/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=4 sw=4 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsXPCOMGlue.h" #include "nspr.h" #include "nsDebug.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsXPCOMPrivate.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include #include #include "mozilla/FileUtils.h" using namespace mozilla; #define XPCOM_DEPENDENT_LIBS_LIST "dependentlibs.list" static XPCOMFunctions xpcomFunctions; static bool do_preload = false; #if defined(XP_WIN) #define READ_TEXTMODE L"rt" #elif defined(XP_OS2) #define READ_TEXTMODE "rt" #else #define READ_TEXTMODE "r" #endif #if defined(SUNOS4) || defined(NEXTSTEP) || \ defined(XP_DARWIN) || defined(XP_OS2) || \ (defined(OPENBSD) || defined(NETBSD)) && !defined(__ELF__) #define LEADING_UNDERSCORE "_" #else #define LEADING_UNDERSCORE #endif #if defined(XP_WIN) #include #include #define snprintf _snprintf typedef HINSTANCE LibHandleType; static LibHandleType GetLibHandle(pathstr_t aDependentLib) { LibHandleType libHandle = LoadLibraryExW(aDependentLib, nullptr, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH); if (!libHandle) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); #ifdef DEBUG LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nullptr, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, nullptr ); wprintf(L"Error loading %ls: %s\n", aDependentLib, lpMsgBuf); LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); #endif } return libHandle; } static NSFuncPtr GetSymbol(LibHandleType aLibHandle, const char *aSymbol) { return (NSFuncPtr) GetProcAddress(aLibHandle, aSymbol); } static void CloseLibHandle(LibHandleType aLibHandle) { FreeLibrary(aLibHandle); } #elif defined(XP_OS2) #define INCL_DOS #define INCL_DOSERRORS #include typedef HMODULE LibHandleType; static LibHandleType GetLibHandle(pathstr_t aDependentLib) { CHAR pszError[_MAX_PATH]; ULONG ulrc = NO_ERROR; LibHandleType libHandle; ulrc = DosLoadModule(pszError, _MAX_PATH, aDependentLib, &libHandle); return (ulrc == NO_ERROR) ? libHandle : nullptr; } static NSFuncPtr GetSymbol(LibHandleType aLibHandle, const char *aSymbol) { ULONG ulrc = NO_ERROR; GetFrozenFunctionsFunc sym; ulrc = DosQueryProcAddr(aLibHandle, 0, aSymbol, (PFN*)&sym); return (ulrc == NO_ERROR) ? sym : nullptr; } static void CloseLibHandle(LibHandleType aLibHandle) { DosFreeModule(aLibHandle); } #elif defined(XP_MACOSX) #include typedef const mach_header *LibHandleType; static LibHandleType GetLibHandle(pathstr_t aDependentLib) { LibHandleType libHandle = NSAddImage(aDependentLib, NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR | NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_MATCH_FILENAME_BY_INSTALLNAME); if (!libHandle) { NSLinkEditErrors linkEditError; int errorNum; const char *errorString; const char *fileName; NSLinkEditError(&linkEditError, &errorNum, &fileName, &errorString); fprintf(stderr, "XPCOMGlueLoad error %d:%d for file %s:\n%s\n", linkEditError, errorNum, fileName, errorString); } return libHandle; } static NSFuncPtr GetSymbol(LibHandleType aLibHandle, const char *aSymbol) { // Try to use |NSLookupSymbolInImage| since it is faster than searching // the global symbol table. If we couldn't get a mach_header pointer // for the XPCOM dylib, then use |NSLookupAndBindSymbol| to search the // global symbol table (this shouldn't normally happen, unless the user // has called XPCOMGlueStartup(".") and relies on libxpcom.dylib // already being loaded). NSSymbol sym = nullptr; if (aLibHandle) { sym = NSLookupSymbolInImage(aLibHandle, aSymbol, NSLOOKUPSYMBOLINIMAGE_OPTION_BIND | NSLOOKUPSYMBOLINIMAGE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR); } else { if (NSIsSymbolNameDefined(aSymbol)) sym = NSLookupAndBindSymbol(aSymbol); } if (!sym) return nullptr; return (NSFuncPtr) NSAddressOfSymbol(sym); } static void CloseLibHandle(LibHandleType aLibHandle) { // we cannot unload dylibs on OS X } #else #include #if defined(MOZ_LINKER) && !defined(ANDROID) extern "C" { NS_HIDDEN __typeof(dlopen) __wrap_dlopen; NS_HIDDEN __typeof(dlsym) __wrap_dlsym; NS_HIDDEN __typeof(dlclose) __wrap_dlclose; } #define dlopen __wrap_dlopen #define dlsym __wrap_dlsym #define dlclose __wrap_dlclose #endif #ifdef NS_TRACE_MALLOC extern "C" { NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) __libc_malloc(size_t); NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) __libc_calloc(size_t, size_t); NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) __libc_realloc(__ptr_t, size_t); NS_EXPORT_(void) __libc_free(__ptr_t); NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) __libc_memalign(size_t, size_t); NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) __libc_valloc(size_t); } static __ptr_t (*_malloc)(size_t) = __libc_malloc; static __ptr_t (*_calloc)(size_t, size_t) = __libc_calloc; static __ptr_t (*_realloc)(__ptr_t, size_t) = __libc_realloc; static void (*_free)(__ptr_t) = __libc_free; static __ptr_t (*_memalign)(size_t, size_t) = __libc_memalign; static __ptr_t (*_valloc)(size_t) = __libc_valloc; NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) malloc(size_t size) { return _malloc(size); } NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) { return _calloc(nmemb, size); } NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) realloc(__ptr_t ptr, size_t size) { return _realloc(ptr, size); } NS_EXPORT_(void) free(__ptr_t ptr) { _free(ptr); } NS_EXPORT_(void) cfree(__ptr_t ptr) { _free(ptr); } NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) memalign(size_t boundary, size_t size) { return _memalign(boundary, size); } NS_EXPORT_(int) posix_memalign(void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size) { __ptr_t ptr = _memalign(alignment, size); if (!ptr) return ENOMEM; *memptr = ptr; return 0; } NS_EXPORT_(__ptr_t) valloc(size_t size) { return _valloc(size); } #endif /* NS_TRACE_MALLOC */ typedef void *LibHandleType; static LibHandleType GetLibHandle(pathstr_t aDependentLib) { LibHandleType libHandle = dlopen(aDependentLib, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY); if (!libHandle) { fprintf(stderr, "XPCOMGlueLoad error for file %s:\n%s\n", aDependentLib, dlerror()); } return libHandle; } static NSFuncPtr GetSymbol(LibHandleType aLibHandle, const char *aSymbol) { return (NSFuncPtr) dlsym(aLibHandle, aSymbol); } static void CloseLibHandle(LibHandleType aLibHandle) { dlclose(aLibHandle); } #endif struct DependentLib { LibHandleType libHandle; DependentLib *next; }; static DependentLib *sTop; static void AppendDependentLib(LibHandleType libHandle) { DependentLib *d = new DependentLib; if (!d) return; d->next = sTop; d->libHandle = libHandle; sTop = d; } static bool ReadDependentCB(pathstr_t aDependentLib, bool do_preload) { if (do_preload) { ReadAheadLib(aDependentLib); } LibHandleType libHandle = GetLibHandle(aDependentLib); if (libHandle) { AppendDependentLib(libHandle); } return libHandle; } #ifdef XP_WIN static bool ReadDependentCB(const char *aDependentLib, bool do_preload) { wchar_t wideDependentLib[MAX_PATH]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, aDependentLib, -1, wideDependentLib, MAX_PATH); return ReadDependentCB(wideDependentLib, do_preload); } inline FILE *TS_tfopen (const char *path, const wchar_t *mode) { wchar_t wPath[MAX_PATH]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, path, -1, wPath, MAX_PATH); return _wfopen(wPath, mode); } #else inline FILE *TS_tfopen (const char *path, const char *mode) { return fopen(path, mode); } #endif /* RAII wrapper for FILE descriptors */ struct ScopedCloseFileTraits { typedef FILE *type; static type empty() { return nullptr; } static void release(type f) { if (f) { fclose(f); } } }; typedef Scoped ScopedCloseFile; static void XPCOMGlueUnload() { #if !defined(XP_WIN) && !defined(XP_OS2) && !defined(XP_MACOSX) \ && defined(NS_TRACE_MALLOC) if (sTop) { _malloc = __libc_malloc; _calloc = __libc_calloc; _realloc = __libc_realloc; _free = __libc_free; _memalign = __libc_memalign; _valloc = __libc_valloc; } #endif while (sTop) { CloseLibHandle(sTop->libHandle); DependentLib *temp = sTop; sTop = sTop->next; delete temp; } } #if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_OS2) // like strpbrk but finds the *last* char, not the first static const char* ns_strrpbrk(const char *string, const char *strCharSet) { const char *found = nullptr; for (; *string; ++string) { for (const char *search = strCharSet; *search; ++search) { if (*search == *string) { found = string; // Since we're looking for the last char, we save "found" // until we're at the end of the string. } } } return found; } #endif static GetFrozenFunctionsFunc XPCOMGlueLoad(const char *xpcomFile) { char xpcomDir[MAXPATHLEN]; #if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_OS2) const char *lastSlash = ns_strrpbrk(xpcomFile, "/\\"); #else const char *lastSlash = strrchr(xpcomFile, '/'); #endif char *cursor; if (lastSlash) { size_t len = size_t(lastSlash - xpcomFile); if (len > MAXPATHLEN - sizeof(XPCOM_FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR XPCOM_DEPENDENT_LIBS_LIST)) { return nullptr; } memcpy(xpcomDir, xpcomFile, len); strcpy(xpcomDir + len, XPCOM_FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR XPCOM_DEPENDENT_LIBS_LIST); cursor = xpcomDir + len + 1; } else { strcpy(xpcomDir, XPCOM_DEPENDENT_LIBS_LIST); cursor = xpcomDir; } ScopedCloseFile flist; flist = TS_tfopen(xpcomDir, READ_TEXTMODE); if (!flist) { return nullptr; } *cursor = '\0'; char buffer[MAXPATHLEN]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), flist)) { int l = strlen(buffer); // ignore empty lines and comments if (l == 0 || *buffer == '#') { continue; } // cut the trailing newline, if present if (buffer[l - 1] == '\n') buffer[l - 1] = '\0'; if (l + size_t(cursor - xpcomDir) > MAXPATHLEN) { return nullptr; } strcpy(cursor, buffer); if (!ReadDependentCB(xpcomDir, do_preload)) { XPCOMGlueUnload(); return nullptr; } } GetFrozenFunctionsFunc sym = (GetFrozenFunctionsFunc) GetSymbol(sTop->libHandle, LEADING_UNDERSCORE "NS_GetFrozenFunctions"); if (!sym) { // No symbol found. XPCOMGlueUnload(); return nullptr; } #if !defined(XP_WIN) && !defined(XP_OS2) && !defined(XP_MACOSX) \ && defined(NS_TRACE_MALLOC) _malloc = (__ptr_t(*)(size_t)) GetSymbol(sTop->libHandle, "malloc"); _calloc = (__ptr_t(*)(size_t, size_t)) GetSymbol(sTop->libHandle, "calloc"); _realloc = (__ptr_t(*)(__ptr_t, size_t)) GetSymbol(sTop->libHandle, "realloc"); _free = (void(*)(__ptr_t)) GetSymbol(sTop->libHandle, "free"); _memalign = (__ptr_t(*)(size_t, size_t)) GetSymbol(sTop->libHandle, "memalign"); _valloc = (__ptr_t(*)(size_t)) GetSymbol(sTop->libHandle, "valloc"); #endif return sym; } nsresult XPCOMGlueLoadXULFunctions(const nsDynamicFunctionLoad *symbols) { // We don't null-check sXULLibHandle because this might work even // if it is null (same as RTLD_DEFAULT) nsresult rv = NS_OK; while (symbols->functionName) { char buffer[512]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), LEADING_UNDERSCORE "%s", symbols->functionName); *symbols->function = (NSFuncPtr) GetSymbol(sTop->libHandle, buffer); if (!*symbols->function) rv = NS_ERROR_LOSS_OF_SIGNIFICANT_DATA; ++symbols; } return rv; } void XPCOMGlueEnablePreload() { do_preload = true; } nsresult XPCOMGlueStartup(const char* xpcomFile) { xpcomFunctions.version = XPCOM_GLUE_VERSION; xpcomFunctions.size = sizeof(XPCOMFunctions); if (!xpcomFile) xpcomFile = XPCOM_DLL; GetFrozenFunctionsFunc func = XPCOMGlueLoad(xpcomFile); if (!func) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; nsresult rv = (*func)(&xpcomFunctions, nullptr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { XPCOMGlueUnload(); return rv; } return NS_OK; } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_InitXPCOM2(nsIServiceManager* *result, nsIFile* binDirectory, nsIDirectoryServiceProvider* appFileLocationProvider) { if (!xpcomFunctions.init) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.init(result, binDirectory, appFileLocationProvider); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_ShutdownXPCOM(nsIServiceManager* servMgr) { if (!xpcomFunctions.shutdown) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.shutdown(servMgr); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_GetServiceManager(nsIServiceManager* *result) { if (!xpcomFunctions.getServiceManager) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.getServiceManager(result); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_GetComponentManager(nsIComponentManager* *result) { if (!xpcomFunctions.getComponentManager) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.getComponentManager(result); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_GetComponentRegistrar(nsIComponentRegistrar* *result) { if (!xpcomFunctions.getComponentRegistrar) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.getComponentRegistrar(result); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_GetMemoryManager(nsIMemory* *result) { if (!xpcomFunctions.getMemoryManager) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.getMemoryManager(result); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_NewLocalFile(const nsAString &path, bool followLinks, nsIFile* *result) { if (!xpcomFunctions.newLocalFile) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.newLocalFile(path, followLinks, result); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_NewNativeLocalFile(const nsACString &path, bool followLinks, nsIFile* *result) { if (!xpcomFunctions.newNativeLocalFile) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.newNativeLocalFile(path, followLinks, result); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_GetDebug(nsIDebug* *result) { if (!xpcomFunctions.getDebug) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.getDebug(result); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_GetTraceRefcnt(nsITraceRefcnt* *result) { if (!xpcomFunctions.getTraceRefcnt) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.getTraceRefcnt(result); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_StringContainerInit(nsStringContainer &aStr) { if (!xpcomFunctions.stringContainerInit) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.stringContainerInit(aStr); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_StringContainerInit2(nsStringContainer &aStr, const PRUnichar *aData, uint32_t aDataLength, uint32_t aFlags) { if (!xpcomFunctions.stringContainerInit2) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.stringContainerInit2(aStr, aData, aDataLength, aFlags); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_StringContainerFinish(nsStringContainer &aStr) { if (xpcomFunctions.stringContainerFinish) xpcomFunctions.stringContainerFinish(aStr); } XPCOM_API(uint32_t) NS_StringGetData(const nsAString &aStr, const PRUnichar **aBuf, bool *aTerm) { if (!xpcomFunctions.stringGetData) { *aBuf = nullptr; return 0; } return xpcomFunctions.stringGetData(aStr, aBuf, aTerm); } XPCOM_API(uint32_t) NS_StringGetMutableData(nsAString &aStr, uint32_t aLen, PRUnichar **aBuf) { if (!xpcomFunctions.stringGetMutableData) { *aBuf = nullptr; return 0; } return xpcomFunctions.stringGetMutableData(aStr, aLen, aBuf); } XPCOM_API(PRUnichar*) NS_StringCloneData(const nsAString &aStr) { if (!xpcomFunctions.stringCloneData) return nullptr; return xpcomFunctions.stringCloneData(aStr); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_StringSetData(nsAString &aStr, const PRUnichar *aBuf, uint32_t aCount) { if (!xpcomFunctions.stringSetData) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.stringSetData(aStr, aBuf, aCount); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_StringSetDataRange(nsAString &aStr, uint32_t aCutStart, uint32_t