Cu.import("resource://services-sync/ext/Observers.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/identity.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/log4moz.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/resource.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); let logger; let fetched = false; function server_open(metadata, response) { let body; if (metadata.method == "GET") { fetched = true; body = "This path exists"; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); } else { body = "Wrong request method"; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 405, "Method Not Allowed"); } response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function server_protected(metadata, response) { let body; if (basic_auth_matches(metadata, "guest", "guest")) { body = "This path exists and is protected"; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK, authorized"); response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="secret"', false); } else { body = "This path exists and is protected - failed"; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 401, "Unauthorized"); response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="secret"', false); } response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function server_404(metadata, response) { let body = "File not found"; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 404, "Not Found"); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } let pacFetched = false; function server_pac(metadata, response) { pacFetched = true; let body = 'function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return "DIRECT"; }'; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig", false); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } let sample_data = { some: "sample_data", injson: "format", number: 42 }; function server_upload(metadata, response) { let body; let input = readBytesFromInputStream(metadata.bodyInputStream); if (input == JSON.stringify(sample_data)) { body = "Valid data upload via " + metadata.method; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); } else { body = "Invalid data upload via " + metadata.method + ': ' + input; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 500, "Internal Server Error"); } response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function server_delete(metadata, response) { let body; if (metadata.method == "DELETE") { body = "This resource has been deleted"; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); } else { body = "Wrong request method"; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 405, "Method Not Allowed"); } response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function server_json(metadata, response) { let body = JSON.stringify(sample_data); response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } const TIMESTAMP = 1274380461; function server_timestamp(metadata, response) { let body = "Thank you for your request"; response.setHeader("X-Weave-Timestamp", ''+TIMESTAMP, false); response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function server_backoff(metadata, response) { let body = "Hey, back off!"; response.setHeader("X-Weave-Backoff", '600', false); response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function server_quota_notice(request, response) { let body = "You're approaching quota."; response.setHeader("X-Weave-Quota-Remaining", '1048576', false); response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function server_quota_error(request, response) { let body = "14"; response.setHeader("X-Weave-Quota-Remaining", '-1024', false); response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 400, "OK"); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function server_headers(metadata, response) { let ignore_headers = ["host", "user-agent", "accept", "accept-language", "accept-encoding", "accept-charset", "keep-alive", "connection", "pragma", "cache-control", "content-length"]; let headers = metadata.headers; let header_names = []; while (headers.hasMoreElements()) { let header = headers.getNext().toString(); if (ignore_headers.indexOf(header) == -1) { header_names.push(header); } } header_names = header_names.sort(); headers = {}; for each (let header in header_names) { headers[header] = metadata.getHeader(header); } let body = JSON.stringify(headers); response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function run_test() { do_test_pending(); logger = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger('Test'); Log4Moz.repository.rootLogger.addAppender(new Log4Moz.DumpAppender()); let server = httpd_setup({ "/open": server_open, "/protected": server_protected, "/404": server_404, "/upload": server_upload, "/delete": server_delete, "/json": server_json, "/timestamp": server_timestamp, "/headers": server_headers, "/backoff": server_backoff, "/pac1": server_pac, "/quota-notice": server_quota_notice, "/quota-error": server_quota_error }); Svc.Prefs.set("network.numRetries", 1); // speed up test // This apparently has to come first in order for our PAC URL to be hit. // Don't put any other HTTP requests earlier in the file! _("Testing handling of proxy auth redirection."); PACSystemSettings.PACURI = "http://localhost:8080/pac1"; installFakePAC(); let proxiedRes = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/open"); let content = proxiedRes.get(); do_check_true(pacFetched); do_check_true(fetched); do_check_eq(content, "This