/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); ignoreAllUncaughtExceptions(); let doc; let nodes; let cursor; let inspector; gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(); gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onload() { gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onload, true); doc = content.document; waitForFocus(setupInfobarTest, content); }, true); let style = "body{width:100%;height: 100%} div {position: absolute;" + "height: 100px;width: 500px}#bottom {bottom: 0px}#vertical {"+ "height: 100%}#farbottom{bottom: -200px}"; let html = "
" + "
" + "
" content.location = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(html); function setupInfobarTest() { nodes = [ { node: doc.querySelector("#top"), position: "bottom", tag: "DIV", id: "#top", classes: ".class1.class2", dims: "500 x 100" }, { node: doc.querySelector("#vertical"), position: "overlap", tag: "DIV", id: "#vertical", classes: "" // No dims as they will vary between computers }, { node: doc.querySelector("#bottom"), position: "top", tag: "DIV", id: "#bottom", classes: "", dims: "500 x 100" }, { node: doc.querySelector("body"), position: "overlap", tag: "BODY", id: "", classes: "" // No dims as they will vary between computers }, { node: doc.querySelector("#farbottom"), position: "top", tag: "DIV", id: "#farbottom", classes: "", dims: "500 x 100" }, ]; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { ok(nodes[i].node, "node " + i + " found"); } openInspector(runTests); } function mouseOverContainerToShowHighlighter(node, cb) { let container = getContainerForRawNode(inspector.markup, node); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(container.tagLine, 2, 2, {type: "mousemove"}, inspector.markup.doc.defaultView); executeSoon(cb); } function runTests(aInspector) { inspector = aInspector; inspector.selection.setNode(content.document.querySelector("body")); inspector.once("inspector-updated", () => { cursor = 0; executeSoon(function() { mouseOverContainerToShowHighlighter(nodes[0].node, nodeSelected); }); }); } function nodeSelected() { executeSoon(function() { performTest(); cursor++; if (cursor >= nodes.length) { finishUp(); } else { let node = nodes[cursor].node; mouseOverContainerToShowHighlighter(node, nodeSelected); } }); } function performTest() { let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; let stack = browser.parentNode; let container = stack.querySelector(".highlighter-nodeinfobar-positioner"); is(container.getAttribute("position"), nodes[cursor].position, "node " + cursor + ": position matches."); let tagNameLabel = stack.querySelector(".highlighter-nodeinfobar-tagname"); is(tagNameLabel.textContent, nodes[cursor].tag, "node " + cursor + ": tagName matches."); let idLabel = stack.querySelector(".highlighter-nodeinfobar-id"); is(idLabel.textContent, nodes[cursor].id, "node " + cursor + ": id matches."); let classesBox = stack.querySelector(".highlighter-nodeinfobar-classes"); is(classesBox.textContent, nodes[cursor].classes, "node " + cursor + ": classes match."); if (nodes[cursor].dims) { let dimBox = stack.querySelector(".highlighter-nodeinfobar-dimensions"); is(dimBox.textContent, nodes[cursor].dims, "node " + cursor + ": dims match."); } } function finishUp() { doc = nodes = null; gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); finish(); } }