/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function createEmptyGroupItem(contentWindow, width, height, padding, animate) { let pageBounds = contentWindow.Items.getPageBounds(); pageBounds.inset(padding, padding); let box = new contentWindow.Rect(pageBounds); box.width = width; box.height = height; let emptyGroupItem = new contentWindow.GroupItem([], { bounds: box, immediately: !animate }); return emptyGroupItem; } // ---------- function createGroupItemWithTabs(win, width, height, padding, urls, animate) { let contentWindow = win.TabView.getContentWindow(); let groupItemCount = contentWindow.GroupItems.groupItems.length; // create empty group item let groupItem = createEmptyGroupItem(contentWindow, width, height, padding, animate); ok(groupItem.isEmpty(), "This group is empty"); is(contentWindow.GroupItems.groupItems.length, ++groupItemCount, "The number of groups is increased by 1"); // add blank items contentWindow.UI.setActive(groupItem); let t = 0; urls.forEach( function(url) { let newItem = win.gBrowser.loadOneTab(url)._tabViewTabItem; ok(newItem.container, "Created element "+t+":"+newItem.container); ++t; }); // to set one of tabItem to be active since we load tabs into a group // in a non-standard flow. contentWindow.UI.setActive(groupItem); return groupItem; } // ---------- function createGroupItemWithBlankTabs(win, width, height, padding, numNewTabs, animate) { let urls = []; while(numNewTabs--) urls.push("about:blank"); return createGroupItemWithTabs(win, width, height, padding, urls, animate); } // ---------- function closeGroupItem(groupItem, callback) { if (callback) { groupItem.addSubscriber("close", function onClose() { groupItem.removeSubscriber("close", onClose); executeSoon(callback); }); } if (groupItem.getChildren().length) { groupItem.addSubscriber("groupHidden", function onHide() { groupItem.removeSubscriber("groupHidden", onHide); groupItem.closeHidden(); }); } groupItem.closeAll(); } // ---------- function afterAllTabItemsUpdated(callback, win) { win = win || window; let tabItems = win.document.getElementById("tab-view").contentWindow.TabItems; for (let a = 0; a < win.gBrowser.tabs.length; a++) { let tabItem = win.gBrowser.tabs[a]._tabViewTabItem; if (tabItem) tabItems._update(win.gBrowser.tabs[a]); } callback(); } // --------- function newWindowWithTabView(shownCallback, loadCallback, width, height) { let winWidth = width || 800; let winHeight = height || 800; let win = window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no,height=" + winHeight + ",width=" + winWidth); whenWindowLoaded(win, function () { if (loadCallback) loadCallback(win); }); whenDelayedStartupFinished(win, function () { showTabView(function () shownCallback(win), win); }); } // ---------- function afterAllTabsLoaded(callback, win) { const TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE = 1; win = win || window; let stillToLoad = 0; let restoreHiddenTabs = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "browser.sessionstore.restore_hidden_tabs"); function onLoad() { this.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true); stillToLoad--; if (!stillToLoad) executeSoon(callback); } for (let a = 0; a < win.gBrowser.tabs.length; a++) { let tab = win.gBrowser.tabs[a]; let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; let isRestorable = !(tab.hidden && !restoreHiddenTabs && browser.__SS_restoreState && browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE); if (isRestorable && browser.contentDocument.readyState != "complete" || browser.webProgress.isLoadingDocument) { stillToLoad++; browser.addEventListener("load", onLoad, true); } } if (!stillToLoad) executeSoon(callback); } // ---------- function showTabView(callback, win) { win = win || window; if (win.TabView.isVisible()) { waitForFocus(callback, win); return; } whenTabViewIsShown(function () { waitForFocus(callback, win); }, win); win.TabView.show(); } // ---------- function hideTabView(callback, win) { win = win || window; if (!win.TabView.isVisible()) { if (callback) callback(); return; } if (callback) whenTabViewIsHidden(callback, win); win.TabView.hide(); } // ---------- function whenTabViewIsHidden(callback, win) { win = win || window; if (!win.TabView.isVisible()) { callback(); return; } win.addEventListener('tabviewhidden', function