This was created on 9/12/97, for Xena bug # 85121
Testing the quoted value string.
tag A is used so you can check the string by moving mouse on the link.
use view source or text editor to compare with browser display.
The goal is to be compatible with Navigator 4.0
Test results are compared with Nav4.0 display. Relavent Nav4.0 source files are ns\lib\libparse\pa_parse.c and others.
Differences between 4.0 and xena are indecated. Search for XENA60 to find all the defferences.

comments from ns\xena\lego\src\lego\html\scanner\
// For quoted value string :
// Double/single quote only take effect as the first char
// of the value string,
// Quoted string is terminated by the second double/single quote
// respectively.
// In other places, double/single quote is treated literally.
// Entity & quot; is always treated literally, enven it is the
// first char.
// Unquoted value string is terminated by while space, or '>' sign.

Test lines:
10(quote / quote ) good syntax: both quotes striped from string
20( / ) value not quoted, not recommented, but still good syntax.
30 Navigator 4.0 value string trunketed at 82 characters XENA60 limit is MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 2000.
40 The following are illegal HTML, but handled by Nav4.0 in different ways.
50( / ) string not quoted, whight space terminates the value
60( / ) string not quoted, CR terminates the string
70(escaped-quote / quote ) both quotes remain in string
80(quote / ) move mouse on this. If we didn't have a quote in the text, the value string would run through the end of the A tag.
90(quote / escaped-quote ) same as above, escaped quote does NOT terminate quote
100( / quote) if no opening quote, quotes are included in string
110( / quote) no opening quote, value terminated at right brack