/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const RELATIVE_DIR = "browser/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/"; const TESTROOT = "http://example.com/" + RELATIVE_DIR; const TESTROOT2 = "http://example.org/" + RELATIVE_DIR; const CHROMEROOT = "chrome://mochikit/content/" + RELATIVE_DIR; const MANAGER_URI = "about:addons"; const INSTALL_URI = "chrome://mozapps/content/xpinstall/xpinstallConfirm.xul"; const PREF_LOGGING_ENABLED = "extensions.logging.enabled"; var gPendingTests = []; var gTestsRun = 0; // Turn logging on for all tests Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_LOGGING_ENABLED, true); registerCleanupFunction(function() { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_LOGGING_ENABLED); }); function add_test(test) { gPendingTests.push(test); } function run_next_test() { if (gPendingTests.length == 0) { end_test(); return; } gTestsRun++; info("Running test " + gTestsRun); gPendingTests.shift()(); } function get_addon_file_url(aFilename) { var cr = Cc["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIChromeRegistry); var fileurl = cr.convertChromeURL(makeURI(CHROMEROOT + "addons/" + aFilename)); return fileurl.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL); } function wait_for_view_load(aManagerWindow, aCallback) { if (!aManagerWindow.gViewController.isLoading) { aCallback(aManagerWindow); return; } aManagerWindow.document.addEventListener("ViewChanged", function() { aManagerWindow.document.removeEventListener("ViewChanged", arguments.callee, false); aCallback(aManagerWindow); }, false); } function open_manager(aView, aCallback) { function setup_manager(aManagerWindow) { if (aView) aManagerWindow.loadView(aView); ok(aManagerWindow != null, "Should have an add-ons manager window"); is(aManagerWindow.location, MANAGER_URI, "Should be displaying the correct UI"); if (!aManagerWindow.gIsInitializing) { wait_for_view_load(aManagerWindow, aCallback); return; } aManagerWindow.document.addEventListener("Initialized", function() { aManagerWindow.document.removeEventListener("Initialized", arguments.callee, false); wait_for_view_load(aManagerWindow, aCallback); }, false); } if ("switchToTabHavingURI" in window) { switchToTabHavingURI(MANAGER_URI, true, function(aBrowser) { setup_manager(aBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject); }); return; } openDialog(MANAGER_URI).addEventListener("load", function() { this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false); setup_manager(this); }, false); } function close_manager(aManagerWindow, aCallback) { ok(aManagerWindow != null, "Should have an add-ons manager window to close"); is(aManagerWindow.location, MANAGER_URI, "Should be closing window with correct URI"); aManagerWindow.addEventListener("unload", function() { this.removeEventListener("unload", arguments.callee, false); aCallback(); }, false); aManagerWindow.close(); } function restart_manager(aManagerWindow, aView, aCallback) { close_manager(aManagerWindow, function() { open_manager(aView, aCallback); }); } function CertOverrideListener(host, bits) { this.host = host; this.bits = bits; } CertOverrideListener.prototype = { host: null, bits: null, getInterface: function (aIID) { return this.QueryInterface(aIID); }, QueryInterface: function(aIID) { if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIBadCertListener2) || aIID.equals(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) || aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; }, notifyCertProblem: function (socketInfo, sslStatus, targetHost) { cert = sslStatus.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISSLStatus) .serverCert; var cos = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/certoverride;1"]. getService(Ci.nsICertOverrideService); cos.rememberValidityOverride(this.host, -1, cert, this.bits, false); return true; } } // Add overrides for the bad certificates function addCertOverride(host, bits) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); try { req.open("GET", "https://" + host + "/", false); req.channel.notificationCallbacks = new CertOverrideListener(host, bits); req.send(null); } catch (e) { // This request will fail since the SSL server is not trusted yet } } /***** Mock Provider *****/ function MockProvider(aUseAsyncCallbacks) { this.addons = []; this.installs = []; this.callbackTimers = []; this.useAsyncCallbacks = (aUseAsyncCallbacks === undefined) ? true : aUseAsyncCallbacks; var self = this; registerCleanupFunction(function() { if (self.started) self.unregister(); }); this.register(); } MockProvider.prototype = { addons: null, installs: null, started: null, apiDelay: 100, callbackTimers: null, useAsyncCallbacks: null, /***** Utility functions *****/ /** * Register this provider with the AddonManager */ register: function MP_register() { AddonManagerPrivate.registerProvider(this); }, /** * Unregister this provider with the AddonManager */ unregister: function MP_unregister() { AddonManagerPrivate.unregisterProvider(this); }, /** * Adds an add-on to the list of add-ons that this provider exposes to the * AddonManager, dispatching appropriate events in the process. * * @param aAddon * The add-on to add */ addAddon: function MP_addAddon(aAddon) { this.addons.push(aAddon); if (!this.started) return; AddonManagerPrivate.callInstallListeners("onExternalInstall", null, aAddon, null, false) }, /** * Adds an add-on install to the