let rootDir = getRootDirectory(gTestPath); const gTestRoot = rootDir; const gHttpTestRoot = rootDir.replace("chrome://mochitests/content/", ""); let gTestBrowser = null; let gNextTest = null; Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); registerCleanupFunction(function() { clearAllPluginPermissions(); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("extensions.blocklist.suppressUI"); }); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.blocklist.suppressUI", true); let newTab = gBrowser.addTab(); gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab; gTestBrowser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; gTestBrowser.addEventListener("load", pageLoad, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("plugins.click_to_play", true); setTestPluginEnabledState(Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_CLICKTOPLAY); prepareTest(delayTest(runAfterPluginBindingAttached(test1)), gHttpTestRoot + "plugin_iframe.html"); } function finishTest() { clearAllPluginPermissions(); gTestBrowser.removeEventListener("load", pageLoad, true); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); window.focus(); finish(); } function pageLoad() { gNextTest(); } function prepareTest(nextTest, url) { gNextTest = nextTest; gTestBrowser.contentWindow.location = url; } // Delay executing a test for one load event to wait for frame loads. function delayTest(nextTest) { return () => { gNextTest = nextTest; } } // Due to layout being async, "PluginBindAttached" may trigger later. // This wraps a function to force a layout flush, thus triggering it, // and schedules the function execution so they're definitely executed // afterwards. function runAfterPluginBindingAttached(func) { return () => { let frame = gTestBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("frame"); let doc = frame.contentDocument; let elems = doc.getElementsByTagName('embed'); if (elems.length < 1) { elems = doc.getElementsByTagName('object'); } elems[0].clientTop; executeSoon(func); }; } // Tests that the overlays are visible and actionable if the plugin is in an iframe. function test1() { let frame = gTestBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("frame"); let doc = frame.contentDocument; let plugin = doc.getElementById("test"); ok(plugin, "Test 1, Found plugin in page"); let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "main"); ok(overlay.classList.contains("visible"), "Test 1, Plugin overlay should exist, not be hidden"); let closeIcon = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "closeIcon") EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(closeIcon, {}, frame.contentWindow); let condition = () => !overlay.classList.contains("visible"); waitForCondition(condition, test2, "Test 1, Waited too long for the overlay to become invisible."); } function test2() { prepareTest(delayTest(runAfterPluginBindingAttached(test3)), gHttpTestRoot + "plugin_iframe.html"); } function test3() { let frame = gTestBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("frame"); let doc = frame.contentDocument; let plugin = doc.getElementById("test"); ok(plugin, "Test 3, Found plugin in page"); let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "main"); ok(overlay.classList.contains("visible"), "Test 3, Plugin overlay should exist, not be hidden"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(plugin, {}, frame.contentWindow); let condition = () => PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", gTestBrowser); waitForCondition(condition, finishTest, "Test 3, Waited too long for the doorhanger to pop up."); }