/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); let manifest = { // normal provider name: "provider 1", origin: "https://example.com", sidebarURL: "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/social_sidebar.html", workerURL: "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/social_worker.js", iconURL: "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/moz.png" }; let oldwidth = window.outerWidth; // we futz with this, so we restore it runSocialTestWithProvider(manifest, function (finishcb) { runSocialTests(tests, undefined, undefined, function () { let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); ok(chats.children.length == 0, "no chatty children left behind"); window.resizeTo(oldwidth, window.outerHeight); finishcb(); }); }); } var tests = { testOpenCloseChat: function(next) { let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); ok(port, "provider has a port"); port.onmessage = function (e) { let topic = e.data.topic; switch (topic) { case "got-sidebar-message": port.postMessage({topic: "test-chatbox-open"}); break; case "got-chatbox-visibility": if (e.data.result == "hidden") { ok(true, "chatbox got minimized"); chats.selectedChat.toggle(); } else if (e.data.result == "shown") { ok(true, "chatbox got shown"); // close it now let iframe = chats.selectedChat.iframe; iframe.addEventListener("unload", function chatUnload() { iframe.removeEventListener("unload", chatUnload, true); ok(true, "got chatbox unload on close"); port.close(); next(); }, true); chats.selectedChat.close(); } break; case "got-chatbox-message": ok(true, "got chatbox message"); ok(e.data.result == "ok", "got chatbox windowRef result: "+e.data.result); chats.selectedChat.toggle(); break; } } port.postMessage({topic: "test-init", data: { id: 1 }}); }, testOpenMinimized: function(next) { // In this case the sidebar opens a chat (without specifying minimized). // We then minimize it and have the sidebar reopen the chat (again without // minimized). On that second call the chat should open and no longer // be minimized. let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); let seen_opened = false; port.onmessage = function (e) { let topic = e.data.topic; switch (topic) { case "test-init-done": port.postMessage({topic: "test-chatbox-open"}); break; case "chatbox-opened": is(e.data.result, "ok", "the sidebar says it got a chatbox"); if (!seen_opened) { // first time we got the opened message, so minimize the chat then // re-request the same chat to be opened - we should get the // message again and the chat should be restored. ok(!chats.selectedChat.minimized, "chat not initially minimized") chats.selectedChat.minimized = true seen_opened = true; port.postMessage({topic: "test-chatbox-open"}); } else { // This is the second time we've seen this message - there should // be exactly 1 chat open and it should no longer be minimized. let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); ok(!chats.selectedChat.minimized, "chat no longer minimized") chats.selectedChat.close(); is(chats.selectedChat, null, "should only have been one chat open"); port.close(); next(); } } } port.postMessage({topic: "test-init", data: { id: 1 }}); }, // In this case the *worker* opens a chat (so minimized is specified). // The worker then makes the same call again - as that second call also // specifies "minimized" the chat should *not* be restored. testWorkerChatWindowMinimized: function(next) { const chatUrl = "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/social_chat.html"; let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); let seen_opened = false; ok(port, "provider has a port"); port.postMessage({topic: "test-init"}); port.onmessage = function (e) { let topic = e.data.topic; switch (topic) { case "got-chatbox-message": ok(true, "got a chat window opened"); let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); if (!seen_opened) { // first time we got the opened message, so minimize the chat then // re-request the same chat to be opened - we should get the // message again and the chat should be restored. ok(chats.selectedChat.minimized, "chatbox from worker opened as minimized"); seen_opened = true; port.postMessage({topic: "test-worker-chat", data: chatUrl}); // Sadly there is no notification we can use to know the chat was // re-opened :( So we ask the chat window to "ping" us - by then // the second request should have made it. chats.selectedChat.iframe.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.pingWorker(); } else { // This is the second time we've seen this message - there should // be exactly 1 chat open and it should still be minimized. let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); ok(chats.selectedChat.minimized, "chat still minimized") chats.selectedChat.close(); is(chats.selectedChat, null, "should only have been one chat open"); port.close(); next(); } break; } } port.postMessage({topic: "test-worker-chat", data: chatUrl}); }, testManyChats: function(next) { // open enough chats to overflow the window, then check // if the menupopup is visible let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); ok(port, "provider has a port"); port.postMessage({topic: "test-init"}); let width = document.documentElement.boxObject.width; let numToOpen = (width / 200) + 1; port.onmessage = function (e) { let topic = e.data.topic; switch (topic) { case "got-chatbox-message": numToOpen--; if (numToOpen >= 0) { // we're waiting for all to open ok(true, "got a chat window opened"); break; } // close our chats now let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); ok(!chats.menupopup.parentNode.collapsed, "menu selection is visible"); while (chats.selectedChat) { chats.selectedChat.close(); } ok(!chats.selectedChat, "chats are all closed"); port.close(); next(); break; } } let num = numToOpen; while (num-- > 0) { port.postMessage({topic: "test-chatbox-open", data: { id: num }}); } }, testWorkerChatWindow: function(next) { const chatUrl = "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/social_chat.html"; let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); ok(port, "provider has a port"); port.postMessage({topic: "test-init"}); port.onmessage = function (e) { let topic = e.data.topic; switch (topic) { case "got-chatbox-message": ok(true, "got a chat window opened"); let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); ok(chats.selectedChat.minimized, "chatbox from worker opened as minimized"); while (chats.selectedChat) { chats.selectedChat.close(); } ok(!chats.selectedChat, "chats are all closed"); ensureSocialUrlNotRemembered(chatUrl); port.close(); next(); break; } } port.postMessage({topic: "test-worker-chat", data: chatUrl}); }, testCloseSelf: function(next) { let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); ok(port, "provider has a port"); port.onmessage = function (e) { let topic = e.data.topic; switch (topic) { case "test-init-done": port.postMessage({topic: "test-chatbox-open"}); break; case "got-chatbox-visibility": is(e.data.result, "shown", "chatbox shown"); port.close(); // don't want any more visibility messages. let chat = chats.selectedChat; ok(chat.parentNode, "chat has a parent node before it is closed"); // ask it to close itself. let doc = chat.iframe.contentDocument; let evt = doc.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent("socialTest-CloseSelf", true, true, {}); doc.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt); ok(!chat.parentNode, "chat is now closed"); port.close(); next(); break; } } port.postMessage({topic: "test-init", data: { id: 1 }}); }, testSameChatCallbacks: function(next) { let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); let seen_opened = false; port.onmessage = function (e) { let topic = e.data.topic; switch (topic) { case "test-init-done": port.postMessage({topic: "test-chatbox-open"}); break; case "chatbox-opened": is(e.data.result, "ok", "the sidebar says it got a chatbox"); if (seen_opened) { // This is the second time we've seen this message - there should // be exactly 1 chat open. let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); chats.selectedChat.close(); is(chats.selectedChat, null, "should only have been one chat open"); port.close(); next(); } else { // first time we got the opened message, so re-request the same // chat to be opened - we should get the message again. seen_opened = true; port.postMessage({topic: "test-chatbox-open"}); } } } port.postMessage({topic: "test-init", data: { id: 1 }}); }, // check removeAll does the right thing testRemoveAll: function(next, mode) { let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); port.postMessage({topic: "test-init"}); get3ChatsForCollapsing(mode || "normal", function() { let chatbar = window.SocialChatBar.chatbar; chatbar.removeAll(); // should be no evidence of any chats left. is(chatbar.childNodes.length, 0, "should be no chats left"); checkPopup(); is(chatbar.selectedChat, null, "nothing should be selected"); is(chatbar.chatboxForURL.size, 0, "chatboxForURL map should be empty"); port.close(); next(); }); }, testRemoveAllMinimized: function(next) { this.testRemoveAll(next, "minimized"); }, // resize and collapse testing. testBrowserResize: function(next, mode) { let chats = document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); port.postMessage({topic: "test-init"}); get3ChatsForCollapsing(mode || "normal", function(first, second, third) { let chatWidth = chats.getTotalChildWidth(first); ok(chatWidth, "have a chatwidth"); let popupWidth = getPopupWidth(); ok(popupWidth, "have a popupwidth"); info("starting resize tests - each chat's width is " + chatWidth + " and the popup width is " + popupWidth); resizeAndCheckWidths(first, second, third, [ [chatWidth-1, false, false, true, "to < 1 chat width - only last should be visible."], [chatWidth+1, false, false, true, "one pixel more then one fully exposed (not counting popup) - still only 1."], [chatWidth+popupWidth+1, false, false, true, "one pixel more than one fully exposed (including popup) - still only 1."], [chatWidth*2-1, false, false, true, "second not showing by 1 pixel (not counting popup) - only 1 exposed."], [chatWidth*2+popupWidth-1, false, false, true, "second not showing by 1 pixel (including popup) - only 1 exposed."], [chatWidth*2+popupWidth+1, false, true, true, "big enough to fit 2 - nub remains visible as first is still hidden"], [chatWidth*3+popupWidth-1, false, true, true, "one smaller than the size necessary to display all three - first still hidden"], [chatWidth*3+popupWidth+1, true, true, true, "big enough to fit all - all exposed (which removes the nub)"], [chatWidth*3, true, true, true, "now the nub is hidden we can resize back down to chatWidth*3 before overflow."], [chatWidth*3-1, false, true, true, "one pixel less and the first is again collapsed (and the nub re-appears)"], [chatWidth*2+popupWidth+1, false, true, true, "back down to just big enough to fit 2"], [chatWidth*2+popupWidth-1, false, false, true, "back down to just not enough to fit 2"], [chatWidth*3+popupWidth+1, true, true, true, "now a large jump to make all 3 visible (ie, affects 2)"], [chatWidth*1.5, false, false, true, "and a large jump back down to 1 visible (ie, affects 2)"], ], function() { closeAllChats(); port.close(); next(); }); }); }, testBrowserResizeMinimized: function(next) { this.testBrowserResize(next, "minimized"); }, testShowWhenCollapsed: function(next) { let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); port.postMessage({topic: "test-init"}); get3ChatsForCollapsing("normal", function(first, second, third) { let chatbar = window.SocialChatBar.chatbar; chatbar.showChat(first); ok(!first.collapsed, "first should no longer be collapsed"); ok(second.collapsed || third.collapsed, false, "one of the others should be collapsed"); closeAllChats(); port.close(); next(); }); }, testActivity: function(next) { let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); port.postMessage({topic: "test-init"}); get3ChatsForCollapsing("normal", function(first, second, third) { let chatbar = window.SocialChatBar.chatbar; is(chatbar.selectedChat, third, "third chat should be selected"); ok(!chatbar.selectedChat.hasAttribute("activity"), "third chat should have no activity"); // send an activity message to the second. ok(!second.hasAttribute("activity"), "second chat should have no activity"); let iframe2 = second.iframe; let evt = iframe2.contentDocument.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent("socialChatActivity", true, true, {}); iframe2.contentDocument.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt); // second should have activity. ok(second.hasAttribute("activity"), "second chat should now have activity"); // select the second - it should lose "activity" chatbar.selectedChat = second; ok(!second.hasAttribute("activity"), "second chat should no longer have activity"); // Now try the first - it is collapsed, so the 'nub' also gets activity attr. ok(!first.hasAttribute("activity"), "first chat should have no activity"); let iframe1 = first.iframe; let evt = iframe1.contentDocument.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent("socialChatActivity", true, true, {}); iframe1.contentDocument.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt); ok(first.hasAttribute("activity"), "first chat should now have activity"); ok(chatbar.nub.hasAttribute("activity"), "nub should also have activity"); // first is collapsed, so use openChat to get it. chatbar.openChat(Social.provider, first.getAttribute("src")); ok(!first.hasAttribute("activity"), "first chat should no longer have activity"); // The nub should lose the activity flag here too todo(!chatbar.nub.hasAttribute("activity"), "Bug 806266 - nub should no longer have activity"); // TODO: tests for bug 806266 should arrange to have 2 chats collapsed // then open them checking the nub is updated correctly. closeAllChats(); port.close(); next(); }); }, // XXX - note this must be the last test until we restore the login state // between tests... testCloseOnLogout: function(next) { const chatUrl = "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/social_chat.html"; let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort(); ok(port, "provider has a port"); port.postMessage({topic: "test-init"}); port.onmessage = function (e) { let topic = e.data.topic; switch (topic) { case "got-chatbox-message": ok(true, "got a chat window opened"); port.postMessage({topic: "test-logout"}); port.close(); waitForCondition(function() document.getElementById("pinnedchats").firstChild == null, next, "chat windows didn't close"); break; } } port.postMessage({topic: "test-worker-chat", data: chatUrl}); }, } // And lots of helpers for the resize tests. function get3ChatsForCollapsing(mode, cb) { // We make one chat, then measure its size. We then resize the browser to // ensure a second can be created fully visible but a third can not - then // create the other 2. first will will be collapsed, second fully visible // and the third also visible and the "selected" one. // To make our life easier we don't go via the worker and ports so we get // more control over creation *and* to make the code much simpler. We // assume the worker/port stuff is individually tested above. let chatbar = window.SocialChatBar.chatbar; let chatWidth = undefined; let num = 0; is(chatbar.childNodes.length, 0, "chatbar starting empty"); is(chatbar.menupopup.childNodes.length, 0, "popup starting empty"); makeChat(mode, "first chat", function() { // got the first one. checkPopup(); ok(chatbar.menupopup.parentNode.collapsed, "menu selection isn't visible"); // we kinda cheat here and get the width of the first chat, assuming // that all future chats will have the same width when open. chatWidth = chatbar.calcTotalWidthOf(chatbar.selectedChat); let