/* Distributed under both the W3C Test Suite License [1] and the W3C 3-clause BSD License [2]. To contribute to a W3C Test Suite, see the policies and contribution forms [3]. [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2008/04-testsuite-license [2] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2008/03-bsd-license [3] http://www.w3.org/2004/10/27-testcases */ /* * == Introduction == * * This file provides a framework for writing testcases. It is intended to * provide a convenient API for making common assertions, and to work both * for testing synchronous and asynchronous DOM features in a way that * promotes clear, robust, tests. * * == Basic Usage == * * To use this file, import the script and the testharnessreport script into * the test document: * * * * Within each file one may define one or more tests. Each test is atomic * in the sense that a single test has a single result (pass/fail/timeout). * Within each test one may have a number of asserts. The test fails at the * first failing assert, and the remainder of the test is (typically) not run. * * If the file containing the tests is a HTML file with an element of id "log" * this will be populated with a table containing the test results after all * the tests have run. * * NOTE: By default tests must be created before the load event fires. For ways * to create tests after the load event, see "Determining when all tests * are complete", below * * == Synchronous Tests == * * To create a synchronous test use the test() function: * * test(test_function, name, properties) * * test_function is a function that contains the code to test. For example a * trivial passing test would be: * * test(function() {assert_true(true)}, "assert_true with true") * * The function passed in is run in the test() call. * * properties is an object that overrides default test properties. The * recognised properties are: * timeout - the test timeout in ms * * e.g. * test(test_function, "Sample test", {timeout:1000}) * * would run test_function with a timeout of 1s. * * Additionally, test-specific metadata can be passed in the properties. These * are used when the individual test has different metadata from that stored * in the . * The recognized metadata properties are: * * help - The url of the part of the specification being tested * * assert - A human readable description of what the test is attempting * to prove * * author - Name and contact information for the author of the test in the * format: "Name " or "Name http://contact/url" * * flags - space separated list of test flags in addition to any present in * the head metadata * * == Asynchronous Tests == * * Testing asynchronous features is somewhat more complex since the result of * a test may depend on one or more events or other callbacks. The API provided * for testing these features is indended to be rather low-level but hopefully * applicable to many situations. * * To create a test, one starts by getting a Test object using async_test: * * async_test(name, properties) * * e.g. * var t = async_test("Simple async test") * * Assertions can be added to the test by calling the step method of the test * object with a function containing the test assertions: * * t.step(function() {assert_true(true)}); * * When all the steps are complete, the done() method must be called: * * t.done(); * * As a convenience, async_test can also takes a function as first argument. * This function is called with the test object as both its `this` object and * first argument. The above example can be rewritten as: * * async_test(function(t) { * object.some_event = function() { * t.step(function (){assert_true(true); t.done();}); * }; * }, "Simple async test"); * * which avoids cluttering the global scope with references to async * tests instances. * * The properties argument is identical to that for test(). * * In many cases it is convenient to run a step in response to an event or a * callback. A convenient method of doing this is through the step_func method * which returns a function that, when called runs a test step. For example * * object.some_event = t.step_func(function(e) {assert_true(e.a)}); * * == Making assertions == * * Functions for making assertions start assert_ * The best way to get a list is to look in this file for functions names * matching that pattern. The general signature is * * assert_something(actual, expected, description) * * although not all assertions precisely match this pattern e.g. assert_true * only takes actual and description as arguments. * * The description parameter is used to present more useful error messages when * a test fails * * NOTE: All asserts must be located in a test() or a step of an async_test(). * asserts outside these places won't be detected correctly by the harness * and may cause a file to stop testing. * * == Setup == * * Sometimes tests require non-trivial setup that may fail. For this purpose * there is a setup() function, that may be called with one or two arguments. * The two argument version is: * * setup(func, properties) * * The one argument versions may omit either argument. * func is a function to be run synchronously. setup() becomes a no-op once * any tests have returned results. Properties are global properties of the test * harness. Currently recognised properties are: * * timeout - The time in ms after which the harness should stop waiting for * tests to complete (this is different to the per-test timeout * because async tests do not start their timer until .step is called) * * explicit_done - Wait for an explicit call to done() before declaring all * tests complete (see below) * * output_document - The document to which results should be logged. By default * this is the current document but could be an ancestor * document in some cases e.g. a SVG test loaded in an HTML * wrapper * * explicit_timeout - disable file timeout; only stop waiting for results * when the timeout() function is called (typically for * use when integrating with some existing test framework * that has its own timeout mechanism). * * == Determining when all tests are complete == * * By default the test harness will assume there are no more results to come * when: * 1) There are no Test objects that have been created but not completed * 2) The load event on the document has fired * * This behaviour can be overridden by setting the explicit_done property to * true in a call to setup(). If explicit_done is true, the test harness will * not assume it is done until the global done() function is called. Once done() * is called, the two conditions above apply like normal. * * == Generating tests == * * NOTE: this functionality may be removed * * There are scenarios in which is is desirable to create a large number of * (synchronous) tests that are internally similar but vary in the parameters * used. To make this easier, the generate_tests function allows a single * function to be called with each set of parameters in a list: * * generate_tests(test_function, parameter_lists, properties) * * For example: * * generate_tests(assert_equals, [ * ["Sum one and one", 1+1, 2], * ["Sum one and zero", 1+0, 1] * ]) * * Is equivalent to: * * test(function() {assert_equals(1+1, 2)}, "Sum one and one") * test(function() {assert_equals(1+0, 1)}, "Sum one and zero") * * Note that the first item in each parameter list corresponds to the name of * the test. * * The properties argument is identical to that for test(). This may be a * single object (used for all generated tests) or an array. * * == Callback API == * * The framework provides callbacks corresponding to 3 events: * * start - happens when the first Test is created * result - happens when a test result is recieved * complete - happens when all results are recieved * * The page defining the tests may add callbacks for these events by calling * the following methods: * * add_start_callback(callback) - callback called with no arguments * add_result_callback(callback) - callback called with a test argument * add_completion_callback(callback) - callback called with an array of tests * and an status object * * tests have the following properties: * status: A status code. This can be compared to the PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT and * NOTRUN properties on the test object * message: A message indicating the reason for failure. In the future this * will always be a string * * The status object gives the overall status of the harness. It has the * following properties: * status: Can be compared to the OK, ERROR and TIMEOUT properties * message: An error message set when the status is ERROR * * == External API == * * In order to collect the results of multiple pages containing tests, the test * harness will, when loaded in a nested browsing context, attempt to call * certain functions in each ancestor and opener browsing context: * * start - start_callback * result - result_callback * complete - completion_callback * * These are given the same arguments as the corresponding internal callbacks * described above. * * == External API through cross-document messaging == * * Where supported, the test harness will also send messages using * cross-document messaging to each ancestor and opener browsing context. Since * it uses the wildcard keyword (*), cross-origin communication is enabled and * script on different origins can collect the results. * * This API follows similar conventions as those described above only slightly * modified to accommodate message event API. Each message is sent by the harness * is passed a single vanilla object, available as the `data` property of the * event object. These objects are structures as follows: * * start - { type: "start" } * result - { type: "result", test: Test } * complete - { type: "complete", tests: [Test, ...], status: TestsStatus } * * == List of assertions == * * assert_true(actual, description) * asserts that /actual/ is strictly true * * assert_false(actual, description) * asserts that /actual/ is strictly false * * assert_equals(actual, expected, description) * asserts that /actual/ is the same value as /expected/ * * assert_not_equals(actual, expected, description) * asserts that /actual/ is a different value to /expected/. Yes, this means * that "expected" is a misnomer * * assert_in_array(actual, expected, description) * asserts that /expected/ is an Array, and /actual/ is equal to one of the * members -- expected.indexOf(actual) != -1 * * assert_array_equals(actual, expected, description) * asserts that /actual/ and /expected/ have the same length and the value of * each indexed property in /actual/ is the strictly equal to the corresponding * property value in /expected/ * * assert_approx_equals(actual, expected, epsilon, description) * asserts that /actual/ is a number within +/- /epsilon/ of /expected/ * * assert_regexp_match(actual, expected, description) * asserts that /actual/ matches the regexp /expected/ * * assert_class_string(object, class_name, description) * asserts that the class string of /object/ as returned in * Object.prototype.toString is equal to /class_name/. * * assert_own_property(object, property_name, description) * assert that object has own property property_name * * assert_inherits(object, property_name, description) * assert that object does not have an own property named property_name * but that property_name is present in the prototype chain for object * * assert_idl_attribute(object, attribute_name, description) * assert that an object that is an instance of some interface has the * attribute attribute_name following the conditions specified by WebIDL * * assert_readonly(object, property_name, description) * assert that property property_name on object is readonly * * assert_throws(code, func, description) * code - the expected exception: * o string: the thrown exception must be a DOMException with the given * name, e.g., "TimeoutError" (for compatibility with existing * tests, a constant is also supported, e.g., "TIMEOUT_ERR") * o object: the thrown exception must have a property called "name" that * matches code.name * o null: allow any exception (in general, one of the options above * should be used) * func - a function that should throw * * assert_unreached(description) * asserts if called. Used to ensure that some codepath is *not* taken e.g. * an event does not fire. * * assert_any(assert_func, actual, expected_array, extra_arg_1, ... extra_arg_N) * asserts that one assert_func(actual, expected_array_N, extra_arg1, ..., extra_arg_N) * is true for some expected_array_N in expected_array. This only works for assert_func * with signature assert_func(actual, expected, args_1, ..., args_N). Note that tests * with multiple allowed pass conditions are bad practice unless the spec specifically * allows multiple behaviours. Test authors should not use this method simply to hide * UA bugs. * * assert_exists(object, property_name, description) * *** deprecated *** * asserts that object has an own property property_name * * assert_not_exists(object, property_name, description) * *** deprecated *** * assert that object does not have own property property_name */ (function () { var debug = false; // default timeout is 5 seconds, test can override if needed var settings = { output:true, timeout:5000, test_timeout:2000 }; var xhtml_ns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; // script_prefix is used by Output.prototype.show_results() to figure out // where to get testharness.css from. It's enclosed in an extra closure to // not pollute the library's namespace with variables like "src". var script_prefix = null; (function () { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { if (scripts[i].src) { var src = scripts[i].src; } else if (scripts[i].href) { //SVG case var src = scripts[i].href.baseVal; } if (src && src.slice(src.length - "testharness.js".length) === "testharness.js") { script_prefix = src.slice(0, src.length - "testharness.js".length); break; } } })(); /* * API functions */ var name_counter = 0; function next_default_name() { //Don't use document.title to work around an Opera bug in XHTML documents var prefix = document.getElementsByTagName("title").length > 0 ? document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].firstChild.data : "Untitled"; var suffix = name_counter > 0 ? " " + name_counter : ""; name_counter++; return prefix + suffix; } function test(func, name, properties) { var test_name = name ? name : next_default_name(); properties = properties ? properties : {}; var test_obj = new Test(test_name, properties); test_obj.step(func); if (test_obj.status === test_obj.NOTRUN) { test_obj.done(); } } function async_test(func, name, properties) { if (typeof func !== "function") { properties = name; name = func; func = null; } var test_name = name ? name : next_default_name(); properties = properties ? properties : {}; var test_obj = new Test(test_name, properties); if (func) { test_obj.step(func, test_obj, test_obj); } return test_obj; } function setup(func_or_properties, maybe_properties) { var func = null; var properties = {}; if (arguments.length === 2) { func = func_or_properties; properties = maybe_properties; } else if (func_or_properties instanceof Function){ func = func_or_properties; } else { properties = func_or_properties; } tests.setup(func, properties); output.setup(properties); } function done() { tests.end_wait(); } function generate_tests(func, args, properties) { forEach(args, function(x, i) { var name = x[0]; test(function() { func.apply(this, x.slice(1)); }, name, Array.isArray(properties) ? properties[i] : properties); }); } function on_event(object, event, callback) { object.addEventListener(event, callback, false); } expose(test, 'test'); expose(async_test, 'async_test'); expose(generate_tests, 'generate_tests'); expose(setup, 'setup'); expose(done, 'done'); expose(on_event, 'on_event'); /* * Return a string truncated to the given length, with ... added at the end * if it was longer. */ function truncate(s, len) { if (s.length > len) { return s.substring(0, len - 3) + "..."; } return s; } /* * Convert a value to a nice, human-readable string */ function format_value(val) { if (Array.isArray(val)) { return "[" + val.map(format_value).join(", ") + "]"; } switch (typeof val) { case "string": val = val.replace("\\", "\\\\"); for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { var replace = "\\"; switch (i) { case 0: replace += "0"; break; case 1: replace += "x01"; break; case 2: replace += "x02"; break; case 3: replace += "x03"; break; case 4: replace += "x04"; break; case 5: replace += "x05"; break; case 6: replace += "x06"; break; case 7: replace += "x07"; break; case 8: replace += "b"; break; case 9: replace += "t"; break; case 10: replace += "n"; break; case 11: replace += "v"; break; case 12: replace += "f"; break; case 13: replace += "r"; break; case 14: replace += "x0e"; break; case 15: replace += "x0f"; break; case 16: replace += "x10"; break; case 17: replace += "x11"; break; case 18: replace += "x12"; break; case 19: replace += "x13"; break; case 20: replace += "x14"; break; case 21: replace += "x15"; break; case 22: replace += "x16"; break; case 23: replace += "x17"; break; case 24: replace += "x18"; break; case 25: replace += "x19"; break; case 26: replace += "x1a"; break; case 27: replace += "x1b"; break; case 28: replace += "x1c"; break; case 29: replace += "x1d"; break; case 30: replace += "x1e"; break; case 31: replace += "x1f"; break; } val = val.replace(RegExp(String.fromCharCode(i), "g"), replace); } return '"' + val.