# # Base class for all Steps. # package Bootstrap::Step; use IO::Handle; use File::Spec::Functions; use POSIX qw(strftime); use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Bootstrap::Config; use Bootstrap::Util; use MozBuild::Util qw(RunShellCommand Email); use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = qw(catfile); my $DEFAULT_LOGFILE = 'default.log'; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $this = {}; bless($this, $class); return $this; } sub Shell { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $cmd = $args{'cmd'}; my $cmdArgs = exists($args{'cmdArgs'}) ? $args{'cmdArgs'} : []; my $dir = $args{'dir'}; my $timeout = exists($args{'timeout'}) ? $args{'timeout'} : $Bootstrap::Util::DEFAULT_SHELL_TIMEOUT; my $ignoreExitValue = exists($args{'ignoreExitValue'}) ? $args{'ignoreExitValue'} : 0; my $rv = ''; my $config = new Bootstrap::Config(); my $logFile = exists($args{'logFile'}) ? $args{'logFile'} : catfile($config->Get(sysvar => 'logDir'), $DEFAULT_LOGFILE); if (ref($cmdArgs) ne 'ARRAY') { die("ASSERT: Bootstrap::Step::Shell(): cmdArgs is not an array ref\n"); } my %runShellCommandArgs = (command => $cmd, args => $cmdArgs, timeout => $timeout, logfile => $logFile); if ($config->Exists(var => 'dumpLogs')) { if ($config->Get(var => 'dumpLogs')) { $runShellCommandArgs{'output'} = 1; } } if ($dir) { $runShellCommandArgs{'dir'} = $dir; } $this->Log(msg => 'Running shell command' . (defined($dir) ? " in $dir" : '') . ':'); $this->Log(msg => ' arg0: ' . $cmd); my $argNum = 1; foreach my $arg (@{$cmdArgs}) { $this->Log(msg => ' arg' . $argNum . ': ' . $arg); $argNum += 1; } $this->Log(msg => 'Starting time is ' . $this->CurrentTime()); $this->Log(msg => 'Logging output to ' . $logFile); $this->Log(msg => 'Timeout: ' . $timeout); $rv = RunShellCommand(%runShellCommandArgs); my $exitValue = $rv->{'exitValue'}; my $timedOut = $rv->{'timedOut'}; my $signalNum = $rv->{'signalNum'}; my $dumpedCore = $rv->{'dumpedCore'}; if ($timedOut) { $this->Log(msg => "output: $rv->{'output'}") if $rv->{'output'}; die('FAIL shell call timed out after ' . $timeout . ' seconds'); } if ($signalNum) { $this->Log(msg => 'WARNING shell recieved signal ' . $signalNum); } if ($dumpedCore) { $this->Log(msg => "output: $rv->{'output'}") if $rv->{'output'}; die("FAIL shell call dumped core"); } if ($ignoreExitValue) { $this->Log(msg => "Exit value $rv->{'output'}, but ignoring as told"); } elsif ($exitValue) { if ($exitValue != 0) { $this->Log(msg => "output: $rv->{'output'}") if $rv->{'output'}; die("shell call returned bad exit code: $exitValue"); } } if ($rv->{'output'} && not defined($logFile)) { $this->Log(msg => "output: $rv->{'output'}"); } # current time $this->Log(msg => 'Ending time is ' . $this->CurrentTime()); } sub Log { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $msg = $args{'msg'}; print "log: $msg\n"; } sub CheckLog { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $log = $args{'log'}; my $notAllowed = $args{'notAllowed'}; my $checkFor = $args{'checkFor'}; my $checkForOnly = $args{'checkForOnly'}; if (not defined($log)) { die("No log file specified"); } open (FILE, "< $log") or die("Cannot open file $log: $!"); my @contents = ; close FILE or die("Cannot close file $log: $!"); if ($notAllowed) { my @errors = grep(/$notAllowed/i, @contents); if (@errors) { die("Errors in log ($log): \n\n @errors"); } } if ($checkFor) { if (not grep(/$checkFor/i, @contents)) { die("$checkFor is not present in file $log"); } } if ($checkForOnly) { if (not grep(/$checkForOnly/i, @contents)) { die("$checkForOnly is not present in file $log"); } my @errors = grep(!