/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const originalState = ss.getBrowserState(); /** Private Browsing Test for Bug 819510 **/ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); registerCleanupFunction(function() { ss.setBrowserState(originalState); }); runNextTest(); } let tests = [test_1, test_2, test_3 ]; const testState = { windows: [{ tabs: [ { entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }, ] }] }; function runNextTest() { // Set an empty state closeAllButPrimaryWindow(); // Run the next test, or finish if (tests.length) { let currentTest = tests.shift(); waitForBrowserState(testState, currentTest); } else { finish(); } } // Test opening default mochitest-normal-private-normal-private windows // (saving the state with last window being private) function test_1() { testOnWindow(false, function(aWindow) { aWindow.gBrowser.addTab("http://www.example.com/1"); testOnWindow(true, function(aWindow) { aWindow.gBrowser.addTab("http://www.example.com/2"); testOnWindow(false, function(aWindow) { aWindow.gBrowser.addTab("http://www.example.com/3"); testOnWindow(true, function(aWindow) { aWindow.gBrowser.addTab("http://www.example.com/4"); let curState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()); is (curState.windows.length, 5, "Browser has opened 5 windows"); is (curState.windows[2].isPrivate, true, "Window is private"); is (curState.windows[4].isPrivate, true, "Last window is private"); is (curState.selectedWindow, 5, "Last window opened is the one selected"); forceWriteState(function(state) { is(state.windows.length, 3, "sessionstore state: 3 windows in data being written to disk"); is (state.selectedWindow, 3, "Selected window is updated to match one of the saved windows"); state.windows.forEach(function(win) { is(!win.isPrivate, true, "Saved window is not private"); }); is(state._closedWindows.length, 0, "sessionstore state: no closed windows in data being written to disk"); runNextTest(); }); }); }); }); }); } // Test opening default mochitest window + 2 private windows function test_2() { testOnWindow(true, function(aWindow) { aWindow.gBrowser.addTab("http://www.example.com/1"); testOnWindow(true, function(aWindow) { aWindow.gBrowser.addTab("http://www.example.com/2"); let curState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()); is (curState.windows.length, 3, "Browser has opened 3 windows"); is (curState.windows[1].isPrivate, true, "Window 1 is private"); is (curState.windows[2].isPrivate, true, "Window 2 is private"); is (curState.selectedWindow, 3, "Last window opened is the one selected"); forceWriteState(function(state) { is(state.windows.length, 1, "sessionstore state: 1 windows in data being written to disk"); is (state.selectedWindow, 1, "Selected window is updated to match one of the saved windows"); is(state._closedWindows.length, 0, "sessionstore state: no closed windows in data being written to disk"); runNextTest(); }); }); }); } // Test opening default-normal-private-normal windows and closing a normal window function test_3() { testOnWindow(false, function(normalWindow) { waitForTabLoad(normalWindow, "http://www.example.com/", function() { testOnWindow(true, function(aWindow) { waitForTabLoad(aWindow, "http://www.example.com/", function() { testOnWindow(false, function(aWindow) { waitForTabLoad(aWindow, "http://www.example.com/", function() { let curState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()); is(curState.windows.length, 4, "Browser has opened 4 windows"); is(curState.windows[2].isPrivate, true, "Window 2 is private"); is(curState.selectedWindow, 4, "Last window opened is the one selected"); waitForWindowClose(normalWindow, function() { // Load another tab before checking the written state so that // the list of restoring windows gets cleared. Otherwise the // window we just closed would be marked as not closed. waitForTabLoad(aWindow, "http://www.example.com/", function() { forceWriteState(function(state) { is(state.windows.length, 2, "sessionstore state: 2 windows in data being written to disk"); is(state.selectedWindow, 2, "Selected window is updated to match one of the saved windows"); state.windows.forEach(function(win) { is(!win.isPrivate, true, "Saved window is not private"); }); is(state._closedWindows.length, 1, "sessionstore state: 1 closed window in data being written to disk"); state._closedWindows.forEach(function(win) { is(!win.isPrivate, true, "Closed window is not private"); }); runNextTest(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); } function waitForWindowClose(aWin, aCallback) { let winCount = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()).windows.length; aWin.addEventListener("SSWindowClosing", function onWindowClosing() { aWin.removeEventListener("SSWindowClosing", onWindowClosing, false); function checkCount() { let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()); if (state.windows.length == (winCount - 1)) { aCallback(); } else { executeSoon(checkCount); } } executeSoon(checkCount); }, false); aWin.close(); } function forceWriteState(aCallback) { Services.obs.addObserver(function observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic == "sessionstore-state-write") { Services.obs.removeObserver(observe, aTopic); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.interval"); aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString); aCallback(JSON.parse(aSubject.data)); } }, "sessionstore-state-write", false); Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.interval", 0); } function testOnWindow(aIsPrivate, aCallback) { let win = OpenBrowserWindow({private: aIsPrivate}); win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() { win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false); executeSoon(function() { aCallback(win); }); }, false); } function waitForTabLoad(aWin, aURL, aCallback) { aWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() { aWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true); executeSoon(aCallback); }, true); aWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.loadURI(aURL); }