package org.mozilla.gecko.tests; import android.view.View; import org.mozilla.gecko.*; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This patch tests the clear private data options: * - clear history option by: adding and checking that clear private * data option removes the history items but not the users bookmarks * - clear site settings and clear saved password by: checking * each option present in the doorhanger and clearing the settings from * the URL bar context menu and settings menu */ public class testClearPrivateData extends PixelTest { private final int TEST_WAIT_MS = 10000; @Override protected int getTestType() { return TEST_MOCHITEST; } public void testClearPrivateData() { blockForGeckoReady(); clearHistory(); clearSiteSettings(); clearPassword(); } private void clearHistory() { // Loading a page and adding a second one as bookmark to have user made bookmarks and history String blank1 = getAbsoluteUrl(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_01_URL); String blank2 = getAbsoluteUrl(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_02_URL); String title = StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_01_TITLE; inputAndLoadUrl(blank1); verifyPageTitle(title); mDatabaseHelper.addOrUpdateMobileBookmark(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_02_TITLE, blank2); // Checking that the history list is not empty verifyHistoryCount(1); //clear and check for device checkDevice(title); // Checking that history list is empty verifyHistoryCount(0); // Checking that the user made bookmark is not removed mAsserter.ok(mDatabaseHelper.isBookmark(blank2), "Checking that bookmarks have not been removed", "User made bookmarks were not removed with private data"); } private void verifyHistoryCount(final int expectedCount) { boolean match = waitForTest( new BooleanTest() { public boolean test() { return (mDatabaseHelper.getBrowserDBUrls(DatabaseHelper.BrowserDataType.HISTORY).size() == expectedCount); } }, TEST_WAIT_MS); mAsserter.ok(match, "Checking that the number of history items is correct", String.valueOf(expectedCount) + " history items present in the database"); } public void clearSiteSettings() { String shareStrings[] = {"Share your location with", "Share", "Don't share", "There are no settings to clear"}; String titleGeolocation = StringHelper.ROBOCOP_GEOLOCATION_TITLE; String url = getAbsoluteUrl(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_GEOLOCATION_URL); loadCheckDismiss(shareStrings[1], url, shareStrings[0]); checkOption(shareStrings[1], "Clear"); checkOption(shareStrings[3], "Cancel"); loadCheckDismiss(shareStrings[2], url, shareStrings[0]); checkOption(shareStrings[2], "Cancel"); checkDevice(titleGeolocation); } public void clearPassword(){ String passwordStrings[] = {"Save password", "Save", "Don't save"}; String title = StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_01_TITLE; String loginUrl = getAbsoluteUrl(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_LOGIN_URL); loadCheckDismiss(passwordStrings[1], loginUrl, passwordStrings[0]); checkOption(passwordStrings[1], "Clear"); loadCheckDismiss(passwordStrings[2], loginUrl, passwordStrings[0]); checkDevice(title); } // clear private data and verify the device type because for phone there is an extra back action to exit the settings menu public void checkDevice(String title) { clearPrivateData(); if (mDevice.type.equals("phone")) { mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.BACK); mAsserter.ok(waitForText(StringHelper.PRIVACY_SECTION_LABEL), "waiting to perform one back", "one back"); mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.BACK); verifyPageTitle(title); } else { mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.BACK); verifyPageTitle(title); } } // Load a URL, verify that the doorhanger appears and dismiss it public void loadCheckDismiss(String option, String url, String message) { inputAndLoadUrl(url); waitForText(message);, true, "Doorhanger:" + message + " has been displayed"); mSolo.clickOnButton(option);, false, "Doorhanger:" + message + " has been hidden"); } //Verify if there are settings to be clear if so clear them from the URL bar context menu public void checkOption(String option, String button) { if (mDevice.version.equals("2.x")) { // Use the context menu in pre-11 final View toolbarView = mSolo.getView(; mSolo.clickLongOnView(toolbarView); mAsserter.ok(waitForText(StringHelper.CONTEXT_MENU_ITEMS_IN_URL_BAR[2]), "Waiting for the pop-up to open", "Pop up was opened"); } else { // Use the Page menu in 11+ selectMenuItem(StringHelper.PAGE_LABEL); mAsserter.ok(waitForText(StringHelper.CONTEXT_MENU_ITEMS_IN_URL_BAR[2]), "Waiting for the submenu to open", "Submenu was opened"); } mSolo.clickOnText(StringHelper.CONTEXT_MENU_ITEMS_IN_URL_BAR[2]); mAsserter.ok(waitForText(option), "Verify that the option: " + option + " is in the list", "The option is in the list. There are settings to clear"); mSolo.clickOnButton(button); } }