package org.mozilla.gecko.tests; import; import; import org.mozilla.gecko.*; import; import; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import; import; import android.text.InputType; import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ListAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; /** * A convenient base class suitable for most Robocop tests. */ abstract class BaseTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 { public static final int TEST_MOCHITEST = 0; public static final int TEST_TALOS = 1; private static final String TARGET_PACKAGE_ID = "org.mozilla.gecko"; private static final String LAUNCH_ACTIVITY_FULL_CLASSNAME = TestConstants.ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME + ".App"; private static final int VERIFY_URL_TIMEOUT = 2000; private static final int MAX_LIST_ATTEMPTS = 3; private static final int MAX_WAIT_ENABLED_TEXT_MS = 10000; private static final int MAX_WAIT_HOME_PAGER_HIDDEN_MS = 15000; public static final int MAX_WAIT_MS = 4500; public static final int LONG_PRESS_TIME = 6000; // IDs for UI views private static final String BROWSER_TOOLBAR_ID = "browser_toolbar"; protected static final String URL_EDIT_TEXT_ID = "url_edit_text"; protected static final String URL_BAR_TITLE_ID = "url_bar_title"; private static Class mLauncherActivityClass; private Activity mActivity; protected Solo mSolo; protected Driver mDriver; protected Assert mAsserter; protected Actions mActions; protected String mBaseUrl; protected String mRawBaseUrl; private String mLogFile; protected String mProfile; public Device mDevice; protected DatabaseHelper mDatabaseHelper; protected StringHelper mStringHelper; protected void blockForGeckoReady() { try { Actions.EventExpecter geckoReadyExpector = mActions.expectGeckoEvent("Gecko:Ready"); ClassLoader classLoader = getActivity().getClassLoader(); Class appsCls = classLoader.loadClass("org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoThread"); Class launchStateCls = classLoader.loadClass("org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoThread$LaunchState"); Method checkLaunchState = appsCls.getMethod("checkLaunchState", launchStateCls); Object states[] = launchStateCls.getEnumConstants(); Boolean ret = (Boolean)checkLaunchState.invoke(null, states[3]); if (!ret.booleanValue()) { geckoReadyExpector.blockForEvent(); } geckoReadyExpector.unregisterListener(); } catch (Exception e) { mAsserter.dumpLog("Exception in blockForGeckoReady", e); } } static { try { mLauncherActivityClass = (Class)Class.forName(LAUNCH_ACTIVITY_FULL_CLASSNAME); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public BaseTest() { super(TARGET_PACKAGE_ID, mLauncherActivityClass); } protected abstract int getTestType(); @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { // Load config file from root path (setup by python script) String rootPath = FennecInstrumentationTestRunner.getFennecArguments().getString("deviceroot"); String configFile = FennecNativeDriver.getFile(rootPath + "/robotium.config"); HashMap config = FennecNativeDriver.convertTextToTable(configFile); // Create the intent to be used with all the important arguments. Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); mProfile = (String)config.get("profile"); i.putExtra("args", "-no-remote -profile " + mProfile); String envString = (String)config.get("envvars"); if (envString != "") { String[] envStrings = envString.split(","); for (int iter = 0; iter < envStrings.length; iter++) { i.putExtra("env" + iter, envStrings[iter]); } } // Start the activity setActivityIntent(i); mActivity = getActivity(); mLogFile = (String)config.get("logfile"); mBaseUrl = ((String)config.get("host")).replaceAll("(/$)", ""); mRawBaseUrl = ((String)config.get("rawhost")).replaceAll("(/$)", ""); // Initialize the asserter if (getTestType() == TEST_TALOS) { mAsserter = new FennecTalosAssert(); } else { mAsserter = new FennecMochitestAssert(); } mAsserter.setLogFile(mLogFile); mAsserter.setTestName(this.getClass().getName()); // Set up Robotium.solo and Driver objects mSolo = new Solo(getInstrumentation(), mActivity); mDriver = new FennecNativeDriver(mActivity, mSolo, rootPath); mActions = new FennecNativeActions(mActivity, mSolo, getInstrumentation(), mAsserter); mDevice = new Device(); mDatabaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(mActivity, mAsserter); mStringHelper = new StringHelper(); } @Override protected void runTest() throws Throwable { try { super.runTest(); } catch (Throwable t) { // save screenshot -- written to /mnt/sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots // as .jpg mSolo.takeScreenshot("robocop-screenshot"); if (mAsserter != null) { mAsserter.dumpLog("Exception caught during test!", t); mAsserter.ok(false, "Exception caught", t.toString()); } // re-throw to continue bail-out throw t; } } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { try { mAsserter.endTest(); mSolo.finishOpenedActivities(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } super.tearDown(); } public void assertMatches(String value, String regex, String name) { if (value == null) { mAsserter.ok(false, name, "Expected /" + regex + "/, got