path exists"); pacFetched = fetched = false; uninstallFakePAC(); _("Resource object members"); let res = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/open"); do_check_true(res.uri instanceof Ci.nsIURI); do_check_eq(res.uri.spec, "http://localhost:8080/open"); do_check_eq(res.spec, "http://localhost:8080/open"); do_check_eq(typeof res.headers, "object"); do_check_eq(typeof res.authenticator, "object"); // Initially is null since we haven't performed a GET or // PUT/POST request yet. do_check_eq(, null); _("GET a non-password-protected resource"); content = res.get(); do_check_eq(content, "This path exists"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_true(content.success); // has been updated with the result from the request do_check_eq(, content); // Observe logging messages. let logger = res._log; let dbg = logger.debug; let debugMessages = []; logger.debug = function (msg) { debugMessages.push(msg);, msg); } // Since we didn't receive proper JSON data, accessing content.obj // will result in a SyntaxError from JSON.parse. // Furthermore, we'll have logged. let didThrow = false; try { content.obj; } catch (ex) { didThrow = true; } do_check_true(didThrow); do_check_eq(debugMessages.length, 1); do_check_eq(debugMessages[0], "Parse fail: Response body starts: \"\"This path exists\"\"."); logger.debug = dbg; _("Test that the BasicAuthenticator doesn't screw up header case."); let res1 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/foo"); res1.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic foobar"); res1.authenticator = new NoOpAuthenticator(); do_check_eq(res1._headers["authorization"], "Basic foobar"); do_check_eq(res1.headers["authorization"], "Basic foobar"); let id = new Identity("secret", "guest", "guest"); res1.authenticator = new BasicAuthenticator(id); // In other words... it correctly overwrites our downcased version // when accessed through .headers. do_check_eq(res1._headers["authorization"], "Basic foobar"); do_check_eq(res1.headers["authorization"], "Basic Z3Vlc3Q6Z3Vlc3Q="); do_check_eq(res1._headers["authorization"], "Basic Z3Vlc3Q6Z3Vlc3Q="); do_check_true(!res1._headers["Authorization"]); do_check_true(!res1.headers["Authorization"]); _("GET a password protected resource (test that it'll fail w/o pass, no throw)"); let res2 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/protected"); content = res2.get(); do_check_eq(content, "This path exists and is protected - failed"); do_check_eq(content.status, 401); do_check_false(content.success); _("GET a password protected resource"); let auth = new BasicAuthenticator(new Identity("secret", "guest", "guest")); let res3 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/protected"); res3.authenticator = auth; do_check_eq(res3.authenticator, auth); content = res3.get(); do_check_eq(content, "This path exists and is protected"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_true(content.success); _("GET a non-existent resource (test that it'll fail, but not throw)"); let res4 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/404"); content = res4.get(); do_check_eq(content, "File not found"); do_check_eq(content.status, 404); do_check_false(content.success); // Check some headers of the 404 response do_check_eq(content.headers.connection, "close"); do_check_eq(content.headers.server, "httpd.js"); do_check_eq(content.headers["content-length"], 14); _("PUT to a resource (string)"); let res5 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/upload"); content = res5.put(JSON.stringify(sample_data)); do_check_eq(content, "Valid data upload via PUT"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(, content); _("PUT to a resource (object)"); content = res5.put(sample_data); do_check_eq(content, "Valid data upload via PUT"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(, content); _("PUT without data arg (uses (string)"); = JSON.stringify(sample_data); content = res5.put(); do_check_eq(content, "Valid data upload via PUT"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(, content); _("PUT without data arg (uses (object)"); = sample_data; content = res5.put(); do_check_eq(content, "Valid data upload via PUT"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(, content); _("POST to a resource (string)"); content =; do_check_eq(content, "Valid data upload via POST"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(, content); _("POST to a resource (object)"); content =; do_check_eq(content, "Valid data upload via POST"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(, content); _("POST without data arg (uses (string)"); = JSON.stringify(sample_data); content =; do_check_eq(content, "Valid data upload via POST"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(, content); _("POST without data arg (uses (object)"); = sample_data; content =; do_check_eq(content, "Valid data upload via POST"); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(, content); _("DELETE a resource"); let res6 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/delete"); content = res6.delete(); do_check_eq(content, "This resource has been deleted") do_check_eq(content.status, 200); _("JSON conversion of response body"); let res7 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/json"); content = res7.get(); do_check_eq(content, JSON.stringify(sample_data)); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(content.obj), JSON.stringify(sample_data)); _("X-Weave-Timestamp