list of installs that this provider exposes * to the AddonManager, dispatching appropriate events in the process. * * @param aInstall * The add-on install to add */ addInstall: function MP_addInstall(aInstall) { this.installs.push(aInstall); if (!this.started) return; aInstall.callListeners("onNewInstall"); }, /** * Creates a set of mock add-on objects and adds them to the list of add-ons * managed by this provider. * * @param aAddonProperties * An array of objects containing properties describing the add-ons * @return Array of the new MockAddons */ createAddons: function MP_createAddons(aAddonProperties) { var newAddons = []; aAddonProperties.forEach(function(aAddonProp) { var addon = new MockAddon(aAddonProp.id); for (var prop in aAddonProp) { if (prop == "id") continue; addon[prop] = aAddonProp[prop]; } this.addAddon(addon); newAddons.push(addon); }, this); return newAddons; }, /** * Creates a set of mock add-on install objects and adds them to the list * of installs managed by this provider. * * @param aInstallProperties * An array of objects containing properties describing the installs * @return Array of the new MockInstalls */ createInstalls: function MP_createInstalls(aInstallProperties) { var newInstalls = []; aInstallProperties.forEach(function(aInstallProp) { var install = new MockInstall(); for (var prop in aInstallProp) { install[prop] = aInstallProp[prop]; } this.addInstall(install); newInstalls.push(install); }, this); return newInstalls; }, /***** AddonProvider implementation *****/ /** * Called to initialize the provider. */ startup: function MP_startup() { this.started = true; }, /** * Called when the provider should shutdown. */ shutdown: function MP_shutdown() { this.callbackTimers.forEach(function(aTimer) { aTimer.cancel(); }); this.callbackTimers = []; this.started = false; }, /** * Called to get an Addon with a particular ID. * * @param aId * The ID of the add-on to retrieve * @param aCallback * A callback to pass the Addon to */ getAddonByID: function MP_getAddon(aId, aCallback) { for (let i = 0; i < this.addons.length; i++) { if (this.addons[i].id == aId) { this._delayCallback(aCallback, this.addons[i]); return; } } }, /** * Called to get Addons of a particular type. * * @param aTypes * An array of types to fetch. Can be null to get all types. * @param callback * A callback to pass an array of Addons to */ getAddonsByTypes: function MP_getAddonsByTypes(aTypes, aCallback) { var addons = this.addons.filter(function(aAddon) { if (aTypes && aTypes.length > 0 && aTypes.indexOf(aAddon.type) == -1) return false; return true; }); this._delayCallback(aCallback, addons); }, /** * Called to get Addons that have pending operations. * * @param aTypes * An array of types to fetch. Can be null to get all types * @param aCallback * A callback to pass an array of Addons to */ getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes: function MP_getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes(aTypes, aCallback) { var addons = this.addons.filter(function(aAddon) { if (aTypes && aTypes.length > 0 && aTypes.indexOf(aAddon.type) == -1) return false; return aAddon.pendingOperations != 0; }); this._delayCallback(aCallback, addons); }, /** * Called to get the current AddonInstalls, optionally restricting by type. * * @param aTypes * An array of types or null to get all types * @param aCallback * A callback to pass the array of AddonInstalls to */ getInstallsByTypes: function MP_getInstallsByTypes(aTypes, aCallback) { var installs = this.installs.filter(function(aInstall) { // Appear to have actually removed cancelled installs from the provider if (aInstall.state == AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED) return false; if (aTypes && aTypes.length > 0 && aTypes.indexOf(aInstall.type) == -1) return false; return true; }); this._delayCallback(aCallback, installs); }, /** * Called when a new add-on has been enabled when only one add-on of that type * can be enabled. * * @param aId * The ID of the newly enabled add-on * @param aType * The type of the newly enabled add-on * @param aPendingRestart * true if the newly enabled add-on will only become enabled after a * restart */ addonChanged: function MP_addonChanged(aId, aType, aPendingRestart) { // Not implemented }, /** * Update the appDisabled property for all add-ons. */ updateAddonAppDisabledStates: function MP_updateAddonAppDisabledStates() { // Not needed }, /** * Called to get an AddonInstall to download and install an add-on from a URL. * * @param aUrl * The URL to be installed * @param aHash * A hash for the install * @param aName * A name for the install * @param aIconURL * An icon URL for the install * @param aVersion * A version for the install * @param aLoadGroup * An nsILoadGroup to associate requests with * @param aCallback * A callback to pass the AddonInstall to */ getInstallForURL: function MP_getInstallForURL(aUrl, aHash, aName, aIconURL, aVersion, aLoadGroup, aCallback) { // Not yet implemented }, /** * Called to get an AddonInstall to install an add-on from a local file. * * @param aFile * The file to be installed * @param aCallback * A callback to pass the AddonInstall to */ getInstallForFile: function MP_getInstallForFile(aFile, aCallback) { // Not yet implemented }, /** * Called to test whether installing add-ons is enabled. * * @return true if installing is enabled */ isInstallEnabled: function MP_isInstallEnabled() { return