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'; case "boolean": case "undefined": return String(val); case "number": // In JavaScript, -0 === 0 and String(-0) == "0", so we have to // special-case. if (val === -0 && 1/val === -Infinity) { return "-0"; } return String(val); case "object": if (val === null) { return "null"; } // Special-case Node objects, since those come up a lot in my tests. I // ignore namespaces. I use duck-typing instead of instanceof, because // instanceof doesn't work if the node is from another window (like an // iframe's contentWindow): // http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12295 if ("nodeType" in val && "nodeName" in val && "nodeValue" in val && "childNodes" in val) { switch (val.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: var ret = "<" + val.tagName.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < val.attributes.length; i++) { ret += " " + val.attributes[i].name + '="' + val.attributes[i].value + '"'; } ret += ">" + val.innerHTML + ""; return "Element node " + truncate(ret, 60); case Node.TEXT_NODE: return 'Text node "' + truncate(val.data, 60) + '"'; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return "ProcessingInstruction node with target " + format_value(truncate(val.target, 60)) + " and data " + format_value(truncate(val.data, 60)); case Node.COMMENT_NODE: return "Comment node "; case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: return "Document node with " + val.childNodes.length + (val.childNodes.length == 1 ? " child" : " children"); case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: return "DocumentType node"; case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: return "DocumentFragment node with " + val.childNodes.length + (val.childNodes.length == 1 ? " child" : " children"); default: return "Node object of unknown type"; } } // Fall through to default default: return typeof val + ' "' + truncate(String(val), 60) + '"'; } } expose(format_value, "format_value"); /* * Assertions */ function assert_true(actual, description) { assert(actual === true, "assert_true", description, "expected true got ${actual}", {actual:actual}); }; expose(assert_true, "assert_true"); function assert_false(actual, description) { assert(actual === false, "assert_false", description, "expected false got ${actual}", {actual:actual}); }; expose(assert_false, "assert_false"); function same_value(x, y) { if (y !== y) { //NaN case return x !== x; } else if (x === 0 && y === 0) { //Distinguish +0 and -0 return 1/x === 1/y; } else { //typical case return x === y; } } function assert_equals(actual, expected, description) { /* * Test if two primitives are equal or two objects * are the same object */ if (typeof actual != typeof expected) { assert(false, "assert_equals", description, "expected (" + typeof expected + ") ${expected} but got (" + typeof actual + ") ${actual}", {expected:expected, actual:actual}); return; } assert(same_value(actual, expected), "assert_equals", description, "expected ${expected} but got ${actual}", {expected:expected, actual:actual}); }; expose(assert_equals, "assert_equals"); function assert_not_equals(actual, expected, description) { /* * Test if two primitives are unequal or two objects * are different objects */ assert(!same_value(actual, expected), "assert_not_equals", description, "got disallowed value ${actual}", {actual:actual}); }; expose(assert_not_equals, "assert_not_equals"); function assert_in_array(actual, expected, description) { assert(expected.indexOf(actual) != -1, "assert_in_array", description, "value ${actual} not in array ${expected}", {actual:actual, expected:expected}); } expose(assert_in_array, "assert_in_array"); function assert_object_equals(actual, expected, description) { //This needs to be improved a great deal function check_equal(actual, expected, stack) { stack.push(actual); var p; for (p in actual) { assert(expected.hasOwnProperty(p), "assert_object_equals", description, "unexpected property ${p}", {p:p}); if (typeof actual[p] === "object" && actual[p] !== null) { if (stack.indexOf(actual[p]) === -1) { check_equal(actual[p], expected[p], stack); } } else { assert(same_value(actual[p], expected[p]), "assert_object_equals", description, "property ${p} expected ${expected} got ${actual}", {p:p, expected:expected, actual:actual}); } } for (p in expected) { assert(actual.hasOwnProperty(p), "assert_object_equals", description, "expected property ${p} missing", {p:p}); } stack.pop(); } check_equal(actual, expected, []); }; expose(assert_object_equals, "assert_object_equals"); function assert_array_equals(actual, expected, description) { assert(actual.length === expected.length, "assert_array_equals", description, "lengths differ, expected ${expected} got ${actual}", {expected:expected.length, actual:actual.length}); for (var i=0; i < actual.length; i++) { assert(actual.hasOwnProperty(i) === expected.hasOwnProperty(i), "assert_array_equals", description, "property ${i}, property expected to be $expected but was $actual", {i:i, expected:expected.hasOwnProperty(i) ? "present" : "missing", actual:actual.hasOwnProperty(i) ? "present" : "missing"}); assert(same_value(expected[i], actual[i]), "assert_array_equals", description, "property ${i}, expected ${expected} but got ${actual}", {i:i, expected:expected[i], actual:actual[i]}); } } expose(assert_array_equals, "assert_array_equals"); function assert_approx_equals(actual, expected, epsilon, description) { /* * Test if two primitive numbers are equal withing +/- epsilon */ assert(typeof actual === "number", "assert_approx_equals", description, "expected a number but got a ${type_actual}", {type_actual:typeof actual}); assert(Math.abs(actual - expected) <= epsilon, "assert_approx_equals", description, "expected ${expected} +/- ${epsilon} but got ${actual}", {expected:expected, actual:actual, epsilon:epsilon}); }; expose(assert_approx_equals, "assert_approx_equals"); function assert_regexp_match(actual, expected, description) { /* * Test if a string (actual) matches a regexp (expected) */ assert(expected.test(actual), "assert_regexp_match", description, "expected ${expected} but got ${actual}", {expected:expected, actual:actual}); } expose(assert_regexp_match, "assert_regexp_match"); function assert_class_string(object, class_string, description) { assert_equals({}.toString.call(object), "[object " + class_string + "]", description); } expose(assert_class_string, "assert_class_string"); function _assert_own_property(name) { return function(object, property_name, description) { assert(object.hasOwnProperty(property_name), name, description, "expected property ${p} missing", {p:property_name}); }; } expose(_assert_own_property("assert_exists"), "assert_exists"); expose(_assert_own_property("assert_own_property"), "assert_own_property"); function assert_not_exists(object, property_name, description) { assert(!object.hasOwnProperty(property_name), "assert_not_exists", description, "unexpected property ${p} found", {p:property_name}); }; expose(assert_not_exists, "assert_not_exists"); function _assert_inherits(name) { return function (object, property_name, description) { assert(typeof object === "object", name, description, "provided value is not an object"); assert("hasOwnProperty" in object, name, description, "provided value is an object but has no hasOwnProperty method"); assert(!object.hasOwnProperty(property_name), name, description, "property ${p} found on object expected in prototype chain", {p:property_name}); assert(property_name in object, name, description, "property ${p} not found in prototype chain", {p:property_name}); }; } expose(_assert_inherits("assert_inherits"), "assert_inherits"); expose(_assert_inherits("assert_idl_attribute"), "assert_idl_attribute"); function assert_readonly(object, property_name, description) { var initial_value = object[property_name]; try { //Note that this can have side effects in the case where //the property has PutForwards object[property_name] = initial_value + "a"; //XXX use some other value here? assert(same_value(object[property_name], initial_value), "assert_readonly", description, "changing property ${p} succeeded", {p:property_name}); } finally { object[property_name] = initial_value; } }; expose(assert_readonly, "assert_readonly"); function assert_throws(code, func, description) { try { func.call(this); assert(false, "assert_throws", description, "${func} did not throw", {func:func}); } catch(e) { if (e instanceof AssertionError) { throw(e); } if (code === null) { return; } if (typeof code === "object") { assert(typeof e == "object" && "name" in e && e.name == code.name, "assert_throws", description, "${func} threw ${actual} (${actual_name}) expected ${expected} (${expected_name})", {func:func, actual:e, actual_name:e.name, expected:code, expected_name:code.name}); return; } var code_name_map = { INDEX_SIZE_ERR: 'IndexSizeError', HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: 'HierarchyRequestError', WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: 'WrongDocumentError', INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: 'InvalidCharacterError', NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: 'NoModificationAllowedError', NOT_FOUND_ERR: 'NotFoundError', NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: 'NotSupportedError', INVALID_STATE_ERR: 'InvalidStateError', SYNTAX_ERR: 'SyntaxError', INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: 'InvalidModificationError', NAMESPACE_ERR: 'NamespaceError', INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: 'InvalidAccessError', TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: 'TypeMismatchError', SECURITY_ERR: 'SecurityError', NETWORK_ERR: 'NetworkError', ABORT_ERR: 'AbortError', URL_MISMATCH_ERR: 'URLMismatchError', QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: 'QuotaExceededError', TIMEOUT_ERR: 'TimeoutError', INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: 'InvalidNodeTypeError', DATA_CLONE_ERR: 'DataCloneError' }; var name = code in code_name_map ? code_name_map[code] : code; var name_code_map = { IndexSizeError: 1, HierarchyRequestError: 3, WrongDocumentError: 4, InvalidCharacterError: 5, NoModificationAllowedError: 7, NotFoundError: 8, NotSupportedError: 9, InvalidStateError: 11, SyntaxError: 12, InvalidModificationError: 13, NamespaceError: 14, InvalidAccessError: 15, TypeMismatchError: 17, SecurityError: 18, NetworkError: 19, AbortError: 20, URLMismatchError: 21, QuotaExceededError: 22, TimeoutError: 23, InvalidNodeTypeError: 24, DataCloneError: 25, UnknownError: 0, ConstraintError: 0, DataError: 0, TransactionInactiveError: 0, ReadOnlyError: 0, VersionError: 0 }; if (!(name in name_code_map)) { throw new AssertionError('Test bug: unrecognized DOMException code "' + code + '" passed to assert_throws()'); } var required_props = { code: name_code_map[name] }; if (required_props.code === 0 || ("name" in e && e.name !