/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ // vim:set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et cin: /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID #include #include #include #include "nsSurfaceTexture.h" #include "gfxImageSurface.h" #include "AndroidBridge.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" using namespace mozilla; #define LOG(args...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "nsSurfaceTexture" , ## args) // UGH static std::map sInstances; static int sNextID = 0; static class JNIFunctions { public: JNIFunctions() : mInitialized(false) { } bool EnsureInitialized() { if (mInitialized) return true; JNIEnv* env = GetJNIForThread(); if (!env) return false; AutoLocalJNIFrame jniFrame(env); jSurfaceTextureClass = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(env->FindClass("android/graphics/SurfaceTexture")); jSurfaceTexture_Ctor = env->GetMethodID(jSurfaceTextureClass, "", "(I)V"); jSurfaceTexture_updateTexImage = env->GetMethodID(jSurfaceTextureClass, "updateTexImage", "()V"); jSurfaceTexture_getTransformMatrix = env->GetMethodID(jSurfaceTextureClass, "getTransformMatrix", "([F)V"); mInitialized = true; return true; } jobject CreateSurfaceTexture(GLuint aTexture) { if (!EnsureInitialized()) return nullptr; JNIEnv* env = GetJNIForThread(); if (!env) return nullptr; AutoLocalJNIFrame jniFrame(env); return env->NewGlobalRef(env->NewObject(jSurfaceTextureClass, jSurfaceTexture_Ctor, (int) aTexture)); } void ReleaseSurfaceTexture(jobject aSurfaceTexture) { JNIEnv* env = GetJNIForThread(); if (!env) return; env->DeleteGlobalRef(aSurfaceTexture); } void UpdateTexImage(jobject aSurfaceTexture) { JNIEnv* env = GetJNIForThread(); if (!env) return; AutoLocalJNIFrame jniFrame(env); env->CallObjectMethod(aSurfaceTexture, jSurfaceTexture_updateTexImage); } bool GetTransformMatrix(jobject aSurfaceTexture, gfx3DMatrix& aMatrix) { JNIEnv* env = GetJNIForThread(); if (!env) return false; AutoLocalJNIFrame jniFrame(env); jfloatArray jarray = env->NewFloatArray(16); env->CallVoidMethod(aSurfaceTexture, jSurfaceTexture_getTransformMatrix, jarray); jfloat* array = env->GetFloatArrayElements(jarray, nullptr); aMatrix._11 = array[0]; aMatrix._12 = array[1]; aMatrix._13 = array[2]; aMatrix._14 = array[3]; aMatrix._21 = array[4]; aMatrix._22 = array[5]; aMatrix._23 = array[6]; aMatrix._24 = array[7]; aMatrix._31 = array[8]; aMatrix._32 = array[9]; aMatrix._33 = array[10]; aMatrix._34 = array[11]; aMatrix._41 = array[12]; aMatrix._42 = array[13]; aMatrix._43 = array[14]; aMatrix._44 = array[15]; env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(jarray, array, 0); return false; } private: bool mInitialized; jclass jSurfaceTextureClass; jmethodID jSurfaceTexture_Ctor; jmethodID jSurfaceTexture_updateTexImage; jmethodID jSurfaceTexture_getTransformMatrix; } sJNIFunctions; nsSurfaceTexture* nsSurfaceTexture::Create(GLuint aTexture) { // Right now we only support creating this on the main thread because // of the JNIEnv assumptions in JNIHelper and elsewhere if (!NS_IsMainThread()) return nullptr; nsSurfaceTexture* st = new nsSurfaceTexture(); if (!st->Init(aTexture)) { LOG("Failed to initialize nsSurfaceTexture"); delete st; st = nullptr; } return st; } nsSurfaceTexture* nsSurfaceTexture::Find(int id) { std::map::iterator it; it = sInstances.find(id); if (it == sInstances.end()) return nullptr; return it->second; } bool nsSurfaceTexture::Check() { return sJNIFunctions.EnsureInitialized(); } bool nsSurfaceTexture::Init(GLuint aTexture) { if (!sJNIFunctions.EnsureInitialized()) return false; JNIEnv* env = GetJNIForThread(); if (!env) return false; mSurfaceTexture = sJNIFunctions.CreateSurfaceTexture(aTexture); if (!mSurfaceTexture) return false; mNativeWindow = AndroidBridge::Bridge()->AcquireNativeWindowFromSurfaceTexture(env, mSurfaceTexture); mID = ++sNextID; sInstances.insert(std::pair(mID, this)); return true; } nsSurfaceTexture::nsSurfaceTexture() : mSurfaceTexture(nullptr), mNativeWindow(nullptr) { } nsSurfaceTexture::~nsSurfaceTexture() { sInstances.erase(mID); mFrameAvailableCallback = nullptr; if (mNativeWindow) { AndroidBridge::Bridge()->ReleaseNativeWindowForSurfaceTexture(mSurfaceTexture); mNativeWindow = nullptr; } JNIEnv* env = GetJNIForThread(); if (!env) return; if (mSurfaceTexture && env) { AndroidBridge::Bridge()->UnregisterSurfaceTextureFrameListener(mSurfaceTexture); env->DeleteGlobalRef(mSurfaceTexture); mSurfaceTexture = nullptr; } } void* nsSurfaceTexture::GetNativeWindow() { return mNativeWindow; } void nsSurfaceTexture::UpdateTexImage() { sJNIFunctions.UpdateTexImage(mSurfaceTexture); } bool nsSurfaceTexture::GetTransformMatrix(gfx3DMatrix& aMatrix) { return sJNIFunctions.GetTransformMatrix(mSurfaceTexture, aMatrix); } void nsSurfaceTexture::SetFrameAvailableCallback(nsIRunnable* aRunnable) { if (aRunnable) AndroidBridge::Bridge()->RegisterSurfaceTextureFrameListener(mSurfaceTexture, mID); else AndroidBridge::Bridge()->UnregisterSurfaceTextureFrameListener(mSurfaceTexture); mFrameAvailableCallback = aRunnable; } void nsSurfaceTexture::NotifyFrameAvailable() { if (mFrameAvailableCallback) { // Proxy to main thread if we aren't on it if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { // Proxy to main thread nsCOMPtr event = NS_NewRunnableMethod(this, &nsSurfaceTexture::NotifyFrameAvailable); NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(event); } else { mFrameAvailableCallback->Run(); } } } #endif // MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID