/* Test case for ISO-2022-KR * * Uses nsIConverterInputStream to decode ISO-2022-KR text. * * Sample text is: * 1: 소 잃고 외양간 고친다 * 2: 빈 수레가 요란하다 * 3: 하늘의 별 따기 * 4: 아는 길도 물어가라 * * (From http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Korean_proverbs) */ const sample = "%1B%24%29C1%3A%20%0E%3CR%0F%20%0E%40R0m%0F%20%0E%3F%5C%3Eg0%23%0F%20%0E0mD%234Y%0A2%3A%20%0E%3As%0F%20%0E%3Cv790%21%0F%20%0E%3Fd6uGO4Y%0A3%3A%20%0EGO4C%40G%0F%20%0E%3A0%0F%20%0E5%7B1b%0A4%3A%20%0E%3EF4B%0F%20%0E1f55%0F%20%0E90%3En0%216s"; const expected = "1: \uC18C \uC783\uACE0 \uC678\uC591\uAC04 \uACE0\uCE5C\uB2E4\n2: \uBE48 \uC218\uB808\uAC00 \uC694\uB780\uD558\uB2E4\n3: \uD558\uB298\uC758 \uBCC4 \uB530\uAE30\n4: \uC544\uB294 \uAE38\uB3C4 \uBB3C\uC5B4\uAC00\uB77C\n"; const charset="ISO-2022-KR"; function testCase(bufferLength) { var dataURI = "data:text/plain;charset=" + charset + "," + sample; var IOService = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1", "nsIIOService"); var ConverterInputStream = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1", "nsIConverterInputStream", "init"); var ios = new IOService(); var channel = ios.newChannel(dataURI, "", null); var testInputStream = channel.open(); var testConverter = new ConverterInputStream(testInputStream, charset, bufferLength, 0xFFFD); if (!(testConverter instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIUnicharLineInputStream)) throw "not line input stream"; var outStr = ""; var more; do { // read the line and check for eof var line = {}; more = testConverter.readLine(line); outStr += line.value + "\n"; } while (more); if (outStr != expected) { dump("Failed with bufferLength = " + bufferLength + "\n"); if (outStr.length == expected.length) { for (i = 0; i < outStr.length; ++i) { if (outStr.charCodeAt(i) != expected.charCodeAt(i)) { dump(i + ": " + outStr.charCodeAt(i).toString(16) + " != " + expected.charCodeAt(i).toString(16) + "\n"); } } } } // escape the strings before comparing for better readability do_check_eq(escape(outStr), escape(expected)); } function run_test() { testCase(34); testCase(35); }