Cu.import("resource://services-sync/log4moz.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/resource.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/jpakeclient.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/constants.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); const JPAKE_LENGTH_SECRET = 8; const JPAKE_LENGTH_CLIENTID = 256; /* * Simple server. */ function check_headers(request) { // There shouldn't be any Basic auth do_check_false(request.hasHeader("Authorization")); // Ensure key exchange ID is set and the right length do_check_true(request.hasHeader("X-KeyExchange-Id")); do_check_eq(request.getHeader("X-KeyExchange-Id").length, JPAKE_LENGTH_CLIENTID); } function new_channel() { // Create a new channel and register it with the server. let cid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); while (channels[cid]) cid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); let channel = channels[cid] = new ServerChannel(); server.registerPathHandler("/" + cid, channel.handler()); return cid; } let server; let channels = {}; // Map channel -> ServerChannel object function server_new_channel(request, response) { check_headers(request); let cid = new_channel(); let body = JSON.stringify("" + cid); response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } let error_report; function server_report(request, response) { check_headers(request); if (request.hasHeader("X-KeyExchange-Log")) error_report = request.getHeader("X-KeyExchange-Log"); if (request.hasHeader("X-KeyExchange-Cid")) { let cid = request.getHeader("X-KeyExchange-Cid"); let channel = channels[cid]; if (channel) channel.clear(); } response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); } function ServerChannel() { = "{}"; this.getCount = 0; } ServerChannel.prototype = { GET: function GET(request, response) { if (! { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 404, "Not Found"); return; } if (request.hasHeader("If-None-Match")) { let etag = request.getHeader("If-None-Match"); if (etag == this._etag) { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 304, "Not Modified"); return; } } response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.bodyOutputStream.write(,; // Automatically clear the channel after 6 successful GETs. this.getCount += 1; if (this.getCount == 6) this.clear(); }, PUT: function PUT(request, response) { = readBytesFromInputStream(request.bodyInputStream); this._etag = '"' + Utils.sha1( + '"'; response.setHeader("ETag", this._etag); response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); }, clear: function clear() { delete; }, handler: function handler() { let self = this; return function(request, response) { check_headers(request); let method = self[request.method]; return method.apply(self, arguments); }; } }; const DATA = {"msg": "eggstreamly sekrit"}; const POLLINTERVAL = 50; function run_test() { if (DISABLE_TESTS_BUG_618233) return; Svc.Prefs.set("jpake.serverURL", "http://localhost:8080/"); Svc.Prefs.set("jpake.pollInterval", POLLINTERVAL); Svc.Prefs.set("jpake.maxTries", 5); Svc.Prefs.set("jpake.firstMsgMaxTries", 5); // Ensure clean up Svc.Obs.add("profile-before-change", function() { Svc.Prefs.resetBranch(""); }); // Ensure PSM is initialized. Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsISupports); // Simulate Sync setup with a default authenticator in place. We // want to make sure the J-PAKE requests don't include those data. Auth.defaultAuthenticator = new BasicAuthenticator( new Identity("Some Realm", "johndoe")); server = httpd_setup({"/new_channel": server_new_channel, "/report": server_report}); initTestLogging("Trace"); run_next_test(); } add_test(function test_success_receiveNoPIN() { _("Test a successful exchange started by receiveNoPIN()."); let snd = new JPAKEClient({ displayPIN: function displayPIN() { do_throw("displayPIN shouldn't have been called!"); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { do_throw("Shouldn't have aborted!" + error); }, onComplete: function onComplete() {} }); let rec = new JPAKEClient({ displayPIN: function displayPIN(pin) { _("Received PIN " + pin + ". Entering it in the other computer..."); this.cid = pin.slice(JPAKE_LENGTH_SECRET); Utils.delay(function() { snd.sendWithPIN(pin, DATA); }, 0, this, "_timer"); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { do_throw("Shouldn't have aborted! " + error); }, onComplete: function onComplete(a) { // Ensure channel was cleared, no error report. do_check_eq(channels[this.cid].data, undefined); do_check_eq(error_report, undefined); run_next_test(); } }); rec.receiveNoPIN(); }); add_test(function test_firstMsgMaxTries() { _("Test abort when sender doesn't upload anything."); let rec = new JPAKEClient({ displayPIN: function displayPIN(pin) { _("Received