(function(){ $.expr[':'].icontains = function(obj, index, meta, stack){ return (obj.textContent || obj.innerText || jQuery(obj).text() || '').toLowerCase().indexOf(meta[3].toLowerCase()) >= 0; }; // ########## Navbar = { get el(){ var win = Utils.activeWindow; var navbar = win.gBrowser.ownerDocument.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); return navbar; }, show: function(){ this.el.collapsed = false; }, hide: function(){ this.el.collapsed = true;} } // ########## var Tabbar = { get el(){ return window.Tabs[0].raw.parentNode; }, hide: function(){ this.el.collapsed = true }, show: function(){ this.el.collapsed = false } } // ########## window.TabItem = function(container, tab) { this.container = container; this.tab = tab; } window.TabItem.prototype = { // ---------- getBounds: function() { return Utils.getBounds(this.container); }, // ---------- setPosition: function(left, top) { $(this.container).animate({left: left, top: top}); }, } // ########## var Page = { init: function() { var self = this; function mod($div, tab){ if(window.Groups) { $div.draggable(window.Groups.dragOptions); $div.droppable(window.Groups.dropOptions); } $div.mousedown(function(e) { if(!Utils.isRightClick(e)) self.lastMouseDownTarget = e.target; }); $div.mouseup(function(e) { var same = (e.target == self.lastMouseDownTarget); self.lastMouseDownTarget = null; if(!same) return; if(e.target.className == "close") { $(this).find("canvas").data("link").tab.close(); } else { if(!$(this).data('isDragging')) { var ffVersion = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/\d{8}.*(\d\.\d)/)[1]); if( ffVersion < 3.7 ) Utils.error("css-transitions require Firefox 3.7+"); // ZOOM! var [w,h,z] = [$(this).width(), $(this).height(), $(this).css("zIndex")]; var origPos = $(this).position(); var zIndex = $(this).css("zIndex"); var scale = window.innerWidth/w; var tab = Tabs.tab(this); var mirror = tab.mirror; //mirror.forceCanvasSize(w * scale/3, h * scale); var overflow = $("body").css("overflow"); $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); $(this).css("zIndex",99999).animate({ top: -10, left: 0, easing: "easein", width:w*scale, height:h*scale}, 200, function(){ $(this).find("canvas").data("link").tab.focus(); $(this) .css({top: origPos.top, left: origPos.left, width:w, height:h, zIndex:z}); Navbar.show(); $("body").css("overflow", overflow); }); // I'm temporarily giving up on CSS-Transforms and Firefox 3.7. // It introduces way to many errors... -- Aza /*$(this).addClass("scale-animate").css({ top: 0, left: 0, width:w*scale, height:h*scale, zIndex: 999999 }).bind("transitionend", function(e){ // We will get one of this events for every property CSS-animated... // I chose one randomly (width) and only do things for that. if( e.originalEvent.propertyName != "width" ) return; // Switch tabs, and the re-size and re-position the animated // tab image. // Don't forget to unbind the transitioned event handler! $(this).unbind("transitionend"); $(this).find("canvas").data("link").tab.focus(); $(this) .removeClass("scale-animate") .css({top: origPos.top, left: origPos.left, width:w, height:h, zIndex:zIndex}) .unbind("transitionend"); Navbar.show(); //mirror.unforceCanvasSize(); })*/ // END ZOOM } else { $(this).find("canvas").data("link").tab.raw.pos = $(this).position(); } } }); $("
").appendTo($div); if(Arrange.initialized) { var p = Page.findOpenSpaceFor($div); $div.css({left: p.x, top: p.y}); } $div.each(function() { $(this).data('tabItem', new TabItem(this, Tabs.tab(this))); }); // TODO: Figure out this really weird bug? // Why is that: // $div.find("canvas").data("link").tab.url // returns chrome://tabcandy/content/candies/original/index.html for // every $div (which isn't right), but that // $div.bind("test", function(){ // var url = $(this).find("canvas").data("link").tab.url; // }); // $div.trigger("test") // returns the right result (i.e., the per-tab URL)? // I'm so confused... // Although I can use the trigger trick, I was thinking about // adding code in here which sorted the tabs into groups. // -- Aza } window.TabMirror.customize(mod); Utils.homeTab.raw.maxWidth = 60; Utils.homeTab.raw.minWidth = 60; Tabs.onClose(function(){ Utils.homeTab.focus(); return false; }); var lastTab = null; Tabs.onFocus(function(){ // If we switched to TabCandy window... if( this.contentWindow == window && lastTab != null && lastTab.mirror != null){ // If there was a lastTab we want to animate // its mirror for the zoom out. var $tab = $(lastTab.mirror.el); var [w,h, pos, z] = [$tab.width(), $tab.height(), $tab.position(), $tab.css("zIndex")]; var scale = window.innerWidth / w; var overflow = $("body").css("overflow"); $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); var mirror = lastTab.mirror; $tab.css({ top: 0, left: 0, width: window.innerWidth, height: h * (window.innerWidth/w), zIndex: 999999, }).animate({ top: pos.top, left: pos.left, width: w, height: h },250, '', function() { $tab.css("zIndex",z); $("body").css("overflow", overflow); }); } lastTab = this; }); $("#tabbar").toggle( function(){Tabbar.hide()}, function(){Tabbar.show()} ); }, findOpenSpaceFor: function($div) { var w = window.innerWidth; var h = 0; var startX = 30; var startY = 100; var bufferX = 30; var bufferY = 30; var rects = []; var r; var $el; $(".tab:visible").each(function(i) { if(this == $div.get(0)) return; $el = $(this); r = {x: parseInt($el.css('left')), y: parseInt($el.css('top')), w: parseInt($el.css('width')) + bufferX, h: parseInt($el.css('height')) + bufferY}; if(r.x + r.w > w) w = r.x + r.w; if(r.y + r.h > h) h = r.y + r.h; rects.push(r); }); if(!h) return { 'x': startX, 'y': startY }; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); $(canvas).attr({width:w,height:h}); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'; var count = rects.length; var a; for(a = 0; a < count; a++) { r = rects[a]; ctx.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); } var divWidth = parseInt($div.css('width')) + bufferX; var divHeight = parseInt($div.css('height')) + bufferY; var strideX = divWidth / 4; var strideY = divHeight / 4; var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h).data; function isEmpty(x1, y1) { return (x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && x1 < w && y1 < h && data[(y1 * w + x1) * 4]); } function isEmptyBox(x1, y1) { return (isEmpty(x1, y1) && isEmpty(x1 + (divWidth - 1), y1) && isEmpty(x1, y1 + (divHeight - 1)) && isEmpty(x1 + (divWidth - 1), y1 + (divHeight - 1))); } for(var y = startY; y < h; y += strideY) { for(var x = startX; x < w; x += strideX) { if(isEmptyBox(x, y)) { for(; y > startY + 1; y--) { if(!isEmptyBox(x, y - 1)) break; } for(; x > startX + 1; x--) { if(!isEmptyBox(x - 1, y)) break; } return { 'x': x, 'y': y }; } } } return { 'x': startX, 'y': h }; } } //---------------------------------------------------------- function ArrangeClass(name, func){ this.init(name, func); }; ArrangeClass.prototype = { init: function(name, func){ this.$el = this._create(name); this.arrange = func; if(func) this.$el.click(func); }, _create: function(name){ return $("").text(name).appendTo("#actions"); } } //---------------------------------------------------------- var grid = new ArrangeClass("Grid", function(value) { var immediately = false; if(typeof(value) == 'boolean') immediately = value; var startX = 30; var x = startX; var y = 100; $(".tab:visible").each(function(i){ $el = $(this); if(immediately) $el.css({top: y,left: x}); else { TabMirror.pausePainting(); $el.animate({top: y,left: x}, 500, null, function() { TabMirror.resumePainting(); }); } x += $el.width() + 30; if( x > window.innerWidth - ($el.width() + startX)){ // includes allowance for the box shadow x = startX; y += $el.height() + 30; } }); }); //---------------------------------------------------------- var site = new ArrangeClass("Site", function() { var startX = 30; var startY = 100; var x = startX; var y = startY; var x2; var y2; var groups = []; $(".tab:visible").each(function(i) { $el = $(this); var tab = Tabs.tab(this); var group = $el.data('group'); if(group) group.remove(this); var url = tab.url; var domain = url.split('/')[2]; var domainParts = domain.split('.'); var mainDomain = domainParts[domainParts.length - 2]; if(groups[mainDomain]) groups[mainDomain].push(this); else groups[mainDomain] = [this]; }); var leftovers = []; for(key in groups) { var set = groups[key]; if(set.length > 1) { group = new Groups.Group(); group.create(set); } else leftovers.push(set[0]); } if(leftovers.length > 1) { group = new Groups.Group(); group.create(leftovers); } Groups.arrange(); }); //---------------------------------------------------------- var Arrange = { initialized: false, init: function(){ this.initialized = true; grid.arrange(true); } } //---------------------------------------------------------- function UIClass(){ this.init(); }; UIClass.prototype = { navbar: Navbar, tabbar: Tabbar, init: function(){ Page.init(); Arrange.init(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------- var UI = new UIClass(); window.UI = UI; })();