desired = chatWidth * 2.5; resizeWindowToChatAreaWidth(desired, function(sizedOk) { ok(sizedOk, "can't do any tests without this width"); checkPopup(); makeChat(mode, "second chat", function() { is(chatbar.childNodes.length, 2, "now have 2 chats"); checkPopup(); // and create the third. makeChat(mode, "third chat", function() { is(chatbar.childNodes.length, 3, "now have 3 chats"); checkPopup(); // XXX - this is a hacky implementation detail around the order of // the chats. Ideally things would be a little more sane wrt the // other in which the children were created. let second = chatbar.childNodes[2]; let first = chatbar.childNodes[1]; let third = chatbar.childNodes[0]; ok(first.collapsed && !second.collapsed && !third.collapsed, "collapsed state as promised"); is(chatbar.selectedChat, third, "third is selected as promised") info("have 3 chats for collapse testing - starting actual test..."); cb(first, second, third); }, mode); }, mode); }); }, mode); } function makeChat(mode, uniqueid, cb) { const chatUrl = "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/social_chat.html"; let provider = Social.provider; window.SocialChatBar.openChat(provider, chatUrl + "?id=" + uniqueid, function(chat) { // we can't callback immediately or we might close the chat during // this event which upsets the implementation - it is only 1/2 way through // handling the load event. chat.document.title = uniqueid; executeSoon(cb); }, mode); } function checkPopup() { // popup only showing if any collapsed popup children. let chatbar = window.SocialChatBar.chatbar; let numCollapsed = 0; for (let chat of chatbar.childNodes) { if (chat.collapsed) { numCollapsed += 1; // and it have a menuitem weakmap is(chatbar.menuitemMap.get(chat).nodeName, "menuitem", "collapsed chat has a menu item"); } else { ok(!chatbar.menuitemMap.has(chat), "open chat has no menu item"); } } is(chatbar.menupopup.parentNode.collapsed, numCollapsed == 0, "popup matches child collapsed state"); is(chatbar.menupopup.childNodes.length, numCollapsed, "popup has correct count of children"); // todo - check each individual elt is what we expect? } // Resize the main window so the chat area's boxObject is |desired| wide. // Does a callback passing |true| if the window is now big enough or false // if we couldn't resize large enough to satisfy the test requirement. function resizeWindowToChatAreaWidth(desired, cb) { let current = window.SocialChatBar.chatbar.getBoundingClientRect().width; let delta = desired - current; info("resizing window so chat area is " + desired + " wide, currently it is " + current + ". Screen avail is " + window.screen.availWidth + ", current outer width is " + window.outerWidth); // WTF? Some test boxes will resize to fractional values - eg: we // request 660px but actually get 659.5!? let widthDeltaCloseEnough = function(d) { return Math.abs(d) <= 0.5; } // attempting to resize by (0,0), unsurprisingly, doesn't cause a resize // event - so just callback saying all is well. if (widthDeltaCloseEnough(delta)) { cb(true); return; } // On lo-res screens we may already be maxed out but still smaller than the // requested size, so asking to resize up also will not cause a resize event. // So just callback now saying the test must be skipped. if (window.screen.availWidth - window.outerWidth < delta) { info("skipping this as screen available width is less than necessary"); cb(false); return; } // Otherwise we request resize and expect a resize event window.addEventListener("resize", function resize_handler() { window.removeEventListener("resize", resize_handler); // we did resize - but did we get far enough to be able to continue? let newSize = window.SocialChatBar.chatbar.getBoundingClientRect().width; let sizedOk = widthDeltaCloseEnough(newSize - desired); if (!sizedOk) { // not an error... info("skipping this as we can't resize chat area to " + desired + " - got " + newSize); } cb(sizedOk); }); window.resizeBy(delta, 0); } function resizeAndCheckWidths(first, second, third, checks, cb) { if (checks.length == 0) { cb(); // nothing more to check! return; } let [width, firstVisible, secondVisible, thirdVisible, why] = checks.shift(); info("Check: " + why); info("resizing window to " + width + ", expect visibility of " + firstVisible + "/" + secondVisible + "/" + thirdVisible); resizeWindowToChatAreaWidth(width, function(sizedOk) { checkPopup(); if (sizedOk) { is(!first.collapsed, firstVisible, "first should be " + (firstVisible ? "visible" : "hidden")); is(!second.collapsed, secondVisible, "second should be " + (secondVisible ? "visible" : "hidden")); is(!third.collapsed, thirdVisible, "third should be " + (thirdVisible ? "visible" : "hidden")); } resizeAndCheckWidths(first, second, third, checks, cb); }); } function getPopupWidth() { let popup = window.SocialChatBar.chatbar.menupopup; ok(!popup.parentNode.collapsed, "asking for popup width when it is visible"); let cs = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(popup.parentNode); let margins = parseInt(cs.marginLeft) + parseInt(cs.marginRight); return popup.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().width + margins; } function closeAllChats() { let chatbar = window.SocialChatBar.chatbar; while (chatbar.selectedChat) { chatbar.selectedChat.close(); } }