/** * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ var testGenerator = testSteps(); function testSteps() { const name = this.window ? this.window ? window.location.pathname : "Splendid Test" : "Splendid Test"; const objectStoreName = "People"; const objectStoreData = [ { key: "237-23-7732", value: { name: "Bob", height: 60, weight: 120 } }, { key: "237-23-7733", value: { name: "Ann", height: 52, weight: 110 } }, { key: "237-23-7734", value: { name: "Ron", height: 73, weight: 180 } }, { key: "237-23-7735", value: { name: "Sue", height: 58, weight: 130 } }, { key: "237-23-7736", value: { name: "Joe", height: 65, weight: 150 } }, { key: "237-23-7737", value: { name: "Pat", height: 65 } } ]; const indexData = [ { name: "name", keyPath: "name", options: { unique: true } }, { name: "height", keyPath: "height", options: { } }, { name: "weight", keyPath: "weight", options: { unique: false } } ]; const objectStoreDataNameSort = [ { key: "237-23-7733", value: { name: "Ann", height: 52, weight: 110 } }, { key: "237-23-7732", value: { name: "Bob", height: 60, weight: 120 } }, { key: "237-23-7736", value: { name: "Joe", height: 65, weight: 150 } }, { key: "237-23-7737", value: { name: "Pat", height: 65 } }, { key: "237-23-7734", value: { name: "Ron", height: 73, weight: 180 } }, { key: "237-23-7735", value: { name: "Sue", height: 58, weight: 130 } } ]; const objectStoreDataWeightSort = [ { key: "237-23-7733", value: { name: "Ann", height: 52, weight: 110 } }, { key: "237-23-7732", value: { name: "Bob", height: 60, weight: 120 } }, { key: "237-23-7735", value: { name: "Sue", height: 58, weight: 130 } }, { key: "237-23-7736", value: { name: "Joe", height: 65, weight: 150 } }, { key: "237-23-7734", value: { name: "Ron", height: 73, weight: 180 } } ]; const objectStoreDataHeightSort = [ { key: "237-23-7733", value: { name: "Ann", height: 52, weight: 110 } }, { key: "237-23-7735", value: { name: "Sue", height: 58, weight: 130 } }, { key: "237-23-7732", value: { name: "Bob", height: 60, weight: 120 } }, { key: "237-23-7736", value: { name: "Joe", height: 65, weight: 150 } }, { key: "237-23-7737", value: { name: "Pat", height: 65 } }, { key: "237-23-7734", value: { name: "Ron", height: 73, weight: 180 } } ]; let request = indexedDB.open(name, 1); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onupgradeneeded = grabEventAndContinueHandler; request.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; let event = yield; let db = event.target.result; let objectStore = db.createObjectStore(objectStoreName, { keyPath: null }); // First, add all our data to the object store. let addedData = 0; for (let i in objectStoreData) { request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function(event) { if (++addedData == objectStoreData.length) { testGenerator.send(event); } } } event = yield; // Now create the indexes. for (let i in indexData) { objectStore.createIndex(indexData[i].name, indexData[i].keyPath, indexData[i].options); } is(objectStore.indexNames.length, indexData.length, "Good index count"); yield; objectStore = db.transaction(objectStoreName) .objectStore(objectStoreName); // Check global properties to make sure they are correct. is(objectStore.indexNames.length, indexData.length, "Good index count"); for (let i in indexData) { let found = false; for (let j = 0; j < objectStore.indexNames.length; j++) { if (objectStore.indexNames.item(j) == indexData[i].name) { found = true; break; } } is(found, true, "objectStore has our index"); let index = objectStore.index(indexData[i].name); is(index.name, indexData[i].name, "Correct name"); is(index.storeName, objectStore.name, "Correct store name"); is(index.keyPath, indexData[i].keyPath, "Correct keyPath"); is(index.unique, indexData[i].options.unique ? true : false, "Correct unique value"); } request = objectStore.index("name").getKey("Bob"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield; is(event.target.result, "237-23-7732", "Correct key returned!"); request = objectStore.index("name").get("Bob"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler; event = yield; is(event.target.result.name, "Bob", "Correct name returned!"); is(event.target.result.height, 60, "Correct height returned!"); is(event.target.result.weight, 120, "Correct weight returned!"); ok(true, "Test group 1"); let keyIndex = 0; request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); ok(!("value" in cursor), "No value"); cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); ok(!("value" in cursor), "No value"); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, objectStoreData.length, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 2"); keyIndex = 0; request = objectStore.index("weight").openKeyCursor(null, "next"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataWeightSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataWeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataWeightSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataWeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, objectStoreData.length - 1, "Saw all the expected keys"); // Check that the name index enforces its unique constraint. objectStore = db.transaction(objectStoreName, "readwrite") .objectStore(objectStoreName); request = objectStore.add({ name: "Bob", height: 62, weight: 170 }, "237-23-7738"); request.addEventListener("error", new ExpectError("ConstraintError", true)); request.onsuccess = unexpectedSuccessHandler; event = yield; ok(true, "Test group 3"); keyIndex = objectStoreDataNameSort.length - 1; request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(null, "prev"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); keyIndex--; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, -1, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 4"); keyIndex = 1; let keyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bob", "Ron"); request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 5, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 5"); keyIndex = 2; let keyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bob", "Ron", true); request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 5, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 6"); keyIndex = 1; let keyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bob", "Ron", false, true); request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 4, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 7"); keyIndex = 2; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bob", "Ron", true, true); request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 4, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 8"); keyIndex = 1; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound("Bob"); request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, objectStoreDataNameSort.length, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 9"); keyIndex = 2; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound("Bob", true); request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, objectStoreDataNameSort.length, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 