false; }, /** * Called to test whether this provider supports installing a particular * mimetype. * * @param aMimetype * The mimetype to check for * @return true if the mimetype is supported */ supportsMimetype: function MP_supportsMimetype(aMimetype) { return false; }, /** * Called to test whether installing add-ons from a URI is allowed. * * @param aUri * The URI being installed from * @return true if installing is allowed */ isInstallAllowed: function MP_isInstallAllowed(aUri) { return false; }, /***** Internal functions *****/ /** * Delay calling a callback to fake a time-consuming async operation. * The delay is specified by the apiDelay property, in milliseconds. * Parameters to send to the callback should be specified as arguments after * the aCallback argument. * * @param aCallback Callback to eventually call */ _delayCallback: function MP_delayCallback(aCallback) { var params = Array.splice(arguments, 1); if (!this.useAsyncCallbacks) { aCallback.apply(null, params); return; } var timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); // Need to keep a reference to the timer, so it doesn't get GC'ed var pos = this.callbackTimers.length; this.callbackTimers.push(timer); var self = this; timer.initWithCallback(function() { self.callbackTimers.splice(pos, 1); aCallback.apply(null, params); }, this.apiDelay, timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } }; /***** Mock Addon object for the Mock Provider *****/ function MockAddon(aId, aName, aType, aRestartless) { // Only set required attributes this.id = aId || ""; this.name = aName || ""; this.type = aType || "extension"; this.version = ""; this.isCompatible = true; this.providesUpdatesSecurely = true; this.blocklistState = 0; this.appDisabled = false; this.userDisabled = false; this.scope = AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE; this.isActive = true; this.creator = ""; this.pendingOperations = 0; this.permissions = 0; this._restartless = aRestartless || false; } MockAddon.prototype = { isCompatibleWith: function(aAppVersion, aPlatformVersion) { return true; }, findUpdates: function(aListener, aReason, aAppVersion, aPlatformVersion) { // Tests can implement this if they need to }, uninstall: function() { // To be implemented when needed }, cancelUninstall: function() { // To be implemented when needed } }; /***** Mock AddonInstall object for the Mock Provider *****/ function MockInstall(aName, aType) { this.name = aName || ""; this.type = aType || "extension"; this.version = "1.0"; this.iconURL = ""; this.infoURL = ""; this.state = AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE; this.error = 0; this.sourceURL = ""; this.file = null; this.progress = 0; this.maxProgress = -1; this.certificate = null; this.certName = ""; this.existingAddon = null; this.addon = null; this.listeners = []; // Another type of install listener for tests that want to check the results // of code run from standard install listeners this.testListeners = []; } MockInstall.prototype = { install: function() { switch (this.state) { case AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE: case AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED: // Downloading to be implemented when needed this.state = AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLING; if (!this.callListeners("onInstallStarted")) { // Reverting to STATE_DOWNLOADED instead to be implemented when needed this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED; this.callListeners("onInstallCancelled"); return; } // Adding addon to MockProvider to be implemented when needed this.addon = new MockAddon("", this.name, this.type); this.state = AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLED; this.callListeners("onInstallEnded"); break; case AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING: case AddonManager.STATE_CHECKING: case AddonManger.STATE_INSTALLING: // Installation is already running return; default: ok(false, "Cannot start installing when state = " + this.state); } }, cancel: function() { switch (this.state) { case AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE: this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED; break; case AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLED: this.state = AddonManager.STATE_CANCELLED; this.callListeners("onInstallCancelled"); break; default: // Handling cancelling when downloading to be implemented when needed ok(false, "Cannot cancel when state = " + this.state); } }, addListener: function(aListener) { if (!this.listeners.some(function(i) i == aListener)) this.listeners.push(aListener); }, removeListener: function(aListener) { this.listeners = this.listeners.filter(function(i) i != aListener); }, addTestListener: function(aListener) { if (!this.testListeners.some(function(i) i == aListener)) this.testListeners.push(aListener); }, removeTestListener: function(aListener) { this.testListeners = this.testListeners.filter(function(i) i != aListener); }, callListeners: function(aMethod) { var result = AddonManagerPrivate.callInstallListeners(aMethod, this.listeners, this, this.addon); // Call test listeners after standard listeners to remove race condition // between standard and test listeners this.testListeners.forEach(function(aListener) { if (aMethod in aListener) if (aListener[aMethod].call(aListener, this, this.addon) === false) result = false; }); return result; } };