/$checkForOnly/i, @contents); if (@errors) { die("Errors in log ($log): \n\n @errors"); } } } sub CurrentTime { my $this = shift; return strftime("%T %D", localtime()); } # Overridden by child if needed sub Push { my $this = shift; } # Overridden by child if needed sub Announce { my $this = shift; } sub SendAnnouncement { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $config = new Bootstrap::Config(); my $blat = $config->Get(var => 'blat'); my $sendmail = $config->Get(var => 'sendmail'); my $from = $config->Get(var => 'from'); my $to = $config->Get(var => 'to'); my @ccList = $config->Exists(var => 'cc') ? split(/[,\s]+/, $config->Get(var => 'cc')) : (); my $hostname = $config->SystemInfo(var => 'hostname'); my $subject = $hostname . ' - ' . $args{'subject'}; my $message = $hostname . ' - ' . $args{'message'}; eval { Email( blat => $blat, sendmail => $sendmail, from => $from, to => $to, cc => \@ccList, subject => $subject, message => $message, ); }; if ($@) { die("Could not send announcement email: $@"); } } sub GetBuildIDFromFTP() { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $os = $args{'os'}; if (! defined($os)) { die("ASSERT: Bootstrap::Step::GetBuildID(): os is required argument"); } my $releaseDir = $args{'releaseDir'}; if (! defined($releaseDir)) { die("ASSERT: Bootstrap::Step::GetBuildID(): releaseDir is required argument"); } my $config = new Bootstrap::Config(); my $stagingUser = $config->Get(var => 'stagingUser'); my $stagingServer = $config->Get(var => 'stagingServer'); my ($bh, $buildIDTempFile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); $bh->close(); $this->Shell( cmd => 'scp', cmdArgs => [$stagingUser . '@' . $stagingServer . ':' . $releaseDir .'/' . $os . '_info.txt', $buildIDTempFile], ); my $buildID; open(FILE, "< $buildIDTempFile") || die("Could not open buildID temp file $buildIDTempFile: $!"); while () { my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2); if ($var eq 'buildID') { $buildID = $value; } } close(FILE) || die("Could not close buildID temp file $buildIDTempFile: $!"); if (! defined($buildID)) { die("Could not read buildID from temp file $buildIDTempFile: $!"); } if (! $buildID =~ /^\d+$/) { die("ASSERT: BumpPatcherConfig: $buildID is non-numerical"); } chomp($buildID); return $buildID; } sub CvsCo { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; # Required arguments die "ASSERT: Bootstrap::Util::CvsCo(): null cvsroot" if (!exists($args{'cvsroot'})); my $cvsroot = $args{'cvsroot'}; die "ASSERT: Bootstrap::Util::CvsCo(): null modules" if (!exists($args{'modules'})); my $modules = $args{'modules'}; die "ASSERT: Bootstrap::Util::CvsCo(): bad modules data" if (ref($modules) ne 'ARRAY'); # Optional arguments my $logFile = $args{'logFile'}; my $tag = exists($args{'tag'}) ? $args{'tag'} : 0; my $date = exists($args{'date'}) ? $args{'date'} : 0; my $checkoutDir = exists($args{'checkoutDir'}) ? $args{'checkoutDir'} : 0; my $workDir = exists($args{'workDir'}) ? $args{'workDir'} : 0; my $ignoreExitValue = exists($args{'ignoreExitValue'}) ? $args{'ignoreExitValue'} : 0; my $timeout = exists($args{'timeout'}) ? $args{'timeout'} : $Bootstrap::Util::DEFAULT_SHELL_TIMEOUT; my $config = new Bootstrap::Config(); my $useCvsCompression = 0; if ($config->Exists(var => 'useCvsCompression')) { $useCvsCompression = $config->Get(var => 'useCvsCompression'); } my @cmdArgs; push(@cmdArgs, '-z3') if ($useCvsCompression); push(@cmdArgs, ('-d', $cvsroot)); push(@cmdArgs, 'co'); # Don't use a tag/branch if pulling from HEAD push(@cmdArgs, ('-r', $tag)) if ($tag && $tag ne 'HEAD'); push(@cmdArgs, ('-D', $date)) if ($date); push(@cmdArgs, ('-d', $checkoutDir)) if ($checkoutDir); push(@cmdArgs, @{$modules}); my %cvsCoArgs = (cmd => 'cvs', cmdArgs => \@cmdArgs, dir => $workDir, timeout => $timeout, ignoreExitValue => $ignoreExitValue, ); if ($logFile) { $cvsCoArgs{'logFile'} = $logFile; } $this->Shell(%cvsCoArgs); } 1;