10"); keyIndex = 0; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.upperBound("Joe"); request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 3, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 11"); keyIndex = 0; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.upperBound("Joe", true); request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 2, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 12"); keyIndex = 3; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.only("Pat"); request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 4, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 13"); keyIndex = 0; request = objectStore.index("name").openCursor(); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, objectStoreDataNameSort.length, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 14"); keyIndex = objectStoreDataNameSort.length - 1; request = objectStore.index("name").openCursor(null, "prev"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } keyIndex--; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, -1, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 15"); keyIndex = 1; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bob", "Ron"); request = objectStore.index("name").openCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 5, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 16"); keyIndex = 2; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bob", "Ron", true); request = objectStore.index("name").openCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 5, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 17"); keyIndex = 1; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bob", "Ron", false, true); request = objectStore.index("name").openCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 4, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 18"); keyIndex = 2; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bob", "Ron", true, true); request = objectStore.index("name").openCursor(keyRange); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 4, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 19"); keyIndex = 4; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("Bob", "Ron"); request = objectStore.index("name").openCursor(keyRange, "prev"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } keyIndex--; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 0, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 20"); // Test "nextunique" keyIndex = 3; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.only(65); request = objectStore.index("height").openKeyCursor(keyRange, "next"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 5, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 21"); keyIndex = 3; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.only(65); request = objectStore.index("height").openKeyCursor(keyRange, "nextunique"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 4, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 21.5"); keyIndex = 5; request = objectStore.index("height").openKeyCursor(null, "prev"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); keyIndex--; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, -1, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 22"); keyIndex = 5; request = objectStore.index("height").openKeyCursor(null, "prevunique"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); cursor.continue(); if (keyIndex == 5) { keyIndex--; } keyIndex--; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, -1, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 23"); keyIndex = 3; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.only(65); request = objectStore.index("height").openCursor(keyRange, "next"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 5, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 24"); keyIndex = 3; keyRange = IDBKeyRange.only(65); request = objectStore.index("height").openCursor(keyRange, "nextunique"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); keyIndex++; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, 4, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 24.5"); keyIndex = 5; request = objectStore.index("height").openCursor(null, "prev"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); keyIndex--; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, -1, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 25"); keyIndex = 5; request = objectStore.index("height").openCursor(null, "prevunique"); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataHeightSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } cursor.continue(); if (keyIndex == 5) { keyIndex--; } keyIndex--; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, -1, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 26"); keyIndex = 0; request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); let nextKey = !keyIndex ? "Pat" : undefined; cursor.continue(nextKey); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); if (!keyIndex) { keyIndex = 3; } else { keyIndex++; } } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, objectStoreData.length, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 27"); keyIndex = 0; request = objectStore.index("name").openKeyCursor(); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); let nextKey = !keyIndex ? "Flo" : undefined; cursor.continue(nextKey); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct value"); keyIndex += keyIndex ? 1 : 2; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, objectStoreData.length, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 28"); keyIndex = 0; request = objectStore.index("name").openCursor(); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } let nextKey = !keyIndex ? "Pat" : undefined; cursor.continue(nextKey); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } if (!keyIndex) { keyIndex = 3; } else { keyIndex++; } } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, objectStoreDataNameSort.length, "Saw all the expected keys"); ok(true, "Test group 29"); keyIndex = 0; request = objectStore.index("name").openCursor(); request.onerror = errorHandler; request.onsuccess = function (event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } let nextKey = !keyIndex ? "Flo" : undefined; cursor.continue(nextKey); is(cursor.key, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct key"); is(cursor.primaryKey, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].key, "Correct primary key"); is(cursor.value.name, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.name, "Correct name"); is(cursor.value.height, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.height, "Correct height"); if ("weight" in cursor.value) { is(cursor.value.weight, objectStoreDataNameSort[keyIndex].value.weight, "Correct weight"); } keyIndex += keyIndex ? 1 : 2; } else { testGenerator.next(); } } yield; is(keyIndex, objectStoreDataNameSort.length, "Saw all the expected keys"); finishTest(); yield; }