null"); return; } mAsserter.ok(value.matches(regex), name, "Expected /" + regex +"/, got \"" + value + "\""); } /** * Click on the URL bar to focus it and enter editing mode. */ protected final void focusUrlBar() { // Click on the browser toolbar to enter editing mode final View toolbarView = mSolo.getView(BROWSER_TOOLBAR_ID); mSolo.clickOnView(toolbarView); // Wait for highlighed text to gain focus boolean success = waitForCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { EditText urlEditText = mSolo.getEditText(0); if (urlEditText.isInputMethodTarget()) { return true; } else { mSolo.clickOnEditText(0); return false; } } }, MAX_WAIT_ENABLED_TEXT_MS); mAsserter.ok(success, "waiting for urlbar text to gain focus", "urlbar text gained focus"); } protected final void enterUrl(String url) { final EditText urlEditView = (EditText) mSolo.getView(URL_EDIT_TEXT_ID); focusUrlBar(); // Send the keys for the URL we want to enter mSolo.clearEditText(urlEditView); mSolo.enterText(urlEditView, url); // Get the URL text from the URL bar EditText view final String urlBarText = urlEditView.getText().toString();, urlBarText, "URL typed properly"); } protected final Fragment getBrowserSearch() { final FragmentManager fm = ((FragmentActivity) getActivity()).getSupportFragmentManager(); return fm.findFragmentByTag("browser_search"); } protected final void hitEnterAndWait() { Actions.EventExpecter contentEventExpecter = mActions.expectGeckoEvent("DOMContentLoaded"); mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.ENTER); // wait for screen to load contentEventExpecter.blockForEvent(); contentEventExpecter.unregisterListener(); } /** * Load url by sending key strokes to the URL bar UI. * * This method waits synchronously for the DOMContentLoaded * message from Gecko before returning. */ protected final void inputAndLoadUrl(String url) { enterUrl(url); hitEnterAndWait(); } /** * Load url using reflection and the internal * org.mozilla.gecko.Tabs API. * * This method does not wait for any confirmation from Gecko before * returning. */ protected final void loadUrl(final String url) { try { ClassLoader classLoader = getActivity().getClassLoader(); Class tabsClass = classLoader.loadClass("org.mozilla.gecko.Tabs"); Method getInstance = tabsClass.getMethod("getInstance"); Method loadUrl = tabsClass.getMethod("loadUrl", String.class); Object tabs = getInstance.invoke(null); loadUrl.invoke(tabs, new Object[] { url }); } catch (Exception e) { mAsserter.dumpLog("Exception in loadUrl", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public final void verifyUrl(String url) { final EditText urlEditText = (EditText) mSolo.getView(URL_EDIT_TEXT_ID); String urlBarText = null; if (urlEditText != null) { // wait for a short time for the expected text, in case there is a delay // in updating the view waitForCondition(new VerifyTextViewText(urlEditText, url), VERIFY_URL_TIMEOUT); urlBarText = urlEditText.getText().toString(); }, url, "Browser toolbar URL stayed the same"); } class VerifyTextViewText implements Condition { private TextView mTextView; private String mExpected; public VerifyTextViewText(TextView textView, String expected) { mTextView = textView; mExpected = expected; } @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { String textValue = mTextView.getText().toString(); return mExpected.equals(textValue); } } protected final String getAbsoluteUrl(String url) { return mBaseUrl + "/" + url.replaceAll("(^/)", ""); } protected final String getAbsoluteRawUrl(String url) { return mRawBaseUrl + "/" + url.replaceAll("(^/)", ""); } /* * Wrapper method for mSolo.waitForCondition with additional logging. */ protected final boolean waitForCondition(Condition condition, int timeout) { boolean result = mSolo.waitForCondition(condition, timeout); if (!result) { // Log timeout failure for diagnostic purposes only; a failed wait may // be normal and does not necessarily warrant a test asssertion/failure. mAsserter.dumpLog("waitForCondition timeout after " + timeout + " ms."); } return result; } // TODO: With Robotium 4.2, we should use Condition and waitForCondition instead. // Future boolean tests should not use this method. protected final boolean waitForTest(BooleanTest t, int timeout) { long end = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + timeout; while (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() < end) { if (t.test()) { return true; } mSolo.sleep(100); } // log out wait failure for diagnostic purposes only; // a failed wait may be normal and does not necessarily // warrant a test assertion/failure mAsserter.dumpLog("waitForTest timeout after "+timeout+" ms"); return false; } // TODO: With Robotium 4.2, we should use Condition and waitForCondition instead. // Future boolean tests should not implement this interface. protected interface BooleanTest { public boolean test(); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "non-varargs"}) public void SqliteCompare(String dbName, String sqlCommand, ContentValues[] cvs) { File profile = new File(mProfile); String dbPath = new File(profile, dbName).getPath(); Cursor c = mActions.querySql(dbPath, sqlCommand); SqliteCompare(c, cvs); } private boolean CursorMatches(Cursor c, String[] columns, ContentValues cv) { for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { String column = columns[i]; if (cv.containsKey(column)) {"Comparing", "Column values for: " + column); Object value = cv.get(column); if (value == null) { if (!c.isNull(i)) { return false; } } else { if (c.isNull(i) || !value.toString().equals(c.getString(i))) { return false; } } } } return true; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "non-varargs"}) public void SqliteCompare(Cursor c, ContentValues[] cvs) {, cvs.length, "List is correct length"); if (c.moveToFirst()) { do { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; !found && i < cvs.length; i++) { if (CursorMatches(c, cvs[i])) { found = true; } }, true, "Password was found"); } while(c.moveToNext()); } } public boolean CursorMatches(Cursor c, ContentValues cv) { for (int i = 0; i < c.getColumnCount(); i++) { String column = c.getColumnName(i); if (cv.containsKey(column)) {"Comparing", "Column values for: " + column); Object value = cv.get(column); if (value == null) { if (!c.isNull(i)) { return false; } } else { if (c.isNull(i) || !value.toString().equals(c.getString(i))) { return false; } } } } return true; } public InputStream getAsset(String filename) throws IOException { AssetManager assets = getInstrumentation().getContext().getAssets(); return; } public boolean waitForText(String text) { boolean rc = mSolo.waitForText(text); if (!rc) { // log out failed wait for diagnostic purposes only; // waitForText failures are sometimes expected/normal mAsserter.dumpLog("waitForText timeout on "+text); } return rc; } /** * Wait for to be visible and also be enabled/clickable. */ public boolean waitForEnabledText(String text) { final String testText = text; boolean rc = waitForCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { // Solo.getText() could be used here, except that it sometimes // hits an assertion when the requested text is not found. ArrayList views = mSolo.getCurrentViews(); for (View view : views) { if (view instanceof TextView) { TextView tv = (TextView)view; String viewText = tv.getText().toString(); if (tv.isEnabled() && viewText != null && viewText.matches(testText)) { return true; } } } return false; } }, MAX_WAIT_ENABLED_TEXT_MS); if (!rc) { // log out failed wait for diagnostic purposes only; // failures are sometimes expected/normal mAsserter.dumpLog("waitForEnabledText timeout on "+text); } return rc; } /** * Select from Menu > "Settings" >
. */ public void selectSettingsItem(String section, String item) { String[] itemPath = { "Settings", section, item }; selectMenuItemByPath(itemPath); } /** * Traverses the items in listItems in order in the menu. */ public void selectMenuItemByPath(String[] listItems) { int listLength = listItems.length; if (listLength > 0) { selectMenuItem(listItems[0]); } if (listLength > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < listLength; i++) { String itemName = "^" + listItems[i] + "$"; if (!waitForEnabledText(itemName)) { mSolo.scrollDown(); } mSolo.clickOnText(itemName); } } } public final void selectMenuItem(String menuItemName) { // build the item name ready to be used String itemName = "^" + menuItemName + "$"; mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.MENU); if (waitForText(itemName)) { mSolo.clickOnText(itemName); } else { // Older versions of Android have additional settings under "More", // including settings that newer versions have under "Tools." if (mSolo.searchText("(^More$|^Tools$)")) { mSolo.clickOnText("(^More$|^Tools$)"); } waitForText(itemName); mSolo.clickOnText(itemName); } } public final void verifyHomePagerHidden() { final View homePagerView = mSolo.getView("home_pager"); boolean rc = waitForCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { return homePagerView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE; } }, MAX_WAIT_HOME_PAGER_HIDDEN_MS); if (!rc) { mAsserter.ok(rc, "Verify HomePager is hidden", "HomePager is hidden"); } } public final void verifyPageTitle(String title) { final TextView urlBarTitle = (TextView) mSolo.getView(URL_BAR_TITLE_ID); String pageTitle = null; if (urlBarTitle != null) { // Wait for the title to make sure it has been displayed in case the view // does not update fast enough waitForCondition(new VerifyTextViewText(urlBarTitle, title), MAX_WAIT_MS); pageTitle = urlBarTitle.getText().toString(); }, title, "Page title is correct"); } public final void verifyTabCount(int expectedTabCount) { Activity activity = getActivity(); Element tabCount = mDriver.findElement(activity, "tabs_counter"); String tabCountText = tabCount.getText(); int tabCountInt = Integer.parseInt(tabCountText);, expectedTabCount, "The correct number of tabs are opened"); } // Used to perform clicks on pop-up buttons without having to close the virtual keyboard public void clickOnButton(String label) { final Button button = mSolo.getButton(label); try { runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { button.performClick(); } }); } catch (Throwable throwable) { mAsserter.ok(false, "Unable to click the button","Was unable to click button "); } } // Used to hide/show the virtual keyboard public void toggleVKB() { InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY, 0); } public void addTab(String url) { mSolo.clickOnView(mSolo.getView("tabs")); // wait for addTab to appear (this is usually immediate) boolean success = waitForCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { View addTabView = mSolo.getView("add_tab"); if (addTabView == null) { return false; } return true; } }, MAX_WAIT_MS); mAsserter.ok(success, "waiting for add tab view", "add tab view available"); final View addTabView = mSolo.getView("add_tab"); mSolo.clickOnView(mSolo.getView("add_tab")); // Adding a new tab opens about:home, so now we just need to load the url in it. inputAndLoadUrl(url); } public final void runOnUiThreadSync(Runnable runnable) { RobocopUtils.runOnUiThreadSync(mActivity, runnable); } /* Tap the "star" (bookmark) button to bookmark or un-bookmark the current page */ public void toggleBookmark() { mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.MENU); waitForText("Settings"); // On ICS+ phones, there is no button labeled "Bookmarks" // instead we have to just dig through every button on the screen ArrayList images = mSolo.getCurrentViews(); for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) { final View view = images.get(i); boolean found = false; found = "Bookmark".equals(view.getContentDescription()); // on older android versions, try looking at the button's text if (!found) { if (view instanceof TextView) { found = "Bookmark".equals(((TextView)view).getText()); } } if (found) { int[] xy = new int[2]; view.getLocationOnScreen(xy); final int viewWidth = view.getWidth(); final int viewHeight = view.getHeight(); final float x = xy[0] + (viewWidth / 2.0f); float y = xy[1] + (viewHeight / 2.0f); mSolo.clickOnScreen(x, y); } } } public void clearPrivateData() { selectSettingsItem(StringHelper.PRIVACY_SECTION_LABEL, StringHelper.CLEAR_PRIVATE_DATA_LABEL); Actions.EventExpecter clearData = mActions.expectGeckoEvent("Sanitize:Finished"); mSolo.clickOnText("Clear data"); clearData.blockForEvent(); clearData.unregisterListener(); } class Device { public final String version; // 2.x or 3.x or 4.x public String type; // "tablet" or "phone" public final int width; public final int height; public final float density; public Device() { // Determine device version int sdk = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (sdk < Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { version = "2.x"; } else { if (sdk > Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR2) { version = "4.x"; } else { version = "3.x"; } } // Determine with and height DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics(); getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(dm); height = dm.heightPixels; width = dm.widthPixels; density = dm.density; // Determine device type type = "phone"; try { ClassLoader classLoader = getActivity().getClassLoader(); Class appsCls = classLoader.loadClass("org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell"); Method isTabletMethod = appsCls.getMethod("isTablet", (Class[]) null); boolean isTablet = (Boolean)isTabletMethod.invoke(null); if (isTablet) { type = "tablet"; } } catch (Exception e) { mAsserter.dumpLog("Exception in detectDevice", e); } } public void rotate() { if (getActivity().getRequestedOrientation () == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { mSolo.setActivityOrientation(Solo.PORTRAIT); } else { mSolo.setActivityOrientation(Solo.LANDSCAPE); } } } class Navigation { private String devType; private String osVersion; public Navigation(Device mDevice) { devType = mDevice.type; osVersion = mDevice.version; } public void back() { if (devType.equals("tablet")) { Element backBtn = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "back");; } else { mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.BACK); } } public void forward() { if (devType.equals("tablet")) { Element fwdBtn = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "forward");; } else { mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.MENU); waitForText("^New Tab$"); if (!osVersion.equals("2.x")) { Element fwdBtn = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "forward");; } else { mSolo.clickOnText("^Forward$"); } } } public void reload() { if (devType.equals("tablet")) { Element reloadBtn = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "reload");; } else { mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.MENU); waitForText("^New Tab$"); if (!osVersion.equals("2.x")) { Element reloadBtn = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "reload");; } else { mSolo.clickOnText("^Reload$"); } } } // DEPRECATED! // Use BaseTest.toggleBookmark() in new code. public void bookmark() { mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.MENU); waitForText("^New Tab$"); if (mSolo.searchText("^Bookmark$")) { // This is the Android 2.x so the button has text mSolo.clickOnText("^Bookmark$"); } else { Element bookmarkBtn = mDriver.findElement(getActivity(), "bookmark"); if (bookmarkBtn != null) { // We are on Android 4.x so the button is an image button; } } } } }