header updates AsyncResource.serverTime"); // Before having received any response containing the // X-Weave-Timestamp header, AsyncResource.serverTime is null. do_check_eq(AsyncResource.serverTime, null); let res8 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/timestamp"); content = res8.get(); do_check_eq(AsyncResource.serverTime, TIMESTAMP); _("GET: no special request headers"); let res9 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/headers"); content = res9.get(); do_check_eq(content, '{}'); _("PUT: Content-Type defaults to text/plain"); content = res9.put('data'); do_check_eq(content, JSON.stringify({"content-type": "text/plain"})); _("POST: Content-Type defaults to text/plain"); content ='data'); do_check_eq(content, JSON.stringify({"content-type": "text/plain"})); _("setHeader(): setting simple header"); res9.setHeader('X-What-Is-Weave', 'awesome'); do_check_eq(res9.headers['x-what-is-weave'], 'awesome'); content = res9.get(); do_check_eq(content, JSON.stringify({"x-what-is-weave": "awesome"})); _("setHeader(): setting multiple headers, overwriting existing header"); res9.setHeader('X-WHAT-is-Weave', 'more awesomer'); res9.setHeader('X-Another-Header', 'hello world'); do_check_eq(res9.headers['x-what-is-weave'], 'more awesomer'); do_check_eq(res9.headers['x-another-header'], 'hello world'); content = res9.get(); do_check_eq(content, JSON.stringify({"x-another-header": "hello world", "x-what-is-weave": "more awesomer"})); _("Setting headers object"); res9.headers = {}; content = res9.get(); do_check_eq(content, "{}"); _("PUT/POST: override default Content-Type"); res9.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/foobar'); do_check_eq(res9.headers['content-type'], 'application/foobar'); content = res9.put('data'); do_check_eq(content, JSON.stringify({"content-type": "application/foobar"})); content ='data'); do_check_eq(content, JSON.stringify({"content-type": "application/foobar"})); _("X-Weave-Backoff header notifies observer"); let backoffInterval; function onBackoff(subject, data) { backoffInterval = subject; } Observers.add("weave:service:backoff:interval", onBackoff); let res10 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/backoff"); content = res10.get(); do_check_eq(backoffInterval, 600); _("X-Weave-Quota-Remaining header notifies observer on successful requests."); let quotaValue; function onQuota(subject, data) { quotaValue = subject; } Observers.add("weave:service:quota:remaining", onQuota); res10 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/quota-error"); content = res10.get(); do_check_eq(content.status, 400); do_check_eq(quotaValue, undefined); // HTTP 400, so no observer notification. res10 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/quota-notice"); content = res10.get(); do_check_eq(content.status, 200); do_check_eq(quotaValue, 1048576); _("Error handling in _request() preserves exception information"); let error; let res11 = new Resource("http://localhost:12345/does/not/exist"); try { content = res11.get(); } catch(ex) { error = ex; } do_check_eq(error.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED); do_check_eq(error.message, "NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED"); do_check_eq(typeof error.stack, "string"); _("Checking handling of errors in onProgress."); let res18 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/json"); let onProgress = function(rec) { // Provoke an XPC exception without a Javascript wrapper."::::::::", null, null); }; res18._onProgress = onProgress; let oldWarn = res18._log.warn; let warnings = []; res18._log.warn = function(msg) { warnings.push(msg) }; error = undefined; try { content = res18.get(); } catch (ex) { error = ex; } // It throws and logs. do_check_eq(error.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI); do_check_eq(error, "Error: NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI"); do_check_eq(warnings.pop(), "Got exception calling onProgress handler during fetch of " + "http://localhost:8080/json"); // And this is what happens if JS throws an exception. res18 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/json"); onProgress = function(rec) { throw "BOO!"; }; res18._onProgress = onProgress; oldWarn = res18._log.warn; warnings = []; res18._log.warn = function(msg) { warnings.push(msg) }; error = undefined; try { content = res18.get(); } catch (ex) { error = ex; } // It throws and logs. do_check_eq(error.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING); do_check_eq(error, "Error: NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING"); do_check_eq(warnings.pop(), "Got exception calling onProgress handler during fetch of " + "http://localhost:8080/json"); _("Ensure channel timeouts are thrown appropriately."); let res19 = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/json"); res19.ABORT_TIMEOUT = 0; error = undefined; try { content = res19.get(); } catch (ex) { error = ex; } do_check_eq(error.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT); _("Testing URI construction."); let args = []; args.push("newer=" + 1234); args.push("limit=" + 1234); args.push("sort=" + 1234); let query = "?" + args.join("&"); let uri1 = Utils.makeURL("http://foo/" + query); let uri2 = Utils.makeURL("http://foo/"); uri2.query = query; do_check_eq(uri1.query, uri2.query); server.stop(do_test_finished); }