== e.name.toUpperCase() && e.name !== "DOMException")) { // New style exception: also test the name property. required_props.name = name; } //We'd like to test that e instanceof the appropriate interface, //but we can't, because we don't know what window it was created //in. It might be an instanceof the appropriate interface on some //unknown other window. TODO: Work around this somehow? assert(typeof e == "object", "assert_throws", description, "${func} threw ${e} with type ${type}, not an object", {func:func, e:e, type:typeof e}); for (var prop in required_props) { assert(typeof e == "object" && prop in e && e[prop] == required_props[prop], "assert_throws", description, "${func} threw ${e} that is not a DOMException " + code + ": property ${prop} is equal to ${actual}, expected ${expected}", {func:func, e:e, prop:prop, actual:e[prop], expected:required_props[prop]}); } } } expose(assert_throws, "assert_throws"); function assert_unreached(description) { assert(false, "assert_unreached", description, "Reached unreachable code"); } expose(assert_unreached, "assert_unreached"); function assert_any(assert_func, actual, expected_array) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 3) var errors = [] var passed = false; forEach(expected_array, function(expected) { try { assert_func.apply(this, [actual, expected].concat(args)) passed = true; } catch(e) { errors.push(e.message); } }); if (!passed) { throw new AssertionError(errors.join("\n\n")); } } expose(assert_any, "assert_any"); function Test(name, properties) { this.name = name; this.status = this.NOTRUN; this.timeout_id = null; this.is_done = false; this.properties = properties; this.timeout_length = properties.timeout ? properties.timeout : settings.test_timeout; this.message = null; var this_obj = this; this.steps = []; tests.push(this); } Test.statuses = { PASS:0, FAIL:1, TIMEOUT:2, NOTRUN:3 }; Test.prototype = merge({}, Test.statuses); Test.prototype.structured_clone = function() { if(!this._structured_clone) { var msg = this.message; msg = msg ? String(msg) : msg; this._structured_clone = merge({ name:String(this.name), status:this.status, message:msg }, Test.statuses); } return this._structured_clone; }; Test.prototype.step = function(func, this_obj) { //In case the test has already failed if (this.status !== this.NOTRUN) { return; } tests.started = true; if (this.timeout_id === null) { this.set_timeout(); } this.steps.push(func); if (arguments.length === 1) { this_obj = this; } try { func.apply(this_obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); } catch(e) { //This can happen if something called synchronously invoked another //step if (this.status !== this.NOTRUN) { return; } this.status = this.FAIL; this.message = (typeof e === "object" && e !== null) ? e.message : e; if (typeof e.stack != "undefined" && typeof e.message == "string") { //Try to make it more informative for some exceptions, at least //in Gecko and WebKit. This results in a stack dump instead of //just errors like "Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null" //or "root is null". Makes it a lot longer, of course. this.message += "(stack: " + e.stack + ")"; } this.done(); if (debug && e.constructor !== AssertionError) { throw e; } } }; Test.prototype.step_func = function(func, this_obj) { var test_this = this; if (arguments.length === 1) { this_obj = test_this; } return function() { test_this.step.apply(test_this, [func, this_obj].concat( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))); }; }; Test.prototype.step_func_done = function(func, this_obj) { var test_this = this; if (arguments.length === 1) { this_obj = test_this; } return function() { test_this.step.apply(test_this, [func, this_obj].concat( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))); test_this.done(); }; }; Test.prototype.set_timeout = function() { var this_obj = this; this.timeout_id = setTimeout(function() { this_obj.timeout(); }, this.timeout_length); }; Test.prototype.timeout = function() { this.status = this.TIMEOUT; this.timeout_id = null; this.message = "Test timed out"; this.done(); }; Test.prototype.done = function() { if (this.is_done) { return; } clearTimeout(this.timeout_id); if (this.status === this.NOTRUN) { this.status = this.PASS; } this.is_done = true; tests.result(this); }; /* * Harness */ function TestsStatus() { this.status = null; this.message = null; } TestsStatus.statuses = { OK:0, ERROR:1, TIMEOUT:2 }; TestsStatus.prototype = merge({}, TestsStatus.statuses); TestsStatus.prototype.structured_clone = function() { if(!this._structured_clone) { var msg = this.message; msg = msg ? String(msg) : msg; this._structured_clone = merge({ status:this.status, message:msg }, TestsStatus.statuses); } return this._structured_clone; }; function Tests() { this.tests = []; this.num_pending = 0; this.phases = { INITIAL:0, SETUP:1, HAVE_TESTS:2, HAVE_RESULTS:3, COMPLETE:4 }; this.phase = this.phases.INITIAL; this.properties = {}; //All tests can't be done until the load event fires this.all_loaded = false; this.wait_for_finish = false; this.processing_callbacks = false; this.timeout_length = settings.timeout; this.timeout_id = null; this.start_callbacks = []; this.test_done_callbacks = []; this.all_done_callbacks = []; this.status = new TestsStatus(); var this_obj = this; on_event(window, "load", function() { this_obj.all_loaded = true; if (this_obj.all_done()) { this_obj.complete(); } }); } Tests.prototype.setup = function(func, properties) { if (this.phase >= this.phases.HAVE_RESULTS) { return; } if (this.phase < this.phases.SETUP) { this.phase = this.phases.SETUP; } for (var p in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(p)) { this.properties[p] = properties[p]; } } if (properties.timeout) { this.timeout_length = properties.timeout; } if (properties.explicit_done) { this.wait_for_finish = true; } if (properties.explicit_timeout) { this.timeout_length = null; } if (func) { try { func(); } catch(e) { this.status.status = this.status.ERROR; this.status.message = e; }; } this.set_timeout(); }; Tests.prototype.set_timeout = function() { var this_obj = this; clearTimeout(this.timeout_id); if (this.timeout_length !