaneUpdate) { DebuggerView.Sources.removeBreakpoint(url, line); } }, /** * Get the breakpoint object at the given location. * * @param string aUrl * The URL of where the breakpoint is. * @param number aLine * The line number where the breakpoint is. * @return object * The BreakpointActor object. */ getBreakpoint: function BP_getBreakpoint(aUrl, aLine) { for each (let breakpointClient in this.store) { if (breakpointClient.location.url == aUrl && breakpointClient.location.line == aLine) { return breakpointClient; } } return null; } }; /** * Localization convenience methods. */ let L10N = new ViewHelpers.L10N(DBG_STRINGS_URI); /** * Shortcuts for accessing various debugger preferences. */ let Prefs = new ViewHelpers.Prefs("devtools.debugger", { chromeDebuggingHost: ["Char", "chrome-debugging-host"], chromeDebuggingPort: ["Int", "chrome-debugging-port"], windowX: ["Int", "ui.win-x"], windowY: ["Int", "ui.win-y"], windowWidth: ["Int", "ui.win-width"], windowHeight: ["Int", "ui.win-height"], sourcesWidth: ["Int", "ui.panes-sources-width"], instrumentsWidth: ["Int", "ui.panes-instruments-width"], pauseOnExceptions: ["Bool", "ui.pause-on-exceptions"], panesVisibleOnStartup: ["Bool", "ui.panes-visible-on-startup"], variablesSortingEnabled: ["Bool", "ui.variables-sorting-enabled"], variablesOnlyEnumVisible: ["Bool", "ui.variables-only-enum-visible"], variablesSearchboxVisible: ["Bool", "ui.variables-searchbox-visible"], remoteHost: ["Char", "remote-host"], remotePort: ["Int", "remote-port"], remoteAutoConnect: ["Bool", "remote-autoconnect"], remoteConnectionRetries: ["Int", "remote-connection-retries"], remoteTimeout: ["Int", "remote-timeout"] }); /** * Returns true if this is a remote debugger instance. * @return boolean */ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(window, "_isRemoteDebugger", function() { // We're inside a single top level XUL window, not an iframe container. return !(window.frameElement instanceof XULElement) && !!window._remoteFlag; }); /** * Returns true if this is a chrome debugger instance. * @return boolean */ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(window, "_isChromeDebugger", function() { // We're inside a single top level XUL window, but not a remote debugger. return !(window.frameElement instanceof XULElement) && !window._remoteFlag; }); /** * Preliminary setup for the DebuggerController object. */ DebuggerController.initialize(); DebuggerController.Parser = new Parser(); DebuggerController.ThreadState = new ThreadState(); DebuggerController.StackFrames = new StackFrames(); DebuggerController.SourceScripts = new SourceScripts(); DebuggerController.Breakpoints = new Breakpoints(); /** * Export some properties to the global scope for easier access. */ Object.defineProperties(window, { "create": { get: function() ViewHelpers.create, }, "dispatchEvent": { get: function() ViewHelpers.dispatchEvent, }, "editor": { get: function() DebuggerView.editor }, "gClient": { get: function() DebuggerController.client }, "gThreadClient": { get: function() DebuggerController.activeThread }, "gThreadState": { get: function() DebuggerController.ThreadState }, "gStackFrames": { get: function() DebuggerController.StackFrames }, "gSourceScripts": { get: function() DebuggerController.SourceScripts }, "gBreakpoints": { get: function() DebuggerController.Breakpoints }, "gCallStackPageSize": { get: function() CALL_STACK_PAGE_SIZE, } }); /** * Helper method for debugging. * @param string */ function dumpn(str) { if (wantLogging) { dump("DBG-FRONTEND: " + str + "\n"); } } let wantLogging = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log");