onHidden() { win.removeEventListener('tabviewhidden', onHidden, false); callback(); }, false); } // ---------- function whenTabViewIsShown(callback, win) { win = win || window; if (win.TabView.isVisible()) { callback(); return; } win.addEventListener('tabviewshown', function onShown() { win.removeEventListener('tabviewshown', onShown, false); callback(); }, false); } // ---------- function hideSearch(callback, win) { win = win || window; let contentWindow = win.TabView.getContentWindow(); if (!contentWindow.isSearchEnabled()) { if (callback) callback(); return; } if (callback) whenSearchIsDisabled(callback, win); contentWindow.hideSearch(); } // ---------- function whenSearchIsEnabled(callback, win) { win = win || window; let contentWindow = win.TabView.getContentWindow(); if (contentWindow.isSearchEnabled()) { callback(); return; } contentWindow.addEventListener("tabviewsearchenabled", function onSearchEnabled() { contentWindow.removeEventListener("tabviewsearchenabled", onSearchEnabled, false); callback(); }, false); } // ---------- function whenSearchIsDisabled(callback, win) { win = win || window; let contentWindow = win.TabView.getContentWindow(); if (!contentWindow.isSearchEnabled()) { callback(); return; } contentWindow.addEventListener("tabviewsearchdisabled", function onSearchDisabled() { contentWindow.removeEventListener("tabviewsearchdisabled", onSearchDisabled, false); callback(); }, false); } // ---------- function hideGroupItem(groupItem, callback) { if (groupItem.hidden) { if (callback) callback(); return; } if (callback) { groupItem.addSubscriber("groupHidden", function onHide() { groupItem.removeSubscriber("groupHidden", onHide); callback(); }); } groupItem.closeAll(); } // ---------- function unhideGroupItem(groupItem, callback) { if (!groupItem.hidden) { if (callback) callback(); return; } if (callback) { groupItem.addSubscriber("groupShown", function onShown() { groupItem.removeSubscriber("groupShown", onShown); callback(); }); } groupItem._unhide(); } // ---------- function whenWindowLoaded(win, callback) { win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() { win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false); executeSoon(callback); }, false); } // ---------- function whenWindowStateReady(win, callback) { win.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", function onReady() { win.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onReady, false); executeSoon(callback); }, false); } // ---------- function whenDelayedStartupFinished(win, callback) { let topic = "browser-delayed-startup-finished"; Services.obs.addObserver(function onStartup(aSubject) { if (win != aSubject) return; Services.obs.removeObserver(onStartup, topic, false); executeSoon(callback); }, topic, false); } // ---------- function newWindowWithState(state, callback) { const ss = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); let opts = "chrome,all,dialog=no,height=800,width=800"; let win = window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", opts); let numConditions = 2; let check = function () { if (!--numConditions) callback(win); }; whenWindowLoaded(win, function () { whenWindowStateReady(win, function () { afterAllTabsLoaded(check, win); }); ss.setWindowState(win, JSON.stringify(state), true); }); whenDelayedStartupFinished(win, check); } // ---------- function restoreTab(callback, index, win) { win = win || window; let tab = win.undoCloseTab(index || 0); let tabItem = tab._tabViewTabItem; let finalize = function () { afterAllTabsLoaded(function () callback(tab), win); }; if (tabItem._reconnected) { finalize(); return; } tab._tabViewTabItem.addSubscriber("reconnected", function onReconnected() { tab._tabViewTabItem.removeSubscriber("reconnected", onReconnected); finalize(); }); } // ---------- function togglePrivateBrowsing(callback) { let topic = "private-browsing-transition-complete"; Services.obs.addObserver(function observe() { Services.obs.removeObserver(observe, topic); // use executeSoon() to let Panorama load its group data from the session // before we call afterAllTabsLoaded() executeSoon(function () afterAllTabsLoaded(callback)); }, topic, false); let pb = Cc["@mozilla.org/privatebrowsing;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingService); pb.privateBrowsingEnabled = !pb.privateBrowsingEnabled; }