== null) { this.timeout_id = setTimeout(function() { this_obj.timeout(); }, this.timeout_length); } }; Tests.prototype.timeout = function() { this.status.status = this.status.TIMEOUT; this.complete(); }; Tests.prototype.end_wait = function() { this.wait_for_finish = false; if (this.all_done()) { this.complete(); } }; Tests.prototype.push = function(test) { if (this.phase < this.phases.HAVE_TESTS) { this.start(); } this.num_pending++; this.tests.push(test); }; Tests.prototype.all_done = function() { return (this.all_loaded && this.num_pending === 0 && !this.wait_for_finish && !this.processing_callbacks); }; Tests.prototype.start = function() { this.phase = this.phases.HAVE_TESTS; this.notify_start(); }; Tests.prototype.notify_start = function() { var this_obj = this; forEach (this.start_callbacks, function(callback) { callback(this_obj.properties); }); forEach_windows( function(w, is_same_origin) { if(is_same_origin && w.start_callback) { try { w.start_callback(this_obj.properties); } catch(e) { if (debug) { throw(e); } } } if (supports_post_message(w) && w !== self) { w.postMessage({ type: "start", properties: this_obj.properties }, "*"); } }); }; Tests.prototype.result = function(test) { if (this.phase > this.phases.HAVE_RESULTS) { return; } this.phase = this.phases.HAVE_RESULTS; this.num_pending--; this.notify_result(test); }; Tests.prototype.notify_result = function(test) { var this_obj = this; this.processing_callbacks = true; forEach(this.test_done_callbacks, function(callback) { callback(test, this_obj); }); forEach_windows( function(w, is_same_origin) { if(is_same_origin && w.result_callback) { try { w.result_callback(test); } catch(e) { if(debug) { throw e; } } } if (supports_post_message(w) && w !== self) { w.postMessage({ type: "result", test: test.structured_clone() }, "*"); } }); this.processing_callbacks = false; if (this_obj.all_done()) { this_obj.complete(); } }; Tests.prototype.complete = function() { if (this.phase === this.phases.COMPLETE) { return; } this.phase = this.phases.COMPLETE; var this_obj = this; this.tests.forEach( function(x) { if(x.status === x.NOTRUN) { this_obj.notify_result(x); } } ); this.notify_complete(); }; Tests.prototype.notify_complete = function() { clearTimeout(this.timeout_id); var this_obj = this; var tests = map(this_obj.tests, function(test) { return test.structured_clone(); }); if (this.status.status === null) { this.status.status = this.status.OK; } forEach (this.all_done_callbacks, function(callback) { callback(this_obj.tests, this_obj.status); }); forEach_windows( function(w, is_same_origin) { if(is_same_origin && w.completion_callback) { try { w.completion_callback(this_obj.tests, this_obj.status); } catch(e) { if (debug) { throw e; } } } if (supports_post_message(w) && w !== self) { w.postMessage({ type: "complete", tests: tests, status: this_obj.status.structured_clone() }, "*"); } }); }; var tests = new Tests(); function timeout() { if (tests.timeout_length === null) { tests.timeout(); } } expose(timeout, 'timeout'); function add_start_callback(callback) { tests.start_callbacks.push(callback); } function add_result_callback(callback) { tests.test_done_callbacks.push(callback); } function add_completion_callback(callback) { tests.all_done_callbacks.push(callback); } expose(add_start_callback, 'add_start_callback'); expose(add_result_callback, 'add_result_callback'); expose(add_completion_callback, 'add_completion_callback'); /* * Output listener */ function Output() { this.output_document = document; this.output_node = null; this.done_count = 0; this.enabled = settings.output; this.phase = this.INITIAL; } Output.prototype.INITIAL = 0; Output.prototype.STARTED = 1; Output.prototype.HAVE_RESULTS = 2; Output.prototype.COMPLETE = 3; Output.prototype.setup = function(properties) { if (this.phase > this.INITIAL) { return; } //If output is disabled in testharnessreport.js the test shouldn't be //able to override that this.enabled = this.enabled && (properties.hasOwnProperty("output") ? properties.output : settings.output); }; Output.prototype.init = function(properties) { if (this.phase >= this.STARTED) { return; } if (properties.output_document) { this.output_document = properties.output_document; } else { this.output_document = document; } this.phase = this.STARTED; }; Output.prototype.resolve_log = function() { var output_document; if (typeof this.output_document === "function") { output_document = this.output_document.apply(undefined); } else { output_document = this.output_document; } if (!output_document) { return; } var node = output_document.getElementById("log"); if (node) { this.output_document = output_document; this.output_node = node; } }; Output.prototype.show_status = function(test) { if (this.phase < this.STARTED) { this.init(); } if (!this.enabled) { return; } if (this.phase < this.HAVE_RESULTS) { this.resolve_log(); this.phase = this.HAVE_RESULTS; } this.done_count++; if (this.output_node) { if (this.done_count < 100 || (this.done_count < 1000 && this.done_count % 100 == 0) || this.done_count % 1000 == 0) { this.output_node.textContent = "Running, " + this.done_count + " complete, " + tests.num_pending + " remain"; } } }; Output.prototype.show_results = function (tests, harness_status) { if (this.phase >= this.COMPLETE) { return; } if (!this.enabled) { return; } if (!this.output_node) { this.resolve_log(); } this.phase = this.COMPLETE; var log = this.output_node; if (!log) { return; } var output_document = this.output_document; while (log.lastChild) { log.removeChild(log.lastChild); } if (script_prefix != null) { var stylesheet = output_document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, "link"); stylesheet.