/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * SignInToWebsite.jsm - UX Controller and means for accessing identity * cookies on behalf of relying parties. * * Currently, the b2g security architecture isolates web applications * so that each window has access only to a local cookie jar: * * To prevent Web apps from interfering with one another, each one is * hosted on a separate domain, and therefore may only access the * resources associated with its domain. These resources include * things such as IndexedDB databases, cookies, offline storage, * and so forth. * * -- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_OS/Security/Security_model * * As a result, an authentication system like Persona cannot share its * cookie jar with multiple relying parties, and so would require a * fresh login request in every window. This would not be a good * experience. * * * In order for navigator.id.request() to maintain state in a single * cookie jar, we cause all Persona interactions to take place in a * content context that is launched by the system application, with the * result that Persona has a single cookie jar that all Relying * Parties can use. Since of course those Relying Parties cannot * reach into the system cookie jar, the Controller in this module * provides a way to get messages and data to and fro between the * Relying Party in its window context, and the Persona internal api * in its context. * * On the Relying Party's side, say a web page invokes * navigator.id.watch(), to register callbacks, and then * navigator.id.request() to request an assertion. The navigator.id * calls are provided by nsDOMIdentity. nsDOMIdentity messages down * to the privileged DOMIdentity code (using cpmm and ppmm message * managers). DOMIdentity stores the state of Relying Party flows * using an Identity service (MinimalIdentity.jsm), and emits messages * requesting Persona functions (doWatch, doReady, doLogout). * * The Identity service sends these observer messages to the * Controller in this module, which in turn triggers content to open a * window to host the Persona js. If user interaction is required, * content will open the trusty UI. If user interaction is not required, * and we only need to get to Persona functions, content will open a * hidden iframe. In either case, a window is opened into which the * controller causes the script identity.js to be injected. This * script provides the glue between the in-page javascript and the * pipe back down to the Controller, translating navigator.internal * function callbacks into messages sent back to the Controller. * * As a result, a navigator.internal function in the hosted popup or * iframe can call back to the injected identity.js (doReady, doLogin, * or doLogout). identity.js callbacks send messages back through the * pipe to the Controller. The controller invokes the corresponding * function on the Identity Service (doReady, doLogin, or doLogout). * The IdentityService calls the corresponding callback for the * correct Relying Party, which causes DOMIdentity to send a message * up to the Relying Party through nsDOMIdentity * (Identity:RP:Watch:OnLogin etc.), and finally, nsDOMIdentity * receives these messages and calls the original callback that the * Relying Party registered (navigator.id.watch(), * navigator.id.request(), or navigator.id.logout()). */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SignInToWebsiteController"]; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/identity/IdentityUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "IdentityService", "resource://gre/modules/identity/MinimalIdentity.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Logger", "resource://gre/modules/identity/LogUtils.jsm"); // JS shim that contains the callback functions that // live within the identity UI provisioning frame. const kIdentityShimFile = "chrome://browser/content/identity.js"; // Type of MozChromeEvents to handle id dialogs. const kOpenIdentityDialog = "id-dialog-open"; const kDoneIdentityDialog = "id-dialog-done"; const kCloseIdentityDialog = "id-dialog-close-iframe"; // Observer messages to communicate to shim const kIdentityDelegateWatch = "identity-delegate-watch"; const kIdentityDelegateRequest = "identity-delegate-request"; const kIdentityDelegateLogout = "identity-delegate-logout"; const kIdentityDelegateFinished = "identity-delegate-finished"; const kIdentityDelegateReady = "identity-delegate-ready"; const kIdentityControllerDoMethod = "identity-controller-doMethod"; function log(...aMessageArgs) { Logger.log.apply(Logger, ["SignInToWebsiteController"].concat(aMessageArgs)); } /* * ContentInterface encapsulates the our content functions. There are only two: * * getContent - return the current content window * sendChromeEvent - send a chromeEvent from the browser shell */ let ContentInterface = { _getBrowser: function SignInToWebsiteController__getBrowser() { return Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); }, getContent: function SignInToWebsiteController_getContent() { return this._getBrowser().getContentWindow(); }, sendChromeEvent: function SignInToWebsiteController_sendChromeEvent(detail) { this._getBrowser().shell.sendChromeEvent(detail); } }; function Pipe() { this._watchers = []; } Pipe.prototype = { init: function pipe_init() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-child-process-shutdown", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-controller-unwatch", false); }, uninit: function pipe_uninit() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-child-process-shutdown"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-controller-unwatch"); }, observe: function Pipe_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { let options = {}; if (aSubject) { options = aSubject.wrappedJSObject; } switch (aTopic) { case "identity-child-process-shutdown": log("pipe removing watchers by message manager"); this._removeWatchers(null, options.messageManager); break; case "identity-controller-unwatch": log("unwatching", options.id); this._removeWatchers(options.id, options.messageManager); break; } }, _addWatcher: function Pipe__addWatcher(aId, aMm) { log("Adding watcher with id", aId); for (let i = 0; i < this._watchers.length; ++i) { let watcher = this._watchers[i]; if (this._watcher.id === aId) { watcher.count++; return; } } this._watchers.push({id: aId, count: 1, mm: aMm}); }, _removeWatchers: function Pipe__removeWatcher(aId, aMm) { let checkId = aId !== null; let index = -1; for (let i = 0; i < this._watchers.length; ++i) { let watcher = this._watchers[i]; if (watcher.mm === aMm && (!checkId || (checkId && watcher.id === aId))) { index = i; break; } } if (index !== -1) { if (checkId) { if (--(this._watchers[index].count) === 0) { this._watchers.splice(index, 1); } } else { this._watchers.splice(index, 1); } } if (this._watchers.length === 0) { log("No more watchers; clean up persona host iframe"); let detail = { type: kCloseIdentityDialog }; log('telling content to close the dialog'); // tell content to close the dialog ContentInterface.sendChromeEvent(detail); } }, communicate: function(aRpOptions, aContentOptions, aMessageCallback) { let rpID = aRpOptions.id; let rpMM = aRpOptions.mm; if (rpMM) { this._addWatcher(rpID, rpMM); } log("RP options:", aRpOptions, "\n content options:", aContentOptions); // This content variable is injected into the scope of // kIdentityShimFile, where it is used to access the BrowserID object // and its internal API. let content = ContentInterface.getContent(); let mm = null; let uuid = getRandomId(); let self = this; if (!content) { log("ERROR: what the what? no content window?"); // aErrorCb.onresult("NO_CONTENT_WINDOW"); return; } function removeMessageListeners() { if (mm) { mm.removeMessageListener(kIdentityDelegateFinished, identityDelegateFinished); mm.removeMessageListener(kIdentityControllerDoMethod, aMessageCallback); } } function identityDelegateFinished() { removeMessageListeners(); let detail = { type: kDoneIdentityDialog, showUI: aContentOptions.showUI || false, id: kDoneIdentityDialog + "-" + uuid, requestId: aRpOptions.id }; log('received delegate finished; telling content to close the dialog'); ContentInterface.sendChromeEvent(detail); self._removeWatchers(rpID, rpMM); } content.addEventListener("mozContentEvent", function getAssertion(evt) { let msg = evt.detail; if (!msg.id.match(uuid)) { return; } switch (msg.id) { case kOpenIdentityDialog + '-' + uuid: if (msg.type === 'cancel') { // The user closed the dialog. Clean up and call cancel. content.removeEventListener("mozContentEvent", getAssertion); removeMessageListeners(); aMessageCallback({json: {method: "cancel"}}); } else { // The window has opened. Inject the identity shim file containing // the callbacks in the content script. This could be either the // visible popup that the user interacts with, or it could be an // invisible frame. let frame = evt.detail.frame; let frameLoader = frame.