aCutLength, const PRUnichar *aBuf, uint32_t aCount) { if (!xpcomFunctions.stringSetDataRange) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.stringSetDataRange(aStr, aCutStart, aCutLength, aBuf, aCount); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_StringCopy(nsAString &aDest, const nsAString &aSrc) { if (!xpcomFunctions.stringCopy) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.stringCopy(aDest, aSrc); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_StringSetIsVoid(nsAString &aStr, const bool aIsVoid) { if (xpcomFunctions.stringSetIsVoid) xpcomFunctions.stringSetIsVoid(aStr, aIsVoid); } XPCOM_API(bool) NS_StringGetIsVoid(const nsAString &aStr) { if (!xpcomFunctions.stringGetIsVoid) return false; return xpcomFunctions.stringGetIsVoid(aStr); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_CStringContainerInit(nsCStringContainer &aStr) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringContainerInit) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.cstringContainerInit(aStr); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_CStringContainerInit2(nsCStringContainer &aStr, const char *aData, uint32_t aDataLength, uint32_t aFlags) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringContainerInit2) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.cstringContainerInit2(aStr, aData, aDataLength, aFlags); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_CStringContainerFinish(nsCStringContainer &aStr) { if (xpcomFunctions.cstringContainerFinish) xpcomFunctions.cstringContainerFinish(aStr); } XPCOM_API(uint32_t) NS_CStringGetData(const nsACString &aStr, const char **aBuf, bool *aTerm) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringGetData) { *aBuf = nullptr; return 0; } return xpcomFunctions.cstringGetData(aStr, aBuf, aTerm); } XPCOM_API(uint32_t) NS_CStringGetMutableData(nsACString &aStr, uint32_t aLen, char **aBuf) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringGetMutableData) { *aBuf = nullptr; return 0; } return xpcomFunctions.cstringGetMutableData(aStr, aLen, aBuf); } XPCOM_API(char*) NS_CStringCloneData(const nsACString &aStr) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringCloneData) return nullptr; return xpcomFunctions.cstringCloneData(aStr); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_CStringSetData(nsACString &aStr, const char *aBuf, uint32_t aCount) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringSetData) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.cstringSetData(aStr, aBuf, aCount); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_CStringSetDataRange(nsACString &aStr, uint32_t aCutStart, uint32_t aCutLength, const char *aBuf, uint32_t aCount) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringSetDataRange) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.cstringSetDataRange(aStr, aCutStart, aCutLength, aBuf, aCount); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_CStringCopy(nsACString &aDest, const nsACString &aSrc) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringCopy) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.cstringCopy(aDest, aSrc); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_CStringSetIsVoid(nsACString &aStr, const bool aIsVoid) { if (xpcomFunctions.cstringSetIsVoid) xpcomFunctions.cstringSetIsVoid(aStr, aIsVoid); } XPCOM_API(bool) NS_CStringGetIsVoid(const nsACString &aStr) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringGetIsVoid) return false; return xpcomFunctions.cstringGetIsVoid(aStr); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_CStringToUTF16(const nsACString &aSrc, nsCStringEncoding aSrcEncoding, nsAString &aDest) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cstringToUTF16) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.cstringToUTF16(aSrc, aSrcEncoding, aDest); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_UTF16ToCString(const nsAString &aSrc, nsCStringEncoding