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); stylesheet.setAttribute("href", script_prefix + "testharness.css"); var heads = output_document.getElementsByTagName("head"); if (heads.length) { heads[0].appendChild(stylesheet); } } var status_text = {}; status_text[Test.prototype.PASS] = "Pass"; status_text[Test.prototype.FAIL] = "Fail"; status_text[Test.prototype.TIMEOUT] = "Timeout"; status_text[Test.prototype.NOTRUN] = "Not Run"; var status_number = {}; forEach(tests, function(test) { var status = status_text[test.status]; if (status_number.hasOwnProperty(status)) { status_number[status] += 1; } else { status_number[status] = 1; } }); function status_class(status) { return status.replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase(); } var summary_template = ["section", {"id":"summary"}, ["h2", {}, "Summary"], ["p", {}, "Found ${num_tests} tests"], function(vars) { var rv = [["div", {}]]; var i=0; while (status_text.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (status_number.hasOwnProperty(status_text[i])) { var status = status_text[i]; rv[0].push(["div", {"class":status_class(status)}, ["label", {}, ["input", {type:"checkbox", checked:"checked"}], status_number[status] + " " + status]]); } i++; } return rv; }]; log.appendChild(render(summary_template, {num_tests:tests.length}, output_document)); forEach(output_document.querySelectorAll("section#summary label"), function(element) { on_event(element, "click", function(e) { if (output_document.getElementById("results") === null) { e.preventDefault(); return; } var result_class = element.parentNode.getAttribute("class"); var style_element = output_document.querySelector("style#hide-" + result_class); var input_element = element.querySelector("input"); if (!style_element && !input_element.checked) { style_element = output_document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, "style"); style_element.id = "hide-" + result_class; style_element.textContent = "table#results > tbody > tr."+result_class+"{display:none}"; output_document.body.appendChild(style_element); } else if (style_element && input_element.checked) { style_element.parentNode.removeChild(style_element); } }); }); // This use of innerHTML plus manual escaping is not recommended in // general, but is necessary here for performance. Using textContent // on each individual adds tens of seconds of execution time for // large test suites (tens of thousands of tests). function escape_html(s) { return s.replace(/\&/g, "&") .replace(/" + "ResultTest Name" + (assertions ? "Assertion" : "") + "Message" + ""; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { html += '' + escape_html(status_text[tests[i].status]) + "" + escape_html(tests[i].name) + "" + (assertions ? escape_html(get_assertion(tests[i])) + "" : "") + escape_html(tests[i].message ? tests[i].message : " ") + ""; } html += ""; try { log.lastChild.innerHTML = html; } catch (e) { log.appendChild(document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, "p")) .textContent = "Setting innerHTML for the log threw an exception."; log.appendChild(document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, "pre")) .textContent = html; } }; var output = new Output(); add_start_callback(function (properties) {output.init(properties);}); add_result_callback(function (test) {output.show_status(tests);}); add_completion_callback(function (tests, harness_status) {output.show_results(tests, harness_status);}); /* * Template code * * A template is just a javascript structure. An element is represented as: * * [tag_name, {attr_name:attr_value}, child1, child2] * * the children can either be strings (which act like text nodes), other templates or * functions (see below) * * A text node is represented as * * ["{text}", value] * * String values have a simple substitution syntax; ${foo} represents a variable foo. * * It is possible to embed logic in templates by using a function in a place where a * node would usually go. The function must either return part of a template or null. * * In cases where a set of nodes are required as output rather than a single node * with children it is possible to just use a list * [node1, node2, node3] * * Usage: * * render(template, substitutions) - take a template and an object mapping * variable names to parameters and return either a DOM node or a list of DOM nodes * * substitute(template, substitutions) - take a template and variable mapping object, * make the variable substitutions and return the substituted template * */ function is_single_node(template) { return typeof template[0] === "string"; } function substitute(template, substitutions) { if (typeof template === "function") { var replacement = template(substitutions); if (replacement) { var rv = substitute(replacement, substitutions); return rv; } else { return null; } } else if (is_single_node(template)) { return substitute_single(template, substitutions); } else { return filter(map(template, function(x) { return substitute(x, substitutions); }), function(x) {return x !== null;}); } } function substitute_single(template, substitutions) { var substitution_re = /\${([^ }]*)}/g; function do_substitution(input) { var components = input.split(substitution_re); var rv = []; for (var i=0; i