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner).frameLoader; mm = frameLoader.messageManager; try { mm.loadFrameScript(kIdentityShimFile, true); log("Loaded shim " + kIdentityShimFile + "\n"); } catch (e) { log("Error loading ", kIdentityShimFile, " as a frame script: ", e); } // There are two messages that the delegate can send back: a "do // method" event, and a "finished" event. We pass the do-method // events straight to the caller for interpretation and handling. // If we receive a "finished" event, then the delegate is done, so // we shut down the pipe and clean up. mm.addMessageListener(kIdentityControllerDoMethod, aMessageCallback); mm.addMessageListener(kIdentityDelegateFinished, identityDelegateFinished); mm.sendAsyncMessage(aContentOptions.message, aRpOptions); } break; case kDoneIdentityDialog + '-' + uuid: // Received our assertion. The message manager callbacks will handle // communicating back to the IDService. All we have to do is remove // this listener. content.removeEventListener("mozContentEvent", getAssertion); break; default: log("ERROR - Unexpected message: id=" + msg.id + ", type=" + msg.type + ", errorMsg=" + msg.errorMsg); break; } }); // Tell content to open the identity iframe or trusty popup. The parameter // showUI signals whether user interaction is needed. If it is, content will // open a dialog; if not, a hidden iframe. In each case, BrowserID is // available in the context. let detail = { type: kOpenIdentityDialog, showUI: aContentOptions.showUI || false, id: kOpenIdentityDialog + "-" + uuid, requestId: aRpOptions.id }; ContentInterface.sendChromeEvent(detail); } }; /* * The controller sits between the IdentityService used by DOMIdentity * and a content process launches an (invisible) iframe or (visible) * trusty UI. Using an injected js script (identity.js), the * controller enables the content window to access the persona identity * storage in the system cookie jar and send events back via the * controller into IdentityService and DOM, and ultimately up to the * Relying Party, which is open in a different window context. */ this.SignInToWebsiteController = { /* * Initialize the controller. To use a different content communication pipe, * such as when mocking it in tests, pass aOptions.pipe. */ init: function SignInToWebsiteController_init(aOptions) { aOptions = aOptions || {}; this.pipe = aOptions.pipe || new Pipe(); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-controller-watch", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-controller-request", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "identity-controller-logout", false); }, uninit: function SignInToWebsiteController_uninit() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-controller-watch"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-controller-request"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "identity-controller-logout"); }, observe: function SignInToWebsiteController_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { log("observe: received", aTopic, "with", aData, "for", aSubject); let options = null; if (aSubject) { options = aSubject.wrappedJSObject; } switch (aTopic) { case "identity-controller-watch": this.doWatch(options); break; case "identity-controller-request": this.doRequest(options); break; case "identity-controller-logout": this.doLogout(options); break; default: Logger.reportError("SignInToWebsiteController", "Unknown observer notification:", aTopic); break; } }, /* * options: method required - name of method to invoke * assertion optional */ _makeDoMethodCallback: function SignInToWebsiteController__makeDoMethodCallback(aRpId) { return function SignInToWebsiteController_methodCallback(aOptions) { let message = aOptions.json; if (typeof message === 'string') { message = JSON.parse(message); } switch (message.method) { case "ready": IdentityService.doReady(aRpId); break; case "login": if (message._internalParams) { IdentityService.doLogin(aRpId, message.assertion, message._internalParams); } else { IdentityService.doLogin(aRpId, message.assertion); } break; case "logout": IdentityService.doLogout(aRpId); break; case "cancel": IdentityService.doCancel(aRpId); break; default: log("WARNING: wonky method call:", message.method); break; } }; }, doWatch: function SignInToWebsiteController_doWatch(aRpOptions) { // dom prevents watch from being called twice let contentOptions = { message: kIdentityDelegateWatch, showUI: false }; this.pipe.communicate(aRpOptions, contentOptions, this._makeDoMethodCallback(aRpOptions.id)); }, /** * The website is requesting login so the user must choose an identity to use. */ doRequest: function SignInToWebsiteController_doRequest(aRpOptions) { log("doRequest", aRpOptions); let contentOptions = { message: kIdentityDelegateRequest, showUI: true }; this.pipe.communicate(aRpOptions, contentOptions, this._makeDoMethodCallback(aRpOptions.id)); }, /* * */ doLogout: function SignInToWebsiteController_doLogout(aRpOptions) { log("doLogout", aRpOptions); let contentOptions = { message: kIdentityDelegateLogout, showUI: false }; this.pipe.communicate(aRpOptions, contentOptions, this._makeDoMethodCallback(aRpOptions.id)); } };