aDestEncoding, nsACString &aDest) { if (!xpcomFunctions.utf16ToCString) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.utf16ToCString(aSrc, aDestEncoding, aDest); } XPCOM_API(void*) NS_Alloc(size_t size) { if (!xpcomFunctions.allocFunc) return nullptr; return xpcomFunctions.allocFunc(size); } XPCOM_API(void*) NS_Realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) { if (!xpcomFunctions.reallocFunc) return nullptr; return xpcomFunctions.reallocFunc(ptr, size); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_Free(void* ptr) { if (xpcomFunctions.freeFunc) xpcomFunctions.freeFunc(ptr); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_DebugBreak(uint32_t aSeverity, const char *aStr, const char *aExpr, const char *aFile, int32_t aLine) { if (xpcomFunctions.debugBreakFunc) xpcomFunctions.debugBreakFunc(aSeverity, aStr, aExpr, aFile, aLine); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_LogInit() { if (xpcomFunctions.logInitFunc) xpcomFunctions.logInitFunc(); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_LogTerm() { if (xpcomFunctions.logTermFunc) xpcomFunctions.logTermFunc(); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_LogAddRef(void *aPtr, nsrefcnt aNewRefCnt, const char *aTypeName, uint32_t aInstanceSize) { if (xpcomFunctions.logAddRefFunc) xpcomFunctions.logAddRefFunc(aPtr, aNewRefCnt, aTypeName, aInstanceSize); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_LogRelease(void *aPtr, nsrefcnt aNewRefCnt, const char *aTypeName) { if (xpcomFunctions.logReleaseFunc) xpcomFunctions.logReleaseFunc(aPtr, aNewRefCnt, aTypeName); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_LogCtor(void *aPtr, const char *aTypeName, uint32_t aInstanceSize) { if (xpcomFunctions.logCtorFunc) xpcomFunctions.logCtorFunc(aPtr, aTypeName, aInstanceSize); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_LogDtor(void *aPtr, const char *aTypeName, uint32_t aInstanceSize) { if (xpcomFunctions.logDtorFunc) xpcomFunctions.logDtorFunc(aPtr, aTypeName, aInstanceSize); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_LogCOMPtrAddRef(void *aCOMPtr, nsISupports *aObject) { if (xpcomFunctions.logCOMPtrAddRefFunc) xpcomFunctions.logCOMPtrAddRefFunc(aCOMPtr, aObject); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_LogCOMPtrRelease(void *aCOMPtr, nsISupports *aObject) { if (xpcomFunctions.logCOMPtrReleaseFunc) xpcomFunctions.logCOMPtrReleaseFunc(aCOMPtr, aObject); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_GetXPTCallStub(REFNSIID aIID, nsIXPTCProxy* aOuter, nsISomeInterface* *aStub) { if (!xpcomFunctions.getXPTCallStubFunc) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.getXPTCallStubFunc(aIID, aOuter, aStub); } XPCOM_API(void) NS_DestroyXPTCallStub(nsISomeInterface* aStub) { if (xpcomFunctions.destroyXPTCallStubFunc) xpcomFunctions.destroyXPTCallStubFunc(aStub); } XPCOM_API(nsresult) NS_InvokeByIndex(nsISupports* that, uint32_t methodIndex, uint32_t paramCount, nsXPTCVariant* params) { if (!xpcomFunctions.invokeByIndexFunc) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return xpcomFunctions.invokeByIndexFunc(that, methodIndex, paramCount, params); } XPCOM_API(bool) NS_CycleCollectorSuspect(nsISupports* obj) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cycleSuspectFunc) return false; return xpcomFunctions.cycleSuspectFunc(obj); } XPCOM_API(bool) NS_CycleCollectorForget(nsISupports* obj) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cycleForgetFunc) return false; return xpcomFunctions.cycleForgetFunc(obj); } XPCOM_API(nsPurpleBufferEntry*) NS_CycleCollectorSuspect2(void* obj, nsCycleCollectionParticipant *p) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cycleSuspect2Func) return nullptr; return xpcomFunctions.cycleSuspect2Func(obj, p); } XPCOM_API(bool) NS_CycleCollectorForget2(nsPurpleBufferEntry* e) { if (!xpcomFunctions.cycleForget2Func) return false; return xpcomFunctions.cycleForget2Func(e); }