PIN " + pin + ". Doing nothing..."); this.cid = pin.slice(JPAKE_LENGTH_SECRET); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { do_check_eq(error, JPAKE_ERROR_TIMEOUT); // Ensure channel was cleared, error report was sent. do_check_eq(channels[this.cid].data, undefined); do_check_eq(error_report, JPAKE_ERROR_TIMEOUT); error_report = undefined; run_next_test(); }, onComplete: function onComplete() { do_throw("Shouldn't have completed! "); } }); rec.receiveNoPIN(); }); add_test(function test_wrongPIN() { _("Test abort when PINs don't match."); let snd = new JPAKEClient({ displayPIN: function displayPIN() { do_throw("displayPIN shouldn't have been called!"); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { do_check_eq(error, JPAKE_ERROR_KEYMISMATCH); do_check_eq(error_report, JPAKE_ERROR_KEYMISMATCH); error_report = undefined; }, onComplete: function onComplete() { do_throw("Shouldn't have completed!"); } }); let rec = new JPAKEClient({ displayPIN: function displayPIN(pin) { this.cid = pin.slice(JPAKE_LENGTH_SECRET); let secret = pin.slice(0, JPAKE_LENGTH_SECRET); secret = [char for each (char in secret)].reverse().join(""); let new_pin = secret + this.cid; _("Received PIN " + pin + ", but I'm entering " + new_pin); Utils.delay(function() { snd.sendWithPIN(new_pin, DATA); }, 0, this, "_timer"); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { do_check_eq(error, JPAKE_ERROR_NODATA); // Ensure channel was cleared. do_check_eq(channels[this.cid].data, undefined); run_next_test(); }, onComplete: function onComplete() { do_throw("Shouldn't have completed! "); } }); rec.receiveNoPIN(); }); add_test(function test_abort_receiver() { _("Test user abort on receiving side."); let rec = new JPAKEClient({ onComplete: function onComplete(data) { do_throw("onComplete shouldn't be called."); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { // Manual abort = userabort. do_check_eq(error, JPAKE_ERROR_USERABORT); // Ensure channel was cleared. do_check_eq(channels[this.cid].data, undefined); do_check_eq(error_report, JPAKE_ERROR_USERABORT); error_report = undefined; run_next_test(); }, displayPIN: function displayPIN(pin) { this.cid = pin.slice(JPAKE_LENGTH_SECRET); Utils.delay(function() { rec.abort(); }, 0, this, "_timer"); } }); rec.receiveNoPIN(); }); add_test(function test_abort_sender() { _("Test user abort on sending side."); let snd = new JPAKEClient({ displayPIN: function displayPIN() { do_throw("displayPIN shouldn't have been called!"); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { // Manual abort == userabort. do_check_eq(error, JPAKE_ERROR_USERABORT); do_check_eq(error_report, JPAKE_ERROR_USERABORT); error_report = undefined; }, onComplete: function onComplete() { do_throw("Shouldn't have completed!"); } }); let rec = new JPAKEClient({ onComplete: function onComplete(data) { do_throw("onComplete shouldn't be called."); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { do_check_eq(error, JPAKE_ERROR_NODATA); // Ensure channel was cleared, no error report. do_check_eq(channels[this.cid].data, undefined); do_check_eq(error_report, undefined); run_next_test(); }, displayPIN: function displayPIN(pin) { _("Received PIN " + pin + ". Entering it in the other computer..."); this.cid = pin.slice(JPAKE_LENGTH_SECRET); Utils.delay(function() { snd.sendWithPIN(pin, DATA); }, 0, this, "_timer"); Utils.delay(function() { snd.abort(); }, POLLINTERVAL, this, "_abortTimer"); } }); rec.receiveNoPIN(); }); add_test(function test_wrongmessage() { let cid = new_channel(); channels[cid].data = JSON.stringify({type: "receiver2", payload: {}}); let snd = new JPAKEClient({ onComplete: function onComplete(data) { do_throw("onComplete shouldn't be called."); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { do_check_eq(error, JPAKE_ERROR_WRONGMESSAGE); run_next_test(); } }); snd.sendWithPIN("01234567" + cid, DATA); }); add_test(function test_error_channel() { Svc.Prefs.set("jpake.serverURL", "http://localhost:12345/"); let rec = new JPAKEClient({ onComplete: function onComplete(data) { do_throw("onComplete shouldn't be called."); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { do_check_eq(error, JPAKE_ERROR_CHANNEL); Svc.Prefs.reset("jpake.serverURL"); run_next_test(); }, displayPIN: function displayPIN(pin) {} }); rec.receiveNoPIN(); }); add_test(function test_error_network() { Svc.Prefs.set("jpake.serverURL", "http://localhost:12345/"); let snd = new JPAKEClient({ onComplete: function onComplete(data) { do_throw("onComplete shouldn't be called."); }, onAbort: function onAbort(error) { do_check_eq(error, JPAKE_ERROR_NETWORK); Svc.Prefs.reset("jpake.serverURL"); run_next_test(); } }); snd.sendWithPIN("0123456789ab", DATA); }); add_test(function tearDown() { server.stop(run_next_test); });